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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Standard Po rm Fo r Hembera of the LeQ l sla tu re

7 ,

3. Significant event. for example: . .

A. Buain ••• ________________________________________________ _

C. Pro .,.10n lkh'4f,6h r4~'/ / .4it,"J t1o"ur ; ~/. k<f;..k,j/

;~~/JI'''"' I ,_ (.,'h.:. 'if" ~~·~ol.J' '.,'1 f

9 . Mames of parentadb,. . . (-".,. )


.11,1. ~

b' 71', . h:7:- s.,. / ,)

~ 1 Jill-


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

------------------ ---------------------------- ---

11. Degrees, _____________________ _


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

· .

Sources Log For Legislation Entries


Source Kon Applicable App icable Information obtained

- ~.L If-../.-J


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

-- --. .... ' '.-"v- "or '

IORNING. sse- A.way A.t Iy. .r Hours t the State 01

er ' sixly.ei~ht ;j our citizens. Iilatioll_o!..th-e Irl), Saturday' by the shock ·d by the ·ex· and a serious \\'e helped to I almost com­good 011 Fri­Iy in. the eve­taken with a ·ral hours his considerably. Ner"ome and

- . -_ .. - .. --. ~



which riiet at St. Louis a;lId lIomitlated When the t.itue ell-me-fur the selee­Gro\'er Clevelll.nd and AlieTl G . Thur· tllm of th:\t finance committee the

,- . . . . ' most promi. man as th,6 party st.:ultJard bearers. !ah?u which Senator Lambert had ' city has one Altohouih strongly.soitclted 'by part.y ·, elpended: ~n · making, InvestlRatlons


fflendS to accept a. 'nomination ror ' and In de\'lslnlfthe p\llll now happily tnce th8~ M., the st&te legisla.ture atsuccesslvecou- : place~_ In operation, pointed tne"tt­,a the heights, notion!. Mr, Lambert never telt. at I ably to 111m a31t.!democratlc-ouHilbe.' IOty ana state ' Uberty· to devote the nece5Sary time The appointment was mOlde, -and uoUl

t .! .. ~: _ , . • . " " ~. . ' .' ' . ' ,,, . ' h!q "("k" ,,,. ~,,! t'"., ""~ N ' ,~ ,.JI ............ ,. ~ • •

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.




~ .. ,- .. '

, opened 'J'ueld.ay ruornlnw . lplla.wJA~ 4IOr .... .Ql.HO/\I\N'~ j E: llerkley, Prlnolpal, MI .. I SIJbU!~·' Mos! _ Pr~inenl and !Jesl !,nown Cilizen P .... , Away AI

........ 11 ·

Innlck, ..... I.t.nt. MI" IJ... ,., .• n O'Clock SUnday MornIng, less Than Twenly-four Hours ',Asal.t'ant, Miss Klla Rogers, AI H c, Miss Amy' Adams, Second , Ier earl Atlac~ De.alh i, Mourned Throughoul the Siale of lIate; Misli 011\,. Iowa Where Senator lambert Was Highly Regarde"'?lo, Hili __ _ ,~~~!dl;;~:!~~~,'-~I~:leAn.. - Great Work on BOar",,! Edu<alion .na-in Masonic eire es. ' I' lrst PriMary." . I .'ere 216 puplls enrolled .' ln • vlng closses: Seniors 9; Jun- Hon":' Thos. Lambert, a resident (jf Sahula for o ver sixt y-cii!ht . ~opholJlor • •• 61 F .... hm .. n. 1GI ),OQru nnd tho belOt known a.nd. tho, most. prominent or nil our cit izens ·.1 Irad., !1; ,8even'h Orade.,..l9; died suddenly at 12:30 o'clock ' Sundey mornln~ rrom _uUatiolLo Lthe 'ade, 10; ~Irth , Grade, 11; neart, his First aUack of this nature having occurred (·a rly Salurday I ;rade, ,26;, Third Grade, 28; d b 'b morning. The condition was no au I rought about by Ih e shock ,rade, .23; ,First Grade, 22. ;rth~ High School pupils are occasioned when !;enator Lambert was terribly burned by the C'x-ent. and ' still roore are ex· pi os ion of gas in the cellar, of his home on July 21st and a serious

aUack of the flu in ' February ' of this yenr may also lia\'e helped to ,tho -hoarty- co·operatlon or undermine his 'health . The burns sustained in July had almost com.

lOS, ond we wont you to leel pletely healed and Mr; Lambert IVas feeling especially good all Fri. y to visit our classes aD)' I

cl' 'e. Watch us. day and was about town the mosl of the day and early in Ihe e\'e· I

~~ Ga_ At Sa"DDa ' nin(1. AbQut three o'clock Salurday morning he was laken with a l very'serious aUack of dilation of the heart and for several hours his I ' '

\'DumtMir of Sabulii faDS .conaition was critical, but during the day he improvea considerably. I _"' ......... _ II double·header ball game The 'second attack coming near rnidnilZht could not b,.e overcome and ~ willel, , loa during th" MeloD Day " 00 yesterday.. MaquokeQ S'ab'ula 's distinguished Citizen passed from among us: Gnh er

S ••• ooolo the first game 6 We speak of the lale Senalor Lambert as Sabula', mas I Dromi. [llan~s ,ame going thlrteeo loolngs neM cilizen betause never in the ,bislory of our lillie cil)' has one AltI '(' said . to have been the best man built u,P a hi rger ' friendship ~rid .. ~. ,wider aCQuain, tance than M •• ~rlll •• ns~.s,' ,yed tn tbla locality tbe pres- ~- '" .. 'D, BluDe Laneos went tms Lambert, nor has, any other ~abul8 clttzen e\'er attalOed the hei2hts. nntlon .te lor Shooo.' aod but lor in public affairs' nor iiven Ihe service , to his cily, counly and' slale liberty ,porLw~uld b .. o "00 ills that he did. , He was lire,ess -in his labors, fearless in his fi(1hts for to sue I 01(., 10nlngs. Huowa'ftsen his constituents . ' conscientious in his efforts to carry out the 1995. v. l)r_Maquoketa._but_was~htt h'reat-wo,rk-er'tr1usted - lo~' hirn~ •• s~m"mlber ('If the Finance elected tbe eighth Inlling .. d, reo of the Stale Board of Education. No one knows betler than rlneprl~9~,'

(avor of PerleJ Blenner who . ~ 1nO& the rel.Loalnder ,writer of this article, who \\'as in .the service of Mr. Lambert for ~tate s,

put-in-by-him-atter the regular 1~3, II. the .the_seS!

d h' eral as!; tional work an I e charity as Chair-7~lo~a'Rg:"!uUo~~te,-5~a-[llJ, :1.~ptl,e:tc!.o'h"!'~d-t'!0:"r· I-,;;;;;~~;" the Masonic Grand Charily Fund for Ihe slale of Iowa. ' :~~n~i; lie .od Beoton' lor ~terun~. For nearly thirty vears Tom Lambert was a' leader in all local :r ' ,..ft.ched a wlnnlntl aame affairs, whethe .... it be municipal, business, sport or social, but since ,vu .. da" when that club lakini his position in the educailonal work of , Ihe slate fourteen the D'ubuQ.ue Studebakers.3

'D )Iood.y he .... 10 ~be boo years aio il was impossible for him to take such an active pari in Ihe lok.~ .. aod t~.i deleatod tile ' home town inlerests and this was ,Sabula's sacrifice for the ireater

ij~ijiij~~~~J.E~~a~IJ~ ' The folJowini ' of the life at Senator Lam'

senatP. twent~·

tbtrt.let ond ge unusua aes.slon:



Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

w •• ~", h. ';uij,-;',ii;,; ye .... alia It wa. impossible for him to t.ke such nn aclivep.rlln the .• 10 ond Ih., d.I.,lod I'" home town Interest. nnd this was S.bul.·s sacrillce for the IIreater 'II..... ll00d Qf III Iowa, The review of the lile ot Senator Lam'

