CCiidings Of great goy...when Jesus was tempted in Ernest S. Williams the wildL'rIlC:;S, angels...

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  • Mrs. o. 57 Court Deposi t ,

    o. Hunt St . , N. Y.

    fiLE. corY - -

    EnlO!"TO!"O .. l"co,,

    I T \V.\S a memorahle event when the angel was sent to announce the birth of the Saviour and throu/-!h Him t id-ings of g reat joy. \\ c do not wor-

    ship angds, we have bU.'1l forbidden to do so. "Let no man beg-nile yOtl of your reward in a voluntary humilit), and \\'or· shipping of angels, intru(]lIlg into those things which he hath 110t ~l'1'11, ,"3inly purred up by his fles hly mind." '1'h(;1"(' Illust hm'e been some ill apostolic limes who went astray, thinking they should add to their worship of the I.ord angeh abo, for otherwise the inHl'uction against such worship would likely 1I0t havc bc(;n writ1

  • /)call/ber /9, 1936

    ehristmas and CUalentine's C})ay m a 20nely eabin

    The story opcn~ ill Iowa with an olel farnlt'r bv the nalTle of Conlee. 11

  • DI'ccmbcr 19, 1936

    Book. I wouldn't give it to anyhody elsc in the world but you, daddy, YOli read it, " That litt le Bibfe meant e\'erything to Florence, On the flyleaf she had writ-ten t he words, "To Iny darling daddy, \ Vith love from Florence, Don't forget we love you."

    In a few weeks bc wa:; in that :;ecth-iug, cursing, surging ma..;

  • }'ayc FOllr December ./9, 1936


    CI,ph' lhat lTC tl1('Y know it. "quantity" is oftl'n r!.'cog-nized 1IlSll\1I1 flf "qualit y," 1n tilt' miubuy of Chrisl \\t' find II im mO\'ing qU1(,tly allil !-olln'ly past t1w 'i ndae(; of thlllJ..::-t and in Iii ... elis-c('rniTlg', yet IO\'ing way, din:ctill~ attention ever to tl\(: spirit or Illoti\'(~ of tilt' hl'art. flow Ire de-liglll('d to tt'ar away the husk of mere app

  • Drcclllbcr 19, 1936

    ;one! a reward is g iven (not for a great work hu t a lovi ng work ),

    To bring the matter home to our hE:arts today, God is just the same 311d IS so dealing with us in like manner. It may l'Ot be ill our power to perform a 5peC-tacular or wonderful work as the world counts g reatness but it is in Qur power to do an humble, h idden kindnc~s in ~ollle ob:-.cure place, \\'c may be kind though not kno wll; lXJlite though not p r3.iscd; thoughtfu l though nOt thanked; l ... ving though not laudc.:d; and peaceful though 11 0t pa raded , i\lany let the little oppor-ttm ities of doing a Chri!-ltl ike deed slip hy \\' hile waiting or trying to do :;ome big thing (and ('ven worse trying to do wmethi ng he was nevcr callt'd upon to do ). \\'hy not bri\'e the cup of cold watc r today instead of waiting for a time when you may hope to turn :l river of water into wine to supply a great CI'O\\,1ll l)agc Thrl"e) "I hc all/o:ch wcr~ 100,kil1g" ol"er thc b:l.ttlcm~nt5 oi g:lory a ... II1('y ~aw what hapl'l'ncd, jil1lmi~ }.!iIlcl", jlX! (,'0111('" and Wally Flett \Hrc: bom ;l~.lin by Ihc: Silirit of (;,)(1.

