CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 5 term 4

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CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 5 term 4


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 1

College Newsletter Week 5 Term 4 Friday 13 October 2015

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen

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CBC Fremantle

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Fremantle WA 6160

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Cover: Symbolising the relationship between the College and parents, Luca Rifici receives his 2016 Prefect badge from his mum Eileen, watched by dad John and Vice Principal Mr Domenic Burgio at the Prefect Inauguration assembly. Meet the Prefects on page 8.

The Value of ServiceDuring last week, our Year 9 students

were engaged in a variety of activities

which brought into focus their

involvement in the Rite Journey. This

signature programme has become an

important part of our school with its

emphasis upon the transition of these

boys into good young men. The critical

transformation in the worldview and

sense of place which is sought for these

boys is captured in our College tagline,

“Today’s boys…tomorrow’s gentlemen.”

I am very aware that we use terminology

such as ‘good young man’ and ‘gentleman’

with regularity at the College and that

it is reasonable for anyone outside of

the school to ask for clarification. In

such cases, their questions are entitled

to be, ‘so what constitutes a good

young man at CBC?’ or ‘how do you

recognise a gentleman at your school?’

The answers to such questions are

not particularly difficult. If we were to

survey any number of people regarding

what each of them considered to be the

characteristics of a good young man, there

would probably be some minor variations

in their responses. What I believe almost

all of them would identify would be the

need for the gentleman to be unselfish.

Concepts such as thinking of others before

acting are commonly taught and easily

understood. At CBC Fremantle however,

we seek to extend this principle until it

provides the basis for an alternative way

From the Principal

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 3

of living that contradicts many of the

commonly accepted teachings of our

modern, secular world.

While contemporary society often

emphasises ‘self’ and the immediate

wants of the individual, our school

should be characterised by community

members who understand the importance

of prioritising others and the value in

serving them. Expressed differently, we

need to appreciate that what we do

to make ourselves happy tends to be

transient and pass quickly whereas

what we do to bring joy to others gives

our own lives meaning and purpose.

Perhaps there is no better expression

of this than in the lives of parents.

They know that what they do for their

children makes them much happier than

anything they could do for themselves.

Attempting to achieve such selflessness in

young people is a very noble undertaking

by all of those parents who commit to the

task. The role of our College is to support

all families in this critical function by

presenting to every student a clear and

accessible message about the value and

importance of service to their own future

happiness and sense of fulfilment.

Leadership and ServiceOn Wednesday morning of this week,

the College conducted a very important

assembly which was attended by

parents, staff and students and contained

three very distinct yet complementary

dimensions. The first was a Remembrance

Day service which commemorated all of

those who had made personal sacrifice

towards ensuring the preservation of the

values which we hold so dear. During my

address at the assembly I spoke about the

fact that we should never take for granted

the freedom we have to determine our

own destinies. This, and similar freedoms

which are not available to so many in our

world, exist for us because of the sacrifices

made by so many who have gone before us.

The second aspect of the assembly

involved the presentation of academic

awards to Year 11 students. The number

and quality of these awards is a credit

to the endeavour and diligence of the

recipients. The assembly concluded

Remembrance Day: laying crosses around the flagpole bearing the names of members of the Australian Forces who were killed in action

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with the presentation of our College

Prefects for next year with each of them

being presented with their badge and

congratulated by their parents as part of

the ceremony.

Although each of these activities may

seem to be quite disparate by nature,

they are actually strongly connected

in two ways. The first is that they all

acknowledge the value of service. Those

who have served in conflicts around

the world are remembered for the

contribution they have provided in past

years. Those students who received

awards were acknowledged for the

service they are currently providing

at school. Those students inducted

as Prefects were commissioned to

offer service throughout next year in

their significant and privileged roles.

The second connection between

these groups is that each assumes an

understanding of the relationship between

service and leadership. Anyone called to

leadership must understand that this role

is only fulfilling when it is undertaken with

a view to serving others. I’m sure that most

people have experienced leadership based

upon self-aggrandisement or exercised in

an authoritarian manner. Such leadership is

rarely inspiring and never respected.

The style of leadership which is acclaimed

and should be apparent at our school

was modelled for us by Jesus himself.

Although we are unlikely to ever be called

to such extremes of self-sacrifice, it is

this representation of servant leadership

to which we should aspire. As previously

expressed, it is only in serving others that

we discover the truth about our own

capacity for happiness.

