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LODGE No. 684

1916 - 2016



Welcome Brethren, Matrons and Guests,

It is with great pride and appreciation that we extend our most fraternal greetings to you on this

milestone of achievement. This evening’s celebration is the culmination of three years’ worth of diligent

work by our “Centennial Committee”. The selfless efforts and untold hours of our brethren in planning,

fund raising and debate allowing us to enjoy this dedication to the 100th Anniversary of Dormont –

Whitehall Lodge #684.

Freemasonry may be found through antiquity to the farthest reaches of the world, whereby the

ancient usages of the arts and sciences magnificently illustrate the basis of our institution which has

endured the moral test of ages. As Freemasons we are lovers of the Arts and Sciences and take every

opportunity to refine and adorn our minds with their wisdoms. Geometry and Freemasonry were

originally synonymous terms for it is this science that demonstrates the brilliant properties of nature

and the truths of morality.

The pride of our fraternity is well recognized in the devotion to the work of building good men.

Benevolence, Duty, Honor and gratitude are the binding qualities of our character and these generous

values are to extend to every human being that they may have claim upon our kind influences.

The legacy of Dormont- Whitehall Lodge No. 684 began with the undaunted determination of a

few men who sought nothing more than to practice Free Masonry and build a place of fellowship. The

degree of this desire to promote the tenets of our society thru the past 100 years is well documented in

the following narrative of our history.

Please Enjoy


Timothy R. Rooney

Worshipful Master



SUNDAY JUNE 26, 2016

6:00 PM Processional entrance of the Rite Worshipful Grand Master and his party

Welcome to all by Timothy R. Rooney, Worshipful Master

Pledge of allegiance, and singing of first stanza of the National Anthem

Invocation by Brother David H. Maier PM, Chaplain

Meals will be served

Remarks and Introductions by Brother Timothy R. Rooney, Worshipful Master

Presentations to the Rite Worshipful Grand Master

Remarks by the District Deputy Grand Master

Introduction of Grand Lodge Officers and Ladies

Remarks by the Rite Worshipful Grand Master

Presentation of 50 and 60 year service emblems

Benediction by Brother David H. Maier PM, Chaplain

Officers of Dormont-Whitehall Lodge

Worshipful Master Timothy R. Rooney

Senior Warden Robert G. Gratton Jr.

Junior Warden Kevin P. Hensler PM

Treasurer Paul M. Kriner Sr.

Secretary D. Michael Tanner PM

Pursuivant Richard J. Kessler

Senior Deacon Jay V. Kirkpatrick

Junior Deacon Kenneth M. Kass

Senior Master of Ceremonies Steven R. Lane

Junior Master of Ceremonies Joseph W. Schanck

Tyler George D. Fischer PM

Centennial Celebration Committee

Chairman David K. Graham Sr. PM

Secretary D. Michael Tanner PM

Budget and Finance Paul M. Kriner Sr. and Robert G. Gratton Jr.

Entertainment and Banquet Donald W. Fox PM

Souvenir and gifts Paul D. VanEtten PM and Timothy R. Rooney WM

Grand Lodge Liason and Protocol James C. Fox PM and D. Michael Tanner PM

Photography and Public Relations Kevin P. Hensler PM

Fund Raisers Richard J. Kessler

Grand Lodge Officers Present

Rite Worshipful Grand Master Raymond T. Dietz

Rite Worshipful Junior Grand Warden Jeffrey M. Wonderling

Rite Worshipful Past Grand Master Samuel C. Williamson

Rite Worshipful Past Grand Master William Slater II

Rite Worshipful Past Grand Master Thomas K. Sturgeon

District Deputy Grand Master, District 37 William A. Moisey

District Deputy Grand Master, District 55 D. Todd Ballenger

Past District Deputy Grand Master, District 47 D. William Roberts

Regional Instructor, Region 4 Byrl J. Johnson Sr.

Chief Aide to the Grand Master Howard T. Silbaugh

Aide to the Grand Master Eric S. Teasdale

Chaplain David W. Morgans

Pricipal Instructor, South Hills School Charles M. Brosgol


NO. 684 F.& A.M.

To this Nation – founded largely by Masons and upon Masonic principles, it should come as no surprise,

that as new communities came into being, the tenets of our Fraternity and Members of the Craft would

appear in the vanguard – leading to the eventual erection of a Lodge or Lodges.

The Borough of Dormont, from its beginning in the early 1900’s was generally recognized as a Masonic

community. At first, the Masonic Brethren in the newly settled Dormont area merely sought Masonic

fellowship and did not originally intend to cause a lodge to be lawfully warranted and duly constituted.

About 1912, Dr. Charles E. Fawcett, Oscar Croker, Walter Linhart, Frank Ryman, Percy H. Johnson, and

Walter Long met together to lay plans for the formation of a Masonic Club. They sought the advice of

Bro. William D McIlroy, then D.D.G.M. for the District, who suggested the enlargement of their original

plan to include the forming of a Lodge and devising ways and means to provide a suitable building to

accommodate both the Lodge and the Club. The matter of a building was to take priority due to the

prerequisite that a new lodge must have a proper place to meet.

Following the advice of Bro. McIlroy, the “South Hills Hall Association” was formed, with Bro. Frank

Ryman as President and an active campaign to raise funds to erect a building was inaugurated. This

corporation, whose name was subsequently changed to the “South Hills Masonic Hall Association,” was

capitalized at $60,000, which represented 2400 shares having a par value of $25 each. Ownership was

restricted to Masons. Dormont Lodge and its members have always held the majority of the stock.

To raise funds for the building project, an entertainment committee was set up, with Dr. C. E. Fawcett,

Pres., Walter Linhart and Oscar Croker as members. By their efforts a large number of new members

were recruited. The first funds raised were the proceeds from an entertainment given in the Delton

Theatre and amounted to $400. The entertainment committee later became known as the “South Hills

Social Club” and was afterwards reorganized and took the name of “The Almas Club of Dormont.”

With the fund raising campaign underway, the matter of a suitable site was explored and the following

locations were considered; West Liberty at Peermont, West Liberty at Dormont, Broadway at Potomac,

Glenmore at Potomac, and West Liberty near Potomac. The choice was made primarily due to the

generosity of the owner, Mr. John Anderson. Mr. Anderson, who was not a Mason, was a friend with

many of the Brethren and identified with the project. His willingness and hearty approval of the project

was demonstrated by his liberality and generous terms.

The project came together with an offer from the U.S. Post Office to rent a portion of the first floor, and

with success seemingly assured, a vigorous stock selling campaign was instituted. After a vast amount of

hard work and many discouragements, the dream became a reality in 1916.

On October 10, 1914, a Special Meeting of the Directors of the South Hills Masonic Hall Association

(Chartered September 12, 1914) was held. Following the completion of the regular business, a

committee was named to consider the matter of forming a Masonic Lodge. This committee consisted

of: J.C. Wiegman, L.A. Sneary, Frank Ryman, Oscar Croker, Walter Linhart, Chas. E. Fawcett – President,

Elmer H. Johnson, David Stonecypher and Percy H. Johnson – secretary. The first meeting was held on

October 16, 1914 at the home of L.A. Sneary, when, 53 names were proposed and acted upon by secret

ballot. Brother Wiegman was named as a committee of one, to investigate the matter of raising funds

required to erect a Lodge and to consult with and secure the advice of Bro. Wm. D. McIlroy, D.D.G.M.,

and extend to him an invitation to attend a meeting of the committee to be held at his convenience.

Accordingly, on November 2, 1914, a meeting was held at the home of Bro. Sneary where Bro. McIlroy

detailed the five essentials that were imperative for erecting a Lodge, stressing and insisting that a

“proper place of meeting” was of prime importance and what all other matters were secondary.

During the ensuing eleven months the building project was given priority over all else. Changes were

made in the committee and on October 15, 1915, Dr. Chas E. Fawcett, J. Frederick Kuhlman, Oscar

Croker, and Walter Linhart met in Dr. Fawcett’s office to take steps to bring to fruition the erection of a

new Lodge. Brother Harry Milligan, P.M. of Geter C. Schidle Lodge was propose as warrant Master, but

he declined and at a subsequent meeting, Bro. Oliver B. Alcorn was added to the list, was proposed as

warrant Master, and on his acceptance was in due course elected to that station. At the next meeting of

the committee, the names of George Gray, Frank Ryman, Walter Long and Percy H. Johnson were

added. After this meeting the movement gained momentum and two meetings per week were held for

the purpose of proposing and acting on names.

The real work of organization began in earnest and it was a laborious task to persuade those whose

names had received favorable action to resign from their respective lodges, procure the proper papers,

and collect the fees. Getting the prospective members vouched for proved to be a major task in itself

since many of the proposed members were from jurisdictions outside of Pennsylvania.

A general meeting was held in the Dormont Baptist Church at which all present were properly vouched

for; however, out of 287 who had been approved and signified their desire to sign a petition for a

warrant, only 261 had actually resigned from their lodges in time to properly affix their signatures.

On June 7, 1916, the Committee, composed of the newly elected Master, Wardens, Treasurer, and

Secretary, viz: Brothers Oliver B. Alcorn, Charles E. Fawcett, George Gray, Oscar Croker, and J. Frederick

Kuhlman presented the petition for a new warrant at the quarterly communication of the R.W. Grand

Lodge, when on motion, by Brother Hackenburg, R.W.G. Treasurer, seconded by Brother Orlady,

R.W.P.G.M., it was recommended that the petition be given favorable consideration and referred to the

Grand Officers with power to act. The Committee from Dormont, having satisfactorily answered all the

questions put to them by the Grand Lodge Committee, were assured that the warrant would be granted

and the date of June 23, 1916 was set for the day of constitution. The fee for the warrant was provided

by Guyasuta Lodge No. 513.

On June 23, 1916, at 12:05 PM, a Special Communication of Grand Lodge was opened by Bro. John S.

Sell, R.W.S.G.W. acting as R.W. Grand Master, in the Masonic Temple, Fifth, Lytton & Tennyson Avenues

in the presence of 136 visitors, when 258 of the 261 brethren who had signed the petition for a new

warrant, being present, were duly consecrated and constituted as Lodge No. 684. The proposed name

of “Tuscan,” not having been approved, the name of the Lodge was left to be determined at a later date.

This was the largest number of warrant members up to that time, and for many years afterward, in the

constitution of a new lodge. Seventy-five Lodges from 17 Jurisdictions were represented.

