CC Mag Jan 2010

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Reaching More! from:

The Crossing Point “A Foursquare Gospel Church”

January-March, 2010 “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever” Hebrews 13:8 Volume 8

Issue 01

By going back to the basics!

The Church must go back to the future – go back to the old paths; the one the

ancients took. Examine our ways, ask

for the good path and walk on it. This was a good word from God given to

Jeremiah to tell His people centuries ago (Jeremiah 6:16); and it is a very good word from God to His people today. If we are to experience God’s peace of mind - The Church must return to its first love.

By going back to the basics: back to repenting – back to becoming

saved from the power, the presence, and the penalty of sin-back to staying saved unto the power, the presence, and the promises of God’s grace – back to sanctification, back to holiness – back to living out the royal command- ment.(loving God with every thing within you and your neighbor as yourself) In this age of enlightenment, technology and knowledge abounding. One may ask – why go backward instead of going forward to renew this year? The answer is pure, sure and simple: God does not change, there is not even a shadow of His turning and Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. It appears the church is so busy trying to keep up, compete and get ahead of the world’s systems until we seemingly have lost our first love. Our great God has already established our end as individuals and as His Body, the Church. The war is over! We won! The battle was fought on Calvary’s Hill. It’s over! Yet, a lot of us have not brought all of our prisoners war that was captured within our soul, home. In 2010 – Resolve to ring in the new year – by being still and seeing the Salvation of God in your personal situations. Receive the brand new grace and mercies everyday. Enjoy the ride – let Jesus drive.


Ring in the New Year!

The Tree is always the focus point of where we will find our gifts The picture is so small, I’m not sure you can see clearly that the tree in the picture below is

decorated with gift boxes hanging on it. Very early on Christmas morning; small children

rush to the room where their tree is. They no longer are excited over the lights and other

things that was hung to decorate the tree. The tree on this particular morning takes on all

together another meaning to them. This is where they will find out if ‘they have been naughty

or nice’. Little attention is paid to the package or the wrappings. They most likely rip off the

covering that was so meticulously wrapped around their packages and tear open without

mercy the box – so they can get to the gift inside. Ironic, our Father who is in heaven chose a

tree to hang His best gift on. Our Father knew that ‘cursed ‘ was the man that hung from a tree. God did not curse Jesus, His only beloved Son in whom He was well pleased with. But Rather, Jesus counted it all joy to lay down his life for us – so that our Father could give us His best ‘gift’ ever!

Unfortunately, too many people have yet to hear,

know , understand and appreciate with an attitude of

gratitude what was freely given to us. Being naughty

or nice did not pre-qualify us to receive this gift. It

was a love gift to everyone in the world. Just like a lot

of small children on Christmas morning – our hearts

are no longer warmed with joy from the lights and

other decoration on the tree. We

too, are preoccupied if the gift given

is because we have been naughty

and/or nice When we accepted

God’s gift of His saving grace by our

faith – oft-times, no longer care

about the package the gift we have

received came in nor that the same

gift is moving in the earthly realm

in today. It amazes me how we who

who are called by our Father’s name – can rip each other open, tear each other a part and think we are

doing God a favor??? Every one on God’s earth have been given the same gift that hung on a tree. He

made Himself sin so that all of us may be made righteous. Have you received your CHRISTmas gift yet?

He’s wonderful, and you can take pleasure in Him in all of His glory. Now don’t forget to remember – the

gift giver (our Father) desires take pleasure from you. Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving. Invite God’s

gift into the package is your body. God lights every person and so we can decorates it [our body] with

modest apparel and then top it off by tying it up with the beautiful , yet powerful of Holy Spirit. Then

and only then can you move and have your being in the Spirit of manifesting your spiritual gift. Some

apostles, prophets,, evangelists, missionary, teachers and pastors. It is not the size, shape, gender or

the color of the package that blesses or make us happy – IT’S THE GIFT!

Attend our Bible Study and learn what your spiritual gifts are

Thursdays 10:45 Jim & Heather Gills YMCA

3200 1st Ave So. St. Pete, Fl 33712

Rev. Sarah Edwards, Sr. Pastor

The Crossing Point International Foursquare Gospel Church

“Jesus is the same yesterday, today

and forever: Hebrews 8:13

"Now, I say to you today my friends, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed -- we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

God has a dream - - - His dream is that you would just accept His free gift of being saved from oppression and become free indeed; by trusting in His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, He will become your friend. Invite Him into your life now! Use your own words, just be sincere in your heart . Let us know – we want to pray with you! Pastor Sarah Edwards – (727) 656-1043)

I’ve given you my heart (Jesus) – so says the Lord God. Won’t you receive HIM?