At CBC Fremantle we acknowledge those

who have served to preserve the lifestyle

we enjoy, we applaud the selflessness

inherent in the activity of our current

students and we pray that our incoming

Prefects may exhibit and enjoy leadership

based upon serving others.

ExamsAlthough the external examinations for

our graduating students do not officially

finish until early next week, many of them

have concluded their involvement. While

there have been many anecdotal reports

of satisfaction with their performance, the

actual results will not be known until just

after Christmas. We continue to wish our

young men every success in this regard.

Our Year 11 students have just

commenced their exams and we similarly

wish them well. As all of our students

undertake exams in the coming weeks

we hope that they are able to approach

them with the confidence gained

from sustained application to their

studies and thorough preparation.

“... we applaud the selflessness inherent in the activity of our current students and we pray that our incoming Prefects may exhibit and enjoy leadership based upon serving others.”

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 5

College CalendarCBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking

on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You

can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal

or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the

Calendar page.

Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details.

Tuesday 17 November

The Rite Journey 2016 parent information evening

Thursday 19 NovemberThe Rite Journey The Homecoming


Congratulations to Owen Ready (Year 10), who was successful in

winning the state sailing championship and is off to the Nationals in

Sydney in January.

Owen has been sailing for eight years and is now operating a 420 with

skipper Jayden. It is not the first time Owen has been at the Nationals.

At the age of 12, he came fourth while sailing a Flying Ant.

Owen and Jayden are hoping to be successful in Sydney, and be invited

to the World championships.

Congratulations also to Mitchell Pace (Year 9) and Zacharie Boglio (Year 7) who have been selected into the 2016 U15 Boys State

Hockey Squad.

College InformationThe College’s official group Sports (#100522) and Music

(#100521) photos are now available online to view and

purchase by following the steps below.

• Go to www.photohendriksgalleries.com• Click on the CBC Fremantle logo

• Enter password : pham72

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Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

In the Newsroom

9 November

Enterprising lunches

Budding merchants from Year 11 Business Management & Enterprise classes

launched themselves into the world of demand and supply with a hugely

successful Market Day in the College Cloisters.


9 November

High Tea for TRJ

Thirty-six Year 9 Rite Journey boys joined forces to honour the most important

women in their lives by preparing and serving a lovely High Tea in the College



9 November

Adventures in Nannup

On Tuesday 13 October Mr Matthews’ Year 11 Outdoor Education class headed

down to Nannup for a three day canoeing expedition.


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 7

28 October

Celebrating personal excellence

CBC’s community celebrated the achievement of students on Sunday night at

the annual Awards Evening.


28 October

Farewell Class of 2015

In a ceremony on Friday night, the Class of 2015 officially bid their College

farewell as they prepare for their final exams.


29 October

Best of Visual Art

Showcasing the best work from students in Years 7 to 12, the annual CBC

Fremantle Visual Art Exhibition included a range of interesting and well executed

pieces of art from diverse studio areas including painting, sculpture...


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Introducing 2016 Prefects...

Riley FauldsCollege Captain

On Wednesday, 40 Year 11 students were presented with their Prefect badges for 2016. The outstanding students were selected on merit,

undergoing a trial period during Term 3 before being elected by their peers. Meet the 2016 Leaders of our College ...

Kennedy SorrellCollege Vice Captain

Nicholas Allan Campus Ministry/House

Baeley AmalfiCampus Ministry/Arts

Harry Bird Academic/Sport/House

Keane BourkeAcademic/Communications

Martin Bradley Campus Ministry

Thomas Burfoot Sport/House

Riley Burke House

Bailey Brown Sport/House

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 9

Andre Carozza Academic/House

Joshua CarusoAcademic/House

Mitchell Costello Academic

Alec Da Silva House

Thomas EastaughSport

Nicholas Funga Sport/House

Bevan Grant Campus Ministry/Sport

Jordan Handcock Community Relations/


Conor Hars Academic

Lachlan Hinton Arts/Communications/


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Adrian Hunter Arts/House

Cian HusseyArts

Reece Jaschke


Finn Leen Campus Ministry/Arts

Zachary Maddy-Irvine

Campus Ministry/House/


Joshua Mascarenhas


Mitchell McGrath


Alexander Natale Communications/House

Ryan Pace


Yusef Hourani Campus Ministry/Arts/


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 11

William Power


Gianni Rifici Campus Ministry/


Luca Rifici House

Nathan RoweAcademic/House/


Jaedyn StumblesArts

Zane SumichSport

Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden Academic/Arts

Joel Tomlinson

Campus Ministry/Arts

Juan Vivas

Languages & Cultural/


Tony Ziegelaar

Campus Ministry/


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Year 8 parents are invited to attend a parent information evening on

The Rite Journeyon Tuesday 17 November at 6.30pmin the College Arts Learning AreaRegister your attendance atwww.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.auand click on Events under Quick Links

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 13

The Homecoming for Year 9 studentsThe Return and The Homecoming ceremonies are scheduled for Thursday 19 November commencing at 5:30pm (Burke Drive and Point

Walter Amphitheatre).

