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CEHD Insider - February 2019 Featuring the latest college news and events

CEHD News...

Submit Items for the InsiderThe CEHD Insider is a monthly newsletter that informs faculty, staff, and constituents of college news and events. Information such as research, presentations, publications, awards, conferences, or special events are featured in each issue. If you have news to share, please send to dorothy@louisville.edu.

Dean's GreetingCEHD's 2019 spring semester is well under way and our students, faculty, and staff are busy and engaged in h igh qua l i ty and impac t fu l learning, research, service and community engagement. I hope that this edition of the CEHD Insider, like every one of these publications, provides you with a snapshot of how CEHD is

fulfilling its mission, vision, and strategic goals and initiatives through Educational Excellence;

Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity; Community Engagement; Diversity, Equity and Social Justice; and Effective and Responsible Stewardship.

UofL's President, Dr. Neeli Bendapudi, and her senior team, including Vice President and Provost Beth Boehm, are leading the University in a new strategic planning process. All of us at the University will be involved in the process, with numerous CEHD students, faculty, and staff serving on planning groups and committees.

Many of us in the CEHD will be attending and participating in the Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning's annual Celebration of Teaching conference at Shelbyhurst Campus, Friday, February 15th. This year's conference theme, "Teaching for the Journey Ahead," will feature keynote speaker, Maryellen Weimer, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Penn State University. Dr. Weimer also will spend some time prior to the event meeting with the CEHD Leadership Team.

At the Celebration event, John Finch, PhD, Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education and Nystrand Center of Excellence, and Katie Harman, PhD, Department of Health and Sport Sciences, will be among those recognized as 2017-18 UofL Faculty Favorites, who exemplify outstanding teaching and who are nominated by their students. We are proud of and commend Dr. Finch and Dr. Harman who represent their peers and the CEHD in dedicated and tireless commitments to student academic experiences and their success. As well, significant numbers of other CEHD faculty have been recognized this year as nominees by their students and will be acknowledged at the event. We look forward to seeing you at the Celebration of Teaching and Learning event!

Dean Ann E. Larson

Foster and Co-Authors Selected for Prestigious AACTE AwardThe American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) selected co-authors Michele Foster, PhD, professor and Henry Heuser Jr. Endowed Chair for Urban

Education Partnerships, Melanie Acosta, University of Alabama, and Diedra Houchen, University of Florida, for the 2019 AACTE Outstanding Journal of Teacher Education Article Award. They were chosen for their article, "Why Seek the Living Among the Dead? African American Pedagogical Excellence: Exemplar Practice for Teacher Education," which was published in the September/October 2018 issue of the journal. They will be presented the award at the 2019 AACTE annual meeting that will be held in Louisville in February. Link to the article...

Tretter Receives KSTA AwardTom Tretter, PhD, professor in the Department of Middle and Secondary Education, is the recipient of the 2018 Sherry Fox Kentucky Science Teachers

Association (KSTA) Distinguished Service Award. He was presented the award at the KSTA conference, which was held in November. The award recognizes exemplary science leaders across Kentucky who have made significant contributions to science education.

Leach to Give Pettifor Distinguished LectureMark Leach, PhD, chair and professor in the Department of Counseling and Human Development, was invited to give the 2019 Jean Pettifor Distinguished Lecture on Ethics at the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)

Convention that will be held in May 2019 in Halifax, Canada. The purpose of the lecture is to bring speakers of national and international renown in ethics to CPA's annual convention to present their work, to stimulate knowledge and debate on the challenging and compelling ethical issues in the world today, and to promote understanding and research about ethics.

Bergman Gives Keynote at SummitMatt Bergman, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation and Organizational Development, was invited to deliver the keynote address at Lumina's "Delivering on Adult Promise Summit," which was held in New Orleans in January. The Lumina Foundation is an independent,

private foundation located in Indianapolis, IN that is committed to making available opportunities for learning beyond high school for all and to prepare people for informed citizenship and success in the global economy.

Sun an Invited Speaker at SDHEA and ACCEDJeffrey Sun, PhD, chair and professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation and Organizational Leadership (ELEOD), was the keynote speaker at the 2019 South Dakota Higher

Education Association (SDHEA) meeting. The meeting focused on developing strategies for the changes that have happened or will happen in higher education. The conference was held in early February in Sioux Falls, SD. In addition, Dr. Sun is the invited speaker for the Association of Collegiate Conference and Events Directors (ACCED) - International Conference, which will be held in March in Pennsylvania. His presentation will be, "Free Speech on Campuses: Balancing the 1st Amendment and Valuing Equity and Inclusion." Dr. Sun has also been selected to serve on UofL's strategic planning steering committee as one of the workgroup co-chairs.

