CE Problem Set

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Civil board exam,


FIRST EVALUATION EXAM1. Whchofthefoowngnumbershas6sgncant dgts?a. 0.010456 c. 0.00310400b. 0.012905120d. 0.00100022. A boy s one-thrd as od as hs brotherand 8 years younger than hs sster. Ifthe sum of ther ages s 38, how od shs sster?a. 6 c. 18b. 14 d. 203. Fnd the coemcent of the termcontanng x9 n the expanson of (x2 +1/x)12a. 495 c. 924b. 792 d. 2204. What s x n the seres of numbersshown beow 1, 2, 10, x, 101, 226, 442?a. 32 c. 34b. 26 d. 375. A man eft 6Mto hs chdren andgrandchdren, 7 n a. The chdrenreceved1/3 of t whchs P200,000moreapecethanwhat eachof thegrandchdren receved. How manychdren were there?a. 2 c. 4b. 3 d. 16. In the prevous probem, how much ddeach of the grandchdren receve?a. P600,000 c. P700,000b. P800,000 d. P500,0007. At an ordnary rate a man can row thedstance from Pasg to Mana, about 15kometers, n 5 hours ess tme than ttakes hm to return. Coud he doube hsrate, hs tme to Mana woud ony beonehour essthanhstmetoPasg.What s hs usua rate n st water?a. 3 kph c. 4.5 kphb. 4 kph d. 3.5 kph8. What stherateof Pasgrver ntheprevous probem?a. 1 kphc. 2 kphb. 1.5 kph d. 2.5 kph9. At what prce shoud a departmentstore owner mark a kdde camera thatcost P600 n order that he can oher t at20% dscount and st make a prot of25% on the seng prce?a. P900 c. P1000b. P950 d. P110010. Fnd twonumbers suchthatther summutped by the sum of ther squaressequa to5500andther dherencemutped by the dherence of thersquares s 352a. 8, 10 c. 9, 12 b. 7, 9 d. 9, 1311. A crew can row a certan courseupstream n 84 mnutes; they can rowthe same course downstream n 9mnutesessthantheycoudrowthesamedstancenst water. Howongwoud they take to row down wth thestream?a. 10 mns c. 14 mnsb. 12 mns d. 16 mns12. AcarXefttownAfortownBatthesame tme that another car Y eft townB for town A, each traveng atconstant speeds. They met 80 mnutesater andcar Xarrvedat townB36mnutes after car YreachedtownA.How ong dd t take car X to reach townB?a. 2.2 hrs c. 2.8 hrsb. 2.6 hrs d. 3 hrs13. Gven the foowng equatons, nd y.2x(3y) = 72 4x(27y) = 46656a. 1.22 c. 3.1b. 2 d. 314. Three towns are connected by atrange of roads a of dherent engths.It s 24km around the crcut. One of theroads s11kmong and theongest s11km onger than the shortest. What sthe ength of the ongest road?a. 10km c. 14kmb. 12km d. 16km15. A man has ved one-fourth of hs fe asa boy, one fth as a youth, one thrd asamanandhasspent 13yearsnhsdotage. How od s he?a. 58 c. 62b. 60 d. 64Situation: Line AB was measured by a! m stee" and #ound to be $%! m at atem&eratureo# '%()* &u"" o# +,-.w/i"e su&&orted at bot/ ends, T/eta&ewas-nowntobe!,!!'mtoo"on. at a tem&erature o# 0!(),Standard&u"" o# ','-.w/en#u""ysu&&orted, T/e ta&e wei./s !,%-. andt/e unit wei./t o# stee" is 1%$! -.2m0,E3',440$54!$ -.26m'16. Fndthestandardtemperatureof thetape.a. 27.38C c. 20.52Cb. 26.55C d. 31.65C17. Determnethetota correctonduetotemperature.a. 0.01415 m c. 0.01144 mb. 0.02631 m d. 0.01876 m18. Compute the tota correcton due topu.a. 0.0275 m c. 0.0185 mb. 0.0356 m d. 0.0410 m19. Fnd the tota correcton due to sag.a. 0.87 mc. 0.95 mb. 0.79 m d. 0.62 m20. Determne the correct ength of ne AB.a. 680.117 m c. 680.037 mb. 679.347 m d. 679.177 mSituation: In477!* a"ineAB/adama.neti6 bearin.o# S%%(0!8E, T/ede6"ination o# t/e need"e t/at timewas '(!!8 9, At &resent* t/ede6"ination is 4(0!8 E,21. Fnd the true bearng of the nea. S 8800 E c. S 8830 Eb. N 8900 E d. S 8930 E22. Onwhatbearngshoudaneberunfrom A n a resurvey to attempt to nda bured monument at B?a. S 8800 E c. S 8830 Eb. N 8800 E d. N 8830 E23. Asquare ot has a correct are of 4hectares. If ts sdes were measured bya 50 meter tape that s 0.05 meter tooong, what w be the resutngerroneous area?a. 40, 080.04 c. 39, 920.12b. 40, 075.50 d. 39, 832.5024. The scae of a map s 1/250000. If theerrorn themap =0.02 mm, nd theerror n the ground.a. 6 m c. 4 mb. 5 m d. 3m25. Determnethemostprobabevaueofthe measurements havng dherentvaues based on the number ofmeasurements as tabuated n the tabeshown beow.DISTANCENO. OFMEASUREMENTS520.14 1520.20 3520.18 6520.24 8a. 520.158 m c. 520.208 mb. 520.176 m d. 520.240 mThedstanceof neABsmeasuredvetmes and recorded as foows:TRIALS LENGTH1 106.872 106.903 106.934 106.895 106.8126. What s the most probabe vaue?a. 106.88 m c. 106.35 mb. 105.45 m d. 107.32 m27. Det the probabe error.a. 0.0254 m c. 0.0106 mb. 0.0329 m d. 0.0135 m28. Det the precson.a. 2.376x10-4c. 9.918x10-5b. 1.263x10-4d. 3.078x10-4Situation: A 6i:i" en.ineer used a 4!!m ta&e w/i6/ is o# standard "en.t/ at0'() inmeasurin. a 6ertain distan6eand #ound out t/at t/e "en.t/ o# t/eta&e /a:e di;erent "en.t/s atdi;erent tensions were a&&"ied ass/own, -3,!!!!44$2()Length ofTapeTensonApped99.986 m 10 kg99.992 14100.003 2029. What tensonmust beappedtothetape at a temperature of 32C so that twoud be of standard ength?a. 18.36 kg c. 21.12 kgb. 24.60 kg d. 13.75 kg30. What tensonmust beappedtothetape at temperature of 40.6C so that twoud be of standard ength?a. 15.38 kg c. 17.24 kgb. 13.39 kg d. 12.68 kgSituation: T/e ma5, and min, dry unitwei./tso# sandweredeterminedint/e"aboratorytobe4$,-N2m0and4+,$-N2m0res&e6ti:e"y, T/ere"ati:e6om&a6tion o# t/e same soi" is 7$