C.C.S. (CONDUCT) RULES, 1964 3.4.1. Objectives of Conduct Rules To regulate the general behavior of...

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Objectives of Conduct Rules

• To regulate the general behavior of Govt. Servants

• To secure full commitment of Govt. servants in implementing Govt.’s policies

• To set certain moral standards


Objectives of Conduct Rules….

• To eliminate all forms of immoral and immoderate behavior which are likely to impact on Govt. servant’s capabilities to discharge his duties

• To make Govt. servant to learn to live within his means since he belongs to fixed income group


Objectives of Conduct Rules….

• To prevent Govt. servant from aligning against Govt. or exercising undue influence or duress


DO’ s: -

• Maintain absolute integrity at all times.• Maintain devotion to duty at all times.• Do nothing which is unbecoming of govt.

servant.• Maintain a responsible & decent standard of

conduct in your private life.• Render prompt & courteous service to the

members of public.• Maintain political neutrality.


DO’s :-

• Act in accordance with the Government policies.

• Immediately report to your official superiors the fact of your arrest or conviction in a Criminal Court & circumstances connected thereto.

• Observe courtesy to the M.P.’s & State Legislatures.


DON’T s: -

• Do not make joint representations in matter of common interest.

• Do not indulge in acts unbecoming of a Government Servant.

• Do not be discourteous, dishonest & partial.• Do not adopt dilatory tactics in your official

dealings with the customers/public.• Do not join or support any illegal strike.


DON’T s: -

• Do not associate yourself with any banned organization.

• Do not accept lavish & frequent hospitality from any individual/commercial firm/industrial firm/organizations, etc., having official dealings with you.

• Do not consume intoxicating drinks or drugs while on duty.


DON’T s: -

• Do not bring any political/outside influence in matters related to your service.

• Do not undertake private consultancy work.• Do not accept GIFTS (above the prescribed

limit) without prior permission from your competent higher authority.

• Do not give or take dowry.• Do not make any Unauthorized communication

of any official document.3.4.9

Activities which require permission

• To join educational institution/course of study• To join Territorial Army/Home Guard/Civil

Defence.• To join Foreign language classes.• To accept fee for work done for any

private/public body/person.• To hold an effective office in Co-operative

societies and other bodies.


Government servants & politics

A govt. servant should not be : -• A member of any political party/organization.• A member or otherwise associated with any

banned organizations.• Acting as an election agent, polling agent or

counting agent of a candidate at an election.• Displaying on his person, vehicle or residence of

any electoral symbol in connection with an election.


Unauthorized Absence

• Wilful absence from duty not covered by grant of leave will be treated as “dies non” for all purposes, viz., increment, leave & pension.

• A government servant is also liable for disciplinary action for such an act of misconduct.


Property Transactions

• Whenever a govt. servant acquires or disposes of any immovable property, through Power of Attorney/Lease/Mortgage/Purchase/Sale/Gift or otherwise, either in his/her own name or in the name of family member(s), prior intimation to be given to the prescribed authority.


Property Transactions

• Any transaction in movable property by the govt. servant either in his/her own name or in the name of any family member (s) should be reported to the prescribed authority within one month of such transaction, if the value of such property exceeds two-month’s basic pay of the govt. servant.


Property Transactions

Movable property includes: -• Jewellery,• Insurance policies, the annual premia of which exceeds

2-month’s basic pay of the official,• Shares, securities & debentures,• Loans taken by an employee,• Motor cars, motor cycle, horses & other means of

conveyance, • Radio, TV, Refrigerators, etc.


Acceptance of GIFTS

• No govt. servant should accept or permit any of his/her family member or any other person acting on his behalf to accept any GIFT except in certain cases.

• Customary gifts may be accepted from near relatives & personal friends having no official dealings on occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals, or religious functions.


Acceptance of GIFTS

• The official should report to the prescribed authority if the value of GIFT exceeds the following limits: -

Cadre Value of GIFTGroup-A Rs. 7000/-Group-B Rs. 4000/-Group-C Rs. 2000/-

Group-C (MTS) (formerly Gr-D) Rs. 1000/-


Acceptance of GIFTS

GIFT includes: -• Free transport, boarding, lodging, or other

services.• Any pecuniary advantage provided by any

person other than a near relative or personal friend having no official dealing with the govt. servant.


Restrictions regarding Marriage

• Bigamous marriage is a disqualification for govt. service.

• Following persons are ineligible for appointment under Govt.: -

(a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living,(b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person.Note:- Similar restrictions continue even after appointment 3.4.19


• A govt. servant shall not give or take Dowry.• A govt. servant shall not demand any dowry

directly or indirectly from the parent/guardian of a bride/bridegroom.

• Dowry means any property/valuable security given or agreed to be given.


Sexual Harassment of working women

It includes: -• Physical contact & advances,• Demand or request for sexual favours,• Passing sexually coloured remarks,• Showing pornography,• Any other physical, verbal or non-verbal

conduct of sexual nature


Sexual Harassment of working women

• Any act of sexual harassment of woman employees attracts acts related to unbecoming of a Govt. servant and amounts to misconduct.


Thank You
