Causes of WW I. European Powers Murder at Sarajevo Sunday morning, June 28 th, 1914. Sarajevo is a...

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Causes of WW I

European Powers

Murder at SarajevoSunday morning, June 28th, 1914.

Sarajevo is a little town in Austria- Hungary

Archduke Franz Ferdinand is future emperor of all Austria-Hungary.

Murder at Sarajevo:

Murder at Sarajevo: Minutes Later

A 19 year-old, Gavrilo Princip.Princip and 5 others. Serbian terrorist group known as the ‘Black Hand’.Bosnian Serbs - Yugoslav Nationalist

Murder at Sarajevo:

Murder at Sarajevo: Predicting 1. How do you think Austria-Hungary will

react to the murder of the archduke who was to become their emperor?

2. What action do you think Austria-Hungary will take against Serbia and the Black hand?

3. How might these actions affect the countries around Austria-Hungary and Serbia?

4. How might people in Canada react?

Rivals for Colonies Imperialism = The desire of countries

to build world-wide empires. Created intense rivalry among European powers

Colonies - source of wealth, power and glory

Industrialization - occurred around the world. European powers were scrambling to get parts of Africa

Britain - largest empire, including Canada. France & Russia had colonies.Germany wanted an empire, there were few valuable territories left.

Military Rivals

Arms Race = Building of armies and navies by countries who wish to have the most power.

Great Britain & Germany rivalry.

‘Britannia Rules the waves’

Dreadnaught Affair

Dangerous Alliances

Allies – European countries aligned with each other for:

Trade Friendship Defense

Pre World War I Alliances: Russia and Serbia Germany and Austria-Hungary France and Russia Britain and France and Belgium Japan and Britain

Dangerous Alliances Triple Entente

(Allies) Britain, France, and Russia.

Triple Alliance (Central Powers) Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

Nationalism & Terrorism Nationalism, - loyalty to one’s

homeland, was causing problems between nations.

In Serbia, extreme nationalists formed a terrorist organization - The Black Hand.

Serbian Independence Movement = Many Serbs lived in Bosnia, a province under Austrian control. Black Hand Nationalists wanted to free all Serbs in Bosnia so they could live united in their own country of Serbia

June 28th, 1914, Sarajevo = Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Black Hand.

June 28th, 1914 Austria-Hungary

blamed Serbia for the deaths of the archduke and his wife.

Austria sent Serbia an ultimatum. If Serbia did not crush the Black Hand, Austria threatened to declare war. Serbia was refusing to accept the ultimatum.

July 26th, 1914 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Serbia asked Russia for help. Russia prepared to help

Serbia. France prepared to help Russia. Germany felt threatened when its two neighbours, Russia

and France, began moving their armies.

August 1st, 1914 Germany declared war on Russia.

August 2nd, 1914 Germany declared war on France. Germany attacked France by going through

Belgium, a neutral country friendly with Britain.

August 4th, 1914 Britain declared war on Germany because it

had attacked Belgium. Canada, as part of the British empire, was automatically at war.


World War One included:3 Continents31 Countries65 Million Soldiers37 Million Casualties91,198 Deaths by Gas 6,395 Allied and Neutral Ships Lost $186.3 Billion Financial Losses

Europe 1914-1918

Countries InvolvedAllied Countries Central Countries

Serbia Russia France Belgium Great Britain British Empire Liberia Japan Montenegro Italy San Marino Portugal Romania

Austria-Hungary Germany Ottoman Empire (Turkey) Bulgaria

Greece China U.S. Cuba Nicaragua Brazil Siam Costa Rica Guatemala Haiti Honduras

Countries that only cut off trade •Bolivia•Ecuador•Peru•Uruguay

Canadian Battles

Europe after WWI

Europe before/after WWI