I Love you for Sentential mental seasons

I hope that you believe me -“GOD”

Regardless of how you are

perceived or defined – for sure,

you were designed and created

as an Original’

So Why die a copy??

Bible Study & Dinner Tuesdays 6:30 pm

My Sistas – JESUS’ banner Over you is LOVE!



The Bible reveals to us that:

"Nothing is as real as a dream. The world can change around you,

but your dream will not. Responsibilities need not erase it.

Duties need not obscure it. Because the dream is within you, no one can take it away."

~ Tom Clancy

As a citizen of the Kingdom of God – you are NOT required to participate in the ‘economic hardships that the world systems are griping about. Our soon coming King Jesus has thoroughly completed the process of providing for His subjects – as all good kings do. He provided a stimulus package that is out of this world. We will not be taxed to pay it back either. He has already paid the price, for it at Calvary. Once you become a subject to the most high as your Lord – you are given a ‘stimulus package’. The only thing we are asked to do is to trust and obey it. Our King has already made us the head and not the tail – above and not beneath. He being the King of kings have already put into place the Abraham’s Covenant. Be sure to read the fine print found in Deutorumy Chapters 27 & 28. The best part of this stimulus package is that everyone has been given at least one natural talent. However, once we become a part of God’s Kingdom, we are given at least one spiritual gift and some of us – several. Never the less, it is with the proper usage of that gift we will find our path to true prosperity. However, you must never forget to remember to trust and obey it – especially when it comes to the smallest details of ministering in the market place. Minding your own business is true freedom. If you are faithful for the small things; our King Jesus will make you ruler of much. If we are good stewards of ungodly mammon – He will cause you to rule and reign with His true riches. This way, you will become the lender and not the borrower. A vessel of honor that will be used of Him to pour out of from His Spirit, wisdom, knowledge and understanding into you for the benefit to others. Learn what your gifts are, begin to dream –as it is your God-given right. Then decide how you can serve others by fulfilling their needs as a business. Begin to image your success. Keep your dream alive. Move your living dreams out of your heart and head – and turn them into goals and plans! Your plans into actions. Work your faith as you lending on God’s ever lasting arm. King Jesus is strong! For additional instruction and encouragement; attend our Mind Your Own Business Fellowship. It free, but due to limited space – your must pre-register.


They extend an invitation to those who desire to be taught the Bible principles of

starting and running a business. Attend our City-wide Christian Business Bible

Study. 1st Mondays 11am – 1 pm Various locations.

Email us for location information.

Apex Accounting

Solutions (727) 323-1912

Virtual Business Support System

Of a TRUTH I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. But in every nation, anyone who reverence Him

and work righteousness is accepted with Him. Acts 10:34-35

- Acts 10:34

Business Cards

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Office Support (Answer phones, typing)

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Contact us for your website needs. (727) 322-3993

845 22nd St South

St Petersburg, FL 33712

Cross Streets:

Between 9th Ave S and 7th Ave S

“Restoring hope, Empowering people and Advancing the Kingdom of God”



Associate minister extends a warm

welcome to you

to join us as we worship our God, as our

Lord and take upon us His yoke and learn of Him.

3200 First Avenue South – St. Pete, FL 33712

Jim &Heather Gills, YMCA Thursdays 10:45 am

We Build

People; Not

Programs By


Them With



From The

Word Of God.

Jeremiah 6:16

2 Chronicles 7:14

The effectual prayer of the righteous avails much. When we

allow the Holy Spirit of God inside of us to pray. He knows

when to pray and what to talk to our Heavenly Father about.

We are just His earthly vessel. Therefore, what we think or

feel is always secondary to what is the real need.

First, we must humble ourselves, turn from our [wicked] mean-

spirited ways, seek God’s face – not His hands – open the flood

gates of our heart unto Him and God who sits in the heavens

will intervene into the affairs of man. He will heal our land and

we will be glad.

After all, the earth was created to become a suburb of Heaven. Just think the Almighty God has chosen you to participate.

The Word Of The Lord Came To Me Told Me To Ask

His People If They Would Pray For A Four-Square

Block Radius Of Where They Live.

Would You? Let us know.

If you have not invited Jesus into

your life to rule and reign in

your heart; please do it now –

use your own words – just be


God loves you

so very much.


