Center for Health Sciences Auditorium Northcentral Technical College Wausau, WI April 24, 2013.

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Center for Health Sciences Auditorium

Northcentral Technical College

Wausau, WI

April 24, 2013

Client Reporting State Called Meeting

Welcome Housekeeping

Handouts on Table○ Single page handouts are printed back to back with others to

save paper○ All are available online

Lunch will be in Auditorium Purpose: Provide information and receive feedback on Client

Reporting related topics Agenda Review

Please replace any agendas you printed. It has been revised as of late yesterday afternoon.

Powerpoint is not printed out. The same text is in the detail pages of the agenda. It is in the handout online.

Client Reporting State Called Meeting

General Reporting Information○ Year-end submission process starting in a month with

veterans data○ Errors, Alerts and Warnings

Errors do not load into database Error Free records, Alerts, Warnings are accepted and loaded


○ Review edit summary reports Summary reports in the editor (click on submission file name) are

run from submitted data Data Summary Reports under Client Reporting section on left

side of portal page are run overnight on error free data

○ Review AEFL, STW, Veterans reports in portal○ Compare to previous years○ If reports seem to be in error, notify us ASAP

Client Reporting State Called Meeting

General Reporting Information○ Edit reports and data submission topics

Option of viewing edit reports onlyClient look up in portalError types (simple vs. complex)

- Simple errors (single data element) processed first- Complex edits (relational) done next- In most cases, simple errors stop the processing of

complex (relational) edits that use the data element with the simple error

- New errors may appear after simple errors are corrected

Client Reporting State Called Meeting

General Reporting Information○ Output report topics

All output reports were taken down in the portal due to errors and inconsistencies

All reports being reviewed for usefulness, accuracy, and consist data definitions

Some being reposted as is, others redesignedOnce run and verified, they are being posted in the

portalTim will show examples in demo

Client Reporting State Called Meeting

Current Client Reporting Topics:2012-13 Reporting Topics

○ Highest Credential Received implementedError found in edit allowing blanksMany 99 – Client Refused to Provide (handout)Valuable info for both the colleges and System OfficeWhat is being reported as “Associate Degree plus

Additional Credential”?

○ TAACCCT Appropriation # 900Requested by NWTC to collect statewide data on grant

participants Interim data will be submitted directly to OMG (3rd party

evaluator)Data match processes with UI, DWD yet to be determined

Client Reporting State Called Meeting

2012-13 Reporting Topics (cont’d)○ Reporting valid SSNs in District Student ID field

Some have inadvertently created ID that match SSNs at other districts

Use handout as guide for creating

○ Veterans interim data reporting requirements With changes in law capping each at 128 credits, we only need

WI GI Bill credits in October and March Only need Federal Received from S8 if both Post 911 and WI GI

Bill to determine WI credits Supplemental Payment not used until June submission

○ Course/Curriculum submission deadline – August 15 No new course submissions for previous year courses after

August 15th that are not being submitted to correct Client Reporting records

Client Reporting State Called Meeting 2013-14 (and Beyond) Reporting Topics

Course/Curriculum revised rollover dates○ April 1 – Open Course/Curriculum file for upcoming year○ June 1 – Rollover for upcoming year○ August 15 – Closing date for previous year

Expansion of Program Number to 8 or 9 digits (effect on S9 record)○ Running out of program numbers in Service/Health division○ Create space in the event hat performance based funding has any effect on

program or certificate reporting Performance based funding: any effect on Client Reporting? (handout)

○ Budget bill includes the following measures: Placement rates in jobs related to programs of study Number of degrees and certificates awarded in high demand fields Number of programs/courses with industry validated curriculum Transition of adult students from basic education to skills training Participation in dual enrollment programs Workforce training provided to businesses and individuals

Note: Priority was to propose measures intended to use data we already collect (as much as possible)

Client Reporting State Called Meeting 2013-14 (and Beyond) Reporting Topics (cont’d)

Other potential items effected by budget bill, effective with FY 14-15: All categorical WTCS grants collapsed into one appropriation (handout)

Unknown effect on S4 since the grants not necessarily eliminated. State Board has the

discretion to: Eliminate (not fund) Award competitively Award using driven methodology Farm Training funds collapsed also(S3 effect?)