Buecker and EdD Students Attend Equity Policy DiscussionHarrie Buecker, PhD, clinical assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation and Organizational

Development, and doctoral students in her 730 Foundations of Urban Educational Policy course, attended the Louisville Urban League's Equity Policy Discussion that was held in January. The students wanted to attend the discussion to learn more about practices in addressing equity and excellence with challenging student populations, and current efforts in the implementation of the policy in Jefferson County Public Schools.

HSS Faculty Named Among Most InfluentialFaculty members in the Department of Health and Sport Sciences (HSS) were among those named most influential during a Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day at a recent women's basketball game. Players on the team invited the

following faculty members to be recognized at the game: • Meg Hancock, PhD, chair and associate professor• Megan Shreffler, PhD, assistant professor• Gin Presley, instructor• B. J. Levis, instructor

Dialogue and Discussion Series UpdateTerri Rowland, EdD, CEHD director of diversity and inclusion and clinical assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation and Organizational Development,

reported that 19 faculty, staff, and students from across campus attended the CEHD's January session of the Dialogue and Discussion Series: "The Importance of Inclusion." Attendees represented the CEHD, College of Arts and Sciences, Metro College, Criminal Justice, School of Public Health and I nformation Sciences, UofL Procurement, UofL Athletics, Human Resources, and Rauch Planetarium. The discussion included topics on diversity, inclusion, and multiculturalism as well as gender and equity pay, leadership in higher education, and inclusion in places of public accommodation. Please note on your calendars the next Dialogue and Discussion series, "The Media, Different Mediums, and the Perception of Race." The session will be held, February 12, 2019, 12 - 1 p.m., CEHD room 110. ECPY to Host Great Lakes ConferenceThe Department of Counseling and Human Development (ECPY) is excited to host for the first time the Great Lakes Regional Counseling Psychology Conference on April 12th and 13th, 2019, in the Student Activities Center (SAC). The theme for the conference is "Promoting Health Equity: The Intersection of Social Justice and Psychology." Several highlights from the conference include: • Dr. Ruth Fassinger - American Psychological Association

Division 17 President and Keynote Speaker• "Health Equity and Social Justice from a Transdisciplinary

Lens: Perspectives from Community Leaders" - Discussion Panel featuring Dr. Kish Cumi (CEHD alumna), Smoketown Family Wellness Center; T. Benicio Gonzales, MSW, CSW, Center for Health Equity; Dr. Erica Young, CSW, The Academy @ Shawnee

• #IamPsychedTour - A multimedia pop-up exhibit that honors the contributions of women of color to the field of psychology. Sponsored by UofL's Commission on Diversity and Racial Equity and the Commission on the Status of Women.

Questions about the conference may be sent to Amanda Mitchell, PhD, assistant professor in ECPY, amanda.mitchell@louisville.edu.

Terson de Paleville Hosts PhUn Week at Local Middle SchoolDaniela Terson de Paleville, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Health and Sport Sciences (HSS), organized an outreach program that is sponsored by the American Physiological Society (APS) called,

"Physiology Understanding Week," or "PhUn" Week at Highland Hills Middle School in Georgetown, Indiana for 540 students. The HSS PhUn team included Dr. Terson de Paleville, Kristi King, PhD, associate professor, Jason Jaggers, PhD, and Katie Harman, PhD, both assistant professors, and undergraduate student Danielle Garvin. They visited the school every Tuesday in December and taught students about cardiovascular fitness, measured endurance, and helped students create strategies for increasing physical activity and energy expenditure in 2019.

Submit Items for the InsiderThe CEHD Insider is a monthly newsletter that informs faculty, staff, and constituents of college news and events. Information such as research, presentations, publications, awards, conferences, or special events are featured in each issue. If you have news to share, please send to dorothy@louisville.edu.

• Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 12 - 1 p.m. Dialogue and Discussion Series: "The Media, Different Mediums, and the Perception of Race" Porter Bldg/CEHD room 110; Everyone is invited to attend

• Thursday, February 14, 2019, 3 - 4:30 p.m. Multicultural Teacher Recruitment Program (MTRP) is hosting a Round Table Discussion: "Cultural Responsiveness in the Classroom" Ekstrom Library, room W104; Everyone is invited to attend

• Saturday, March 2, 2019 Spring Research Conference at the University of Kentucky (Co-hosted by UofL and the University of Cincinnati)

Finch and Putman Present to UCP BoardJohn Finch, PhD, director of the Nystrand Center of Excellence in Education (NCEE) and clinical faculty in the Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, and Shannon Putman, CEHD doctoral student in the curriculum

and instruction program and Teacher in Residence (TIR) at Cochran Elementary School, presented to UofL's Community Partnership (UCP) Board in January. Dr. Finch and Ms. Putman, who is also director of Cochran's Virtual Reality (VR) Lab, presented about CEHD's work with the Signature Partnership Initiative, the VR Lab, and NCEE.

Captain Andre R. Burrell, a student in M.A. in Higher Education Administration program and assistant professor of Military Science at James Madison University, is a recipient of the 2019 Council on College and Military Educators (CCME) scholarship. CCME offers $1,000 scholarships each year to U.S. Service members (active duty/veterans) and spouses of service members who are completing a degree in higher education. Captain Burrell is also one of only five recipients of the Joe King Scholarship for uniformed service members.

Caroline Sawyer Robinson, a graduate of the B.S. in Elementary Education program and teacher at St. Leonard Elementary School, won the Irene Casey Catholic Inclusion Award, which is presented by the Archdiocese of Louisville. The award is given to a Catholic elementary teacher who is dedicated to meeting the diverse learning needs of students. Robinson is currently enrolled in the MEd in Teacher Leadership program.

Alumni News

Durham Interviewed by WHAS11Sherry Durham, coordinator of the Multicultural Teacher Recruitment Program (MTRP), was interviewed by a WHAS11 reporter about Kentucky Academy for Equity in Teaching (KAET). KAET was created to offer tuition support for those interested in teaching. Link to the article...

Staff News

Chinwe Idigo, a doctoral student in the counseling psychology program, is a recipient of the 2019 American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) Award for Distinguished Graduate Students in Professional Psychology. The award is given to one or two graduate students each year who have demonstrated outstanding practice and application of psychology. She will receive an honorarium of $1,000, the opportunity to present an invited address at American Psychological Association's (APA) convention, waiver of registration fees, and reimbursement for up to $1,500 in expenses related to attending the APA convention.

Yohimar Sivira, a doctoral student in the curriculum and instruction program, is the 2019 Holmes Scholar. She is a former Fulbright Scholar from Venezuela and her research interests include bilingual education, English Language Learners (ELLs) and language policies supporting adolescent ELLs in secondary education. Sivira is a graduate assistant

for the Multicultural Teacher Recruitment Program (MTRP). The Holmes Scholar program is supported through the Nystrand Center of Excellence and the Early Childhood Research Center. John Finch, PhD, is director of the Holmes Scholars program.

Teacher Prep Program Featured on WHAS11CEHD's clinical model of educator preparation was recently featured on WHAS11's Great Day Live show. Mark Hebert visited the UofL classroom at Westport Middle School and interviewed Penny Howell, PhD, associate professor in the Department

of Middle and Secondary Education and CEHD students in teacher education programs. See the clip...

Upcoming Events

Student News

Shannon Putman, a doctoral student in the curriculum and instruction program and teacher and director of the Virtual Reality Lab at Cochran Elementary School, published with co-author, Lateefah Id-Deen (former CEHD faculty member), "I Can See It!: Math Understanding Through Virtual Reality," in the February 2019 issue of Educational Leadership. Read more...

Danielle Garvin, an undergraduate student in the Department of Health and Sport Sciences (HSS), was recently named CEHD Student of the Month. She is president of the HSS Health and Human Performance Club, and has organized several events that promote healthy eating and exercise, mindfulness, and meditation for students. She is a mother, a full-time student and has a full-time job.

Allison Fowler, a doctoral student in the educational psychology, measurement, and evaluation program, and co- authors Hongryun Woo, PhD, Department of Counseling and Human Development, (first author), and Matthew Fink, published, "A Content Analysis of the Domains of Advocacy Competencies in Select Counseling Journals," in the Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy.