CCM News - Canadian Christian Ministries

Post on 18-Dec-2021

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Volume 3 Issue 1 January-March 2021

Canadian Christian Ministries 159 Presidial Avenue, Oshawa, ON L1L 0H1 Tel: 905-432-9855

Our vision is to empower Christian workers, Ministries, and churches for effective ministry

CCM Newsletter

In This Issue

Program vs Ministry ...……...……...1

Expand and Enlarge Project .……...2

CCM Books …………….…….….…….....3

Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic …………………....…….....4-5

Spotlight on CCM Minister .……....6

Women and Youth Ministries……..7

Upcoming Events………..……......…..8

Expansion CMM

A local church needs both program and ministry. Ministry is long-term while program is short-term. You will develop programs within your ministry. The focus, however, must be on ministry rather than programs. When you begin a new venture, identify it as a ministry on program. This helps you determine the length, goals, purpose, and objectives. Sometimes the work of one department overlaps with work being done by other ministries in the church. These works must complement rather than compete with the other departments. Working together helps each ministry to meet the diversity of needs reflected in the congregation. Coordinating calendars and supporting other programs and ministries allow members of the congregation to choose the activities that best meet their needs.

The Difference Between a Program and Ministry

Programs focus on resources available. Ministries are based on needs.

Programs focus on techniques. Ministries focus of people.

Programs look for numbers. Ministries see changed lives.

Programs need quick answers. Ministries understand grace in uncertainty.

Programs see the goal. Ministries see the heart.


The Scripture declares in 1 Chronicles 4: 10, “And

Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.” KJV. What is Project Expansion? Project Expansion is expanding CCM in the provinces outside of Ontario. What is the purpose of Project Expansion? To increase the number of Ministers in CCM in the Regions outside of Ontario. Who is the target of Project Expansion? Pastors of all independent churches – Black, White, Asian, Filipino, Indian, African, West Indian, Chinese, European and all other ethnicity – CCM is a multiethnic organization. What is my role in this project? Your role is to direct Pastors to the CCM website using all means possible. How do I direct Pastors to the CCM website?

Give the Pastor an official CCM brochure Mail the official CCM brochure to the Pastor Email the official CCM AD to the Pastor Post the official CCM AD on Social media

How can I find independent churches? You can find independent churches by doing the following:

Drive around your city and look for them

Search the yellow pages online Search online for non-denominational churches Ask people Find them on Social media (Facebook)

What is Project Enlarge My Coast? Project Enlarge My Coast is doubling the number of CCM Ministers in the Region of Ontario by 2024.

How will this project be run? Project Enlarge My Coast will be communicated personally to each Minister via mail and email. Mass mailing in March 2021 and an Eblast in March 2021. We will ask each Minister in Ontario to give 10 names and addresses of 10 independent churches in their area or where their church fellowships. You can send the information to the General Overseer via mail or email.

CCM Brochures and Information Handbooks will be mailed to the Senior Pastors of these independent churches. We will also ask each Minister in Ontario to post the official CCM AD on Social Media and email it to people who are called to ministry.

of Canadian Christian Ministries (CCM)

Bishop Pat Maxwell Johnson

Project Expansion and Project Enlarge My Coast

CCM The Future of Ministry




The world has found itself in

a place that is new for all of us. For the past year we have learned, to some

extent, how to tread unchartered waters. The COVID-19 pandemic has

raised numerous kinds of emotions within us and brought many of us to places we never dreamed we would encounter. Some of us have traversed emotional states that we only read of or heard of in other people’s stories before now.

Consequently, many people are still reeling from the impact of the past twelve months. This was, and

remains, a period of quandary, confusion, and frustration for many others. There are still some of us who are at a loss as to how to respond even now. Many leaders are among those who still feel helpless as to how to handle this period of our lives for themselves as well as their congregants. In some way or other, we are all trying to survive. Uncertain times often lead to:

Anxiety: Anxiety is the emotion one feels when they are worried about a perceived future threat. Many

people are currently experiencing feelings of anxiety because they are looking ahead in their post-COVID-19

future and not know how they will get through their tomorrows. People are worried about how they will feed their families, pay their bills, if they will ever finish school/College, if they or loved ones will get the virus and die. People are confused about whether they should take the vaccine or not. People are stressed about rebuilding their lives after losing so much over this past year. I encourage you to take heart for Jesus said, “Do not worry…for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things” (Matt.6:31).


Rev Karen A. Redwood

Coping During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Fear: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM -5)) defines fear as “the emotional response to real or perceived imminent threat.” Fear is distinct from anxiety in that fear is what you experience based on what you believe is threatening you right now in the moment, while anxiety is the worry for what has not happened yet, but you perceive it will in the future. For so many people during this time, the fear has become so crippling that even though they have run out of food, they will not venture out of their doors, for fear of the virus. For others, the fear is so chronic that they feel hopeless to go on.

When the human body perceives a threat, an attack, or danger in anyway to itself, it develops what is called hyper arousal symptoms which cause it to fight or to take flight. This is the body’s natural way of responding to acute stress. I encourage you that while in flight we isolate because it is wisdom and it is sensible, we can also fight this battle in prayer and praise. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2Tim 1:7). We think also of Jesus’ word to Jairus in his fear because of the report from his house that his young daughter had died. “Be not afraid, only believe” (Mark 5: 36)

Doubt: Doubt is believed to be a lack of belief or conviction. When people become anxious and afraid, it exacerbates and strengthens their feelings of doubt. In this pandemic, even believers are struggling with their belief in the promises of God. People all around us are losing faith in these dark and turbulent times. But be reminded, my friends, that there are four (4) Scriptural references to the fact that “the just shall live by their faith” (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38).