... - '" unu.u ~

lteu\ f)n • 1m\! of tl him .... , ..... 'I \; .. ~~~;;;;:"~Iq.U~~~~ HiatQry, anti .. "''' written by tlLld lKu

tho Ipplloatinn or suoh unnmtt· clmpallt t t ""'"" or town, waa the . happ, blrthda, party,

~~~t'''rr ·~~\ n her tHe:" Those present and Mrs, A. Flodin. Mr

L Ackle)', .Mrs. V, Ackley . Hickey, Chlcalt0; Mr. and

Meyers, Mr. ami Mrs . !lngs and bab" anu .E . W Clinton: )!r; , .. I Mrs. H. J' ,I r. and Mrs. Ralph GiddIngs .'hUdren, Mr. &nd r,irs, \V, and tl'le Children, Mr. and

Laing and three chUdren, Mr. and Mrs.

men are capable or . /loti ¥I"HI

:U:i,m~ \~(~f~I~,;~:,,,~.~:~t.~~.~,~~Z' !m~l,~~I~~~. \ rtl ilJ flr! tit !!Tij<~~llr', Y!"~ OiJo/) W~\ ern· tn tere~v

anyhlnR' th&t ~uld tldence Ilnd esteem ot his ' fellows . possibly be accomplished by the ting-· Ue was born on " farm ' In' llnlon 1 ers and bralnt)t the Il' ..... prletllr. Many tt)wnslitp. Jackson county, Iowa. t ..... n a night on "Issue day' " that tnfaU",· mt1~ west of S,abula, February 13, able toller 'dld nllt cease his work OI.nd 185-'), Il ls father, Thomas D. Larr.- seek his couch until three o'dock In

cnmm l t t,< broad· !:, t l or, ~ ,

bftrt, W:\S born In Skowegan, Maine. the morn ing , and then arose In time e.e ry '· and his m"Otl~er, Sarah (Guenther) to pla.ce the edItIon In the malls for o ~ I'! i'·, Lambert was born at WII1l~mapor't, ' the morning trains. He was out or Wht!11

Pent:lysl\'.anla, of Ge.rman al:\l'estry. debt in a year and re}'dy r()r other , . Tile :fa.ther , durlnK most of his ure, enterpflses in which surplu! ellt:rt(y Dum,O" the trade or a stone ma'ion In . .mll{ht.tind \ent,

rs, n--Dectmber:-t~"!'J;-he-f!lrmed-a COnll!;!!

l.c.1. of Sabula, ' enough, became his assistant In t.hat partnership wltl, Charles Ii Cnttrm. I lastl r.~t ... j . occupation. lie gained the esselltl~ls a brother·ln·law, anti as Lambert &: I I n II ,.Mng Associition .News of , an 'educat lon in the public schrol Cottf) n , ·engaged r'lr se,'e ral yean In . ~t r. L .

'~'~~,~;;~:~es:~k:~;:~~I,~:,:~:- of .the \'Illage .of _ ~abula, but a.s he : pork packlll..:-_anlL KraIrL bllyln~ . In ! a (." ':r:'~; II approached 0l:UM1OO(J. availed himsel f .. 1 ·~~ 1i he ,~('qtllrelt the lead.lng Insur · W I.I;.>II:"

the opportnn\ty for . further culture an'ce agency of the t'J"'n. A larloi"e I the h ,: atlotdell. . an excellent P1\\'ate school farm 't"'? miles from the town i mak t!: ,

n, ~~~"'t:tit~~aTI~':~--tJ:!~ Mrs. A. ·. lt. Darllnt{. limits was acquired a numiJerof years : tI ,e T~: : ch.

J. or tbe lio~ ship. The builders' trade alTordlnt{ uecupa· . "1{ 0, and t .) Its upuulld\nj{ has )l:one ' t ht .:.i '

.,'F : Thomsen delivered 56 lion for the summ~r months only, he Ulany d;\ys or rea l p lea" lIr~, as w~ l l ::l !'l : C n i,'c r '

.hoat3 that a\'e m~E:d' 210 also ror se\,cral · years found employ- Intellll{ent . slIpen\<;i')fl. F"r se\"t:ral "'!i d 11.l.!


... ¥en Inu,.lot.. uf ~M.' \ \80 went. to tlie city,

M ... men\. all a. butc her durina:r th", wlnler". )'eara ... rtliltr 1$"" 1l0i! wll"'Il"ij{'''' hlli!,j wiLli : r~p u rl :. Opportunity Clune , In July. 1""'1. loll" la.ttl AnLhOllY iitlilltiliu ti ,e ,,."'Ocr- 1 ~tlt llilo t .

~o" entrance I.nto a ~ .. pca.tlon for which sllip antj !lHt.lIat.:"ement ~I r tile lIel!enle i l ;,r,tl n'"1I~, . he had .concelved astr"onK lIkln~. The I1erald at that place, j lllles.\ ~ Sal>ula Ga.7.et.te~ after \' Iclssltudes Along ..... Ith Ids IlIl~n .!l C huslne:is i self In~ ' untlet vllrluus proprietors, had ob· activities the r ~ always eXisted ,ln the 1 \,:tb iI ~. tallied and enjoyed consl.derab!e pr~s· mind or Thomas Lambert. an earn~st ; thoroll)tl tlij'e under the editorship of Dr,.t . desire to gl\'e some part of his t.dents · re ... 'Onlm, F. lo'alrbank, until that 'gentleman's and hili lo\'e or ..... ork to t.he sen'lce of' endorse r:

I. E. Ladies Aid E,' loadles Aid Society ... ·ut lie home of Mrs. Wro. R.

WedneSday a.fternoon, . 12th .. where they will be ·d by Mrs. lIerman Jacobs :. II. Haynes . ..

'111 be an Important meeting ,erlcan Legion Auxiliary at II rooma Th,prada, evening, ~ 13th, at 1:30 o'clock. Enry

1 • death In 18i9 had compe1.led a change his fellowmen . Without ,'ery ruuch ' as ..I)r. of control. Frank rio Hand t.rled It a of 'elfort on his "art, this took the I or th~ • Httle more than a. year, but WaS the.n form or public otIlce. lIe ..... aselected Adnuct rndyto 'glveltup Alu N, Gray.&. city recorder o(Sabu!aror 1oursuc· brought 'Ol,"~ printer" from Chicago, appeared C8:t!ihe terms , an:! mayor ror eight before up ... n the ~ene,'a, partnership ' was- success"e' terms r W&S justice of the as&!mbl ~ formed wlth- Thomas- Lambert., and- peace ror lTnlpn township about twen- three bo , Gray &: Lambert attacked with great tJ ybrs~ ",,'ilS elected secretary of the! lnstltut!

up the"':"sc llool-boartl- (or;-tlle- Sabu la-Ind~·- of-pllssa)

1 McElroy went to Mltcl,ell.! ~.j, t.o t.l.ke b;lCk t:> the !SUa.! school at that place a ,

. enterprise, With Ii few pendent Schoul District In 1~'2, aDd iUj{ a \Ill

on Aprll 20, ISS1, Mr. Gray held tha.t ottlc.e continuously until his assembl: died, and Mr, Lambert with · very ' reslij'flCltion In l00J when hls:1ppolnt- booy wi Uttle ~ or either money or experience • . ment on the state board of education came a h.d. to face r{ir6blem of considerable required his absence froul the . clty. 1009, 1 magnitude: Wltl.la courage and self· i HI! political attillat!on ..... ~ a.lwlt.),s of"educa confidence that became a leading I with the deruocratlc party, and, while trol the

11".-\ ' Idt the losUtutlon pt '.salon and ftllo . was

lied In this city Tuesdar

chara.cterlstlc of his career, he te. ; no lover ot polttlcal d isputation, he ca.ttenal . Style Sho"" Sept, 19··21 at ved to continue the paper alone, : always took delll{ht In aldln~ his shall se . ,m CQllteum', atJd In a few years the Gatet~ became. ' friends In the party, and In the actl- member:

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:'\one of the most successful new~paper' \ \'Itles of conventions a.nd camp;lgns. three rut

. ,!lI"opert,les In the count,. It can· I From about 1~2 J l16 never ml~ ... ~ lilt, ,,""om (