“The ceremony of consecration being concluded the Officers were installed in ancient form:



The first meeting was held July 21, 1916, under considerable difficulty and inconvenience. Walls were unplastered, windows and doors yet to be hung (canvas was used to cover), the floor had not been laid, candles were required in some places; however, there were 163 members and 36 visitors present! There were presented 37 petitions for initiation and membership, the first one of record being that of James Renwick Sullebarger, and 5 petitions for membership. A committee consisting of Brothers Joseph G. Moorehead, Willard A. Lanning, James H. Phillips, and John M. Greer was appointed to prepare and submit a code of By-Laws. It took 18 pages to record the minutes. At the August 18 stated meeting, the first petitioner to be approved was Joseph Leander McKnight, who was also the first man to be entered (August 22nd) and crafted (September 26, 1916). A committee composed of Bros. Justus Mulert, Thomas R. Knowlson, Edwin G. Hays, Frank Ryman, Ross R. McCoy, William E. McKnight was directed to select and submit a name for the Lodge, which they did at the November Stated Meeting. They suggested “Mount Calvary” which was not approved and they were directed to submit some name “other than Mount Calvary” which they did the following February by offering the following: Brotherhood, Fidelity, Kilwinning, Trinity, Unity – just about one name per member of the Committee. The Master ordered an election to decide the matter, when “Dormont” was first choice and there was a tie vote for Kilwinning and South Hills for the second choice. On motion: “Dormont” was made first choice and “Kilwinning” second choice and the Secretary was instructed “to forward the same to the Grand Master for his approval”, which appears to have been quite prompt, as the Minutes for the Extra Meeting, March 8, 1917, read, “Dormont Lodge No. 684 Free and Accepted Masons. At the September 15, 1916, Meeting, the By-Laws were presented: Fee for Initiation - $50.00; for Admission - $15.00; Dues - $8.00; (adopted at the October Meeting) Bro. Robert R. Elder, Worshipful Master of Fort Pitt Lodge No. 634 presented to the Lodge our Alter Bible. On October 17, 1916, in the presence of 98 members and 160 visitors, two were crafted and Bro. James C. Weir, Worshipful Master of Homewood Lodge No. 635 presented a gavel to the Lodge. On October 28, 1916, the Lodge was honored by a visitation by quite a number of brethren from Guyasuta Lodge No. 513, when, 8 brethren were raised – Oliver Enscoe, being the first of record. At the Stated Meeting, December 15th, 21 petitions were presented, offices were elected and installed, the Trustees reported that $4,000.00 had been invested in S. H. Masonic Hall stock, $654.13 in “Lodge paraphernalia”, $300.14 in kitchen utensils. The balance in the Treasurer’s hands was $1,006.53. Six Stated and 20 Extra Meetings had increased the membership to 302 by the initiation of 38 and the admission of 6. Thus a firm foundation had been laid for the Lodge of which we are justly proud. The next five years covered World War I and a most virulent influenza epidemic, which had their influence on the Lodge and its activities. The display of the Flag and the singing of America, became a part of the opening. A Service Flag was presented to the Lodge in behalf of the Officer by District Deputy Grand Master McIlroy, in honor of the members in the service – later, the bronze tablet was placed in the lounge. At first, the Lodge gave each

man in service a grand Lodge Certificate in a folder, but this was found to be unsatisfactory and metal discs were used for the purpose. The first record of a Funeral service was August 1, 1918, to honor the memory of Bro. George K. Newell, a member of Northern Star Lodge No. 555, followed a week later, by the Masonic burial of Bro. Henry W. Chandler of Naval Lodge No. 87, Vallejo, California. Our first request for admission to the Home at Elizabethtown was that of Bro. Charles R. Dallas and wife, September 19, 1919. Bro. Dallas died January 12, 1920. The Hall, having been decorated, portiers were purchased and installed; the outlay appears to have been $617.48. Prices were high, silk hats having gone from $6.00 to $12.70 in three years! Early in 1920, we find Bro. Louis F. Wentz was our District Deputy. The George Washington Memorial had received the blessing of the Right Worshipful Grand Master and the Lodge requested to appoint a Committee to solicit funds – 143 members responded with $1.00 each and on motion, the Lodge advanced the balance of $343.00 and directed the Secretary to collect $1.00 each from those who had

not subscribed.

Melvin John Bauer was the first to receive all the work by dispensation on July 26, 1918. It was in this year that the Grand Lodge adopted the $20.00 fee for the Home. At the Stated meeting, June 18, 1920 – 118 members – 30 visitors records the first of the ‘traditional” – “Strawberries and Ice Cream’ – the outlay $21.25! In the record for 1921 we find: “Candidates for E.A. failed to appear – E. A. Lodge was closed and M.M. opened when four were raised instead”. “Candidate for E. A. appeared and presented self and a Brother arose and objected”, (appears to be the only case of record). As the year closed, 46 members had filed the “renunciation papers” in compliance with the Edict of Right Worshipful Grand Master Sell covering membership in prohibited organizations. During this period, steps were taken to provide the $5.00 per member to complete the Allegheny Cottage at Elizabethtown, upon which $106,000.00 had been spent, by raising the dues $1.00 per year for a five year period. The Brethren had responded to assist in the war effort by subscribing to $6,190.00 of War Savings Stamps. The Lodge had been closed during October 1918 because of the “flu”, so there were only 49 Stated Meetings, 173 Extra and Special; at the completion of the fifth year, however, 300 were initiated, 9 admitted, bringing the membership to 586 - the bank balance was $1,166.20 and the Trustees reported: 607 shared Hall Stock – par value $15,175.00, plus $2,500.00 awaiting investment. The order to procure a new seal on which was to appear the date of the warrant and the date of constitution appears not to have been honored. Bro. Harry J. Weimar, Past Master, Monongahela Lodge No. 269 presented the Lodge with a gavel made from the Cedars of Lebanon and the Lodge added to its furniture by the purchase of an organ for $435.00, the piano having been acquired for $240.00 in 1920; however, while the minutes are silent as to the donor, there is evidence that the Lodge must have had an organ as early as 1916 – “Trustees to place a name plate on the organ”.

Prior to March 16, 1923, individual receipts were entered on the minutes, but on and after that date we find the customary reference “as per Cash Book”. The initiation fee was raised to $120.00 which was to remain at that figure for over 30 years. On April 17, 1925, it was on motion: “Recommended favorable action by the R. W. G. L. on the petition for a warrant for a new Lodge to be held in Dormont”, which was later given substance by “authorizing the proper Officers to draw a warrant to purchase the warrant for the new Lodge” – incidentally, the Grand Lodge had just shortly before raised the fee from $200.00 to $300.00. At the Extra Meeting of June 10, 1925, 107 members and 120 visitors present, the Lodge was honored by an informal visit by Bro. Samuel M. Goodyear, Right Worshipful Grand Master, accompanied by Bros. William S. Snyder, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, Charles E. Robert, Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer, and John A. Perry, Right Worshipful Secretary, when Bro. Hamilton Alderdice was raised. The meeting of November 11, 1925, was attended by 211 members and 54 visitors, when in the presence of Bro. Louis F. Wentz, D.D.G.M. John Hobson Richardson was raised. Since a decision in 1923 the matter of Daylight Saving Time, had and prior thereto, caused considerable confusion, the Right Worshipful Grand Master revoked conflicting Edicts and made Daylight Saving Time lawful in those communities in which it was current, with the stipulation that time of meeting as given in the notice clearly to so indicate. A Special Meeting was held June 22, 1926, 287 members and 19 visitors present, to commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the Lodge. The Lodge was honored by the presence of bro. William M. Hamilton, Right Worshipful Grand Master, accompanied by Bros. Benjamin Page, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, Louis F. Wentz, District Deputy Grand Master and Harold Obernauer, District Deputy Grand Master. The Lodge was opened at 5:30 P.M. the Grand Officers received in due form and customary honors – Lodge closed at 6:15 P.M. to partake of a Banquet. Bro. Walter S. Lobinger, Worshipful Master was General Chairman, Bro. Charles E. Fawcett, Past Master, Toastmaster. History by Bro. Willard A. Lanning, addresses by Grand Officers, - Music by Keystone Male Singers. The Tenth Year ended with a membership of 745 resulting from the work of 50 Stated Meetings and 148 Extras, handling 175 initiations and 12 admissions during the second five year period. The bank balance was $286.70 and the Trustees reported $25,775.00 in stock and $25.00 in cash. By virtue of an Edict, October 1, 1927, the Lodge was quite busy giving “the word of the Chair”. Which was authorized “without fee and the previous six months waiting period”, the last to benefit by this ruling were: Nathaniel P. Knowles, Ralph Hawk, and Frank J. Mitchell, just three days prior to restoration of prior regulation. The Charity Committee of the Lodge had always been active, so a motion to send $100.00 to the Mississippi Flood Relief was readily approved. The Hall had been enlarged the lounge refurnished and to display the same to the Masonic Brethren, a meeting was held April 11, 1928, with Bro. Emson Brown to assist our own Tyler. It is doubtful if Bro. Charles G. Stricker, W.M., had anticipated that 210 members would be present, together with 417 visitors, representing 77 Pennsylvania Lodges, 17 Jurisdictions other than Pennsylvania.

Looking north on West Liberty Avenue, we see some of the early establishments that were present in

the Dormont business district. The impressive structure (last building on the left) is the relatively new

South Hills Masonic Hall. The two original tenants of the building were the South Hills post office

(opened on Wednesday, August 16, 1916 and Dormont bank (opened on Saturday, August 30, 1917.

The cornerstone laying ceremony was held at “high noon” on Saturday, December 18, 1915, seven

months and three days before the first stated meeting.

The spacious interior of the South Hills Masonic Hall on West Liberty Avenue. Note the cuspidors on

each side of the Lodge room as well as the upright piano.