    I wa" holding m('("llIlg~ in EUlo;cnc:, Or('goll, alld nrlJther Ilorn~huh introduced In~ It) jO!tcl)h C~'III«, IIc was th(' Dean (li the Bible Sland-ard !:lchoul, aud that wa" tin,' b('gil1l11llJ.: of '"i iliel1(bhiJi Ju~t hefore the ent! (If my (';lIn-l'ai':l1 Conlce a~kl'd m(' to "lltl1tl Ihn'c hlOur~ II ith him in hi!> mom, to bring paper and pen-nI wilh m(' li e ... aid, "I am not lUll$.: ."r this world, I am (::oing home to 1)(' willi j(,~l1", but ] IM\c bcen Ilfaying ami I IX'lil'\T (;,xl Ilants II:'· ,,\un' writtl'n dOlI n," In Iht, Il(':\.1 rO('111 II;" FI\;rencc, and hi~ wiie w;\ ... tlwn' li,il1J:: i1. the Sch,xll quartcrs, He Mid, "Y"u will h;wc 10 ior~i\"~ mc ii I cry a littk, hut 1 w:-tlll hI hCj.::in at th(' \"Cry bc,.::innin/o:," l"hrt"{' tilll~" durinJ{ that illH'niCI\ we I)ra)l-tl logdht'r AI iour o'd(x:k I 1'lIIhr;lCt;'d him and we \h·pt Ill, gl'lher. I IICllt to Ynkima lor ;L Gltnl),Ji~Il, :11;(\ Ihe fir~t \\Clk OIiC of the ~tUtII'11I~ 1(>111 me Ihal ·· L-ncll' jo('" had /o:t>ne to ~Iory. \rht"1l i:c klll'll h(' 11,1 .. g()in~ he ~ent i\lr h;lrtmcll t , Bu!;in .... s!o and Pri'uing IkpannJt'III~, Central Bihle In ~liHllc ~c:HI a hearty "(;od hlc;." you" to all o ur reader;.,

  • '1'111' PI.:'\" /-loSTA!. 1':\".\:'\"(,1-.1. Dccembcr 19, 1936

    c7{ $imple gift and What Came of 9t

    Sill' wa Ju~t a hind gU'1 and n'~ ct·iH'd \"t"ry mall pay felr a gn'at all1clUnt of work. Bllt ~hc l()vcd Jl':'u:, and de-sired to do "'"lIldhing for I hill. She had n'ad that a hilI,' maid ill Svria had \,,·it 1H·.., .... cti 10 tIll' pO\\"(,:r o( tl{l' \Jmphet ill Samaria, and tilt, result was that her mas· kr :\aal11an was hcal('

  • J)l'((,1IIbcr 19, 1936

    Tidings of Great Joy (Colltinued from i'ag-c Oill')

    cannot san:. Its Illl· ... sagt' h for "whl):-Oo-cn.:r will." and it:> bIl'ssillg-s rt.:"adl (.lIt to hoth SOli 1 and body, SOIllC ytar .. ago a goolt llJall confidl'd to the writl'r that he wa:-; ~n'atly trouhJcd about his :-ooul. lie was a iatlwr of a nice familv, "lltTt.';;:-ill! in husiness, all(\ an officl'r ;n a eklrch. but Ilt" had n'ad, ". \ hasw.rd .. hall not l'11l(']" into the congrt"gation of the I.llrd-CH'n til his tellth g('IWl"atiol1 "hall Ill: not C1lt('r illlo the c01lgregation of the Lord," li t' had ht"t'n bol'll in illigdl1\lacy, and ftared that this illeant tha t II{' l'Oul tl not he sa ve!,' /lWII!I('r Il'lruc 'fhflll, () Clrrisl, t("(lS bonl;

    fl'r rlli.ft' (Ifrcsh Ollr snit!! of I'miSI' This b/,'.rsl'(i ChrisfllllH 1110111


