Century Gothic Helvetica Berlin Sans FB suny YORK · The Oral History, 40th Anniversary Edition...

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400Celebrating New York

Weisbaden SwingBerlin Sans FBHelveticaCentury Gothic

HUDSON VALLEY VOYAGEThrough the Seasons, Through the YearsPhotographs by Ted SpiegelText by Reed Sparling

A beautiful tribute to the Hudson River and the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s voyage.

n 2008 n $36.95 jacketed hc

WE USED TO OWN THE BRONXMemoirs of a Former Debutante

Eve PellAn inside story of privilege, inherited wealth, and the

bizarre values and customs of the American upper crust.

“In her revealing and riveting memoir, Eve Pell defies the dictates of her social class—to be charming but not to say

what she felt—and bares all. She detonates bombshells and unmasks betrayals on almost every page.”

— San Francisco Chronicle

“…fascinating…” — Jane Fonda

n 2009 n $23.00 jacketed hc

WOODSTOCKThe Oral History, 40th Anniversary Edition

Joel MakowerWith a new Foreword by

Michael Lang and Joel Rosenman“The definitive study of

the mega-concert.” — Rolling Stone

“Woodstock comes alive here, even if the music itself seems almost incidental to the

backstage dramas.” — Publishers Weekly

n 2009 n Illustrated n $19.95 pb

t h e O r a l h i s t O r y

J o e l M a k o w e r With a new foreword by M i c h a e l l a n g and J o e l r o s e n M a n

W o o d s t o ck

4 0 t h A n n i v e r s A r y e d i t i o n

Makower “B” revised

“The definitive study of the mega-concert.” — Rolling Stone








A light-hearted cookbook that reflects the historical and culinary heritage of the Hudson Valley.

n 2009 n Illustratedn $14.95 jacketed hc

Summer Pleasures, Winter Pleasures

Peter G. roSe

a HudSon Valley cookbook

HUDSON RiVER PANORAMAA Passage through TimeTammis K. Groft, W. Douglas McCombs, and Ruth Greene-McNally

The majestic power and rich history of the Hudson River are on unparalleled display in this beautifully illustrated volume. Commemorating Henry Hudson’s 1609 exploration of the river that bears his name, it tells the remarkable story of the people, events, and ideas that have shaped this magnificent region. The book features an essay by renowned historian John R.

Stilgoe and hundreds of artworks, artifacts, interactive displays, and rare archival documents from the Albany Institute’s renowned collections.

Albany Institute of History and Artn November 2009 n Illustrated n $29.95 pb

Hudson River PanoramaA Passage through Time

Tammis K. Groft, W. Douglas McCombs, Ruth Greene-McNallywith a foreword by Christine M. Miles and an essay by John R. Stilgoe







THE REASON FOR CROWSA Story of Kateri TekakwithaDiane Glancy

The story of a seventeenth-century Mohawk woman’s interaction with her land, the Jesuits, and the religion they brought.

“…a lancingly beautiful journey into pain and spirit.” — Booklist

n 2009 n $14.95 pb

THE MUSiC OF THE iNFERNOFrank Lentricchia

An unusual, deft, often piercing meditation on storytelling, ethnicity, and the Italian/American experience.

n 1999 n $22.95 pb

STAiRWAY TO EMPiRELockport, the Erie Canal, and the Shaping of AmericaPatrick McGreevy

The story of the Erie Canal’s completion and its place in the larger narrative of American modernity and progress.

n 2009 n $27.00 jacketed hc

WHiTE SAVAGEWilliam Johnson and the Invention of AmericaFintan O’Toole

Brings a strikingly original perspective to Johnson’s life, and suggests new ways of thinking about Johnson’s part in creating a nation he did not live to see.

“A fascinating account.” — Booklist

n 2009 n $19.95 pb

the reason for crows

A Story of Kateri Tekakwitha

D i a n e G l a n c y

Glancy “A”

glancy_01.indd 1 11/12/08 10:37:29 AM


Lockport, the Erie Canal, and the Shaping of America

Patrick McGreevy•

W h i t e S ava g e•William Johnson

and the Invention of America•

fintan o’toole

THE OTHER DAUGHTERS OF THE REVOLUTiONThe Narrative of K. White (1809) and the Memoirs of Elizabeth Fisher (1810)Edited and with an Introduction by Sharon Halevi

Presents two of the earliest autobiographies of American women.

n 2006 n $18.95 pb

pierre berton

NiagaraA History of the Falls

NiAGARAA History of the FallsPierre Berton

A sweeping history of this natural wonder.