There were present the Masters of 17 Lodges. Bro. James I. Buchanan, Past Master, St. John’s Lodge No. 219 was unable to be present, but his letter of regrets included a Classic dissertation on Masonic progress, but for its length would be quoted in its entirety. In 1928 we find the first reference to Past Masters Night, when Past Masters filled all the stations and did the work. This was repeated about a year later with the minutes showing that Charles A. Stoner, P.M., entered Wilbur W. Willson and Robert Doyle was raised by James M. Gray, P.M., - a familiar practice today. John A. Brasher Lodge No. 743, had been firmly established, but was of the opinion, that their meeting the night before our Lodge was inimical to attendance and requested the release of the Second Friday for their Stated Meetings – request granted. At the end of our fifteenth year there were 804 members, 128 initiations and 2 admissions had occurred during the 50 Stated and 107 Extra Meetings of the third five years. The road was getting rough and for the first, but not the last time, the Lodge had suffered a loss in membership. The report of the Trustees showed a small gain over that of 1926. The next decade opened with a Grand Visitation by Bro. Benjamin Page, Right Worshipful Grand Master, but was the darkest period in our history – depression, flood, and fire wrought havoc. The Masonic Employment Association was reorganized along its present lines and W. M. Klinzing appointed Bro. George Lang, Representative. The Right Worshipful Grand Master ordered a “uniform System of Accounts”’ similar to our practice for more than ten years!! However, his Edict regarding our meeting in the same building with certain organizations was very disquieting, having lost the Post Office as a tenant, and having difficulty in paying our bills. In spite of cutting all expenditures ‘to the bone” – even reducing the compensation of the Secretary by 75% - he was as much as a year late in getting his pay – “unpaid rent” mounted and Grand Lodge dues were paid piecemeal! Undaunted by a disastrous flood, the Stated Meeting of March 20, 1936 – 32 members – three visitors, - was held using candles and flash-lights, followed by an extra a week later, with work “as scheduled”. Our 20th Anniversary was observed by a Grand Visitation by Bro. John A. Lathwood, Acting R.W.G.M., and with 167 members and 191 visitors present, John Crozier Cain was raised. Bro. Norval R. Daugherty, D.D.G.M., was present at the Extra Meeting of October 23, 1936, when in the presence of 59 members and 227 visitors, William McKenzie Taylor was raised. The high spot of 1937 was the observance of the 150th Anniversary of the signing of the Constitution, When Bro. Hugh Thompson Kerr delivered an outstanding address on “Freemasonry and The Constitution” to the 87 members and 205 visitors present. Two Meetings in 1938 are worthy of note: April 15th when Bro. Harold Obernauer, D.D.G.M., delivered a eulogy on our late D.D.G.M., Bro Norval R. Daugherty, and Bro. John A. Lathwood, R.W.S.G.W. , presented our own Bro. Henry Klinzling as the new D.D.G.M., 76 members and 118 visitors were

present. The other was October 21st, when Bro. Edwin Holt Hughes of Converse Lodge of Massachusetts, addressed 99 members and 185 visitors.

One of several bids for coal to heat the old Lodge Hall.

The Massachusetts, addressed 99 members and 185 visitors. The activities for the year closed with the extra meeting of December 23rd, when Bro. Edward E. Menke was installed as Senior Warden and two were entered. ($100.00 had been paid to the Secretary, being balance of 1937 salary.) A few days later, our home was ravaged by fire! Without delay, Directors of the Hall Association, pledging their personal credit, secured funds for restoration and by April 21, 1939, our home was found “habitable” by 92 members and 59 visitors. During the rehabilitation, the brethren in Carnegie had generously granted us the use of their Masonic Hall, doing so “without fee or reward”, receiving a “Vote of Thanks” from the Lodge. Six meetings were held in Carnegie, including the traditional “Memorial Service” in January. During our sojourn, the passing of Bro. Willard A. Lanning who had served for 23 years on the Charity Committee, was properly noted – Bro James M. Gray, P.M., by dispensation, conferred all three degrees on his son, Paul Martin Gray. At a Special Meeting, October 22, 1941, Bro. John A. Lathwood, R. W. Deputy Grand Master, accompanied by Bros. Klinzing, Eyler, McCuen, and Caughey, District deputy Grand Masters, were present when 160 members and 137 visitors observed our 25th Anniversary. The bleakness of this ten year period is reflected in: 100 Stated and 86 Extra Meetings saw 97 initiated (only three in 1934), 12 admitted, membership had dropped to 661 (low 659 in 1939), our holdings of Hall stock had been increased about $1,000.00 and brought up to 1212 shares, par value $30,300.00, of questionable value, as the Hall Association was deeply in debt and the Lodge was not current with its monetary obligations. 1942 brought with it Eastern War Time; the institution of the “Flag Ceremony” and the establishment of the “Masonic Military and Naval Service Committee of Grand Lodge”; the bequest to the Lodge of $436.92 from the Estate of Bro. George Jordan Churchill, who had passed on, February 6, 1939; explicit directions to the Master in the event of an air raid; the presentation to the Lodge of the Electric Clock.

A war time letter from Brother Charles F. Moore

The first to receive the “50 year button” was Bro. Walter S. Lobinger, Stated meeting, August 20, 1943 – (The Grand Master having requested the Lodges not to Call Off during the duration of the war). At the December 1943 Meeting, Bro. J. Frederick Kuhlman, who had served as Secretary since the Constitution of the Lodge, retired after 27 years of service, during which time, he had missed only six meetings, and Bro. Frederick W. Hecker, P.M., was elected Secretary. A critical study was made of our financial condition, resulting in the adoption of the sound fiscal policy advocated by Bro. Ward L. Kline, W.M., and others. To Past Masters George B. Turnbaugh, and Ward L. Kline, we owe a debt of gratitude, for having conceived and pushing to conclusion the plans to liquidate the $36,000.00 mortgage on our home and putting the Lodge on a sound fiscal policy, replacing “shadow” with substance investment wise. The passing of Bro. James M. Gray, Past Master, on June 27, 1945, who had served as Treasurer for 20 years, led to the election to that office of Bro. Theodore R. Oetting, who continues in that capacity. It was in September 1945 that we saw the last of “War Time”, and soon thereafter, on Motion: “That unpaid rent for the past five years be paid as soon as funds are available”. The result: $1,000.00 was paid in February account of back rent for 1941 and 1942, followed in April by a like amount to apply on 1943 and 1944, $1,175.00 on June 21st to be distributed: $500.00 rent prior to January 1, 1946; $375.00 – January, February and March, 1946; $300.00 – April and May 1946 – a most fitting manner to mark our 30th Anniversary. On this occasion, 132 members and 76 visitors, were treated to an appropriate address by Bro. David H. Stewart, P.M., St. James Lodge No. 457 and a recital of some of the “high lights” on the activities leading to the formation of the Lodge, by Bros. Joseph F. Moore and Edward W. Stevenson, Sr. Our 30th year closed with the tide turned; during the preceding five year period 56 Stated and 144 Extra Meetings produced 238 entered, and 36 admissions, bringing the membership to 849, the Trustee reported: Hall stock par value $35,150.00; $370.00 F Bonds; $8,000.00 G Bonds; $3,00.00 C bonds, and ownership[ of the Hall was no longer in jeopardy. The records disclosed that 43 members of the Lodge had seen service in World War II. The years 1947 to 1951, inclusive, were filled with activity. “Old Timers Night”, June 20, 1947, found 186 members present – 21 of the 23 living Past Master’s (by service) being present, as was our first Tyler, Bro. Benjamin Poole – also present were 27 out of 127 living warrant members. The attendance during 1948 was exceptional – with a low of 120 members at the February Stated – high of 177 at the June and an average for the 10 Stated Meetings of 136, undoubtedly influenced by the number of petitioners – 103 were entered (exceeding 1946 when the number was 98). Twelve Brethren will long remember May 1, 1948 as the day they were raised. Brother J. Frederick Kuhlman was our second member to be honored by being presented a 50 year button. It was in 1948 that the custom to send retiring Master to Grand Lodge was changed to sending the Senior Warden instead and this has been followed to-date. Attendance increased in 1949 – April 335, May 339 when on motion: “Favorable action was recommended on the petition for a new Lodge to be known as William D. McIlroy Lodge, and a warrant for $300.00 be authorized to purchase the warrant”. Some forty odd brethren having reigned, to petition for a warrant for Bethel Lodge, resolutions were introduced and adopted to draw warrants for a total of $500.00 to be applied: $100.00 toward the purchase of the new warrant and $400.00 to assist in the establishment of Bethel Lodge.

The year closed in sadness, when Bro. John W. Thomas, Worshiipful Master, (affectionately known a s “Jerry”), arose from a sick bed, presided at the Stated Meeting, November 18th –closed the Lodge at 9:45 P.M., and suffered a fatal heart attack in the arms of brethren who were carrying him down the stairs. The Brethren reassembled in the Lodge room and Bro. Rev. Frederick Kempster, Lee Center Lodge No. 146 A. F. & A. M. of Illinois (speaker of the evening) conducted a touching prayer service for our departed Master. Bro. Carl B. Kutschbach, S.W., took over as Acting Worshipful Master and ably conducted the business of the Lodge for the remainder of the year including the annual election. Bro. Edward W. Stevenson was our third member to be honored with a “50 year button”, presented by Bro. Henry Klinzing, D.D.G.M., April 21, 1950. We note that in February 1951, the “Flag Ceremony was reinstated”. Our 35th Anniversary was observed June 15, 1951, 141 members and 19 visitors being present, when Bro. Henry Klinzing, presented a “50 year button to Bro. David Bisset; Bros. Fawcett, Klinzing, and Miller severally spoke about various phases of the history of the Lodge. This five year period saw 341 entered, 32 admitted, bringing the membership up to 1080 even after providing a generous nucleus for two new Lodges. Bro. Henry Klinzing, having joined the ranks of Past District Deputy Grand Masters, the Lodge was honored by the appointment of Bro. Edward E. Johnson as his successor, being formally presented to the Brethren at a Special Meeting, February 19, 1952, by Bro. Albert T. Eyler, R.W.G.M. Worshipful, who accompanied by other Grand Lodge officers, paid us an official visit. Attendance was 106 members and 176 visitiors. The R.W.G.M. made an informal visit to the Lodge on January 16, 1953, when “50 year buttons” were presented to Bros. Thomas R. Knowlson; Phillip H. Kusian; and William S. Haddock, following which, R.W.G.M., Albert T. Eyler, addressed the 160 members and 88 visitors, on the “The Lodge and The Church”. In due time, Bros. Frederick Ruch; Fred G. Lamb; Ira F. Keith; Willis E. Henderson, (Burbank, California); Benton R. Hough, (St. Petersburg, Florida); William B. Coullie; Frederick W. Schwarz; Ozmer B. Falk and Howard B. Salkeld: qualified for and received the distinction and insignia of 50 years a Mason. An effort was made at the February 1954 Stated meeting to have a three-stop automatic elevator installed in the building at the expense of Dormont Lodge. There were two presentations to authorize such action, but considerable discussion failed to gain favorable action. The year 1954 continued along with Stated and Extra Meetings, but with nothing of special importance to report. The Year’s end however, showed the Lodge continued to absorb outstanding shares in the South Hills Masonic Hall Association. At the year’s end it held 1625 shares valued at $40,525.00. As will be seen in the January 1955 stated Meeting, the Lodge voted $2,500.00 to the Trustees for investment and the Tyler’s compensation was increased, thus indicating that the Lodge was affluent. A decree from the R.W.G.M. was read at the February 1955 Stated Meeting requiring memory work on the part of Officers. He decreed that although the ancient charges are not part of the esoteric work, the charge at the opening and closing of a Lodge must be recited from memory at all Stated Meetings. He also decreed that at the initiation, passing and raising the charges must be recited from memory, during the conferring of each degree.