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

II.U relat.h .. from tar and td w h,lp Itn. Leonard

hi Jl~lnr. "llirft,; UrII/I't'ffl,' A' , Ackley, Mn, y, Aokley II'-~ey, Chlcl'o; ~Ir, .nd

, en, air, Ind Mr>, [InA" aDd bab't alill .E. W Clinton; Mr. and Mu. JJ . J: I,-..nd M, .. BaJpl,QlddJn,p 'hlldren, l\lr. and rtirs. W. and Ove ehtldren, .\Ir. and

14alnl{ and three children, this c1ty; Mr. and Mrs.

.- )1r0 e,iiiIe)laco and . ce, of Sabula.

III1UC.U &Qte ' , b, hi. o~n untlrlnlt I)url"" Lhe lint. s'u rs of . L;UllKle t.o IlIaj·) , ,, Indust.ry . and thl application of 1111:11 pla.ce Lhe ent.erflrlllWJ upon & safe ttnan. wa' Rl S lte rlll"!l( quallt.t •• of brain I nd IIUrL Qt,1 pl l ne , no hired labor "" ern· In le fclJ L& ~u'~~»"I,I~.,.t.tll\t.IItA/I!I"~ I\!4'MII<I: pli>l~, 11\ oIIU" .... ,..I"~ .~'" .•• Q~\II WlI~,~.1¥iI l1e WI! born on " farm In' tlnlon IH'llnt! braln/)nhe IWlprlewr. Man)' u rold'D1It t~"no\ilp, .racklan count1, lQWI, ~ .. (. a nlKht on " Iput day' ,! til&t InratlK' lion! tt. . mi l •• ""t!lt of S .. ~" I ., .. ·.bruary 13, able toller 'dld not ceu.e Id! Work u.nd il p~ r5 l !1t HS5.\. 1111 father , Thonlu n , Lllrr .• ' /leek hl8 C()uCIi until ttJue u'clock In t:'l1~en(JB,I lH!rt.. Wi\3 born In Sko"egln. Maine.! til. m f) rnlnl:' , and t.hen am~ In time c-re:rytld" ."d l~b lUoIJ.Jer. s.,.J~ (G.UeN~) ' to plfWt tI ••• d/Clrm In u\1J mall. lor .-., .,,.,.-rt. Lambert was born at WIIUarDaport. the morning trains , He wu out or wil~lI . as Penn),s\vanl&. ot Ge.rman al)<:estry, deht In a yur and rd.dy rnr other eflm mll U: TI,e ·· rather , durlnll roost'or hi! lire, enterprises In ...,hle b su rp l u ~ e ll~rt(}' ~\·~nt.h pursued the trade ot a stone Dl&,on In .mIKht..Hnd lent , :iiriLles I Sa.bula-;- ·and- tho · son ~-u-soon u ·'91d "":- In- Dec-em her;-18o!J;- he- (nrmed-a compelle! enough, became his asslst.ant In that. partnersblp wltl ' Charles H Cottlm. : Iastl n).!' . occupation. lie Katned t.he essentials a brother-tn 'law, and as l.ambert & I In the

lIMllI Assodation . New. of j an education In the public schrol Cottt>n , ·engaged r')f 'Se \'e ral years In . :o.t r . La:1 , ul~ · Lh·esto<lk:·-S1.llpplng of .the_ \·t1Iage or Sabula, but a~ he I poric pac klrl..:-_ antLlotraln_uuyln"._ ln I a C'!JU:~:I I shipped .two carloads of approached m:ullllOod a\'alled htmself .. 1 ~'l 1\ he aL'l lulred t he leading Insur· Wl:l pp :e 'le carlo~d of catt le )·yter of the oPP9rtnn,ty for. further culture 3.n'ce a.geney of . the t. ' ..... n. A large! the li lt .. rattle belonged to W _ F . afforded by an excellent P1l\'ate school farm tw') miles frolll t.he town ! make a (1, .wh6 accompanied the ('ond~~·-Mrs .. A. · R. Dar ll nl{ . , limits was aC'lulred a number or )·ears ~ tl.e r:ee.! city. or the hog ship. The builders' trade alfordlnl{ occu pa· , 'ago, and t ') Its upLulhllnto: I,as lI: 0ne ~ t hn~ l' 11

· 'F.-Thomsen delivered G6 ~Ion . for the ~umm~r mont.hs only, .he ·lIlany dilYs or real plea'i url:!. as w~1I a.l'l ~ t: nI H~ ~~ ! hoat.s that a\'eraJ{E:d· 210 also· f.or se,·c ral ·/ea.rs found employ· intelllJ{ent . su per\·I"loll , F 'J r se\'l:~ ra l . ami t!.~ . . e'·en months of age. - Mr. merit as a butcher during the winter'" years arter IS'4 -.l lie was<l1-lSOl' j;tted \\·Ith ~ r~p orl :I

150 \\'ent to the c ity , Or;portunlt.y cam.e, In July. l:;j; ~iI . the late Ant.hony Hrilll{\tl n tile o ..... ner· : !>lii. {:ti"l1

I. E. Ladiel Aid . :: f -· "Ies Aid ::i·oc let)' ... ·ill .e ,ne of Mrs . Wro . R .

Wednesday afternoon , 12th.. where they will be I by M r8, lterman J acolls · II. lIayn ••. ..

~or' entra.nce into a vpcatlon for which sblp a n!j Illo.na~emcllt l)r 1I1~ lIe ll c\·ue ; la ti n!l" . ... he had .concel\·ed astr:onjlllklng. The · lIerald a.t that place. . • i mle,; " ~; Sauuia Gazette', after \'ICLssttudes Along' wi t h his IlIt en~c Luslness ' self Int< . ilnde~ v~ilous proprIetors, had ob- acU vitles ther~ a lways exls tetLin the I w: tb I! I~ tal ned and enjoyed consl.derable pres· mind ur Thom as Lambert an earnest · t ho rouhi tlge untler the edl tQrship of Dr. J . desire to gh'e some part of hIs ta l'enls ~ recomrn t­F . Fairbank, until t.hat 'gentleman 's and hl!:llove of work to the service of ' endorsen deat.h In 18iO had cOJ11peliod a. clnmge hb. fellowmen . Wilhout very much I as ·-lH. j

of cont rol. Frank D. lIand tried It a ot ol'lort on his ~art, t.hls took the ! of the ( Ilttle more ~han a year, but was the.n form of public otIlce, lie was elected Adutlce

111 be an· Important meeting ready to ·Klve .It up Aln N . Gray, a city recorder of Sabula for fuur sue· bro.uj.i:ht Jrlcan ·Leglon AUJ.llla·ry at young printer from Chicago, appeared ee~lve terms. an1 ma}·or for eight bero{e \ I rooms Tlij1nda, eveolng, u~ ~~ the !!.Cene,·~ partnershIp ··was ·auccesshe· terms, was justi ce or the assem.,b l} · 13t.h, at ':30o'clock, Every formed - wlth- Thomas- Lambert, snd -peace for tT nlpn t.owl11hlp ·about twen.! thret! bo ..

'~IIIi1i';J Nolice

· uraed to be present. Gray &: Lambert attacked Wlt~1 great , ty yhrs; Vo'as elected secretar}' of the ' In5tlwt~ ·~~~~~~~!ill"---.,..--+elle:rry-the-tuk--Or-bu Itdfhg up the-scllool-l>oanl-ro r:-tlu~-Sabu la- l nd~· of· paS53l' McElroy went to Mitchell.:. newspsper enterprise. With a few pendent School District In 1"'';;'' and I . . . . . I I " - . III{ a. Ult:

,day, to take back t.l t.he mont IS, on April 20, 1881, [\. r . Gray . held that olllc.e continuously until his &SSt!rub ll st..!a\ school a~ ~hat place a died, • and )I~ . Lambert. with · ~er, , reslKnation In 19U'J ..... hen his :ippoln t* I body wi had · left the Instltutloo little or either money or nperlence. ment on the st~te board of education came a.

perml.ssloD. and "ho. wss h"'d..to race. a1iroblem or considerable , rellulnid h l~ absence froUl the. city . l~l"-~l. 1 led. In . tbts ctty Tuesday magnitude. With a .courage and self. I His political afUlIat!on was ~Iw~ys ofeduca. ·

confidence . that became a leading \ with the deMocratic party, and, while trol the Style Show Sept . 19 •. 21 at char~cterlstlc of his career, he 're' l no lover of political dlsput&Uon, he catloe al