“…surprising, rich and engrossing.” — New York Times Book Review

n 2009 n $24.95 pb

UNCROWNED QUEENSAfrican American Women Community Builders of Western New YorkPeggy Brooks-Bertram and Barbara A. Seals Nevergold, editors

Moving stories of the lives, accomplishments, and chal-lenges of Western New York women.

VOL. 1 n 2002 n $11.95 pbVOL. 2 n 2003 n $13.95 pbVOL. 3 n 2005 n $17.95 pb

TEACHERS UNiTEDThe Rise of New York State United TeachersDennis Gaffney

The inspiring history of New York State’s largest union, and a powerful progressive force in the state and in the country.

“Anyone interested in progressive change should read Teachers United.” — Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)

n 2007 n $26.00 jacketed hc

gaffney 1/23 version 3pms 1815, black

Dennis Gaffney


The rise of new york sTaTe UniTeD Teachers

THE FiREKEEPERA Narrative of the New York FrontierRobert Moss

An epic adventure based on the extraordinary historical story of Sir William Johnson and the author’s dreams of a Mohawk “woman of power” who lived three centuries ago.

n 2009 n $23.95 pb




A NArrAtive of the New York froNtier


Mac Nelson

Twenty Westthe great road across


TWENTY WESTThe Great Road across AmericaMac Nelson

Traces the route, history, and geography of US 20, America’s longest road.

“A wonderful read for armchair travelers…” — Midwest Book Review

n 2008 n $25.00 jacketed hc

FROM GREAT WiLDERNESS TO SEAWAY TOWNSA Comparative History of Cornwall, Ontario, and Massena, New York, 1784–2001Claire Puccia Parham

Comprehensive study of two towns on either side of the U.S.-Canadian border.

n 2004 n $45.00 hc

ONCE AN ENGiNEERA Song of the Salt CityJoe Amato

A funny, tragic, garlicky chronicle of growing up on the wrong side of the tracks in Central New York.

“Riveting from beginning to end…” — Michael Joyce, author of Liam’s Going: A Novel

n 2009 n $24.95 jacketed hc




NEW YORK AND SLAVERYTime to Teach the TruthAlan J. Singer

Challenges readers to rethink the way we view the nation’s past and race relations in the present.

“…is a singular gift to New York teachers and children, and a milestone in the battle for historical truth…” — In Motion Magazine

n 2008 n $16.95 pb

iN GOTHAM’S SHADOWGlobalization and Community Change in Central New YorkAlexander R. Thomas

Examines the effects of globalization on Utica, Cooperstown, and Hartwick.

“Fascinating. A great study of what happens to communities over a period of time.” — John Zogby, Zogby International

n 2003 n $23.95 pb

THE OTHER NEW YORKThe American Revolution beyond New York City, 1763–1787Joseph S. Tiedemann and Eugene R. Fingerhut, editors

Essays exploring rural New York during the Revolution.

“…demonstrates how local populations embraced a broad move-ment, made it their own, and be-came a state in an emerging nation.” — American Historical Review

n 2005 n $23.95 pb

THE WOMAN iN THE MOUNTAiNReconstructions of Self and Land by Adirondack Women WritersKate H. Winter

The first book to examine the literary responses of women who lived a significant part of their lives in the Adirondacks: Jeanne Robert Foster, Lucia Newell Oliviere, Adelaide Crapsey, Anne LaBastille, Martha Reben, Alice Wolf Gilborn, and Jean Rikhoff.

n 1989 n $23.95 pb

James Fenimore CooperThe Leatherstocking Taleswith historical introductions and explanatory notes


Written in 1821–22 at a crucial point in Cooper’s life and based on some of his most cherished youthful memories, it evokes the American pioneering experience with astonishing vibrance. The first of the Leatherstocking Tales.

n 1980 n $34.95 pb

THE LAST OF THE MOHiCANSA Narrative of 1757

The prototype of the American adventure story, it was suggested by Cooper’s visit to Glens Falls and Lake George with four British travellers in 1824.

n 1983 n $32.95 pb

THE PATHFiNDER, OR THE iNLAND SEAInspired by his own experiences as a mid-shipman on

Lake Ontario in 1808–09, Cooper writes in his most picturesque fashion of the wilderness of the Great Lakes, the Thousand Islands, and Niagara.

