Celebration of Christmas

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Celebration of Christmas. Adwent. Adwent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the  Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. It last four Sundays . . Short about Adwent. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Celebration of Christmas


Adwent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. It last four Sundays.

Short about Adwent

Adwent let people prepare for Christmas. We are taking part in special mass which is at the evening

Some of the traditions:• priest wear purple covers • four candle which symbolises

four Sundays of Adwent• special mass- Roraty• no party’s in these days


Roraty- special mess for children during Adwent. It should be take in the morning. But usually it is made in the evening. Children take lantern which light up in the church and take the light to their house.

Santa Claus Day – 6 of December

In Poland children get presents twice in December- on Chrimsas and Santa Claus Day. In Poland it is celebrate on the six day of December. Usually children get some small gifts like sweets.

Sant Nicholas

Saint Nicholas of Myra is the primary inspiration for figure of Santa Claus. He was a 4th century Greek Christian bishop of Myra. Nicholas was famous for his generous gifts to the poor.

Santa Claus

Most people know the figure of comercial Santa Claus. It is smiled grandpa with beard and who is wearing red clothes. This image was created by Coca-cola company.

Christmas Day

Chrismas day is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Every year it is celebrated at 24 of December. For Polish more important is day before Chrismas- Vigil.


Vigil is a day when all family meet and eat supper . Supper is the main meal in this day. On table have to be at least 12 meal and everybody have to eat something from all. After supper there are presents ;D

Tradition and customs

Chrismas Tree

A Christmas tree is a decorated tree, usually an evergreen conifer such as pine or fir. In every house is at least one Chrismas Tree. It is decorated by whole family

Christmas wafer

Before start a supper in Vigil people in Poland divide between each other a Chrismas wafer.

During it we wish other only good things for coming year.

Singing a Christmas carol

A Christmas carol is a carol whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas or the winter season

in general and which are traditionally sing in the period of Christmas.In Poland we like singing a Christmas carol with familyand with friends.


After Christmas priest is walking from home to home visiting the people. He talkswith family about their live,work etc. Before the priest go out he is blessing the house and all occupants


It is a play whichrecounts the story of the Nativity of Jesus. It is usually performed at Christmas. This show is very popular in school. The most important in play is singing Chrismas carol

So, how it look like in ZSTiO? See it.

This is end.Thank you for watching and

Merry Chrismas!!!