  • Fage Eigltt Till Pf ~H.COSTAI. EVANGEL

    cYl Pilgrimage to fl3ethlehem By Euangelis/ William H. Nagel

    (I Illtlt ,,, .. n of 1I~lhlthtm. h ...... ~101I IO"t ... e Ihu lief :\baH lit) Ik4:I' lind !I'e.ullln, aktv tb" 1I1~"1 .t~r,

    iO) by. \'tt In Ihy duk ~tt('fh .111' rth th~ nrrlaui,q;C \.ighl. 'n,t hopn a",J ft., .. of all Ihe )'n. ... 'Tf m,,1 III lhtt


    lIow "ltnll),. h!.>w .lItntly. lhe .... Ollflr"'" gift ,~ g,vtnl S" Go" "'11 -Ittl I0 forcibly as on Ihe after· 110011 of DtCemher 24th 1935, when with a party of friend, I journc)'l'c\ 10 thc birthplace ttf (,ur Sa\·iour. At 4 15 P ~1. we left Jent~alcm for the Sht'pherd's Fit·lels about six miles away It was an hi~lorit: road we Iraveled, o\'er ground and pa~t sites that still spoke eloquently to u., (lut of the I!a~t. On leaving jeru~alelll we went thrnu/o:h M \eral of il" I1cwtr suburbs which hal'e

  • Dafmbl'r 19, 1036

    to our h-=arts, ScriPIUh'S w-=re read Stml-= word:. were spoken, Aud til dimax Ihl' dramatic ~cene 300 voices pierced thc (Iuiet IIi the c\tlling with this stirring hymn 01 .... ur:.hip

    ,\ 11 hail tht POIHf of JUUlI Xa"'t! l.el :lngds pm., tratt fall;

    Bring f"nh tht royal diadem. :1,,,1 e ..... "'n lIim Lord of alii

    Ltt t\ltry kindred, nery tribe, 0 ' thi, terrntrial ~II, To Him all majut)' ascrilot, aud er" .. " Him l.ord of a,ll

    To tJ,~· Chura, J had felt the power of lli .. Xalllt' lhal night.

    \ Vith the inspiratiun of the 110ly ~I)irit iu my hea rt I brealhed Ihe words of Ihe Shel)herIrcets of Bei t Salmr, and then to the open square beiore the church of the ).,'ati\·ily where. in a gn)tto be-neath, it is said, jcsus was hom.

    A Gift from /)(l1'iJ Tn 2 Sam. 17 :27-29 \\e read oi one. Rarzillai

    who, among olhen, .';ened David ays that Johanan and Ihe peOI)1c of judea. after l~hlllael had slain Gedaliah (the gove rnor). 11IU~, 10 take .1 Cl'lhUS oi thl· Pl"'I,k whidl brought tht, ';\Zarl'l1t·~ to tltl'ir .lIlfntr;,I\ homl' at the t:X:ll't lilllc when til(' Cltri,t dlild \\a~ to be born \\'l~ ~a\\ a .. i~ht that l'\'l"!lII1~ \\hich n·· minded u\ of the Irri\al uf \\;Ir~ an,1 .1,,"'l·pll. It \\a~ all \rah and hi .. will' l'"nuug inti) Iklh-lehem, Iht' I\1all \Ialkng hl'~idc tht· ,Iunkl'.' that hl,lrc hi., wiit·. So jU~l'Ilh and ~hr) c,lmc :\"1 111 an aUh'11luhill' or un a train, hut a~tride "Ill' oi Ihe lowlie~t Ifi allilllab, thl' donh~ (,j tltt· Ea~t.

    Tlu' /1111 ,md lilt' -'fall ,,'r

    \\·c reall 11ll'~l' w\lrd .. in til\' (",X'I 01,·. "\,,0 ~11t' hn'lI).:hl i"rth her Iir~llH'rn S~JI1, and she WraJllK:d him in "waddling d('t)ll'~, .11,,] laid him in a nnn~cr. bCl'a\l~c tblT(' wa, \1., r( l\.'111 wr Ihem in Ihe inn." I.uke 2:7. Thc~e \\ .nb h:l\e a diffncnt mcaning III the E,l~1 than Ihl'\' han' in the \\'t'~L Thcn' arc 1\,) b.Hlh or ~table~ in thc Oril'!\l awl \dwtlwr it tX' in hnllW tlr illn mall and he;I .. , (1('('1111,\ t!tt' ~,III1l' lliddin:.t, \\ t' ~h;lll !iCC Ihat wht'rea~ it \1'(lulli he \'('ry humihating tn put a newborll bahc 111 a manger in thl" \\\'st it I\a" (juite natura l in Pales tine,

    \\'hilt \\;l~ 11ll' inn \Ike 'I'll\' blgl·~t Ilan of an Oriellial inn i~ rlcvoll'tl II) Ihl , an·"llll1l.,,\:!li')1I of the al1il1lill~ ilnd the n:et'pliun "i go,.d.. In Ihc ccnter is a rllomy, rai.,{·d Illatiorlll \\hne the gue~b lie dow11 to slce\) without bc:neht 01 11(·.!'" Aronnd tht· four walb art' C""l])arlmeutl> \\ :th ~'Tl\ pic IlIJlIg-cr~ of rou~h "Jah~ of .. tt,l:l·. Ilt-re tht· sheep, dOllkey~, C;lIl1d~, illlll mi .. t,("Jlallt"lIh gn,O(h arc kepI. E\en today a o;hl'pho;rd or tran-ler \\ill oftcn lie d\1\\ II lll',itil' his animal .. IIbit"ad oi 011 the platform. Ill" wiJl ~"tnl·tII11l'S d'l till' In kn'p his eye 011 thc littk lambs le~1 they "huuld be


    \ ' ....


    r l ll~hl"1 I,r InO(I,ll'll un· rkr thc ft·t'! 01 till' ~heel) and goats. In l'~,lrl \\t .. lIhlT ht, prdt'r~ If) Iel'P Iwar hi~ anima!..

    !nr Ii~' J,dil'n~ ttwir Iln'atli h-t"l"llS him warm.

    \\'hen JI1~{'ph anel ~1an (';IClIt' tht" ~let:ll' '1'1' pl;ltf'I1'm (,f Ihe l,h:1!! \\1 ;H1thtllt!C lutl" of anlllillil,. ill the Ifoly Land It IS the (,Illy Chri~llotll Church 111 Palc~lillt· \\ Illch hots m'Hr I}f-("n ("tom·(·rlt ... ] in-10 a ~IO!>(IUe uUI ha$ had unhroken cOr>!inuity I'; w()r~hill lI1:lk WI)i, a ).:lit oi Kin~ Edwanl 1\ ' ul F\l~1a11l1 in Ihe 1~lh n:ntIllY,

    \\'alkin!{ (Iown ~li plll'ry ~1"I1t· ~tt l' \n' ('.lIne ttl thl~ (,rollco of the \:'lli\ity. 11\t'IlI,I' I(Tt I,duw Ihc rllI,ir 1100r (If th(' Orth~KI\lx {'hapl"i. Iitfe i .. a vall it thrih·,thrl'e fn'l II\' ~'k\'\'n Itl'l, till" wal1s of \Ihich :I~e lill('fl wilh liali;11I 1I1:1!\,l,· ;":~I111(r()l1~ lamp-. line t'mhroilkr~ 01111\ a \"afl~'ty ui ':Icrl'fl ofl1am('nt~ rlt-corate the "wh. On till' easl side or till' fluor, IIl1dl'\ an altar. a si!nT .. tar mark .. thc ,,])1)1 \\"\W((', alTunling 10 Ir;\llitioll. -'C~II" wa~ horn. \Ve S~I\\" till' I.atin in~t:!'il)liun afllund il. "!lie Dc \'irgill l' \\aria Jt· u~ ('hri .. tn :\atll" L~t:' whidl inl~'q)fell"ll lI1eans, "11t'f(' jnu'i Chri~t w;" horn IIi thc \,irj!in \\ary" Fiito;l'n lillllllS arc: kl'llt llt'Qll"tll,llI)' hurning al"'\I' Ihi" ~IKII

    ! .. al dnwn nil a q{.p 1I\';\r Ihl' !olar and wilh \\unIiNing l·yt'S gall·r\ thr .. u!(h thl' m)'~li\'al tidlt n'lh'r!et! \Iv the 11IIrnilo~ lamp~ illtn litat iM,diqant pa~1 \\ h("!; Cotl Iir ~ 1 reH'akd I" 1I1al! Ihat "l ie ~hall hrui"l' t tht" ~('rpt'nt'~) h,·ad." ( ' l'1l 3 IS, (;ud had ~PlJktll lie hat! prollli'l"d a Rt'decm-

    tColltinut:d 011 Pal.:c Thirtt'Cn)