The Lodge was granted permission by the Grand Lodge at the May Stated Meeting to make the Lodge room available for a chapter of the Order of DeMolay to hold sessions. At the same meeting the Lodge was advised that a receipted dues card be issued each year to each of the life members. The Grand Lodge notified the Lodge at the September 1955 meeting of an increase in dues form $2.00 to $4.00 and an increase in initiation fee from $40.00 to $60.00. As a result the Lodge raised the total initiation fee to $160.00 and the annual dues for the Lodge to $8.00 as apart from the Grand Lodge dues. Action on this was taken at the October Stated Meeting. Action was had at the January 1956 meeting, empowering the Worshipful Master to organize plans for a banquet celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Lodge in June of that year. The banquet was to be for all members and the entire cost to be paid by the Lodge. A special meeting of the Lodge was held for the purpose of receiving Grand Lodge Officers prior to the 40th Anniversary banquet. The meeting was closed that the brethren might attend the dinner at the Gateway Plaza. The R.W.G.M. was unable to be present and was represented by the R.W.D.G.M. Sanford M. Chilcote and other Officers. There were 519 members and guests at the banquet. Brother Park H. Martin spoke on “The Pittsburgh Renaissance, A New American Skyline”. Past Master William B. Stricker was Toastmaster. The membership at the end of 1956 was 1,190. The report shows that during the year five were admitted, 37 initiated, 19 had died, one resigned and six were suspended. The financial status revealed that $25,726.90 had been received and after paying all obligations, $9.504.03 remained in the treasury. The Trustees report indicated steady financial growth. The Lodge held 1,648 shares in the South Hills Masonic Hall Association; $33,000.00 in G Bonds; $16,000.00 in K Bonds and had $5,102.00 on deposit with the Mt. Lebanon Federal Savings and Loan Association. Membership in the Lodge reached an even 1,200 by the end of 1957. During the year six were admitted, 44 initiated, 25 were deceased, three resigned and 12 were suspended. Rev. Louis Holzer, Assistant Minister of the Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church conducted a special service of dedication of the new altar Bible at the January 1958 Stated Meeting. This followed the memorial address by Rev. Holzer who is a member of Independence Lodge No. 80, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Action was taken at the February Stated Meeting providing that a Bible be presented by the Lodge to each newly raised Brother. The Lodge3 also voted an initial purchase of 50 Bibles for this purpose. The Worshipful Master announced the deaths of eight of the brethren at the September Stated Meeting. Among them was Past Master Charles Emerson Fawcett, Warrant Member and on of the originators of this Lodge. By the end of 1958, the Lodge had a dollar value of $107,652.99. During the year, many of the government bonds had matured and had to be reinvested. So, the accounting shows that the holdings were G Bonds $25,000.00; K Bonds $16,000.00; H Bonds $10,500.00; Treasury 4% Bonds $5,000.00; 3¼% $3,000.00 and $5,607.28 in the Mt. Lebanon Federal Savings and Loan Association. The membership dropped from 1,192 to 1,179 by the end of the year. There were 30 deaths during the year, six resigned and eight were suspended. Two were admitted and 29 initiated.

A committee appointed at the October meeting, 1959, to investigate the need of a second DeMolay chapter in the South Hills, recommended it at the April 1960 Stated Meeting. But the Worshipful Master announced that no action could be taken by this Lodge until a report has been received from the District Deputy Grand Master. Therefore the committee report was received and the committee dismissed from further service. The District Deputy Grand Master advised the Lodge at the May 1960 Stated Meeting that he approved of the transfer of Templar Chapter, Order of DeMolay to the Brentwood-Whitehall area and that Dormont Lodge with Monongahela Lodge No. 269 and Pleasant Hills Lodge No. 759 act as co-sponsors. Whereupon the Lodge voted $500.00 for the setting up of this chapter. Only one more share was added to the holdings in the Hall Association stock making the total 1,703 at a value of $42,575.00. The Lodge held G Bonds $12,500.00; H Bonds $18,500.00; K bonds $16,000.00; Treasury 4% $5,000.00; Treasury 3¼ $3,000.00; Mt. Lebanon Federal Savings and Loan Association $7,839.50 and West End Federal Savings & Loan Association $8,510.00. The membership dropped to 1,171 by the end of 1960. There were 28 deaths, 28 initiated, on admitted, six resigned and eight suspended. The giving of aprons to all past Masters was begun at the June 1961 Stated Meeting which was Past Masters’ night. All living Past Masters were given aprons and the practice has been continued. To stimulate attendance at the opening of fall stated Meetings, the Master initiated the Fellowship dinner in September. It accomplished its purpose. There were 198 at the dinner and 225 attended the Stated Meeting. The November Stated Meeting was devoted to a farewell for Edward E. Johnson who had completed his service as District Deputy Grand Master. Three District Deputy Grand Masters from other districts attended. Brother Johnson was a member of Dormont Lodge. By the end of 1961, the membership dropped to 1,159. Six were admitted during the year, 25 initiated, seven resigned, 14 were suspended and there were 22 deaths. The securities of the Lodge at the end of 1961 amounted to $121,871.12. The distribution of the funds were about the same as at the end of 1960. The new D.D.G.M. Ralph D. Horsman honored the Lodge with a visit at the February, 1962, Stated Meeting. Several District Deputy Grand Masters were present at the June Stated Meeting. Past Grand Master Albert T. Eyler was the speaker of the evening, giving some interesting views on Masonry. The second Fellowship dinner was held in September with an excellent attendance. Rev. K. W. McCracken, Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church in Carlysle, spoke on “Your Place in the Lodge”. Rev. McCracken was a member of Dormont Lodge. Several decisions by the Right Worshipful Grand Master were read at the November Stated Meeting. First of these provided that Lodges may sponsor dinners and entertainments not held in Lodge rooms, to which ladies and families may be invited. However, no Lodge funds may be used for such guests.

Lodge funds may be used for members provided the event has the approval of the District Deputy Grand Master. Another provided that a member seeking change of his name, must provide the Lodge with a court decree and records setting forth the reason. In this event a majority vote is necessary to change the Lodge records. Still another forbids any member from taking part in the work, either ritualistic or otherwise of the Order of Rainbow Girls or the Order of Job’s Daughter’s. Neither are they to accept the degree known as the Grand Cross of Color. The District Deputy Grand Master was instructed not to permit the installation of any elected Lodge officer not qualified and competent to perform the duties of the office to which he had been elected. The Dead Sea Scrolls was the discussion by Rev. W. C. Trevor at the February 1963 Stated Meeting. This was a very enlightening presentation. The evening was also marked by an official visitation by D.D.G.M. Ralph Horsman. Other subjects presented at Stated Meetings during the year, were: “Masonry and the Law”, “the Bible in Masonry” and Post office and Pittsburgh Railways night. Ladies’ night was inaugurated at the November meeting. The ladies assembled in the Dormont Presbyterian Church where they were joined by the men when the Lodge adjourned. An entertainment followed. There were several father and son memberships during the year. The membership declined again by the end of 1963 to 1,129. Two were admitted, 22 initiated, two suspended, three resigned and there were 30 deaths during the year. A decision was read at the 1964 April meeting from the R.W.G.M. permitting members of Lodges to attend meetings and functions of the Order of Rainbow Girls or Job’s Daughters whether open or closed. Erwin D. Conley who during the previous year, had been named Chairman of the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, resigned at the May Stated Meeting. The W.M. appointed Frederick W. Hecker and James D. Ferguson as co-chairmen. So, the program development continued on under their joint direction. William H. Bedford who had served who had served on the Sick Committee for a number of years died July 1,1964 diligently, religiously making calls on all who had been reported sick and the shut-ins. A resolution on the passing of Brother Bedford, setting forth the dedication of this member to other members of the Lodge, was prepared and presented to his widow. Robert L. Bosserman who had been installed Junior Warden at the December 1963 Stated Meeting, died January 18, 1964, it was announced at the February meeting. Brother Bosserman had worked hard in the Lodge and would have been Worshipful Master during the 50th Anniversary celebration. A special election was held at the March meeting to select a Junior Warden to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Brother Bosserman. Donald W. Fox was elected.

Benjamin Poole, a Warrant Member who had worked the floor and was the original Tyler, died in the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown. He had been accepted by the Homes less than a year before. The by-laws were brought up to date at the May meeting. There had been no revision since 1957. The gift of 12 shares of stock from the estate of Past Master Arthur L. Miller was noted. Former Past Masters were taken to dinner by the Master and Officers before the June 1965 Stated Meeting. During the meeting, the Master announced Past Masters were to be given plastic envelopes to preserve their aprons between meetings. John V. Rumble resigned as Junior Warden. He moved to North Carolina. James C. Bauman Jr. was appointed acting Junior Warden. A decision was made to send money not spent for flowers in the event of death to the Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown. The new South Hills School of Instruction was started in 1965. This made it more convenient for the members of the committee on instruction. The jewel of Past Master Arthur L. Miller was presented for the archives by Benjamin Barbour who was handling the affairs. Harry A. Batchelor was appointed to the Sick Committee to carry on the work of Brother Bedford. Ivor C. Thomas was later appointed to this committee. The death of two Past Masters occurred during this year, that of Edward A. Haas, P.M. and former Secretary and Henry Klinzing, P.M. and former D.D.G.M.. The securities of the Lodge dropped back to $127,681.65 by the end of 1965. The record shows that one share of stock in the South Hills Masonic Hall Association had been added. The membership by the end of the year, declined to 1,117. There were 30 deaths during the year, 18 initiated, one restored to membership, four admitted, one suspended and four resignations. The year 1966 was marked by a special 50th Anniversary celebration of the Lodge. The celebration was highlighted by a banquet at the Penn Sheraton Hotel. On Past Master’s Night, Brother Edward E. Johnson presented the Lodge with the Bible used July 21, 1916. Brother William E. Fox succeeded his brother Don as Master in 1967, a year which saw the by-laws changed to increase dues from $12.00 to $14.00. A First Degree was conferred at the Stated Meeting in November, 1968, by special dispensation, as the candidate was about to enter the U.S. Army. The amount of $1,000.00 was donated to McMurray Lodge No. 807. In 1969, as Brother Alexander Seskay assumed the position of Master, Brother Edward E. Johnson, P.M., presented P.M. James Gray’s jewel to the Lodge. The first 20 year’s history of the Lodge was also presented to the Lodge. This presentation was written by Brother Willard Laning.