n 1980 n $32.95 pb

THE DEERSLAYER, OR THE FiRST WARPATHEmploying physical adventure and violence in a mytho-

poetic setting, Cooper evokes the stages of Natty’s initiation as a subtly allegorical medium for instilling permanent values.

n 1987 n $36.95 pb

Other Books


A comprehensive view of colonial life and society in New York State in the middle of the eighteenth century.

n 1990 n $36.95 pb


A somber tale of the sufferings of an isolated family in upstate New York during the Revolution.

n 1981 n $32.95 pb






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Alan J. Singer

Time to Teach the TruthNew York and Slavery

New York iN Bloom2010 Calendar

Public Gardens and Parks of New York State

Photographs by Ted Spiegel

NEW YORK iN BLOOMPublic Gardens and Parks of New York State, 2010 CalendarPhotographs by Ted Spiegel

New York blooms year-round in photographs by award-winning photographer Ted Spiegel.

n 2009 n $12.99

2010 Calendar

CALLiNG DOWN FiRECharles Grandison Finney and Revivalism in Jefferson County, New York, 1800–1840Marianne Perciaccante

Explores how the agrarian setting of Jefferson County, New York, influenced the revival methods of Charles Grandison Finney, with implications for the study of revivalism more generally.

n 2003 n $21.95 pb

LiViNG WATERSReading the Rivers of the Lower Great LakesMargaret Wooster

Fascinating stories based on the author’s exploration of eight rivers in New York and Québec.

“…simply wonderful. Every-one interested in the natural history of our region should read this.” — The Buffalo News

n 2009 n $14.95 pb

NEW YORK SiNGS400 Years of the Empire State in SongJerry Silverman

New York’s fascinating history as presented in song.

“A great collection!…” — Pete Seeger

n 2009 n $24.95 pb

Jerry Silverman

SingS400 Years of the

Empire State in Song• •


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Trim size: 9” x 12”

Font: Shady Lady, Goudy Old Style Date: 11-16-08 Designer: Ray Boeche






MiGHTY CHANGE, TALL WiTHiNBlack Identity in the Hudson ValleyMyra B. Young Armstead, editor

A history of African American presence in the Hudson Valley region from the colonial period to the present.

n 2003 n $24.95 pb

FOLK SONGS OF THE CATSKiLLSEdited and annotated, with a Study of Tune Formation and RelationshipsNorman Cazden, Herbert Haufrecht, and Norman Studer

The songs collected here are songs of rafting and lumbering, war and railroads, prison and hard times, nonsense and drinking, and love.

n 1983 n $34.95 pb

MAiN STREET TO MAiNFRAMESLandscape and Social Change in PoughkeepsieHarvey K. Flad and Clyde Griffen

Tells the story of Poughkeepsie’s transformation from small city to urban region.

n 2009 n $30.00 jacketed hc

iT HAPPENED iN THE CATSKiLLSAn Oral History in the Words of Busboys, Bellhops, Guests, Proprietors, Comedians, Agents, and Others Who Lived ItMyrna Katz Frommer and Harvey Frommer

A collective memoir of the “Borscht Belt.”

“This book will touch all who read it.” — Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara

n 2009 n $24.95 pb

RiP VAN WiNKLE’S NEiGHBORSThe Transformation of Rural Society in the Hudson River Valley, 1720–1850Thomas S. Wermuth

Explores the social and economic transformations of the mid-Hudson River Valley during the key expansionist period in American history.

n 2001 n $19.95 pb

SOUTHERN LiFE, NORTHERN CiTYThe History of Albany’s Rapp Road CommunityJennifer A. Lemak

The inspirational story of an African American community that migrated from the Deep South to Albany, New York, in the 1930s.

n 2008 n $25.00 jacketed hc

WiNE—A GENTLEMAN’S GAMEThe Adventures of an Amateur Winemaker Turned ProfessionalMark Miller

How one man and his family made their dream of owning a winery come true—and helped revitalize New York’s winemaking industry in the process.

n 2009 n $19.95 pb

Landscape and sociaL change in


main street to


harvey k. FLad & cLyde griFFen

Southern Life,Northern City

The History of Albany’s Rapp Road Community

Jennifer A. Lemak

Lemak Sketch 03/06/08 Four-Color

WineA Gentleman’s Game

The Adventures of an AmateurWinemaker Turned Professional

Mark Miller

A FAMiLY PLACEA Hudson Valley Farm, Three Centuries, Five Wars, One FamilyLeila Philip

One woman’s journey to uncover her family’s history and understand the ties that bind us to a particular place.