Elimination of Drivers Ed, and Chauffeur Training grant (S3 effect on PFCs) GPA computation – veterans? S9 records reported for students changing programs?

- Any affect on student success (percent completing programs) measures if just a program change?

- At this point, budget only calls for number of degrees, not percent. What does the district report?

Client Reporting State Called Meeting

2013-14 (and Beyond) Reporting Topics (cont’d)  Career Prep reporting

Purpose of Career Prep – Help students transition from secondary to post-secondary education Who uses the information

Secondary partners DPI Legislature Technical Colleges State Board

What is it used for? Evaluate the effectiveness of the program Modify offerings as needed to add value to the program Compliance with statutory requirements to report to the legislature

(handout) Performance based funding dual credit measure System and program advocacy

Client Reporting State Called Meeting

2013-14 (and Beyond) Reporting Topics (cont’d)  Career Prep reporting

Agenda item is to remind colleges of the importance of compete/accurate data Some has been incomplete Some reported with incorrect Recognized Credit Code

(handout of correct codes) Work with Career Prep staff to make sure agreement and

related reporting requirements and associated codes are understood

Career Prep staff (handout) have been provided names of Primary Client Reporting contacts

Client Reporting State Called Meeting

2013-14 (and Beyond) Reporting Topics (cont’d)  Data element definitions draft document

As we review and revise reports, we are attempting to create data definitions to standardize counts/calculations

Review handout Any changes to Client Reporting due to NRS reporting changes?

No changes in reporting, but measures now include entering and retaining employment, which depend on a data match between WTCS and DWD (UI)

These matches are reliant on SSN and more are refusing to provide it Changes to NRS reporting do not effect AEFL performance based

funding formula

Client Reporting State Called Meeting


Client Reporting State Called Meeting

WTCS Website/Data Access  Systemattic Redesign (Jason Ring)

○ Current Systemattic being redesigned Data Access Coordinators (Jason Ring)

○ Reauthorization complete○ All data access (except guest summary report

access) goes through DAC○ “Guest” access to summary level reports

IT System Status

SLDS Project Update WTCS Portal Demo

File SubmissionsOutput Reports

OLAP Cubes

IT System Status

SLDS Project Update WTCS Portal Demo

File SubmissionsOutput Reports

OLAP Cubes

SLDS Project Update Statewide Longitudinal Data System

Obtain Wisconsin Student Number (WSN)Ability to Track Student Over TimeImprove Data Systems

Project Timeline Report Development Ongoing

SLDS Project Update Statewide Longitudinal Data System

Obtain Wisconsin Student Number (WSN)Ability to Track Student Over TimeImprove Data Systems

Project Timeline (handout)

Report Development Ongoing

WTCS Portal

What Is The WTCS Portal?Enterprise Application (multiple systems)Data-Exchange Application

○ Upload Data Files○ Get Reports

Not A Documentation Site

WTCS Portal

Processed Over 650 Files Currently Used For

Client ReportingCourse ApprovalCurriculum ApprovalProfessional CertificationWTCS Internal Applications

Again - Report Development Ongoing

File Submissions

File Data Staged In TablesOriginal File ArchivedReprocessing Edit Reports EasyEdit Report Maintenance Automated

○ Deleted After 14 days○ Keep Last Production Submission

Data WarehouseStaged Data OvernightAlerts & Warnings Are Loaded, NOT Errors


OLAP Cubes – Why?

Ad Hoc Query ToolUsers Must Understand Client ReportingHelps To Be Proficient With Excel

Reduces Number of Reports Allows Creation of Charts & Dashboards Drilldown, Rollup, Slice, Dice, etc.

OLAP Cubes

Data Sharing Agreement Does NOT Have CBO Data Cube Data Processed Nightly

Last Production Error Free Data15 Years Of Client Reporting Data

Replace Lemon Workbooks & Cognos Training Will Be Coming Soon


Client Reporting State Called Meeting


Adjourn(Optional – Unstructured Interaction)