solved to continue the paper alone , ;.always took dellw-ht In aldin .: his shall st . ~~~~.~..........,;..- ~ ~ ___ ~ _. Uld In. .. few yearstheGazet.~ bec~me . friends In the party, ~nd In the acU- meDlbe r~ -~~ -~ one of t.he most succ~ful new~paper· \ \'Utes or conveotions and campalgn·s. three nn

E . "'\ -properties ~n the c.o unt.y :. It .con· \ From about lSS2-, he ne,'er mlt:aed a wl.om "

')EA"'H'~R ' tlnued under · the sole ownersblp··o( I county convention ror t.wenty yurs, pollttca l " . J Mr. Lambert, ~ntll June 1, 1919, wheo alid for· u long a .tlme attended most officers "::==;;;;=;'_::::;_~-;;;;J ~ he - Te~lre~ from t.h~ publlshl!"!g Held . . an of thi=state ·coo\·enttons or.~ hls tn-the w .... cMI.. ......... ,rl..,. Succ~ : dld . not· come ·. o·,er broad \ party. : 10 1SS, he was .. delegate to the :letl ~ltr • . '. and ftowerr paths •. but was cbmp.lled the democratl~ D .. tlo~~..t ~on.ent~on the boat



Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

; ,i)rovc~ 'co'I~;iJ~'I:~'b'I;;: I not be overcome nntI

._ ... ... . .. _ ....... ............ ...... ". - ... -- .. ~ ,'- . -..-.. ......... ".'., ,, . ,' . ' ......... _ .......... ... . whl r: t. lUul, at. St. . L u u i:<';1'lltlllum lfla ted Wlle fi t.il e time C';&1l1' r " I

na us, Gt Vllf CI I .• d AI' .. . " r " Ie ,e flC-u t!v ~ ;~nu an • cllil G. Thur· tlllO o f tll:tt II n .. nl'~ c t ,

Sabula's most promi . man as the p~rty sl:ulI.iard burets. !allurli wht.:b Senal,)r I:~II~~~~ , l~~~ ,mr little city has one Althuu.rI.!jtron~ly.~u l lcited hypart.y . expended III maklnR' Invest.! aUona le"<. .ntnnce th811 M., friends to accept. a n ORllnall nll for ' al1 el In d e \'I~lrliC tIm plan n II{ II 'r attained the he ityhts the state lel{lslature a l su cct!9~hecolI_ I jllaced In ;,periltl on. lOW lapp y

• ytmtlons At L b I I, • po nted Inevlt· city. county Bnd' state ' • t . alii ert never fell. at I ably t r> blln a.. .. lu democratic ri:H:lUib . I Ilberty tn de't' ll{e the necua~ry time The appoIntment W Ail made nd e •

\ \

. \r ess in his fiihts for to such dut.y unt.O. t.he canl palgn of his alckness t.hla ,ear Ile de~~t«ld ~I~~~ ,)rts to carry out the 1895. when ,he was nomlnat.ed and se lt wlt.1I una"arlnl( l.eal and ener lie Finance Committee ' elected as a member_oLtheJlouse.of _~_the f.u rt.herance of What Is genera~J \ !lOWS better than th repres~nt:lt.h·es. 'He wa'J reelected recoa:nl".~d as a Kreat reform, 7 ___ _ e or Mr. tambert ror In l~9 •. and · nominated and elected In the benevolent and 80clai

. ~ta~ senator In 189f1, and :lllam In ' 1I1 1.at1on,,--o(-tll1scomll1un fty.o~~ . ___ _ . him after the regular l1}O3, t~IUS serving In tire housedurtDg ~anlben. became.ln Odd Yellow SOOIli ;! .labors of the educa- the sessions or . the_ twe~.t)' ·sllth Ken· after attaining his maJority, and. talc • . onic charity as Chair- eral assembly. the ,eltras~sslo n oftlie Inl{ an ' active Interest In t.ue worlc - .--- " Ie state of Iowa. twe~ty.slJ:th. ;January to May, 18'.)7, 800n "passe~":' the chairs." and h 'lld~

. and the twenty·se\·entli: and In tl.e \ the honors of a p&at grand or La(a,. IS a' leader in all local liena-t."" durtnll' t.he aea_t? ns .Of the et.te Lad" •• S o . 39. n . h .. bS~b-for.-----­)rt or social, but since twent~··ell{hth, t · w " n t y ... I II t h, a. nu mber or. years a membt.r of Ken. of · the state fourteen thirtieth, thlrty·tirst' antt thlrty·sec' j nedy Camp, Modern WoodmeDof Ame-

.: h an active part in the ond general assemblies, .maklng the ' rlca, of Sabula. and has represented unusual record of 'eIght successl ve . the local body tn state and In national

1crifice for the greater sessions or the legislature . More than I gatherings .. He was alSO a member Ie life of Senator Lam:' ODe of these Do'mlnatlons were KlVen of Volunteer Loole K D I R' 11 t I or

!'Y. a~rt ..:.w8s.written. bY... ~!!~~II:~!!~s~uJ!~_ .e:J:!~ ~~<:.~~t:,. ~~c~ . ~-!.~'~!:" ' -':"';"" '7 , __ ..... _ .... , ~ .•• ' ._.~ the v1ltor and sklll with which the highest honors have been garnered

~at' --\ of such unremlt· campaigns for election were c( 'nducted He was raised ~ ~laster Mason In t, men are capable of , l\nd won In the. face or adverse party Resu'rgam Lodge ,. No. 169. of Sabula,

. first yu'tS or struggle to majorities . His legislative career October 2, 1882, and at ODce became t.erprise upon a safe linan- wa... .. 1):1:lrked by entire devotion to the proti clent In the ritual ot that an. no hired labor was em , Interests or his constituents: close clent institution. He was elected dq anyhlng that could arid la.bor:iou9 attention to duty on worshipful master while stili a YOUDIt

~cco:npllslled by the .ftnJt· cl)mmittees aDd on the fl oo rsj and a Mason, and iJeld that orr Ice for sever . n o~ the proprIetor. Many broad-minded view or a ll public Ques. a l years' continuous ser,lce. lie 'be· Issue day '" that Inratlg. tlons t hat arose. ' He was throughout gan attending the grand lodge, A . fo~ . Id not cease his work and a. pers l ~tant toe of es.travagance In &; A. ~t., of Iowa. as l;i0on as he be'. uch until three o'l!Io\!k In expenditures. and bitterly a'ttacked Clome entitled to membership therein, -to and then arose In time everything that bore the semblance and had no, missed one of Its \annua} e edition In the malls ror or Kraft . He created a sensation C:JO\'ocatlons since. 0{ trains . He was out or whell , as a. inemt>er or the printing A fLl!r senke 0 11 Importan t corn. year ' and reldy ror other committee or the house In the twenty· ·m lLtees at d llJerent Urnes . he was In whic h surplus en~r'KY sevenLh assembly he ~:r.p osed Irre~u· appointed In l SO~ chatrman or the ent. .. larlUes In the public prlntllll(.. and com mittee on c hartered lod).{es, and

, ber:-l .9~3;--he-rormed-a .compelle.d.J.eJorms_tJlat_l la!.e_be~I)~lOd necessary wurk to _J~~hose "'ltL Char les Ii Cott.m. lasting. ' . j ma;{ nlt uue had appalled pre,\'lous Ol.! ·

I ..• L b & I . . . cupant s of t bat Important post It e " a w, an"" as am ert In the thlrt\'. lIrs t general :l~sem bl y , .