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It is in the storm that our Promise Keeper will speak “peace be still.” Hold your belief in Him unswervingly for He said, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong

and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever

you go” (Josh 1:9).

Irrational Thinking: Our current situations have positioned us for numerous unhealthy thoughts. It is

usually our thoughts that drive our emotions and subsequently our behaviour. Essentially, how you think of something, will make you feel a certain way about it and that feeling will cause you to act accordingly. I have coined and referred to this as the “TEA” effect.




Be careful to check in with yourself on your thinking

patterns. It is important that you

stop for a while to

observe what you are thinking

that is causing your emotions to

spiral into negative patterns.

While we have little to no

control over some of our

about them. Proverbs 23:7 tells us, “As a man

thinks….so is he.” I know that our thinking is

predicated on numerous biosocial conditions in how

we were born and raised. However, we can choose

how we respond. The Apostle Paul admonishes us to

“…be transformed by the renewing of [our]

minds.” (Romans 12: 2). I encourage you to not ignore

your mental health during these times. Do not give in

to your thoughts to remain isolated and out of touch

with others. Keep connection going in your virtual

space over the phone, on video platforms, and any

other means of online connection.

Brethren, you are not alone. We are all in this together. This battle is not ours; it belongs to our Almighty God and so like Jehoshaphat we pray “Our God…we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” (2 Chron 12: 20).

Should you, or anyone you know, require professional services to help you better cope during these times, please connect with us at

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Bishop Romeo Cusay is the Regional Overseer of CCM in Saskatchewan and the Senior Pastor of Christ Ambassadors Mission Church located at 1502 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7H 5H8. The Region of Saskatchewan has positioned itself for rapid growth and development under his leadership. Congratulations and special thanks to Bishop Romeo for organizing the Districts and installing the District Pastors as they move forward with Project Expansion in their Region.

In The Spotlight

Bishop Romeo Cusay Saskatchewan

CCM Calendar for 2021

Date Time Event Venue

Fri & Sat June 18 & 19

8:00 am

Government of Ontario - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training


Holiness Kingdom Ambassadors Int. Ministries Suite 100 Building 10, 5045 Orbitor Drive

Mississauga, ON

Saturday August 28

10:00 am

Annual Board Meeting

Holiness Kingdom Ambassadors Int. Ministries Suite 100 Building 10, 5045 Orbitor Drive

Mississauga, ON

Saturday September 11

9:30 am

National Leadership Seminar

Toronto Full of Joy Church. Place Of Worship in North York. 1100 Petrolia Rd, North York, ON.

Friday September 24

7:00 pm

National Youth Convocation

Jesus Reigns Forever Int. Ministry 1177 Finch Avenue West, Unit 11, North York, ON

Saturday September 25

11:00 am

National Women Convocation

Jesus Reigns Forever Int. Ministry 1177 Finch Avenue West, Unit 11, North York, ON

Saturday September 25

5:00 pm

National Convocation & Ordination

Toronto Full of Joy Church. Place Of Worship in North York. 1100 Petrolia Rd, North York, ON

Saturday October 02 10:00 am Saskatchewan Convention 1502 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Saturday October 23 10:00 am Alberta Convention 9009 163 Street Edmonton, Edmonton, Alberta

Saturday November 06 10:00 am British Columbia Convention 5311 Francis Road, Richmond, British Columbia


The Importance of CCM National Women Affairs Ministry and National Youth Affairs Ministry CCM National Women Affairs Ministry and

National Youth Affairs Ministry are vital to an independent local church’s women and youth ministry as it serves to connect, encourage and equip.

Connect CCM serves as a connector between Women and Youth Ministries of local churches, keeping local churches informed and engaged with CCM resources. CCM connects local churches to one another within a region. Each region is defined by unique cultural and ministry dynamics. CCM serves to facilitate and contextualize resources to effectively minister to the women and youths in that region. CCM provides prayer connection and support. As connections are made between the local Women’s Ministries and Youth Ministries within a region, requests can be shared, and women and youths encouraged to pray for one another and upcoming events. Encourage CCM Women and Youth Affairs Ministries serve as a reminder that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves. It is easy to become “myopic” or isolated in local ministry. CCM reminds us that we are connected; share a common struggle and that national support and resources are accessible and available. CCM provides opportunities for local churches to learn from and encourage one another. As churches in a region share ideas and resources, women and youths are spurred on in ministry, and

discover new ideas to utilize in their local women and youth ministries. Equip CCM provides the opportunity for shared conferences with teaching and training that might not be accessible through an individual church. CCM is a platform for local women and youths to utilize their gifts of teaching and training other women

and youths. CCM mentors local ministries by modeling servant leadership and caring for the covenant community. We are bringing these two ministries to

every region of CCM. As such we are looking for people to serve on the Regional Women’s Ministry Board and the Regional Youth Ministry Board in their respective province. Serving on a Regional Women or Youth Ministry Board is an incredible opportunity to gain an appreciation for the story and characteristics that make up each local church. Rotating events around to different geographic locations, to churches of different sizes, and to churches with longer and shorter histories, can help those who attend gain an appreciation for the other independent churches in a region. These connectional interactions encourage us and equip us to build more active members within our own local church body.

Canadian Christian Ministries (CCM)

Bishop Pat Maxwell Johnson

National Women and Youth Ministries


From the CCM Public Relations Department

We are looking for permanent writers and contributors to our

quarterly CCM Newsletter. If you are interested please contact

The Director of Public Relations Rev. Claudette Clarke at

647-300-2813 or Email us at