Cell Organelles Notes - Mr. Cole's Biology...

Post on 22-Mar-2018

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Cell Organelles NotesOrganelle: an organ in a cell

Cell membrane: is a thin, flexible barrier surrounding the cell

Cytoplasm: the material inside the cell membrane but not including the nucleus is called the cytoplasm

Mitochondria: release energy from stored food molecules (Makes energy in the form of ATP.)

Nucleus: controls most cell activities & contains DNA

Nuclear envelope: the nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane layer called the nuclear envelope. It allows material to move into and out of the nucleus.

Chromatin: consists of DNA bound to protein. Chromatin condenses to form chromosomes. Chromosomes are structures containing the genetic information.

Nucleolus is located inside the nucleus. It produces ribosomes.

Cytoskeleton: helps support the cell. It helps the cell maintain its shape. It is also involved in many forms of cell movement. The cytoskeleton is made of microtubules and microfilaments.

Centriole: Creates microfilaments for the cytoskeleton. Centrioles are only found in animal cells, not plants.

Ribosomes: synthesizes (makes) proteins

Endoplasmic Reticulum: is an internal transport system that moves substances through the cell; The rough ER contains ribosomes

Golgi complex (golgi body/golgi apparatus): packages & ships out substances to other cells

Lysosomes : small sacs filled with enzymes. They break down large molecules into smaller particles.

Vacuoles: sac-like structures that store food, water, salt, protein and waste

The Life of a Protein1. Ribosomes make proteins2. ER transports proteins through the cell3. The golgi complex packages the protein in a vesicle & ships it out of the cell

Organelles only found in plants:

Chloroplasts: Use energy from sun to make food molecules in the process of photosynthesis

Cell wall: lies outside the cell membrane. Rigid armor. The main function is to provide protection & support for the cell.