'aKed for se\'eral )e;f,rs In . )tr . LamlJe rt ' was appointed one ur ' ga\"e u~ da)S to) t he task that lie could , .. and " ritln bU)'ln'Y In·1 I" r ' I ' S • . l ll y ~ pare. ant.! at t ilt! nell. sess ion or .... ~ - PI - . .. - ;~ -comm " ee.- 0 ~'" ) . r: 1 ena"or ; . ~ _ . _ __ . luired t he leading Insur'

l Whip ple . w a~ chairman . to SIL t.! u rln~ : t l l ~ ~ ranrt . lotl)o; e was a b!e lo repor t ............"

~. or . tile t'Jwn. A large .the Illt er'\'a l IJ'?tween sess ions atl(l' th.lt unse tt led a Cl'Ollul s ' with the


,ni l. , rro •• , ',.,. '0\'·" k I . " I·' • ,\ l)ilJ.:' t!s , some nf wldeh had exis ted ror . .." ma 'e a.. t lo r:)U r \ . ' . ' ,h on {hI) . leq !' red a number of yea rs ti,e needs of t il e Ll.oree ~ re a t educa., !. :\H-::l-ct!n ttrrY7-w:-n:-aT1- cl eil.f~-1tI1I~"~----, u pl.Jtll l dln~ has Mone ~ lI oll .. l· in<;t lt uLi'JOS or t Ile state. Lhe ~ H e ':- \t~ nlt i '.' n l l f t: .t1Il'i en.:) :o.e ... ·u re t1 hl ~ r I I . II ' 1 • ' . ' , e lect ion IJI 1 8~lh as · ~t! nl . r '· r ,~nd , rea p ea'ou re . as \\e as . C niverslty . the A ~rlcultu r ,\ 1 Cllllel{e . W " ' . ,.. slipenl slolJ F I r se n:.ral · 1 ·1 ., l v I . I I ,. .ledet! . and t ht! ~'roll\ fl l lI': l,v llor camc

. • J . • ~II ( l .e :,~a e . ~ (} r rn a :'C I .... ·) : a l II ,,0 \ 1 .. t it . . J . ' ~l\ , 1~'1 'il le W as a~soda.tedwltlt l . rt:pu r t a p ial! for hrln.:I" ~ t lJ l)seln. \ ' Ien a s !'e.s~ I" · 1 III Olle . !~~ • • Ie · 1 . r.· I' I w :~s elected. Grant! ~hster for tile ., If)TI!, r.," ( Lilt Ie owner· I ~tltllLl ull s Int" uu,re 1:a rmunlu lls re.,

, I I . Jtlr isll k tl !) l1 of Iowa. In Deo.:e mbe r: .lI a.:emetlt of l .le Ie levu e '1IaLl(H1s. ami til In!-. ti t.u telleel1 t!lI e ... ·o llu. I . 1\)1 . ' , ;~f Ler Il ls term as .... i rand }.taste r ilat p ace. I mles .. Sen ~:' ll r Lambert threw him·

Ilad cnded .he was a ppointed to rill a lth Ills Ilit ense Ijuslness . se lf in tll the work or {his cummittee '·a\.,\!I .... . \· a..'i o'ne or :' he t rus tees or t ll t>

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

",oJ",I'I.,. Ill s lo ,rl8lall" career OCl,.jlJtH 2, 1 ~82, and at onCl beeaene ttrlt )'olton or .lru~"h~ to \0" I I • I '1 I' I r'l \ w ••. 'I,.,ked I)y .n tlr., dO'II)Llon t., the prol c Ofl.. n It Ie r "U<i 0 "I' an·

" 'prl"d upon 10 lIl\ fe Itnan· I I ' 1\'1 II ol ' c'" Int.'".... 01 1,1 , conat.ltuenLl', cluse c ent. ns .. u .. on. e wu ~ \.oVU no hired labor wr.s em · .; - I I 'I •• I I I '111 .n" l"bo, lou •• ·'.nt.hm tu dut.y on W f)(5 I P U ma8 "",r W I e II.. a 1t)unR'

do ,nlhlng that r.'Ould ..... ~ II Id I t"1 r C",un,ltt,,9 and on tile rlt>Orsi and a MILSOn, Ilnt J" to" 0<1 co or 8oe'.r. ,coompllshed by the tlng· 'I I II ' •.• ' ·,o,d.nllnded view' 01 all public "ues- al )'61/1.r8 cunt. nUOU8 aerY co. , .".., .

. 10' "110 IHnprletor . ~hn)' U " It dl'l d I'" A ~ tloo!!. tllat .rooo. · lie WI.!I throulthout g-an a. en "Ie .. Ie Kran 'AiKe. . r:. l~ day' " that Inratlg· ..... '.I".nt foe of 'ItrllvaKance In &. A. If. , of JIHU, &.III ,,)I'm &-, he be"-!d nnt cease his work Ilnd .. ~ I I d •• •.• I 1'1 I " " II ""III "I' •• n'~lu\lM In 9"p",IHI!t.u.r.,~ , tultl btU.rly !f1,hckell cJ.me ant. t. e "" m ortl ..",rll I I' \0 1I!r¥ ", n 8"11 ,_" •• ""'" Itt "hI, .""'~' '' ''I" ... 'tl'" VA" IJ! It Ii ",nlt} l/Hu'. and h :ul n·)1t rnh ... tul line IJr u" ,~n" "'" J edition In t.he malhl tor o! I{rdt , lie created a a6n~atll)n c ' ,n" l)cat ll)n~ alnce, ~ trains , He was out of Wli611, as & inem~r of tile printing After lIe rvlee 011 Inq)l)rtallt com ­ear and reluly fM other committee of the house In the twent.)'- millees Ott d\tft:r~nt times , he w"",, In which slLrpill::l entlrt{y s6 \'enth assembly he ~.lposed Irre..:-u- al}polnt.ed In 1 90~ cha.Hman of the I!nt, .. la rilies In the plIhlk prlntlu)(.. and com mittee on chartered lodges, ~m1 ber:-18-~3-;-he-rMllled '-a- ,conlpelled_ reforms _ t ha.t_ ha.\'e_ been \J~e r(H1 r:!.d. ~.cess~_!)~\~~_~ _ tf) ,j.f} whllse

"It' CI I II C tt Ilastlnl' . ma;.:nlluJe hao appalled prevl'lu5 (/C-10 lar es . 0 I) n. " · , . I " I ' -I ' . I cu pants or that Im portant pmll . He

, aw. anu as Lamoert &: In the tILlrty-llrstp;enera l assembly, ~;t\"e up da)'/I t .) the t~.,k t.hat lHt c<)u loi Ll{ed fllr ~e\' erl\l yurs In , ~tr , Lallluert was appoin ted ,one Of : Illy ."parc, and at. tilt! nelt ~es5lfm ,,( -.{_ anL.! _KratrLl..luyln)(. 1n I i\ \,'vmm lttee, of \\" II I I: It Sen,\tor ~ t he Io:'r:l.lI ll " ~t1~e "~I:;!e l~j"" repvrt ulrell the It>ad ln~ Insu.r- ! Whipp le . w;~s chairman. lO! s it durln/{ ' thaL ufLse-tt ll!d ael'Ou nt .... wllh th ~


of . tILe t.)wn , A lar~e the IIll er \'301 h/? tweell !;esslons. all tl: \lJd.:: es. smile .nf widell llad ul \led for miles trulIl the town \ make a,. yi!IWUlb"'b lu \" e\t.I.::.!!.t lon IlltfJ 1 .. ,H1 - centmy-:--l\"cTe--at l clell-redl.."tI~pr..----­:l lulred il number or years , tILe neetl!! or tILe t1.L ree I{ re at educli" I Hecul{ ult.l ', 1l of emden!!) !-lecuret.i his .. ~~,~ u.p.lmlldln~ has I{ one ~ t\ !Jl\"al' in;;tltutiqns of ~he st:~1.e , the : e lection in l ~n!j a.s ' !-le ul ,r g-rand

~. · te.at:-1Jle "sure, as wl:!ll a!'l l l "ul \"crslty, the A.::rl cullli ral Colle){e , warden , antI thc l· tI)\\ nilll{ Il 'Jllor camc ~trU1:;'1\ lslou, Fur sen:.ral , a.ml l·l.e State ;\ (J rma\ Schl>ol: ant! to wben at Ils ses!-l i,,') in J unt:". j :::~tl, lie ~~~ he wasassol'lated Wlt.h .!.report a pIau for hrln){lfL){ t.i l'lSe In - WliS eleded Grand Master for tlLe-"":"":"'--­

: l onyHraTltl1.llLtbe(Jwner- l ~tlt ut.ioll s Into more l:a r:noniuus reo. ;u rlsJ ktl'Jfl "r I,)\\'a. In December, ' ---­naJ.:"ement or l ~lt! Be llenle ! tat-lons, and l u Instit ut..: necJcll CCOll u - I\JI~I , afLer Ids term as (irand }.lasLer at place. . l lIl l.es ., Sen~~o r Lam bert threw li im - b:J.d ended.be was appuiutellto 1111 a-li . 'i Inle nse huslness self IntI) the work of thi s committee \'acant:\' as o'ne uf lile tr us tees uf t he er~ ,\\'a)'s exlsted ,!"n the I w~lh ILls a.cs:ustomed 3. r c.l u r and Grand -Lod).tc Charity F urld: a nd thts ,mas Lambert a.n earnest , thoroll ~hness, and tile .plan which \ t oll \ce hv s',lccess l\'c electlnns In J,{rand t! some pa.rt of his tarents.1 rct:ommended h~s receh·ed· th~ heart}' . lod..:e I;e cfJT)ttnued to hoM until he or ""'ork to the sen' lce of 1 enqor5emen~ _of ~ such hl.: h authority : fe lt that he must lessen stJme of his HI, Without "ery much 1 as ·nr. HenrI S . Pritchett, president l:lbors and refuseL.! re -election three • his part., this took the I of the Carnegie Foundation, for the . ye~r~ a~o. lie I! a meomlJpr of f)t! )1 0 -