  • 'I'll' "," 1I'f1~l"'l. F\':\"I;~I, December 19, N30

    GI ~~ospel .it\. ore~ aMS ~ .. - ~5eoy:1AlfOlf_~-"'f\'.l!-~~ ~11'!!"k~~1> '" _1!.;Cifj~ !it 'jj1f>iI\~fl~l~

    MY BES T GIFT FOR HIM M ra. E. Cronk

    ( hri~tllla, \1 CI,IlIIllL: fh H II" nl) douht of It. The h"p II iudn\1 II (r. IlalllinJ,{ \Iilh -1 (In, ~"Ir1 ,(!ld j.:Ht'U j,:"la1Jl:)1!f, "hidl ~h11(' ill a ~Cjuar('

  • Mr, and Mr., T cd V'nsar and little Bobby Jo, two yen.r~ of age, now with J esus

    LITTLE LIFE CALLED HOM I:. \\-l" del'ply rn:;ret to ;.tate that a cahle wa!>

    reccivcI\ thi .. \\l'l'k from Ihe secrelary (Ii our ~oulh Imlia ])j"lrict, hcaring Ihe .. ad news, "Little \'a~sar at rC~I,"

    Our heart-fclt ~)'111palhy gocs OUI I·' our Brother and Si,ter \'a~sar in thi ~ lil11(' of berc;I\'cIlll'nt and ~reat los~. l\lay (;od bles5 and comfort Ihe.ll irr their great ~orro\\! QUI" brother and ~ister have been ill South Indian on ly a fc\\ mont hs,


    \\-ith Ihankful heart~ we prabc (iut! for Il is bles"ing:~ upon thi~ part of Ihe hal"\'e

  • IJcccIJI/Jcr 19, 1936

    I~W~d1t~~tGEiel~ c==""' .. ~~- ~~·'2Z 2d§obsS !!s .~>===,

    1 EI.Uil{A~1 FI{O~f DAD RICHEY (i('org.' Hays IM\'ing gl{Jrious revi\'al, E\'an-

    />:.·Ii,.i(· '["('lIlllk, Ilolhton. EXlll'{:ting wonder-(ul time during our annU;t1 Bark Ilome \Veek during Chril

    ~1(}B" F, 1\1.\ The Lord ha~ \)eell with UIi, in ;! \'(·ry ~llrrt'"ft11 !lIl·ttlllg-, Evangeli!>! Troy B. 111.'1111'1, (' \ Pn>sident of Alai.>.lmO, SI'RI:\(;S. COl.O We art· h"]I]'), tIl n·]Jurt " ,w"("l',,,flll !. \\Tek)' m~'eling, L\an~l'li,t and ~Ir, \'('rnon )'Iurray, of Texas, in rharj.:!· C;,MI bll"S-,(",L in all our servicc~. Some \\("H' ~a\\·(I. "line prodigals came home to th(" F.uh(;f, 4 Hn'in·d the gilt of the Iioly (;ho~t, and ~,qne nail)' "underfill h('aling:" lonk plac(' IllIril1lo;" the 1Il('Uill,l[S.-F. 'I' Curry, Pas-tor,

    N.\SS,\U, BAI!,Ul.\S- We arc glad to re-port "itlnr), ill 11K' '1~'~'lIlhly hC're. God ha!; heell hk~~illg in 1 wUl1llerful way, and \\e arc e;qwrting a gn'at time 'If refreshing dUl iug the lflllling rn ivaI, nmulleucing December I, E\'an-J.:'l'ii,t ]{ulh Ilarj.d,. CoITt')'\ille, Kamas, in dl;lrge. \ny ('llUlU.:il mil1i,lt'r \\ho feei" leI! to cllrne to :\01 '.111 \\ ill rllld an (111('11 dour tu it 1Il'{'tly tit'lel 1-::,11(' \\' \\'~'ech, P. O. nnx IW,.