During the April meeting of 1970, the Representative Degree was conferred on members of Templar Chapter, DeMolay. The Lodge was saddened by the passing of Brother William Foster in September. Brother Foster researched and wrote the first 50 year’s history of Dormont Lodge. Worshipful Master Joseph M. Burnelis appointed Brother William Morrow as Lodge organist in 1971. This year was also the beginning of the first Father and Son Night. A donation of $11,500.00 was made to the Masonic Hospital for rooms and furnishings. Dormont Lodge relinquished sponsorship of Templar Charter DeMolay in order to permit closer Lodges to assume sponsorship. John A. Brashear Lodge No. 743 and Dormont Lodge co-sponsored South Hills Chapter DeMolay, effective April 21, 1972. District Deputy Grand Master Ralph D. Horsman announced his resignation at the end of the year at Dormont Lodge, October 20, 1972, during the Stated Meeting. Brother Wesley E. Smith, Sr., was appointed D.D.G.M. Master for 1973. The activities of the Lodge year were highlighted by a visit from Brother John L. McCain, R.W.S.G.W. Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, October 20, 1972. One of Dormont Lodge’s most active Past Masters was called from labor to rest in 1973. Brother George Haefner, Past Master and Representative in the Grand Lodge died July 7, 1973. A resolution in his memory was adopted and the annual September Stated Meeting Dinner was named the George Haefner Memorial Dinner. 1974 was occasioned by the good feeling of seeing a possible renewed interest in the fraternity. The Lodge had almost double the yearly number of petitions as received in the preceding half dozen years. With this number of petitions, the Officers degree work which was always exceptional in Dormont Lodge, increased tremendously. The year 1975 saw the Lodge saddened once again by the loss of two of its most dependable, loyal and dedicated Officers. Senior Warden Howard Brednick died on March 14th. No election was held and Brother John R. Gilbert, Junior Warden, became Acting Senior Warden, Brother Karl H. Ellenberger, becoming Acting Junior Warden. On November 14th, Brother James D. Ferguson, P.M. and Chief Instructor, passed away. Brother Ferguson was always available to assist any young struggling Officer, and gave full measure to the work of the Lodge. A moving eulogy for Brother Ferguson was delivered by Master Donald W. Fox P.M. The year ended with a resolution passed providing the amount of $10,000.00 to be used by the 60th Anniversary Committee in 1976. Along with the preparations for the 60th Anniversary the Lodge spent a great amount of time learning about Masonic tradition in the early formative years of the United States of America. Lodge programs were given on a wide variety of topics including; George Washington at Valley Forge, the Masonic Heritage of the Constitution, the History of Brother Benjamin Franklin, and the Magna Carta Reaffirmed. The June 1976 meeting saw 115 members and visitors in attendance for the R.W.G.M., John L. McCain’s visitation. He was assisted by the D.D.G.M., Wesley E. Smith, Sr.; and presented a photocopy of two original warrants of Dormont Lodge No. 684 along with a bicentennial medallion. Also presented were 50 Year Emblems to Brothers J. Harold Grace and Walter H. Cramer, who was from Johnstown Lodge No. 538.

On Saturday, July 10, 1976, at twelve o’clock noon, a Table Lodge was conducted by the three lodges meeting in the Dormont Masonic Hall, i.e., Dormont Lodge, Brashear Lodge, and McIlroy Lodge. The speaker was Brother W. Bertram Waychoff, PM and District Attorney of Greene County who discussed the trials encountered by Brothers Mason and Dixon in establishing their famous line. During the December 1976 meeting a communication from the Grand Lodge was read stating that picnics and other social events could be held on Sundays after 2:00pm provided that a Masonic Temple, Hall, or Lodge Room is not used and alcoholic beverages are not served. In March of 1977 a communication was received from the Grand Lodge making recitations from memory of Opening and Closing charges mandatory at all stated Meetings of the Lodge as well as charges at conclusion of Degrees. Another Grand Lodge communication required the instruction and examination of newly made Masons for proficiency in the Craft. Following the meeting the Brethren were entertained by the German Band of the Syria Temple. The January 1978 Stated Meeting was held despite a 16 inch snowfall. Curiously enough there were 16 members in attendance. During the February 1978 meeting visiting Brother Wycliffe Jones gave an interesting talk concerning English Country Lodges and explained the meeting places and actions of his Home Lodge in England. After the March 1979 Stated Meeting the Dormont Chapter of the Order of DeMolay performed a DeMolay Degree for the edification of the Brethren. In September 1979, the Lodge received a picnic invitation from Argus Lodge No. 545, Canfield Ohio, and Dallas Lodge No. 508. During the picnic, the Masonic play “A Rose Upon the Altar” would be performed by the Frank Harmon Lodge No. 663, Elyria Ohio. At the same meeting the D.D.G.M., Wesley E. Smith advised the Brethren of a possible discrimination problem that the Grand Lodge was facing. Federal funding for the Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown could be in Jeopardy because of the issue. Also during 1979 the South Hills Masonic Hall Association raised the rent to $110 per meeting and the Lodge securities increased to $164,641.63. In 1980 the Grand Lodge decided to suspend the petitioners residency requirement on a trial basis for a period of eighteen months. The revised residency requirement states that the petitioner must live either within the same county of the Lodge or within a contiguous county. 1981 was an active year for Dormont Lodge. In January, a Special Meeting was held for an informal visit by the R.W.G.M., Joseph E. Trate, for the purpose of formally presenting Brother Alfred R. Dudley P.M., for the new D. D.G.M. in the 57th District of Masonry. A total 147 members and visitors were present for the occasion. At the February, 1981 Stated Meeting, D.D.G.M. Alfred R. Dudley expressed gratitude and thanks for himself and the Grand Lodge for the efficiency and operation of Dormont Lodge No. 684. Later in the meeting a program of prominent Masonic Personalities was read that related to the 250th anniversary of Masonry in Pennsylvania. In addition, the Finance Committee took under advisement a request from the Secretary, Brother William Morrow, a request for a typewriter for lodge work.

In March of 1981, a communication from the Grand Lodge clarified the distinction between principal and interest in the permanent fund of the Lodge and went on to discuss the situations wherein principal may be expended from the Permanent Fund and the Permanent Charity Fund. Another important communication was received regarding the discrimination issue concerning the Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown. The Grand Lodge had retained legal counsel in response to the United States Department of Health, Education, and Human Services charges that the Masonic Homes were in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In response to the charges that minorities have the right to be freely admitted into the Masonic Homes without undue restrictions, officers of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania have contacted officers of Prince Hall Grand Lodge to determine their interest in admission to the Masonic Homes. They, in turn, responded with great interest and admission procedures are currently being worked out. It was noted: however, that the future admission of Prince Hall members to the Masonic Homes does not constitute recognition of the Prince Hall Lodge. In April the South Hills Masonic Hall Association announced that the hall rent per meeting would be raised to $126.50. The increase was necessary due to higher utility and maintenance costs. Several communications from the Grand Lodge were also received. The first placed a moratorium on higher education loans due to the increasing difficulty of collection. The second discussed the Roman Catholic ban of Masonic Organizations. This concerned the Roman Catholic Church’s recent reaffirmation of its 243 year old ban against Roman Catholics joining Masonic Organizations. The Grand Lodge communication read as follows: “We regret the action taken by the Vatican as it is divisive in a period of time when it is imperative that those who believe in God must be united. No Mason in Pennsylvania; however, should make, or cause to be made, any public statement critical of the Roman Catholic Church. Catholics who are members of the Masonic Fraternity must be free to make their own decisions in the matter of the Vatican’s ban on their membership. Any interference by other Masons in those decisions will be considered UnMasonic conduct and could lead to expulsion from the Fraternity. All Freemasons are reminded that:

1. Freemasonry is not a religion, but Freemasons must believe in God. 2. Freemasonry does not oppose, nor does it seek to destroy, any religion. 3. Freemasonry’s beliefs and rituals are based on the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of


In May of 1981 the Grand Lodge invited all Officers to participate in a parade to be held in Philadelphia celebrating the 250th anniversary of Freemasonry. Also in May a special dispensation was received from DDGM Alfred R. Dudley authorizing Dormont Lodge No. 684 to Raise to the Sublime degree of Master Mason, brother William MacDermott Thornhill, Fellowcraft Mason, who is unable to await the usual delays required by our Laws. The October 1981 Stated Meeting saw a Resolution to increase Lodge dues to $20 per year. The need for the increase was attributed to inflation. In addition, the resolution provided that the dues were to be paid on, or before, the January stated Meeting. In November 1981, forty-two Brothers were present for Ladies’ Night where all were entertained by a magic show after the annual dinner. There were two extra Meetings in November. The Lodge securities increased to $181,997.68 in 1981.

January 1982 began with a visitation of the Right Worshipful Grand Master, Samuel C. Williamson, who discussed the general decline in Masonry membership. He urged all members to talk about Masonry to the public and to encourage new petitions. During February 1982, a communication was received from, Samuel C. Williamson R.W.G.M., removing responsibility for proficiency from the School of Instruction and placing it with the Worshipful Master of the Lodge who is to be guided by the D.D.G.M.. A Dispensation was received from the Grand Lodge granting Gary, A. Palombia to Pass to the Chair. It was resolved to contribute $1000.00 to the newly formed Youth Foundation which is quartered at the Patton School Campus. An upcoming Patriotic Pilgrimage to Gettysburg was announced for June, and Brother Finley L. Burns P.M., presented a program of Exemplary of a Visitor, which was very informative. After the Lodge closed in March 1982, the George Miles Dunn Chapter, Order of DeMolay, presented the Ceremony of Light along with the Seven Virtues of DeMolay: Fileal Love, Reverence, Courtesy, Comradship, Fidelity, Cleanliness, and Patriotism. Two communications from the Grand Lodge were received for the June 1982 Stated meeting that discussed proper Masonic Dress for Funerals and the Lodges privilege to display art, so long as it has significance and does not offend, on the walls of the Lodge Room. In September 1982, an important communication from the Officers of the Grand Lodge approved a single symbol; the square and compasses, as a design that can be displayed. In May of 1983 a communication from Samuel C. Williamson, R.W.G.M. declared that a moratorium on all physical qualifications for membership had been enforced as of April 16, 1983. This empowers Dormont Lodge No. 684 to receive and act on petitions from physically handicapped men. The Grand Master also healed all previous rejections of petitioners who had been disqualified because of physical limitation. Necessary changes in instruction and ritual would be made available through the School of Instruction. Also in 1983, the South Hills Masonic Hall Association announced that while there would be no increase in rent for 1984, inflation pressures have made it necessary to withhold any dividend payments. During 1984, new members to the Craft were given 60 days to prove their proficiency to the Worshipful Master; and applause, within reason, was permitted in the body of the Lodge. In response to complaints that Dormont Lodge was unfriendly, new name badges were received for Lodge Brothers and the Worshipful Master decided to appoint a Brother to shake the hand of all visiting Brethren entering the Lodge. Alfred R. Dudley D.D.G.M., P.M., presented information and an audio-visual program to the Brethren concerning Solomon II, and again commented on the general decline in Masonic membership. It was a decision of the Grand Lodge that an installed Officer could not resign from his Chair without resigning from the Lodge. In January of 1985, a communication from the Grand Lodge directed that any Master Mason who has not conferred any of the degrees of Freemasonry in the body of the open Lodge, shall not be permitted to do so until he is declared proficient by the School of Instruction. Twenty five members and one visitor were present for the visitation of Alfred R. Dudley D.D.G.M., P.M, on a miserably cold night. Even the heat of the building was chilled when the D.D.G.M. announced that the South Hills DeMolay and Templar Chapters would be disbanded within 90 days if membership did not improve.

