Ce este cercetarea? Noiembrie 7, 2008. Re - search A search for knowledge ! Systematic investigation...

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Ce este cercetarea?

Noiembrie 7, 2008

Re - search

A search for knowledge !

Systematic investigation to establish facts

Gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge.

Performing a methodical study in order to prove a hypothesis or answer a specific question.

Cercetare - oficial [RAE 2001] "...investigare originala realizata pentru a castiga cunostinte si

intelegere." Include:

Lucru cu relevanta directa pentru necesitatile comerciale si industriale, precum si pentru sectorul public si de voluntariat

scholarship [stiinta, bursa]- crearea, dezvoltarea si intretinerea infrastructurii intelectuale de subiecte si discipline, in forma de dictionare, cataloage si contributii majore la baze de date de cercetare

Inventia si generarea de idei, imagini, performante si fapte incluzand designul, cand acestea conduc la o imbunatatire noua sau substantiala a continutului

Utilizarea cunostintelor existente in dezvoltare experimetala pentru a produce materiale, dispozitive, produse si procese noi sau substantial imbunatatite, incuszand designul si constructia

Cercetarea este o modalitate ORGANIZATA si


la INTREBARI SISTEMATICA pentru ca exista un set definit de proceduri si pasi

care trebuie urmati. ORGANIZAT in sensul ca exista o structura sau metoda disponibila

pentru a realiza cercetarea. Este focusata si limitata la un scop specific.

GASIREA RASPUNSULUI este finalul cercetarii. Indiferent daca este un raspuns la o ipoteza sau la o intrebare simpla, cerceterea este cu succes daca se gaseste raspunsurile. Cateodata raspunsul este nu, dar si acesta este un raspuns.

INTREBARILE sunt centrale cercetarii. Daca nu exista intrebare, raspunsul este inutil. Cercetarea este focusata pe intrebari relevante, utile si importante. Fara o intrebare, cercetarea nu are focalizare, impuls sau tel.

NU este cercetare

Testare si analiza de rutina si a materialelor, componentelor si proceselor, de ex. pentru mentinerea standardelor nationale, distincta de dezvoltarea de noi tehnici analitice

Dezvoltarea de material didactic care nu include cercetare originala

Cercetare si dezvoltare experimentala

- include munca creativa realizata pe o baza sistematica pentru a creste cantitatea de cunostinte, incluzand cunostintele despre omenire, cultura, societate, si utilizarea acestui stoc de cunostinte pentru a inventa noi aplicatii.


Orice activitate clasificata ca cercetare si dezvoltare experimentala este caracterizata prin originalitate;

Ar trebui sa aibe investigarea ca obiectiv primar si ar trebui sa aibe potential de a produce rezultate care sunt suficient de generale pentru stocul de cunostinte (teoretic si/sau practic) ca sa fie recunoscute ca aducand o crestere.  

Clasificarea prin tipul de activitate Cercetare fundamentala pura (pure basic) Cercetare fundamentala strategica Cercetare aplicativa Dezvoltare experimentala

Cercetare fundamentala pura

Este activitatea teoretica si experimentala realizata pentru a dobindi cunostinte noi fara a tinti beneficii pe termen lung altele decat avansarea cunoasterii

Acest tip de activitate este adesea pur teoretic cu intentia de a creste intelegerea unor anumite fenomene sau comportari dar nu cauta sa rezolve sau sa trateze aceste probleme

Cercetare fundamentala strategica Este activitatea teoretica si experimentala

realizata pentru a obtine cunostinte noi directionate spre domenii vaste specifice in asteptarea unor descoperiri utile

Ofera o baza larga de cunostinte necesare pentru solutia unor probleme practice recunoscute.

Cercetarea aplicativa

Este activitatea originala realizata pentru a obtine noi cunostinte avand in vedere o aplicatie specifica

Este efectuata pentru a determina utilizarile posibile ale rezultatelor

cercetarii de baza, sau pentru a determina noi cai de a atinge anumite

obiective specifice si predeterminate

Dezvoltarea experimentala

Este activitatea sistematica ce utilizeaza cunoasterea existenta castigata din experienta de cercetare sau practica, care este directionata pentru a produce materiale, produse sau dispozitive noi, pentru a instala procese, sisteme sau servicii noi, sau pentru a imbunatati substantial cele deja produse sau instalate

Activitati aditionale care pot fi considerate activ.cercet. Oferirea de suport profesional, tehnic, administrativ si/sau asistenta

personalului angajat direct in cercetare si dezvoltare experimentala

Managementul personalului care este fie direct implicat in cercetare si dezvoltare experimentala, fie ofera suport profesional, tehnic sau asistenta la acel personal

Activitatile studentilor care sunt legate de cursurile de cercetare post-licenta;

Dezvoltarea de cursuri de cercetare post-licenta;

Supervizarea studentilor care urmeaza cursuri de cercetare post-licenta.