    COI.V~III[ \. TF:\I\' We a rt' here JIl an "lcI-ia,hi('Ill',1 11,,1)" (;host rcvi\-al, which be-gan on ~UIIl, Pil~tor.

    I{OIl:\FHnLLE. C \UF \\'e have just dmtd a .l \H'ck,' ('allll,ai~n, E\'angeli~t and :-'lrs. E'lrI ami dan~hter, ~1ary Ann, of ~t:bra!'.k:a , in ch;crf,:c. The glvry ',f the 1 qnl callie do\\ n the fi r!'.t nj~ht, and continued to fall during th(, remainder of the ~:a!ll]laign. .\hout 20 were ~;I\'cd, sume were reclaimed, and 14 fl'C(·iq'd the n;q)\i~Tll in the Holy Ghost, accordinK to .. \cts 2 :4. \Ve prayed for many that were hlJlllld hy drink and the t'lbacco habit, and they te~tified they were delivered. Olle was inslantly healed (1f many C;\lIccrs. and people with many othcr long slanding ail-ments were instantly healed. ..\11 Ihe !>aints were revived. anc! the ~urrnundil1g COlllmunitv was stirrcd. I'a~tor ami .\Irs. V. L. Klcmin.


    The first ~el1li annual C. A. Cullvenllon f('lf thc Di:.t ricl (If :\urthern California and )i'evada w;!s ent("rtained by the cnngregation uf the Full (;()~pd Church and tlwir J>~ht()r, H.. J. Reniroe. in tllc high sch(Kl1 auditorium in l'kiah. !\'O\'cmber 14-15. In ~I)ite of ,Ill.' in-delllent weather C(lndi l ion~, the fir~t day, the convcntiun was well attended. The C. ,\. Presi-dent, Vincent .-\lexander, hrull~ht the (_)pening rne,,~aRt' (1n the thcme, "Character \Vithollt Ideals." The main speaker of the cO!l\'eution wa~ Pa~tllr I.. H. Kl·)". of Fre,no, \\ho !>jloke Saturday l'vening, Sunday morning, and Sun-day ;\ft('I" \10

  • December 19. 1936

    T il RFE XE\\, HOOKS Three new hoob han: jU"1 ('ollle off thc

    j)re$~ at the Gospel Publi"hin,L:\" II()u~c

    PROI'I:f(H."': FnN l'/!·.\'TFCO\T Ily f)oll..,ld (II"

    Brother Cl'C ha ... OCt.'n ~tudyini! the b"o" oi P((>\"erb~, alll\ he has discon:rt.'Ilg"s ior the whole will of (;"d, Prcathers anrl laymcn II ill alike enjoy thi~ ~plcndid book. The Ilrice i~ a l;o]Jula r one' -ju:--t 25 ccnt~. 1)1 11 .. 3 cellls po~tage.

    BALlI 01' GIILII> By Lilim~ H, l'roI/lGlJs, .lID.

    Dr. ' ''coman .. need" no int roduction to :;I'al~gel re~ders. She bas prepared another book, (ne that el1lpha~il.e:-. the trulh she is so l'''pe-cially qualified to teach---that of tI l{' Lord'l'n in IH'rv f]irn·!il'\!, .1111] Ill'arly (llle million ]ll'oph' \\aitinl;. \\"l' han' Ihr('l' station~ C:rt'at tO\11l in thc Ktlsa~i, hn~ heen /-:ralltt'd u~ h~' the (;oH'rnmenl. .\11 addition;d plvt of 1!r(lund was SUrlt·y('d Ill'r\' in '1',1111:111'. 1,1~t \\cek, Oil which \Ie ("an er\'c t annthn dl\l'l1 iug, Pray for ~ I ~, and Ih\l~t, that ht'lil'\'(' on Ili s name. in this plal·e. -Br"lha ,l!ld Si .. lt'r F \! johnson.