During the November 1985 Stated Meeting a communication was received from the Grand Master stating: “Effective immediately, the physical penalties for the degrees will no longer be used, but will be replaced by penalties that are manageable and enforceable.” Along with this communication was a copy of a speech given by the R.W.G.M. at Rally II for Solomon II in Stabler Arena on the campus of Lehigh University before more than 3,500 persons. Also in 1985; there was a Masonic matinee at the Ice Capades, in March, the South Hills Masonic Hall Association raised the rent per meeting to $175, the Brentwood Assembly No. 60, International Order of Rainbow Girls, presented a program of their ritualistic work, and the Grand Lodge permitted the option of balloting and conferring up to five petitioners at any one time. In February 1986, Brother Finley L. Burns P.M. spoke on behalf of the Youth Drug Rehabilitation program and it was resolved to donate $5,000 to this program. The Lodge was saddened in March of 1986 as the Charter for the South Hills Chapter of DeMolay was forfeited due to its inactive statues. The rest of 1986 saw the Lodge active socially with 62 members in attendance for the Stated Meeting in June for Ladies’ Night and 119 present for the demonstration of the Jaws of Life Dormont Fire Department after the meeting. The Jaws of Life were purchased with funds donated by the Lodge. In September, original minutes from a 1786 Lodge meeting were read. In October, a Ladies’ Octoberfest was held with square dancing, and November hosted a highly successful father and son night. The year of 1987 was filled with Solomon II activities including a delicious dinner hosted by the Pleasant Hills Masonic Hall. The Right Worshipful Grand Master, Carl Stenberg visited the Lodge in October to give a Solomon II report that indicated that the overall program was a great success. Eighty-seven members were in attendance for the R.W.G.M’s visit. In 1988 the Lodge was stunned by the lack of new petitioners. It was decided to concentrate on getting new members in 1989. 1989 began with the resolution to purchase a computer for Lodge work. In March the Lodge was saddened by the death of Brother William Morrow, Jr., Secretary. Gary A. Palombia, W.M., read a very poignant eulogy and a copy was sent to Brothers Morrow’s wife. During the May 1989 meeting a serious discussion was held concerning new members for the Lodge. It was decided to look into various forms of publicity in an effort to increase public awareness and hopefully new members. 1990 saw the efforts to increase membership continue. In June a communication from the Grand Lodge was received that allowed the use of VCR’s and other recording devices in the open body of the Lodge provided that the Lodge is not conferring or rehearsing esoteric work. During the December 1990 Stated Meeting a communication was received from the Grand Lodge discussing various means of remodeling, selling, and purchasing new Masonic Halls. The potential sale of the South Hills Masonic hall was also discussed.

In May of 1991, Brothers Clarence J. Betzler and John D. Betzler researched Lodge minutes at late notice to compile the 75th Anniversary Lodge history. The 75th Anniversary year of Dormont Lodge No. 684 found us in a time of great change. The South Hills Masonic Hall was under a sales agreement, which gave the Lodge two years to find another home. New members to the fraternity are always needed, and efforts to increase the Lodge’s membership were well under way. While the original Masonic Hall on West Liberty Avenue had served us well, the question of feasibility was becoming a concern. Ongoing building repairs, high utility bills, limited on-street parking and the long flight of stairs from the main entrance to the Lodge Room were all contributing factors in the decision to relocate. Brother James C. Fox Jr., W.M. 1992, recalls the building being sold in 1991 to Beatty Interiors, and how fortunate the Lodge was to find an interested buyer. Brother Fox also remembers scheduling a Ladies night and our insurance company not allowing the use of the building’s antiquated kitchen. Although the Lodge Stated Meeting was held in the Masonic Hall that evening, the dinner and program took place in the Dormont Presbyterian Church around the corner. At the September 20, 1991 Stated Meeting, Brothers Finley L. Burns P.M. and David Muse gave a short talk on the completed sale of the old Lodge Hall building and where we would go moving forward. Several options were considered from building a new Lodge Hall to renovating the existing structure. An empty warehouse building was found at 541 McNeilly Road in Baldwin Township, approximately two miles from our Dormont location. Built in the mid 1940’s, the interior was large enough to subdivide into various rooms, including a beautiful new Lodge Room, social hall and kitchen. It would be handicap accessible and offer an off-street parking area. The building had previously been home to a valve company, Bards Dairyland and most recently Kookie Shoppes International and Factory Outlet Carpets & Remnants – Carpet and Decorating Shop. While many worked hard and diligently behind the scenes contributing time, labor and financial backing, two individuals spent countless hours transforming the former warehouse into a beautiful contemporary Lodge: Brother George D. Fischer, W.M. 1994, construction chairman, and Brother George F. Nikolas P.M. Secretary. Brother Fischer, a carpenter by trade, had much to do with the layout and actual construction of the interior. Brother Nikolas also contributed to much of the ongoing labor and built the fine apron cabinet as a gift to the Lodge. At the November 20, 1992 Stated Meeting, Brother Fischer gave an update on the demolition and construction of the new building. Brother David R. Muse and Finley L Burns, P.M. discussed the need for immediate cash to continue with the construction. The total efforts to raise the money by the three Lodges involved, was not going as quickly as anticipated. It was on motion, resolved the Dormont Lodge will lend the South Hills Masonic Hall Association the sum or $50,000.00 at an annual percentage rate of 5% for a term of not more than ten years. Brother Fischer mentioned that “Every Saturday is a work day at the new building for anyone interested in working”.

June 18, 1993 marked the final Stated Meeting at the old South Hills Masonic Hall at 2880 West Liberty Avenue. There were 21 members and 3 visitors present for this memorable night, which included a program honoring our Past Masters. There would be one final Extra Meeting held in the old building. On June 25, 1993, the Fellow Craft Masons Degree was conferred upon Brother Francis Park Elder. The Degree and Ancient Charge was given by Brother David W. Morgans, S.W. There were 20 members and two visitors present for this final gathering in the old building. The fact that this was the last meeting of any Masonic Lodge in the old Hall was noted. After being called off from labor for two months, the Lodge resumed on September 17, 1993, this time in a new location at 541 McNeilly Road. There were 41 members and 9 visitors present to usher in a new chapter for Dormont Lodge and Freemasonary in Pittsburgh’s South Hills. District Deputy Grand Master, Brother Richard C. Benjamin was pleased to visit the Lodge and was received with the customary honors. At the October 22, 1993 Extra Meeting, the Master Mason’s Degree was conferred on Brother Francis Park Elder by Brother Charles C. Collins, W.M. The Ancient Charge was given by David W. Morgans, S.W. Brother Elder is the only member of our Lodge who has the honor and distinction of receiving his Degrees at both locations. At the December 17, 1993 Stated Meeting, Brother Donald W Fox P.M. gave a stirring speech on the new hall and how he has dubbed the building and members of Dormont Lodge as “The New Centurions”. The term “Centurions” was bestowed on those responsible for the erection of the old lodge building on West Liberty Avenue. Shortly after moving into the new Masonic Hall, Brother Frank R. Kirsopp, a member and Past Master of John A. Brashear Lodge No. 743 designed and built the large stainless steel square and compass that adorns the front of the building. At the March 17, 1995 Stated Meeting, a communication from Brother David R. Muse, Secretary of the South Hills Masonic Hall Association was read concerning the addition of Crescent Lodge No. 576 to the “Hall Family” and request that members of Dormont Lodge attend their first meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 1995 to show support and welcome. Owing to the fact that attendance at our Friday night meetings was suffering due to numerous school and family activities, Brothers George F. Nikolas, P.M. and David W. Morgans, W.M. offered an amendment to the by-laws at the October 20, 1995 Stated Meeting, striking out the words “third Friday” and inserting in lieu thereof the words “second Monday”. The resolution was approved and a communication from the Right Worshipful Grand Secretary was read at the February 12, 1996 Stated Meeting. On October 14, 1996, a report was received from Brother George F. Nikolas P.M. concerning the Hall building and grounds. At that time we entered into an agreement with Pittsburgh Asphalt Company for a walkway in the front and south side of the building. The cost was $3,400.00.

Upon the closing of our April 14, 1997 Stated Meeting, friends and families of those in attendance were welcomed into the Lodge Room. Brother Robert T. Addleman Jr. District Deputy Grand Master presented 50 year Masonic Service awards to Brother L. Conroy Channing, Brother Robert E. Fenton and Brother E. Mercer Denholm. This was the first time in the history of Dormont Lodge that this type of program was presented. It was enjoyed by all in attendance. After the award presentations, Brother Charles C. Collins P.M. held our attention with his presentation that was to be the winning entry in the state Masonic education competition. The historical connections that Brother Collins developed between our Fraternity and that of the recorded history of man was incredible. Everyone in the room came away from this presentation with a much deeper understanding of what it means to be a Mason. In April 2001, our devoted Secretary, Brother George F. Nikolas P.M. became seriously ill. He continued to faithfully serve our Lodge through the November 12, 2001 Stated Meeting when he had to step down. At the December 10, 2001 Stated Meeting Brother Donald W. Fox P.M. presented a very moving resolution for Brother George and was delivered as follows: Whereas Brother George F. Nikolas having received the coveted Golden Secretary Jewel becomes the only secretary in our Lodge history to receive this deserved honor. Brother Don then offered a resolution to further honor George by naming him assistant secretary with full powers to offer his unique wisdom to our new secretary. The resolution was seconded by the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden and unanimously approved by a standing vote of the entire Lodge. Brother George passed from this life on December 24, 2001. At the January 14, 2002 Stated Meeting following a meditation and prayer by the Lodge to honor the memory of Brother George F. Nikolas P.M., Secretary Emeritus, Brother Donald W. Fox P.M. remarked that Brother George had indeed lived his life outside of the Lodge Hall so as to bring much honor to all Masons wherever they may be. A resolution was passed unanimously by the Lodge that all candidates entered, passed and raised during 2002 will be referred to as “Dormont Heritage Masons” in honor and tribute to Brother George Foster Nikolas. A communication was received from Brother Marvin A. Cunningham Jr., Right Worshipful Grand Master for the October 14, 2002 Stated Meeting announcing the appointment of Brother David W. Morgans P.M. as District Deputy Grand Master, effective December 27, 2002, St. Johns Day next. On March 8, 2004, it was on motion ordered that Dormont Lodge donate ⅓ of the cost of a camera to be used for the Grand Lodges’ Child Identification CHIP program. This was to be a joint sponsorship with John A. Brashear Lodge No. 743 and William D. McIlroy Lodge No. 758. Eighteen months later, Dormont Lodge purchased two additional cameras to be used for the CHIP program-Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Children. A communication was received from the Right Worshipful Grand Master acknowledging and thanking the Lodge for its contribution of $1,280.00 to the Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Children to purchase cameras for the CHIP program. With the start-up of the CHIP program, Brother David W. Morgans, D.D.G.M. appointed Brother David K. Graham, P.M., chairman for the 57th Masonic District. For more than ten years, the Lodge has been reaching out to the community by offering parents and caregivers peace of mind as to the safety and security of their children. The children are photographed and asked twelve questions which provides a voice printout. The CHIP program also allows parents the opportunity to create a kit of identifying materials for their child, free of charge. Dormont Lodge has assisted three other Districts averaging 400-500 children per year.