lie otr1ce, lie was elected Ad\'ancement or Teaching. fhe bill ; lay Con!<lstory , :-'; 0. ,1, Ancient and At!-' r of Sabula for four sue.: b,rou'ght In by the committee and latd I cert.ed Scotti sh Ittte, of Cl lnMn, I 0 "" a, IS, In:! ma}'~r for eight beror~ tile'" th~rt}' - s~cor.d general .. a.nd a. 33d .de·!o::ree ~hslm , • ,erms WILS justice of the "ssembly, found the lnrluenr.e of the On A'ugust ~ . l ~dJ, oc!!u rr~d t b~ Ipn t6wn!lllp-aoout tweD· thre~ b. ,a.rdg or -regents"of those-state~rrlige or ' rhOmas r..ambert -and i elected s.ecretary or the Institutions too potent, a.nd It fa.l led i Miss J ennie Cotton. daul{hter Or Cb:u, J-ror:-the-Sabula~lnd~·- .or"passage:-butrSenator- W-hlpple;-be- , W. and SI rs . Ell zabetlllt1~a~ye;;;';')~C:;"Tt.'----­,001 OIstrlct In 18.'32, and. ' till{ a. member also or the thlrty , thl ~d I ton, p lone~rs or Sabula , Their un(,m ' I ~e continuously until his assemb ly . fl resented 1.1. Refore , that : was b lessed with one daughter, ~1 rs,. In 1\)1)9 when his :ippolnt- body with better success: and It be- I Milton G. GaJ.:"&.,.uf Cedar R!.plds . He. ' ~ state h oa rd of .educatlon came a ' law to ta~e effect In July , "sldes the ..... lfe and dau~hter he leal'es !I absence "trOUl the. city, H)()fl. This law pro\' ldes ./or a. board ! one brother , Chul es Lambert , of this .;&1 atrlllat10n was al ways of education of nine members to ~on- i cit)" , ., . , :nocratlc party, a~d , while trot ~he ~Italrs ,of the thre,e.s,tate edll: I. T he fUll em! senkes \\erc held at. ~ polltlcal dlsputatton, he catlonal ' ~nstltut1ons , and ,that the) 'i the late hum \! at.:! :;;n o'l'lock Tlle~ lby ,k dellght tn ald1nll h1s shall select rrom · outSide their ow n ! afternClO Ii ami We r\! 13rJo!e~y attended: 11e party, and In the_ actl- membership, ::t. finance committee pf I Ih)t ( 11 )\' br reshlenls or1t hb city and. DvenUoDs and campalKos. tllree ~embers, 110 t nRir~ Ufin .t"·o of ! \,klnlty, b'~ t '\iy friends fr oill ',,1l vve r t 1 "Q~ ', he ' never ml!sed a wliom shall be memlJers or tile same i the count.\' and fr,)1U Clinton ~nunly

\ \

n In ror twenty years, pollttcal pa.rty., 'who shall be :oal"ried I ami \' arlo~s pa rt !". ,,! t he st :i.l~ , A m ' \l1l{

long a .ttme attended most officers and spenj, th~lr whole tl m~ 1 those present were :-OIr, LlmlJe-rl':;; :\ s­state~con\·entlons-or_- ht!!r In tl'le-wodc ,of the boa rd. thus_beln){ ' soc lates on~t1re- Ftnance Comm ittee (If~-t "":""" lAAR he was" delegate to the actual . administrative ofTkers of

· atl~' · D.tlonal Iconventton the board. .(Contlnued 011 Pal!,"8.d) . .


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. , .' . , I to," tltot. "at ouUrom f.j •. I --:-- .-___ 'COlO -----~:::::::J~' -' I 1]'''''''''111"' .>"TIC",.,

"~~"'~_~~II~W~~_~~~~~~~~";_~~~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lut "Hk"ylt.lt.lnr hit pa tcmh· .' :: . tUnr and "Ith friend.,." :->ltJU .~

" , I 0' 0 F HON THOS "MBERT DIES Albert Stolt.z, ot PrOtLQn. d elh'e ' LaFa,ette Lodge No. 39. • • . . • ..... 0 • ~'ord&On 't,actor to Joltn Kt SalmJIIo; 10\\'3, Sept. ~, 10:!J. . (Continued r 1m, tint p&t::e) I aoutll of thts city. a fe .. dl,' . ago .

MB, Llmbert. ·anll ·da'\I .. ht.~r, I " R KI d ., ' ,. ~1to1J \1''' ; 1~ ..... _ ~· . _____ ".' loh, liht.tI lHJlud o r .. edllcAtlonr . W. n. P'I'I , 01 n r~ ~ .nd d&u~lll

1-~~;"o~~~~·J;'f;~trl/;;·~Jt~;e~i Mrr?i~~?~O~&IlIJfl.l:et~.l\~~t~b~1 :;r::~~~~",O:u:~i~~ bereavement In the 105.." or your be. dish, or Des ~!olnes, the former belrg 'or a two-day "Islt &t the home "of loved husband ant.!.tather't the committee's auditor a.nd accollllt- j father, A. E. Drown, ' the tirst of, '.

We know that. your 10" J~ . hl ~lceti . • nt , and we are In form'ed that ~tr ! week. • \ , ileavy, and his m,,"y friend s ·t~l&lI 1. e Bowdish .wlll succeed the late Senat'lr! 4.. M. Guenther wu out (rom (

how widely he will h~ nlis!tcll outMllIe LafL bert as member of the com IOfttco. : cago Sunday and )loDda, vtaltlng Jour home circle. - '"- .=-...:, = J.".T,lJe state board, of education wa.s rep· . the horne or .hls mother, Mrs J. " We ha.ve lost & friend and Hrother" re~ent .. d by Pres. D. D. )lutphy • ...ot l Guenther. . one 'who w~ true, ea.rnelt-, gifted, an~ Elkader: G~o. T . 'Baker, of fJa\'enport; ~t r. ilnd Mrs: Fred Olmrort , generous, "none knew -\llm "ut to elias . R, Brenton, 'of Dallas C~nter; daughters. Ruth and Genevieve 1098 'nlm ; n:on~ na~ed him but I to Chas, 11, Thomas, of Creston. , : Jesup. "!sited Sabula relat! ve.s " praise." , ~ , ! Other Iowans prominent In state , put week'.

' .. ' 'fhe hea\'y shadow or J, great. sorrow ,md educational affairs were Pres. It . ~ Mr .Dd u ... t..' d R ' I ' '- . . A P , 1 A W or p l . .114 ... , I're at IJe and '

is ~pon you, btlt we trust "he lI",ht I . earson, o . me3; . , tt)ud· and Mrs. Martin Rath e vi . wU1 brea~ tlHOl1Kh an-d I~e who "do- root, of Des Moines; W. J, McChe3oer. · l'ela.tlvea In Lost, N.tf~ ' J=~ w

, eth all t.hlng" .... el ! .. hac;; nmde pro\'ls.! W. 11. 9ates, F . E. numlston. and J, day and Frlda.y ',.' Tbl. ·tOM ror ·,. h :'JlPY rtunlurl In l.be great I' M, Fisk, or Iowa City; E . A. Gru~er , ' ' , .. beyond. " Council Ulut!s: ' .l ,E .LanJoCtord, Dayen. Mr, and Mrs. S . C. Luod and ! . While we know.that tiles\: .few illies 'port., . . Soren, returned last week ,1roD will Kh'e but little c ~>Ilsolatioli t~yvur I .P t G d'l I " , I 'I I se\'eral weeks' visit with 'rel&t( &Chill': heart. yet plp';lSe aCC~Dt ou r I as ran .. as ers 0 t Ie IJ ason c Co _ '

. .' SendereSt sympathy, .' . . l ludgc II;"cluded Louts Block , ot .Da .. en . . near lerldge," ~ebraska, Very sincere ly' yours, I" port: . Char l~s. Walton ~ of Dubuque: . Mr . aDd Mrs. J. J, Summen'lIIe