Activitati excluse, exceptand cazul cand sunt utilizate in mod primar pentru suport al activitatilor de cercetare si dezvoltare experimentala Pregatirea cursurilor/seminariilor/laboratoarelor;

Activitati literare si artistice precum scrierea creativa (exceptand pregatirea unui raport original asupra descoperirilor ca urmare a act.cercetare si dezv.experimentala);

Servicii de informare stiintifica si tehnica;

Colectarea de date cu scop general sau de rutina;

Standardizarea sau testarea de rutina;

Studii de fezabilitate (exceptand cele in proiecte de cercetare si dezv.exp);

Aspectele comerciale, legale si administrative a activtatilor de patentare, copyright sau licentiere;

Programarea pe calculator de rutina, intretinere software si hardware (exceptand cercetare si dezvoltarea experimentala in aplicatii software, limbaje de programare noi si sisteme de operare noi)

Publicatii excluse din def. cercetarii Material didactic destinat in principal utilizarii de catre studenti,

precum note de curs si material audio-vizual;

Activitate literara si artistica creativa;

Indexari tehnice, bibliografii si compilari de date sau informatii, exceptand cazul in care sunt produse pentru a sprijini cercetare academica;

Standardizare si rapoarte de testare de rutina;

Programe de calculator de rutina, intretinere software si hardware.

RAE (http://www.rae.ac.uk/)

Research Assessment Exercise Principalul scop al RAE este acela de o produce

profile de calitate pentru fiecare submitere a activitatilor de cercetare realizate de o institutie

Organismele de finantare a institutiilor de invatamant superior utilizeaza profilele de calitate pentru a determina subventiile (grant) pentru cercetare catre institutiile pe care le finanteaza





“om de stiinta care se dedica cercetarii”

Activitatile unui cercetator

se informeaza inoveaza demonstreaza recenzii scrie proiecte pentru finantare indruma si evalueaza lucrari si activitati participa la intalniri stiintifice diseminare publica


George, William H.

Scientific research is not itself a science: it is still an art or craft.

The Scientist in Action

Four Qualities of Scientific Research (p. 29)

The 5 W

Bunge, MarioThe chief theoretical (that is, nonpragmatic) aim of scientific research is to

answer, in an intelligible, exact, and testable way, five kinds of questions, namely those beginning with

what (or how), where, when, whence, and why . . . [T]he Five W’s of Science. (Only radical empiricists deny that science has an explanatory function, and restrict the task of scientific research to the description and prediction of observable phenomena.)

Also, most scientists would agree that all five W’s are gradually (and painfully) being answered through the establishment of scientific laws, that is, general hypotheses about the patterns of being and becoming.

Causality: The Place of the Causal Principle in Modern ScienceChapter 10 (p. 248)

Basic research

Bush, VannevarBasic research leads to new knowledge. It provides scientific capital. It creates the fund from which the practical

applications of knowledge must be drawn. New products and new processes do not appear full-

grown.They are founded on new principles and new

conceptions, which in turn are painstakingly developed by research in the purest realms of science.

Endless Horizons (pp. 52–3)

Applied vs. pure

Thomson, J.J.

. . . research in applied science leads to reforms, research in pure science

leads to revolutions . . .

The Life of Sir J.J. Thomson (p. 199)


Wells, H.G.

The whole difference of modern scientific research from that of the Middle Ages, the secret of its immense success, lies in its collective character, in the fact that every fruitful experiment is published, every new discovery of relationships explained.

New Worlds for Old

Chapter II (p. 22)

Edge of mind

Gornick, VivianWhatever a scientist is doing—reading,

cooking, talking, playing— science thoughts are always there at the edge of the mind.

They are the way the world is taken in; all that is seen is filtered through an everpresent scientific musing.

Women in SciencePart One (p. 39)


Wilson, Edward O. Scientists do not discover in order to know,

they know in order to discover.