The front of Whitehall’s notice showed a stage coach passing the White Hall, one of several Inn’s between Pittsburgh and Brownsville, Pennsylvania.

As was customary throughout our nation following the second world war, many returning GI’s were ready to purchase new homes, start families and relocate from urban city neighborhoods to the suburbs. On May 5, 1948, the new Whitehall Borough was created from four different wards of Baldwin Township. As housing and retail shopping expanded rapidly throughout the 1950’s, the time had come for establishing a new Masonic Lodge. Brother Max F. Balcom, Right Worshipful Grand Master, in his first letter of instructions to his District

Deputy Grand Masters of our jurisdiction, requested that each deputy give consideration to the

formation or constitution of new lodges – particularly in the vast suburban sections of each district.

Brother Balcom stated that “There are many opportunities where the existing Lodges are getting too


Complying with the Grand Masters directive, Brother Benjamin S. Barbour, District Deputy Grand

Master of the 48th Masonic District, on Monday, May 8, 1961, requested permission to form a new

Lodge to be located in the Whitehall community of Allegheny County, PA, and the Grand Master granted

permission to proceed.

Brother Harry A. Vinton Jr., Past Master of Lodge No. 45, was selected as the Warrant Worshipful Master

of Whitehall Lodge No. 794, F. &A M. to be constituted on Saturday, October 14, 1961, in the Pittsburgh

Masonic Temple in Oakland.

Whitehall Lodge was the tenth new Lodge organized and warranted in the western section of the

jurisdiction of Right Worshipful Grand Lodge by Brother Benjamin S. Barbour, District Deputy Grand

Master, up until that time in the term of his office. There would be 156 warrant members of the new


The first stated meeting of Whitehall Lodge No. 794 was held on November 14, 1961, at the Masonic

Hall located on Rt. 51 and Grace Street (Whitehall). For the monthly notice, the new Lodge would

choose a beautiful sketch of the White Hall, which was one of several Inn’s located on what is now

Brownsville Road. White Hall sat on property, which is currently owned and occupied by the John F.

Slater Funeral Home Inc.

On November 30, 1961, Whitehall Lodge held its first social affair, a “get acquainted dinner-dance” at

the Mona Lisa Restaurant. Two hundred and ten Master Masons and their ladies attended this gala

affair. Pittsburgh radio and television personality Brother William “Bill” Hinds, a member of McKinley

Lodge served as Toastmaster. Brother Harry A. Vinton Jr. was presented with a Masonic watch, to which

was engraved these words, “Harry A. Vinton Jr., 1st W.M. Whitehall Lodge #794, F&A.M. 1961”.

Almost immediately, Whitehall Lodge began to grow and prosper throughout the South Hills and

surrounding area.

During the 1960’s and beyond, Whitehall was responsible for raising many fine men, who would live

their lives according to the lessons taught in Freemasonry. In the early part of 1970, the Lodge was

faced with a concern over whether or not to relocate. On April 23, 1970 Brother Richard E. Michel,

Worshipful Master, summoned the members to a special meeting to be held on May 4, 1970. The

purpose of this meeting was to receive a report on the financial condition of the Lodge, to discuss the

renewal of the lease on the Lodge Hall and initiate any action deemed necessary as a result of the report

and discussion. On May 15, 1970 a second special meeting was held to move forward with discussion on

the lease. On motion, it was resolved that the Lodge decline the lease. Brother’s George B. Libby,

William B. Sujansky and Lawrence R. Radford offered the following resolution: That the place of

meeting be moved to the Masonic Hall at 455 East Bruceton Road, Pleasant Hills, PA.

Tuesday evening, June 9, 1970, marked Whitehall’s last stated meeting and strawberry festival at the

Grace Street Masonic Hall. The last extra meeting was held on Tuesday, June 16, 1970, when Jay A. Wolf

and Donny Lynn Marlar were passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft Mason and Gerald Harvey Stitt and

James Walter Wojcicki were raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.

The members of the Lodge were excited about moving into a new facility, built in 1968. With the move

would come a time change for the Lodge’s stated meetings. Moving forward, the Lodge would meet on

the first Wednesday of the month rather than the second Tuesday.

The first stated meeting at the E. Bruceton Road location was held on September 2, 1970. At that

meeting, amendments to the by-laws were offered that the time of meeting be changed from the

second Tuesday to the first Wednesday. At the second stated meeting on October 7, 1970 the proposed

amendment to the by-laws was again read and adopted.

In 1975, Whitehall Lodge would overcome another challenge as several key persons were forced to

relocate. Brothers Robert H. Cockroft (W.M.), Albert Boyce Field (S.W.), and Ronald Graboski

(Refreshments), would all have to leave before finishing out the year. It was through the loyal members

of the Lodge, especially Brothers Arthur G. Forster, Raymond F. Pardiny and Joseph F. Doerr, that the

Lodge would move forward, each one of these Brothers would serve in the chairs for the duration of the

year and each of them would continue in their office for 1976.

In his personal remarks at the December 3, 1975 Stated Meeting, Brother Foster remarked that the

Lodge had lost a Junior Warden in June when Brother Albert Boyce Field moved to Florida and a Master

in September, when Brother Robert H. Cockroft was transferred to Texas, he felt that it had been a fine

year and that 1976 would be hard pressed to meet it.

On July 17, 1976 as part of our nations Bicentennial Celebration, Whitehall Lodge was the host for a

Table Lodge that was held at the Syria Temple in Oakland. Toasts were made to the Right Worshipful

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania by Arthur G. Forster W.M., which was responded to by Brother John L.

McCain, 33rd Right Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. To the memory of

deceased Brother George Washington by Raymond F. Pardiny S.W., which was responded to by Brother

Samuel C. Williamson, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden. Freemasonry around the globe by

Brother Joseph F. Doerr which was responded to by Brother Hiram P. Ball, Right Worshipful Past Grand

Master. To the United States of America by Arthur G. Forster Worshipful Master, which was responded

to by Brother Wayne S. Ewing, Pennsylvania State Senator.

At the September 6, 1978 stated meeting, a very impressive memorial service was conducted by the

officers of Whitehall Lodge in memory of the brethren who had died since the Lodge was constituted in

October 1961. Effective December 27, 1979, Lodges 684 (Dormont) and 794 (Whitehall) were realigned

as follows: 684 moved from the 47th Masonic District to the 57th Masonic District, which Whitehall was

already a part of.

January 2, 1980 marked a special day in the history of the Lodge. It was on that date that the Lodge

received a letter from Joseph E. Trate, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, announcing the

appointment of Brother Carl W. Stenberg Jr. to the office of District Deputy Grand Master of the 57th

Masonic District. It was also noted that he would officially be presented to the officers and members of

the Lodges in his district on January 26, 1980 at the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown. On February 6,

1980 Brother Stenberg honored his home Lodge with an official visit, accompanied by twenty-two

officers of the 57th Masonic District.

In 1981, Whitehall Lodge took an active role in celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Freemasonry in

Pennsylvania. At the January 7th stated meeting, Brother Joel W. Miller W.M., assisted by Brothers

Albert Boyce Field, David C. Richards and Edward A. Naylor P.M., presented a program entitled “In the

Beginning”. A like program entitled “Early Pennsylvania Lodges” was presented at the March 4th stated

meeting. At the September 1, 1982 stated meeting, Brothers Joel W. Miller and Edward A. Naylor P.M.,

offered an amendment to the by-laws, resolved that the stated meeting be changed from the first

Wednesday to the second Tuesday of the month. The Amendment would return the Lodge to its

original meeting night prior to September 2, 1970. The change went into effect on January 11, 1983.

After serving Whitehall Lodge as Worshipful Master and the 57th Masonic District as District Deputy

Grand Master, Brother Carl W. Stenberg Jr. was elected the Right Worshipful Grand Master of the

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania on December 27, 1985. A special meeting of the Lodge was held in

Egyptian Hall at the Masonic Temple in Oakland for the purpose of receiving the newly elected

R.W.G.M., Brother Cal W. Stenberg Jr. on his first informal visitation to his Lodge. Forty- eight members

were present as well as one hundred- eighty visitors. The R.W.G.M. presented the Lodge his grand

Masters medallion. He also presented a Grand Lodge Fifth Year Masonic Service emblem to Brother

Harry A. Vinton Jr., Warrant Master of the Lodge, initiated in Lodge No. 45 Pittsburgh., PA on October

30, 1935. Remarks were made by several Grand Lodge officers congratulating Brother Stenberg on his

election to R.W.G.M.

In addition to being honored by having one of their distinguished members as Grand Master, Whitehall

Lodge would celebrate its 25th Anniversary in 1986. At the September 9th Stated Meeting, Brothers

Ralph D. Schmidt, Louis C. Minetti and George C. Krohe spoke on the preparation, dinner and gifts,

which would all be a part of the upcoming anniversary. At the October 14, 1986 stated meeting, the

R.W.G.M. accompanied by officers of the Grand Lodge, paid Whitehall Lodge an informal visitation for

the purpose of observing he Lodge’s 25th Anniversary and was received with customary honors. Grand

Lodge officers accompanying the Grand Master were as follows:

Edward H. Fowler Jr. – Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden Hiram P. Ball – Right Worshipful Past Grand Master Samuel C. Williamson – Right Worshipful Past Grand Master Wesley E. Smith Sr. - as Grand Marshall Arthur G. Forster – Grand Sword Bearer Carl W. Feich Jr. – Grand Pursuivant The R.W.G.M. spoke on the first 25 years of the Lodge and presented Brother Robert Stanley all three lapel pins of the Solomon II program. Solomon II was a program designed to advance the rebirth of Freemasonry in Pennsylvania. The Anniversary celebration was well attended and memorable to all. Throughout its history, Whitehall Lodge No. 794 had always been one of the leaders in attracting candidates to the craft and the making of new Mason’s.


NO. 684 F.&A.M.