J, A , LelJ,Ch: ' Frank S. Moses, of Cedar Rapids; W. H , Summerville and · Steve Ha., It. M, K}'hl, rs. Gart;\ner. ot . Cllnton; alsl. Deputy motored to Galena , 11~ .•. Monda.y . W. R. Phel.1 I Gra~d Secretary C. C, Hunt. of Cedar. attend~ the annual picnIc of th.

, , Colnmitt .. Rapid.'. ' , Da\'less COulltr Odd Fe11o" ... --~-' ""- . ' . I "l'lle lIervlces ",ere 10 .cha.rge or t.1.. Mr. a.nd Mra. Bert Ch'arer m()~

HAD BRIEF TIME OF GLORY' grand lodge of 1o"., A, F. & A, M. here IroID l':eo .. u1uI Tueoday 10 .' .! lln'd 'prayer was oltered by Rev. Wm. visit with Mr. Chafer's grandpa.re

_.L Ainerican_ Flag.hlp Connecticut, N.· I u. . Phelps. 'of the Methodist eliureh Mayor and :Mrs. A. E. l!cDo:e. tI~"'p,P'tld~ of a ~~Obvean Ago. 1of this city . The funera.l oration, also ~rr. and "Irs Charles JennID,' . f . U .... W.y.. .ol.te. . ' . ' . .

,_ pUblished as an ell!turla l In the C~dar Clinton, Visited here Sunday and ~ • Ottly ' yeR(~rdllr " I\!!o ' humnt. 'eveut~ I Hapl.ds Rep~bllcan,:wa~mo9 t. feellflK:r day at the home or. the latte(s 'are- reCorded In h"';tor,.'. the COnll·P.4't\. j delherell b} \V, R . Bo}d, chalrm:l.n of ents. Mr and ~!rs, J. T: SmIth.

. cut '!n:. tho' f\n~~hlp of Uie prnU! If!:i I I .~he "nance c,)I~n:'ltt.ee of the board of Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Dunham I . ;. n~t .t,t'lAt ever put . to Rcn . "ring Ihp. educatIon, ~hn has be~,~ .closely a~s!) · retUrned from a two manths' ,,151 ~ __ l'tllM'l nnd StrlIH~8; 118 th e f\ne,~t nud I cia tell In the committee s lab~ rs wlt-h the horne of their da.u It '

___ ,bnf":';t ~r tilt' hnpol'l lng hnttl~hlp~ whl r.h ,.Ir. Lambert for fuurteen' ~· ear~. This ~teHord Cit.lkl~s ; In '~Iaso~ ~c~~! " · Dillde-t hp.--"rllhu~_n round_ lhe_ wQr.ld ...... trl bu te_wI ILappeacln~tultl.n ....Q.uL n.e1 ... t__ , r

!tIle "IIl),('\I It l'Itpll llt rolp. In ont' ~, r IIII! II..;sue . ~I rs. G, E. 1IIIsinger cro~ed ti ,e Albe!t- nathe\\'u' returned'Tue~ mO.!'l1 irllllnrtnnl ""I'n!" In II H' hhtln,,- I' "lid It I ' I from ~oft.h Da.kota l where . he 51

" . ' • 'il!r\' ct!~ a . ~ Ie re~ ence \\' I a l'UC:l 'or 1I1~ ,Am('rl!'!!n nu\'Y, . . I I · ... · ' ' I ' G " T TI ,. the past m()nth ., His brother P8'I

- 0' I " I e: "'I I . 511 .') ... "!:arer 11 \ ' {",. (') lee . III ' • I Ie Ill . 1\' I (' I (,.,ml ·r!:-I·.t-tl l:lf- --- ' " • , ' . G- '-- 'I \\ . . remaln ther~ until Christma' '·.'\lIu'ri('un urmll,la ~Ij(.' !,. 111f' , .ill,· " ill' l\l r. le (j.:reen Cl:!lllcter) rand. :\5· .

--~' . . ' . , . "t' \11 1 I G" I I '0- du' ted ". :'>Trs . J ohn S. Cotter and child ._ .. __ f(l~!II"\·h· I·;"'-nllll -n"\\'-~III'- I ~-t~) -: rl''' I,--: \:1 ':' cr , . '! '. avr e C II C .. I . Un' an 0;. X . --------.ri>!f,l·-':lflu·!'I rt'W- nt "111-:"'1 "'"ul:<1::-Th" I-M.: rvh.:c". _ II Idl!h ....:.lfl l.:.hHled-'-the"'- p-'II.~~e!..:-X L .d l\~I. . s_ . ormaSeeber:._o'\Oi\

_.:....::.-. .. (·/.nny .. h !~!l Ill"n' ~l'n' I" p 1I!l I1nl: .~!dr ~Y Chaplaltl J. F . K una, u. of the i'Jca! ; ell" ork. ~re here tor a \"Is\t \ - .lo- JIf'r- rtedILl..h.an....:UIS_AJI®J.o.:ti II .. hili i,.1 ,!. " h:.\:.d' uti a lJea u Lli u I t ()ll c l l l III( t rl L. . I rs. Cot te r s fa the r, w. n. Chaft

,,'M ' " ·lI r ., M" rt'''''''r. !l ll!; l i :I ... •· !ll't-'U Ii, " r .. t ute lJ ' p, G, M:- 4DU!:S B1oc..~O)J..\' = ' ; ;\I r:-ant1-\t.ri.,:;.-.W';:E. -]:-Iftttf't-d\ 1'"nl lnl! "' I1 . .;l~' a'dlY!' Sl'rl"l~H • enpott,:'~' ho Is also ~hsonlc le<;L urer In F.rnest Klrllired, ot Chlc:..!:n . "

• ""I'!lP\ lOr III'r d:n'!l IITHI I'r,,\ •• lhh' In"r,· ts I ,linn , un, (·II I. illll !<Ifil l) III thp, .'\·n ll fOt! 10\\ 30 , ' We hope to be able to p ub ·I., 1I Io!lles at the lome of' their mot

his trlGu,. al "'~ In o.irnex t Isslle. 'fhe :'>lrs. ·L',·di:l, Rlndred . tbe ."'Sl o'. ~tllt, ·,c' 11 11\' )", ,·,·t ' !llu" nf'\'('r Orf'l) II ~ .,,0', ,,' . . c a!ot hct " ;Ii :\:~ewje d !oj' \\'. R. Ho\lI. , week ' . " or . I'III·IlIY,

. ,"", The Unneceiu r), Sex. ,

~ ~r"th(>r <I(>n \' 1111: E~Y1'l lnli rnom . In 1fIIJ.'I"um)-WlllIt .11,1 ynu Ihlnk or It.

Ge(J , 1' , !:a l.:er. J , W . ~\ o·"'dl ~h. IJ , [) , ~ r . and ~fu. Frl'lnk Lynn, of ~ ~~urpliy ... nd W. It :, (iemOlI I1. a ll for· wood. 1'\1.. ,\'Islted here dUl'lnar merly a!> !:>'x:i.teU. II Ilh ~tr . Lambert. . past l\eek " 'Ith ~Jr. Ll"nn's b rot im the board of ellucatl un. ant.! w. S: In·law. , ~fatt Waldellcil. and 0;

• •• # • _. ., ., , ..

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

•• ntroul. "nonl KneW 111111 !UH,. ~IJ ci;;~ li""!i;;~~~"'of 'c;~~i; ;~ , - ,': J.;~P:·~I-~lt~d--iilt;~·I~ ;;j~il ~e~ 'O" 'lltm,i nnnu natlletl hllll tHat Ito I (H!le,'ltlwlul l prominent In ~tilte pu t weele. ,ralll." 1 cI ' t 'rnt. !tOnow and educlLttona\ atTalra were I'rea , n . ; )fro and )frio )I'rtd Illt liJe &nc! 1 I 'rht h ... "y 1 11 ow (l :1 R It ' A. Peanon, of Ame3; W, 'r, l'r"lud· and Mr •. Martin B.&thJe "lilted ." II "\poft 1

0u'l ""' t" 'Jur'r~ ~;'o l!,~", ! root, or Des Moine,: W, J. MoOiI .. nor, · rel.tl'!Jl In Loot. :Nation lut 'l'bL

.. U blr.·lkl t. Irml",I" ",n . ., 't ,'" .... 1".1 W. n. Hitot-e tt , t·, E. tlumllt<')n. and J. dar and. Frtel.,.. . . . ;h.l to I "'" we t I .' III , U I "It. I!: A. Oru ... .,. ' .

Ions for D 111'11\1), r~unl ' lII 111 loho Kreat. / M. . Fbk, of ow ..... y, . D Mr and MrI. 8 . C . Lund I bo1nhd. . C~ulI(! 1I Blufh: J.E,L :1Ollford, aven· Soren. returned. lut .

:«11\1& W!. know t.h~t. t.he~u t.,w IIIu!8 POl~' . _ .. ...... .,.,.""'!'_ "'.,Ii Z,'l\~l-h"dt~:~~~t "'p'tB~'It'~Y(hNlr. .. ~tI ~ I ~ .. ,!r"lIu fllast.et5 of toile Muonlc nut' Coleridge, Nebrulca. \end..rest sympathy , I IIKll:c h.cludcd Loul~ Block, ot D:I.~en · . .

Very SI~cere I Y. ro urs • porl: .Charles Walton. or Dubuque: . Mr. and lfrll. J , J, Summen'l lIe , .. ' I Frank S. MOSes, I') t Ceda.r Rapids; W. tI . Summerville and. Sw.ve R aJ '~ ' ~'t L~I~I~ , S Gardner or Cllnton ' a lsl. Deputy motored to Galena. . 1ft" Monday . ~: it: pfieL. 1 G'rand sec r~tar): C, c, llunt. or Cedar . attended the annual PIcnic of '\h.

Commltt.ee Rapids.· ' • Davless eoulltr Odd Fell~"11r . , . . " I The services were In charge of the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chafer ml')~ HAD BRIEF TIME OF GLORY' gra·nd lodge or 10.· •. A. F. & A. ~l. he,. rrom K,os.U1U. Tue!ld.y r,