The Poetic Species (p. 58)


Romanoff, Alexis

Scientific research provides the shortest route to useful practice.

Scientific research is based chiefly on creative thinking

Encyclopedia of Thoughts,

Aphorisms 112

The fun…

Brown, J. Howard

A man may do research for the fun of doing it but he cannot expect to be supported for the fun of doing it.

Journal of Bacteriology The Biological Approach to Bacteriology (p. 9)

Volume XXIII, Number 1, January 1932

Astonishment and risks

Green, Celia The way to do research is to attack the facts

at the point of greatest astonishment. Research is a way of taking calculated risks

to bring about incalculable consequences.

The Decline and Fall of Science

Aphorisms (p. 1)


Kettering, Charles F.

We find that in research a certain amount of intelligent ignorance is essential to progress; for if you know too much, you won’t try the thing.

Professional Amateur, The Biography of Charles Franklin Kettering (p. 106)

For the youngs

Richet, Charles

The gift for investigation appears at an early age: the demon of research speaks to men whilst they are still young.

The Natural History of a Savant

Chapter VI (pp. 38–9)


Smith, Theobald

The joy of research must be found in doing, since every other harvest is uncertain.

Journal of Bacteriology

Letter from Dr. Theobald Smith (p. 20)

Volume XXVII, Number 1, January 1934


Whitney, W.R.

The valuable attributes of research men are conscious ignorance and active curiosity.

Science - The Stimulation of Research in Pure Science which has Resulted from the Needs of Engineers and of Industry (p. 289)

Volume LXV, Number 1862, March 25, 1927


Cousteau, Jacques-Yves

What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what’s going on.

Christian Science Monitor

July 21, 1971


Willstaetter, Richard

In research, the great achievements rarely come from unschooled youthful geniuses.

There is little prospect that a beginner with an original mind or even one with the gift of genius will be able to scale the heights unless a mature leader sets him a daily example of steadiness and perseverance, devotion and unselfishness as self-evident characteristics of a scientist.

From My Life Chapter 11 (p. 344)


Pasteur, LouisWhen moving forward toward the discovery of

the unknown, the scientist is like a traveler who reaches higher and higher summits from which he sees in the distance new countries to explore.

Quoted by Ren´e J. DubosLouis Pasteur, Free Lance of ScienceChapter III (p. 87)

Why vs. how

de Madariaga, Salvador There are two kinds of scientists: they were once described . . .

as the “why” and the “how”. The how-scientist is mainly interested in the way things happen; the why-scientist seeks to find out the cause of things. The first is more of a technician; the second, more of a philosopher. The first is more of a man of talent; the second, more of a man of genius.Essays with a Purpose. Science and Freedom (p. 43)

Inventor vs. craftsman

Goldenweiser, AlexanderThe scientist, when in his laboratory, is craftsman and

inventor in one.He also faces nature as a learner. Like the craftsman, he is prepared to commit errors

and, having learned from them, to revise his procedure.

Like the inventor, he is after something new, he plans his experiments deliberately, watches carefully, ever on the alert for a promising lead—a discovery.

Robots or Gods (p. 44)

Scientist vs. philosopher

Ziman, John

A philosopher is a person who knows less and less about more and more, until he knows nothing about everything.

A scientist is a person who knows more and more about less and less, until he knows everything about nothing.

Knowing Everything About Nothing (p. v)

Types of scientists

Medawar, Sir PeterScientists are people of very dissimilar temperaments

doing different things in very different ways. Among scientists are collectors, classifiers, and

compulsive tidiers-up; many are detectives by temperament and many are

explorers; some are artists and others artisans. There are poet-scientists and philosopher-scientists

and even a few mystics.The Art of the SolubleHypothesis and Imagination (p. 132)


Rushton, J.P.Research has suggested that scientists differ from non-scientists by

exhibiting a high level of curiosity, especially at an early age, and in demonstrating a relatively low level of sociability.

Scientists also tend to be shy, lonely, slow in social development, and indifferent to close personal relationships, group activities and politics.

Other attributes include skepticism, preoccupation, reliability, and a facility for precise, critical thinking.

Generally they are cognitively complex, independent, non-conformist, assertive, and unlikely to suppress thoughts and impulses;

and, like successful entrepreneurs, eminent scientists are also calculated risk-takers.

Journal of Social and Biological StructureVolume 11, 1980 (p. 140)