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son [Jesus] so that whosoever

believe in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

America, America – God shed His grace on thee And crown your GOOD



FOR HE IS JUST A BABY - Hebrews 5:12-14






There are four flavors of food; our Father have provided for those who have become His children. Babies who are Believers and yet still a baby. A Christian as in the natural process of growing into a mature person have six stages of growth and development. They are a baby, a toddler, a tweener, a teenager, a young adult and then finally an adult – a mature person. It is not based on our natural age progression; but rather on our spiritual growth. When the Bible mentions the word ‘elder’; it is speaking of those who are older and wiser in the eyes of God. Not just living a long time and getting old – age wise. I believe the term –‘an old fool’ is one who has aged in years, but not in strength of character. There are ‘old babies’; and they are only wise in their own eyes.

No, the baby food our Father have provided are not

Gerber’s – they are: [1] the doctrine of baptisms, [2]

laying on of hands, [3] resurrection of the dead, and [4]

eternal judgment. Once we have tasted and seen the

goodness of God in our personal life; we will only then

grow up and go beyond God’s baby food. The Church

will began to live our lives in the fullness of of the

power, and promises of our sonship, from His word as a

mature person.

Too many Christians are still settling on running to and

fro to eat of the exciting baby foods a lot of so-called

evangelist are perpetrating as the move of God.


In the following issues, I will open one of it and

exercise your common senses to discern good and evil.

It will become a natural way of life for you. You will not

be tossed and turned by every wave of doctrine. You

will demonstrate the supernatural – naturally. Everyday

– as a mature person.

The first jar of God’s baby food is the doctrine

‘baptisms’. It was well known that taking a bath was

very common in most ancient nations as a preparation

for prayers and sacrifices. And hence, baptism in the

name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost is used today

by Christians as an outward testimony that as they

submerge under the water; they have died to sin and

when they come up out of the water; they have been

raised up in Christ Jesus righteousness. It is no longer

looked upon as a ‘means of salvation, a cleansing or a

bathing’. Baptism cannot save anyone. Rather it is a

public profession of faith that you are now a part of the

Kingdom of God. The command to baptize now co-exist

with the command to preach the gospel.

Once you are a citizen of the Kingdom of God [ the

Body of Christ/the Church]; you have the opportunity

to baptize with the Holy Spirit of God with the evidence

of speaking God’s language – yes, speaking in tongues.

Now you know. R U Full Yet?

Everyone agrees that the month of March characteristics have earned it the honor of being known as being „windy‟. Is this just a paradox – or maybe God is trying to tell us something. After all –God is like the wind. No one and I do mean no one can box God in. Water have been contained and packaged and sold. Fire have also been contained, packaged and sold. Yet no one can not „package the wind‟. Let us dissect this thought. March, happens to be the 3

rd month in the year.In

Bible numerology teaches us that 3 is symbolic of the Trinity – the tri-unity of Almighty God. The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are 3 in 1. Therefore, with the fullness of the Godhead living mightily within us; causes us; the Church, to be able to function also as a powerful tri-unity being in the earth. We should be marching onward as one man; the Church of the Living God; the Body of Jesus Christ in the earth. As a Christian soldier, marching onto manifested victories as the war have already been won at Calvary. Therefore, – our warfare is not carnal; but spiritual. However, we must accept Jesus Christ as the head of the Church; His body. one man; the new Adam.

Then MARCH. God our Father, who is our rear regard. is the wind at our back..Therefore, we can MARCH. because God the Son has gone on before us. You don‟t have to worry about the storms of life that you may encounter; as even the wind obeys His voice. Where ever He leads us; He has already made our pathway clear. We must trust Him as we MARCH. And God the Holy Spirit walks beside us. He will strengthen and even carry us when needed.[God, the Holy Spirit is the wind beneath our wings]. As the sound of a mighty rushing wind He has empowered us.

Therefore, MARCH. When? You ask. Now and until the un-churched people observe the power of the love of God flowing from heart to heart among us as Christians who are of different ethnicities. Between male and female. Only then, will they lose interest quickly in the world‟s reasoning and develop a low tolerance for preferring one person over another one because of the color of their skin or biology. Rather we all will heed more quickly to the content of the character of people As a result, with the love and kindness that God drew us to Him; our lifestyles will win others into the Kingdom of God with the same kind of love and kindness..

When? When Jesus said: “It is finished.” – we can choose today to be one with Him, 3 in 1, being assured that what we believe - we receive it and – we live out God‟s creed as being true. That is, our love for one another should be clear for all to see. The world will know that we are Christians because of our love for one another. That we are very sincere and that is why we all can sing as a sweet harmony: - with one voice “where He [Jesus] leads me; I will follow > + + +”. >SO MARCH!

“Stand at the points that cross in your life, examine yourself and understand

which path you are on. Ask for the best paths, the one the ancients took.

Inquire where is the good way and walk therein, and you shall find rest for

your souls. But some said: ‘We will not walk therein.” - Jeremiah 6:16