.! and ·pra~:er wa.s otTered by Rev, Wm . visit with Mr. Chl1.ter's grandpare .. Am,rlcan . Flag,hlp Connecticut, Na·l it. Phe lps, ·or the Methodist (·tiurch Mayor and ~rs, A. E. McDo:e ,

tlon·, ,Pride of a "Few Year. A.go. of thIs city, The runerall) ration, al~o ]'J"r. and ~tr9. Charles Jennlna-< ' , Put A.way a. Ob.alet. . \ pooHshed as an edltorial'llI the Cedar Cllntnn. visited here Sundar and ~

. , " ,- . Rapids Hepullllcan'"wasmost fee\lp,, :r dar at the home or the latte ( s · , Only , YCRt t"n.lllY" R~ · hurnnl, ' event," ! delhered by W. R . ·Boyd. chalrman or ents. 'Mr and lirs. J. T , Smith. · 'art" recorded In hl~totj, the Conll~ · t l · 1 tl ~ tlnan ce c')mm\ttec or the board or Mr . and Mrs, .E. R. Dunham

C'tJt wn~ tho· flnglllill) or the ()f'ou , I~:it \ . . I .... • ,. ' A. · ft~t ·that e\'er put to "en ft ylng thf'. I educati on , ~ho has lIe~ n ,d osel. a!>"" returned rrom a two month:!' TI ~ l

.. ~tnMi · nnd St r ipes: ' 1If! th e fln e:04 t 111111/ elated In the com m lttee 's, lab~ rs with the IH)me or . their . dau ghter. : " ..... Ot" flo. 1t .. ' ..... I". 1> .. ,,1_101, • .,; ..... ,,\0.,. Mr. L ..... \,.rt. fur r " u,t./ila" "Gr., ... Thl. ~Jelr()rd Calkln5; In !,!Jason .Cltr .

':---:'"~"\h~"- t .. " - .:tll ,,.e:-" ,. ... " n d_ 1 hl!-\\~o r:1 d'-I- t r III u te_w l lLa. p pc" CIIlJ. ~l.tJ n ,~_u L n.-. _tl __ A I bert-J-I a t he w'f' retu rned·Tu e !lhl'! l,tn),('\1 n ~ t f'llllr rn\1' In one " r tl \ ~ l ,:,sne, ~1rs , G. E . I1l1slnger c .osed t he from :O;ol'th Dakota , where he s

.• n!O!lt Iml\l~rtn~ ' "nll:~ In , thl' h l :04 l nr~' , <;~ T\' k~~ a l l ile r.e f.ldel~~e Wlth,~ \' (Jc:l l the past. montI) , HI:'IbrfJther. Pe' fir (1I(' · ... 01('rl. 11 11 OJI' ) . , I s /t I '1" :\'\;l '\ [l!!r My Gud l r,Tl lee ' . III I t\ tllCh It

- or tI e hit Hi \\:1111'11 l'lI lII\ ,t l!' I' ,\- l h:1! 1---'" . 1 - • • G ·- 'I \\ .re.n1a n IQrd un r 5 m a I . , ., At r' reftaeell ce mct.e rl" r ~nd ., ;\ !\" • • o\lIIrrh'un IIr11ull ln "1 ,, .. !.~ t hf' "nl,\' " IU' : , • • I I • du .tetl ' llle ~rr !'l. J oh tJ S . Cot~r and child

-·-·-':- tn-"ul'\·h' l'~ttlll -n"\I· - ~ I "" 1 ... ·· ' 1\ -.... ·,..1_1:"1 " t.t!f ~1 1 1 ' 1 .f , v a b r e (.Ion c , H/I" and MI~ .. ~orm :1 Seeber of 0 ... . , " " I I I . I hulf!d the "r:l\'er - " . .'. -

11"'11 11 l!lflll'!t rm \' nt 1'1I/o:Pf ... 11111:11.- T hl' j :"Icr-ncc-, •. \\ : I! 1:- 1I ~ . ' . t'-'l, ' , . " 'XQW Yor k. are here for a ,.lslt . . ".'!lnny" hll!! IIII 'rp : .... r l'l f·p 11 :04 Il il J.:"'I: ~ f"l 1 ~: Cha~ l alll J . }O . h .U Tll U, uf tt le . )\: al ~Irs. Cotter '" falher . W .11 . Chat • . . - --,10 .I .N c·rl'dit....L1uuw lIl ,\' .... AJu.1!J'JulIL.lJ.U ' ." ,' , 11!~_~l.thUf.JJI:!JlJ~.li!& LrJUCldnll t!.It) •.. '.:: _ .,. ! .'_' . . _ • ~

, .: nr,w ll r .. ~I " r,,·w . "r . !'Oh ., I ; ~I."" ~ \ ·I 'II I;."rp · ute by P . G. :..1 : Lllll.I:L1J11Jc.k....1lf-~Ja\·~[t-:ln,t1--.J.rr .. ~\\:_E:-K..Jn~~


' ''' ' fl t lnu .. u!'' l)· .. '''' In .! . ..sl!J:\:.I,,··~_I·111t enport.:who l!i al~m ~I:\sonle let;l Urer In ~.rnest Kindred. or ~1'le,,~ I .

"f'"".'1 :,r h"t . 'I II ~ " 11.1 11 1 Ilt"\IIII>I,I· . III" tl' IOlla : \Ve hope to be a.1I1e l~) pub ' I.,!! ~lIests at,tlle. home of tll~~r n) (): .hnn . un,. '·lIl· II~ ~1 "h i t· In Ih~ 1 nll\',1 Ills trlLlUlc a lso Illolirnextissue, The ~lr~. Lydia. I..:lndred. the nrsl f"'t ~ ~~lbf":04' '"l"Y, '''I ' !l1lf" nf'\'t'r flrfl.l a , ." II· t' 1\ I week . ca~ l' l:l .. \ a'i :1~tell( eu J}" • \. . IIH " :lilllt lit · nr . I'TlI'IlIY , Geh. 1' , I::l l.: er, J , \\" 1I0·"dlsh. 1) , I) . Mr. and )rr!i. FrAnk: L~· nn. or .'

· The Un"eee".ary Sex. Murphy alit.! W . H .. (ie'mmtll, a ll for· wrixl , UJ.. ,"Islted here durtnll ·Mf,t/l('r · (\('U\'llllo:' EJ.:',YI'IItI1l rnrtm . In merly fts!oI t}ciGtel,l . wllil ~'r, Lambert past week "':Ith )Ir. Lynn's brol

mtlS(lum)-Whut !\l11 ~·on Ihlnk or It. (/0 the board ot educatl un . and W. S: In· law , . ~tatt Waidelich , and 0 i tiP"r! ;. ... . ', __ .• _ Gardner . a past grantll.Daster (ir 1 0 ..... 30 relath·es .

, J)orn(fly- W,·II . It \\' Il~ nil rll{ht. hilt I ~1asons and the casket and the gra.'·e ~IIS!1es Vera McCabe. Xarv don't .!le" why tlu. W(lre S') mnn, ~·ere uterallt·' covered with beautiful I ~Iart.ha MeClln~lc were ttp ~ f ~umm~c8 "ntl no oin dfll{'!'. - I.I(p .. :~ Mora l olTerinKs of svmpathy . . A large Clinton and -spent Sunday and ~ C~mcn t pr \("!9 In Inwa ·are n ;~ ~~d ,number· of ~~:t.sons trom thts. city, day vlsltlnA' Mtu McCabe~ D!ol

on va.rlou!I . lJa:\ ln,; pol n::'I: in the · Clinton , . Miles. P,restl)n ' a!ld Mal\uo· Mrs. J . R. McCabe. aortberD an ,: r.f) r t h ~.a ~ t l! rn po rtiOns at . ket. were present .: '. J:ai . J . Ca\", ot CoI8rldge,-Neb, Iowa. Ul\: Y a r e n ~lIre .l . on the mm . Relatl \'es from out or l own here to I tted here !ast friday at the hOD price at' Maion - (, Ify .. -pnff-rr~lft- -auen·d-the rune ral-,were-~ r . . an~ 'Mrs.l111iS11~frs , W. O:-Xlfi11rea:

_ f"d.t~ to·· dI'!IIUna tion In that IIOttlon or c. O. Cotton. ~Ir . and Mrs Joe. S. was on his wa,. ·. to Mllwaukee, , the . lib Ie, At r.~ I!!sl~l~pl rive r crOIlS- Cotton, of Il ori e-o n, . \Vis: ' Mr . and ' to attend the national ene..mpme, ,inga Bnd other des.~IDattoDII In the Mrs . . J. D. CoLloli and ~tlss He!oSie the G. A. R. ~ .~ ~ ..

re.utcrn part of th e ,tatc, prlccs are C tto r Cllntom' lIle Wis . "lrs.1o· : .. , ' . ~ ;on tbe mill price at LaSalle, 0 n , 0 .' .. ' \ . ' Elln.r Miss . Belle Dunn, stenogra ,h t

.' Dlxoa or Chicago, ' U!., (much cloRer J; Warnecke, of KeaaU": Miss M "he J . Hilsinger &_80n banle. letJ J:t, to Chis portion or tho etato than Ai_a· beth Cotton, or 10w&·Clty, ~t ,n , J. , .•. uflnln", on , two . ".ak'. , 'f.d ~

· '. eon ,City or' Dos 1-101008) .plull "freight Cotton, of ~reeport. 111, 1"- She' ",til visit .. ~ he'r home In Bell , . ··t'ates to lIuch · desllnntloDs. fn .. the and also with friends In Dubuqut

" . aouChoaatorn pnrt of ~bc atate. the' Taxpayen Notiee Preston Minn. ' . . mill 'at Hannlbnl . :'110 " 00 account of '. . •

. n .. closo prozlmlt y IA thAt tf'~" fI· ·· · September II ta.,.' l .. t .ODt" 708 \ n.. T. R. n .... llo .. tI'I.li l) -..Il .!'n""'"