Moving forward into the twenty-first century, both Dormont Lodge No. 684 and Whitehall Lodge No. 794 began contemplating over what the future held in store. While each Lodge had specific issues to address, attracting new members and securing Floor Officers were two things that could not be ignored. At the Stated Meeting of Dormont Lodge, held March 9, 2009, Brother Edward J. Spahr III, Worshipful Master called upon Brother David W. Morgans D.D.G.M. who gave a short report on the preliminary merger discussion with the brethren of Whitehall Lodge No. 794. The following month, Brother D. Michael Tanner, P.M. Secretary presented a report of the intent to merge Whitehall Lodge No. 794 into and with Dormont Lodge No. 684. At the June 8, 2009 Stated Meeting, a motion of intention to merge was adopted for the proposed merger of Whitehall Lodge No. 794 held at Pleasant Hills, PA into and with Dormont Lodge No. 684 held at Baldwin Township, PA, and the members receiving due and timely notice of said proposed merger, therefore be it resolved; that Whitehall Lodge No. 794 held at Pleasant Hills, PA be merged into and with Dormont Lodge No. 684 held at Baldwin Township, PA to be effective December 11, 2009. The merged Lodges be known as Dormont-Whitehall Lodge No. 684. The resolution was laid over in accordance with Masonic Law. On October 12, 2009, the proposed resolution was again read. The members having due and timely notice, it was on motion resolved that the merger of Whitehall Lodge. No. 794 into and with Dormont Lodge be adopted. Last Officers of Dormont Lodge No. 684 for 2009: Brother Edward J. Spahr III, W.M. Brother Samuel W. Reed, S.W. Brother Kevin P. Hensle,r J.W. Brother James C. Wilson, Treasurer Brother D. Michael Tanner, P.M. Secretary Brother Mark P. Cancilla, P.M. Trustee Brother Alfred R. Dudley, P.D.D.G.M. Trustee Brother David W. Morgans, D.D.G.M. Trustee Brother David K. Graham Sr., P.M .Rep. in Grand Lodge Brother Donald W. Fox P.M., Sub-Rep. in Grand Lodge Last Officers of Whitehall Lodge No. 794 for 2009: Brother John H. Foley, P.M. - W.M. Brother Michael W. Heaney, P.M - S.W. Brother Alfred J. Duff II, J.W. Brother Michael T. Kirk, Treasurer Brother William E. Ranegar, P.M. Secretary Brother Alfred Douglass, Trustee Brother David Newland, Trustee Brother Albert DeCarlo, Trustee Brother Richard L. Depaul ,P.M. Rep. in Grand Lodge Brother William E. Ranegar, P.M. Sub-Rep. in Grand Lodge

First Officers of Dormont-Whitehall Lodge No. 684 for 2010: Brother Samuel W. Reed, W.M. Brother Kevin P. Hensler, S.W. Brother Joseph W. Matucheski, J.W. Brother James C. Wilson, Treasurer Brother D. Michael Tanner, P.M. Secretary Brother Mark P. Cancilla, P.M. Trustee Brother David W. Morgans, D.D.G.M. Trustee Brother Albert J. DeCarlo, Trustee Brother Edward J. Spahr IIl, P.M. Rep. in Grand Lodge Brother John W. Foley P.M. Sub-Rep. in Grand Lodge On May 9, 2011, it was upon motion resolved to set the date for our One Hundredth Anniversary celebration for Saturday, June 25, 2016. Unlike Dormont Lodge, Whitehall had the honor of having one of their members serve as Right Worshipful Grand Master. Brother Carl W. Stenberg Jr. served between 1986-87 and was the only member in the history of the Lodge to become Grand Master. Brothers Donald W. Fox, P.M. and Philip J. Lahr, P.M. felt that a fitting tribute should be given to Brother Stenberg and the contribution that he made to Freemasonry. After going through the proper channels, a communication was received from the Right Worshipful Grand Secretary, relative to the Right Worshipful Grand Master Stenberg’s ragallia in the Lodge Room, was read and filed in the binder for official Grand Lodge communications. October 8, 2012 was a very special evening for the Lodge when Brother Stenberg was honored. The Worshipful Master (Brother Larry D. French Sr., acting Worshipful Master) called Brother Philip J. Lahr, P.M. to the East to officiate the dedication ceremony of the window box wall display containing Brother Stenberg’s apron, collar and jewel as well as a portrait. Following the dedication, the brethren who know Brother Stenberg offered their remarks. Prior to the opening of the April 8, 2013 Stated Meeting, the family and friends of Brother Dennis A. Dewalt were invited into the Lodge Room where he was presented with a 50 year service emblem of gold. Brother Dewalt had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and would not be able to attend the regular award ceremony in June. The presentation was made jointly by Brother William Slater II, P.R.W.G.M. and Brother David W. Morgans, P.D.D.G.M. At a special meeting of the Lodge on April 29, 2013, it was generally agreed that further renovation of our facility should be postponed until after the Centennial Celebration in 2016. Brother David K. Graham Sr., P.M. requested at the October 14, 2013 Stated Meeting that the Lodge provide logo’d golf shirts for the volunteer CHIP team as a means of identification. Over the course of the Year (2014) meetings were held by the Centennial Committee to plan and share ideas regarding the upcoming anniversary of the founding of Dormont Lodge. Topics discussed included: Night at the Races, Family Movie Night, Pancake Breakfast, Rifle Raffle (Gun-A-Day), Souvenir Plates, and a Commemorative Program/ History Book. The Centennial will culminate in a banquet held at the South Hills Country Club.

A special dedication ceremony for the Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. window box display took place on October

8, 2012. Brother Stenberg, a member of Whitehall Lodge No. 794 served as Right Worshipful Grand

Master in 1986-87. The organizers of this event were Brothers Philip J. Lahr P.M. of the former

Whitehall Lodge and Donald W. Fox P.M. of the Dormont Lodge. Shown in this photo left to right are

Joel W. Miller P.M.; John H. Foley P.M.; D. Michael Tanner P.M. Secretary; Philip J. Lahr P.M.; Donald

W. Fox P.M.; William E. Ranegar P.M. ; Joseph F. Doerr P.M. and Larry D. French Sr., Acting W.M.

A close-up of the window box reveals a portrait of the Right Worshipful Past Grand Master, his apron,

collar and jewel.


Master Year Master Year Master Year

Oliver B. Alcorn 1916 John A. Julin 1960 Donald E. Dukstein 2004

Charles E. Fawcett 1917 George W. Haefner Jr. 1961 D. Michael Tanner 2005

J. George Gray 1918 Harold C. Hatch 1962 D. Michael Tanner 2006

Lawrence T. Stevenson 1919 George L. Leierzapf 1963 David K. Graham Sr. 2007

Percy H. Johnston 1920 James G. Dunmire 1964 David K. Graham Sr. 2008

Charles A. Stoner 1921 Richard I. Miller 1965 Edward J. Spahr III 2009

James L. Williams 1922 Donald W. Fox 1966

Harry E. Carson 1923 William E. Fox 1967

James M. Gray 1924 Thomas R. McMillin 1968

Phillip A. Doeblin 1925 Alexander Seskay 1969

Walter S. Lobingier 1926 Richard A. Williams Sr. 1970

James T. Hibbard 1927 Joseph M. Burnelis 1971

Charles. G. Stricker 1928 Joseph J. Wilfinger 1972

Oliver J. Tope 1929 Alfred R. Dudley 1973

George B. Tumbaug 1930 Finley L Burns 1974

R. Hayes Chappel 1931 Samuel T. Casey 1975

Carl J. Mulert 1932 John R. Gilbert 1976

Henry Klinzing 1933 Karl H. Ellenberger 1977

William A. Sack 1934 John R. Koehnke 1978

George W. Collins 1935 James P. Kerr III 1979

Newton H. Tressler 1936 Richard Vonderluft 1980

Miles G. Bigley 1937 Charles B. Ferguson 1981

Edward E. Johnson 1938 Mark P. Cancilla 1982

Ross R. McCoy 1939 Frank R. Holt 1983

Edward E. Menke 1940 Charles B. Ferguson 1984

Gustave E. Anderson 1941 Charles B. Ferguson 1985

Frederick W. Hecker 1942 James C. Bauman Jr. 1986

Phillip E. Corning 1943 Herbert J. Bagnall 1987

Ward L. Kline 1944 Gary A. Palombia 1988

William B. Stricker 1945 Gary A. Palombia 1989

Frank H. Beitler 1946 Ralph R. Dukstein 1990

Carl E. Swanson 1947 George F. Nikolas 1991

Arthur L. Miller 1948 James C. Fox Jr. 1992

John W. Tomas 1949 Charles C. Collins 1993

Carl B. Kutschbach 1950 George D. Fischer 1994

Robert J. Braddock 1951 David W. Morgans 1995

F. Richard Miller 1952 John D. Betzler 1996

James D. Ferguson 1953 David W. Morgans 1997

Herber E. Crawford 1954 David G. Rasch 1998

Horace C. Kaffmann 1955 David H. Maier 1999

Erwin D. Conley 1956 Russell G. Roll 2000

Harry D. Wissinger 1957 David W. Morgans 2001

Frank R. Holt 1958 Gary A. Palombia 2002

Edward A. Haas 1959 Ralph R. Dukstein 2003


Master Year Master Year

Harry A. Vinton Jr. 1961 Philip J. Lahr 2002

J. Melvin Blimline 1962 Craig Profio 2003

John E. Bush 1963 Craig Profio 2004

William M. Leech 1964 James Truchan 2005

George R. Horner 1965 John E. Engleson 2006

Carl W. Stenberg Jr. PWRGM 1966 Richard L. DePaul 2007

George C. Sites 1967 Richard L. DePaul 2008

Lawrence R. Radford 1968 John H. Foley 2009

Richard N. Stein 1969

Richard E. Michel 1970

Louis C. Minetti 1971

Charles L. McGaughey Jr. 1972

Remzi Gurcay 1973

Joseph H. Stumpf Jr. 1974

Robert H. Cockroft 1975

Arthur G. Forster 1976

Raymond F. Pardiny 1977

Robert W. Kramer 1978

Joseph F. Doerr 1979

Edward A. Naylor 1980

Joel W. Miller 1981

Thomas G. Recker 1982

David C. Richards 1983

James C. Richards 1984

Joel W. Miller 1985

Steve J. Tomko 1986

John C. Kondas 1987

John H. Foley 1988

John H. Foley 1989

Louis C. Minetti 1990

Thomas C. Seger 1991

William E. Ranegar 1992

Marion D. Caniff 1993

Michael Heaney 1993

Thomas C. Seger 1994

Edward J. McGivern 1995

Melvin J. Masula 1996

Michael W. Heaney 1997

Eli Kavic 1998

John E. Engleson 1999

James Truchan 2000

John E. Engleson 2001


Master Year

Samuel W. Reed 2010

Kevin P. Hensler 2011

Joseph W. Matucheski 2012

Larry D. French Sr. 2013

Zack Samuel Morgans 2014

Paul D. VanEtten 2015

Timothy R. Rooney 2016