Parents of Year 9 boys should have received an email outlining the details. Please contact the College as a matter of priority if you did not receive this very important communication.

The ceremonies will use symbolism to highlight the boys ‘coming home from their journey’ and receiving the blessing and support of their

Parents, Mentors and College as they ‘return’ wiser and willing to continue their journey towards adulthood. The evening has been planned

to involve the boys, their parents and their particular Rite Journey Teachers. While the respective Adult Male Mentors are most welcome on

the evening, their presence is not essential.

The boys are required to wear smart casual clothes respectful of the occasion (eg dress jeans, collared shirt or smart polo – no shorts or T

shirts). The evening will conclude at approximately 7:00pm. It is hoped that this time-line may provide an opportunity for some families to

share a coffee/meal with their son in recognition of his Rite Journey this year.

We look forward to a successful evening and a conclusion to the Rite Journey.

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Our graduates are the essence of what our College represents and shining examples of achievement.

The inaugural annual Old Boys’ Association AlumniRecognition Awards aim to showcase the highest

accomplishments of our graduates.

Alumni, staff, students and the wider communityare all invited to nominate Old Boys of the College

who are making a real difference in the world.

For more information, visitwww.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au/view/old-boys-association/alumni-awards

Alumni Recognition


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It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Community Notices

Super Hero Teen Workshop

Empower boys to deal with challenges, build confidence, understand emotions and increase self-esteem.

This workshop will focus on:

• Learning good habits V bad habits

• Taking responsibility for how we feel & act

• Being proactive rather than reactive

• Having balance / learning to prioritize

• Challenging your limitations / self-perceptions

Workshop is for Boys between the ages of 12 -15 yrs old. Workshop will be interactive & playful to keep the boys engaged.

Cost: $55.00 Venue : Leisure Fit Melville , 431 Canning Hwy (cnr Stock Rd), Melville

Date: 21 November, 10.00am to 12.00pm

To register please contact Roz on 0409530067 or email abir@counselling101.com.au. Places are limited, please book early to

avoid disappointment.

Young Australia League scholarships

Applications are closing soon for the inaugural year of the YAL JJ Boss Simons charitable endowment trust scholarships. Scholarships of

up to $12,500 are available to successful applicants aged 12 to 25 years. Unlike traditional scholarship opportunities which can be highly

specific in their focus, with the new YAL scholarships, students can apply for funds for all manner of items including tuition fees, specialist

courses, home tutoring, books, equipment, and even travel & living allowance.

For a swift and easy online application process please go to www.yalscholarships.org.au. Should you require further information please

email tschaper@yalscholaships.org.au.

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Leeuwin gears up for a new sailing season

The Leeuwin is back out on the ocean after her annual refit and maintenance period and all geared up for a new exciting season of voyages.

We have had an influx of applications for the remainder of 2015 and now have waiting lists for these voyages, but would like to spread

awareness of our 2016 programme that includes three summer school holiday voyages, a journey down south to Busselton and our April trip

up to the iconic Monkey Mia.

We would also like to share with you the chance to save $120.00 on the fare by booking any 2016 voyage for the 2015 price of $1,980 if you

book before the end of the year.

A Leeuwin voyage is a life-changing experience, teaching participants key skills such as communication, teamwork and leadership through the

unique medium of a traditional tall ship. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 can earn five WACE points towards their senior graduation and can

use the voyage as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award or Queen’s Scout Award.

Although there have been some changes in our scholarship programme, we continue to be supported by many local service clubs, businesses

and local governments who are willing to support financially disadvantaged youth. However, scholarships are not unlimited and we

recommend that anyone looking to apply sends their application in as soon as possible. For those seeking to raise the voyage fare themselves,

we have also developed a fundraising pack full of ideas and tips to help them achieve their goal.

For more information and to see our voyage programme for 2016, please visit our website www.sailleeuwin.com. Alternatively you can

contact our team on 9430 4105 or by email at office@sailleeuwin.com.