Centaurs Lair

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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LightWorker™ Mythological Lairs


Channelled by Andrea “Chisara” Baginski Manual by Andrea “Chisara” Baginski

Layout by Andrea “Chisara” Baginski & Jens Söeborg


Centaur (lat. Centauri)


Centaurs are creatures with the head and torso of a human and the body of a horse.

In Greek Mythology, a pair of Centaurs trails the wain of Dionysus. The male one carries a mace, the female a lyre.

The centaurs were a wild tribe which lived in the mountain woods of Thessaly.

According to one myth, they are regarded as the sons of the Ixion and Nephele. When Ixion had got plastered at a feast of the gods in the sky one day, so he searched to get close too near the June,

however, she gave, on Jupiter’s advice, a cloud her shape, with which one Ixion then conceives a Centaur. Nephele (gr. Nephele = „Cloud”).


There still are other reports on the descending of the centaurs. So they shall have arisen from the seed, which Zeus “lost” when he wanted, vainly, to mate with Aphrodite. Or they emanate from a connection between Zeus and the wife of Ixion, Dia. Or Ixion had tampered with the horses, which he should beware, itself. Another story says they are the sons of the Najaden which were converted by Hera to horse people, because her mothers had fed the small Dionysus.

The centaurs were raised on the mountain Pelion where the nymphs nourished them. With other horses they fathered further descendants.

The probably best known Centaur is ChironChironChironChiron, a musician, seer and a doctor. Particularly his hand had great healing powers. He was the tutor of Achilles, Asclepius and Jason. Chiron is also regarded as one of the teachers of Heracles which he taught in astronomy. He leads the people to justice and the interpretation of heavenly signs. Chiron was one of the justest centaurs which otherwise were very unplanned and kidnapped women in the booze.

Chiron teaches Achilles

One day Chiron was accidentally hit by a poisonous arrow shot by Heracles. Nobody was able to heal this wound; not even Chiron himself.

Under unutterable pains, the centaur dragged itself to its cave

where the immortal one hoped to be delivered from the death anyway once.

Then, one day, Prometheus offends against the order of the Mount Olympus and Zeus had him bound to a rock. Every day, an eagle came and chopped pieces from his liver. This should suffer so long till an immortal God went instead of him into the Hades. Chiron did this.


In the memory of his favors, Zeus stands Chiron up to the sky

where he shines every night as a constellation of the Sagittarius.

Think of it: we hear talk about mythology not over astronomy.


Magical Correspondences Earth with Water

Astrologically associated with Virgo and the Sixth House

Qualities The bright side:The bright side:The bright side:The bright side:

Centaurs are reserved and cautious but also very helpful to others. They are teachers in healing arts and most practical in their teachings and helpings. Her method is the healing by hands-on and this suited for the completion of the 1st Reiki degree very well.

They are types which like to organize everything and get a better understanding of all things. Therefore, they like clear answers and dislike ambiguity. They have a deep occult knowledge and are very intuitive. Most of the people trust them.

The dark side:The dark side:The dark side:The dark side:

Centaurs want to control everything and everyone, also their own emotions, because emotions are unfathomable.

But here we want to use the bright energies of the centaurs, but we also need the knowledge of the dark side otherwise we couldn't recognize the bright side.


Take a moment for yourself, sit down and relax. Take some deep breaths and think about these Qualities. Look deep inside yourself. Are there some of these qualities in yourself?

Make a list with two columns and name them:

Bright SideBright SideBright SideBright Side Dark SideDark SideDark SideDark Side

Write down everything that occurs to you. It isn't important how long the list becomes. It is important that you become acquainted with yourself.

Be honest with yourself, otherwise this whole exercise doesn't make sense.

Work on the qualities consciously on the Dark Side and after that, you can work with the qualities on the bright side. You then learn to unite strength, fight and wisdom of the Centaurs and get a chance to become a great healer like Chiron.


The Attunement Procedure

I ask my Higher Self to attune (name) at (time) on (date) in his/her time zone to the energy of the Centaurs.