    ·:I:·-D-o-ra··n-'-s~~;~"0·-· --~-an~u-a-l-"I·I'· H t'!re you can find

    '''''''' I 111I ~tration5 I and anec- • c dotes-\(ll)ical COI11- I 111 e II t s--de-v 0 t ion al rea din gs-

  • Tor.ilis,01l\il\g} ~1J1 P?AoJ#SS_I\\~

    Du. 10 the f-..;:t that the E" .... el I. made up 14 day. before the date w blc:h .. ppea,.. upon it, all noHeM ahould reach ... I. cLto,.. belore thai dat ..

    Gt:TIIRIF~ O KI..A .-A"wII,Iy 01 GQtI, Dec. IS, for 1 ",'du, \Ir_ ;I."d .\I n. C;ideun () Ik\l nch3n1. Bath. !\. II., tlna,I;I, }o;vanl[o:hltl. F. }o •. Lc.rlrad i. t hO: 1,·Htor.

    {()"S, {;A N rlh Ih"hl."d Au~mbly; Dec.

    I"'I.I~\S. T I.'XA 5--Full Gtl~po:l Church, I'uk and Garland l;u., Annual lliblc eonvo:nhr)n. Ucc. 30-Jan. 17; Paul n. Pctcf'lon, 01 Qicago, PrUldent ()I l-(uui;l1l !In,\ }o::lftHn }o:urOp('an \I .. llon, and E,-a,,' j(eli.t I."rrn n Sta,u" iIIuo: I-(,,,k, OhIO .\Ia>n Slocakefi. AIl·dAy C. A. Rally. Dal·Worth Section. :-':r ... "ear', I)ay, unic.,. 11).1/" 2:00, and 7:.1(1. For further Inl r",aW," .. nle Floyd I~ lI a"kln l'a

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    December 19, 1936

    DUI-(AS, N. M ., ja'l. 4-6; F,\R:IoIl:od ;ond sing 'l,c

  • LJecrJllbcr 19, 1936

    Garden City Chri" t A mhasudors .. _. ___ ._ 11.00 K;ulIas Cily Full Gospel T;l~ r" :'l cl e S S ___ U .OO Med,c i',e Lodge j \ of G Church ____ 2.91 Pratt AHembl r o f God S S _ l1.1t T opeka Anembly of God tlm rch & S S __ ._._. S.IO KElNTUCKY. Personal OlTeri ugs 3.0t0 Cor bin Full Gospel A~.embly .71 LOUISIANA. Per sona! O ffer illgs . __ . ___ .. _ 5.00 B,-.,trop A ss ... n, b\y of God S. DO Haugh lon Peace t:hape \ Z.S4 M A INE. Personal Offerings 10.25 MARYLAND. I'ersonal OlTerings IS.00 Cr ... sapIO .... " F GO~Il Ful[ G""d.d .. , \ ~~tmhly "i ( i, ... 1 ("]uIlch C""IIO(.rt [' rnl'\ :;"'I(Li.. S("\ T"I ... n "de

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  • December 19, 1936

    H')U'In WUI E.nd Gospel T.l1>nn.,de S _!\. Lainl H ill A~~rnbly ,,1 ( ;",1 I hllT\:h 1 ..(' ~ !Ukr SMul)" J\ ~~(mb1y "I l i"d [ .oll (( \";t" ,\urmhly "f ( i,,,1 " al",,,k I' ~)'n~ S"ril'lj:. ,'~ .. ",hl)' O verton A.,ernhly ,.1 iiol), "f ( ;",,1 S, S. {'jUtlcy M.,hcal ""ke .\ e",lIly (;"Id"",hlr Full f i,) 1>('1 :>'1I .. )n I'e ha~I'" \ I i .10:1

    WYOMING 1'er..onal OfferinJ( ALAS KA I'en',nal OffetinR~ CANADA PeTto(>nal Offeting~ FOREJGN Ptt,..,,,;,] O/Terllli{ IIi)." Hawaii Glad Ti,hni~ ~ S.

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