Celtic art

Post on 12-May-2015

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Describe where and when the people lived.

The Christianity has come for the first time to Celts in II century, during the Roman occupation, probably, through Christians to armies. But it wasn't widespread in Britain up to the end of IV century when prominent features of the Celtic Christianity have distinctly started to be shown. After leaving of Romans from Britain in the beginning of V century has passed about 200 years during which Celtic church developed a special way, without adjoining to the Roman church, having created own unique style and historical prospect.

Describe what their lifestyle was like.

The Celtic church sang of favour and the nature as kindness of God and recognised sanctity of all creation. She loved mysticism and poetry, had deep respect for the woman, including the woman in a management and allowing marriages to priesthood. The Celtic understanding of a church management has been implanted in its agricultural communal culture, and great Celtic monasteries have appeared from breeding system. Though usually abbeys not рукополагались in priesthood, a management and the power in the Celtic church it was carried out in monasteries by abbeys.

Explain what lesson we can learn from them.

Missionary activity, followed from clear instructions of the Bible to go worldwide and to search for pupils, it has appeared for the Celtic Christians vital need - in their searches of sanctity. So V and VI centuries have been noted by large-scale references in Ireland and Britain where, as a rule, monks preached Christianity. The martyrdom for Christian belief was almost not known, because the Celtic approach to evangelism was peace and without bloody. In the beginning of VI century the Celtic Christianity completely was monastic on structure. As here there was no central administrative force there was a considerable variety in liturgical experts and monastic rules.