“Riveting … one of the most finely written family histories available.” — Library Journal

n 2009 n $14.95 pb

A Hudson Valley Farm, Three Centuries, Five Wars, One Family

Leila Philip

A FAmily PlAceA FAmily PlAce

SAViNG STERLiNG FORESTThe Epic Struggle to Preserve New York’s HighlandsAnn Botshon

The story of the twenty-five-year quest to preserve twenty thousand acres of forest in southeastern New York.

n 2006 n $21.95 pb

Ann Botshon

STOPPiNG THE PLANTThe St. Lawrence Cement Controversy and the Battle for Quality of Life in the Hudson ValleyMiriam D. Silverman

Detailed account of the controversy surrounding the building of a coal-fired cement factory in the Hudson Valley.

“…a reliable road map…” — Times Herald-Record

n 2006 n $18.95 pb

BOLTON COiT BROWNA RetrospectiveSamuel Dorsky Museum of Art

Explores the career of one of America’s most noted printmakers and the seminal role he played in bringing the arts to Woodstock.

Samuel Dorsky Museum of Artn 2003 n Illustrated n $18.00 pb

DON NiCEThe Nature of ArtSamuel Dorsky Museum of ArtPaintings by contemporary American realist Don Nice, with emphasis on recent works relating to the Hudson Valley.

Samuel Dorsky Museum of Artn 2005 n Illustrated n $12.00 pb







ELEVEN STORiES HiGHGrowing Up in Stuyvesant Town, 1948–1968Corinne Demas

This memoir evokes a girl’s coming of age in a postwar New York City planned, “utopian” community.

“I loved every word ... Demas’s portrait of her mother is exquisite.” — Anita Shreve

n 2000 n $23.95 pb

THE GiRLSJewish Women of Brownsville, Brooklyn, 1940–1995Carole Bell Ford

Tells the stories of the Jewish women who came of age in Brownsville, Brooklyn, in the 1940s and 1950s—the choices they made, and the boundaries within which they made them.

n 1999 n $21.95 pb

MEMORiES OF MiGRATiONGender, Ethnicity, and Work in the Lives of Jewish and Italian Women in New York, 1870–1924Kathie Friedman-Kasaba

Offers a comparative historical study of women’s migration from Russia and Italy to New York at the turn of the 20th century.

n 1996 n $23.95 pb

iT HAPPENED iN BROOKLYNAn Oral History of Growing Up in the Borough in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960sMyrna Katz Frommer and Harvey Frommer

Over one hundred voices recall, chronicle, and celebrate the Brooklyn of legend.

“Throbs with life and affection.” — Publishers Weekly

n 2009 n $24.95 pb

FROM SiCiLY TO ELiZABETH STREETHousing and Social Change Among Italian Immigrants, 1880–1930Donna R. Gabaccia

Depicts the immigrant experience from the perspective of the immigrants themselves.

n 1984 n $24.95 pb

CHARLES S. JOHNSONLeadership beyond the Veil in the Age of Jim CrowPatrick J. Gilpin and Marybeth GasmanForeword by David Levering Lewis

A compelling biography of a key figure of the Harlem Renaissance, an eminent Chicago-trained sociologist, and a pioneering race relations leader.

n 2003 n $26.95 pb

CULTURES OF OPPOSiTiONJewish Immigrant Workers, New York City, 1881–1905Hadassa Kosak

Looks at the forging of a new Jewish political culture at the turn of the century.

“…an impressively researched and thoughtful book…” — Journal of American Ethnic History

n 2000 n $21.95 pb

WiLLiAM CULLEN BRYANTAuthor of AmericaGilbert H. Muller

A biography of one of nineteenth-century America’s foremost poets and public intellectuals.

“…captivating … richly researched and readable…” — Wall Street Journal

n 2008 n $30.00 jacketed hc

DAViD DiNKiNS AND NEW YORK CiTY POLiTiCSRace, Images, and the MediaWilbur C. Rich

Studies the role of the media in shaping public perceptions of David Dinkins’ mayoral leadership.

n 2006 n $35.00 jacketed hc

FOLLOW THE MONEYWho Controls New York City Mayors?Lynne A. Weikart

Reveals the powerful influence of financial elites on New York City’s mayors.

n 2009 n $19.95 pb

Follow the Moneywho Controls new york City Mayors?

lynne A. weikartAuthor of America

william cullen bryant



Gilbert H. Muller




David Dinkinsand New York City


Wilbur C. Rich

Rich Sketch #5 01/26/06 Black / PMS 286 C

Race, Images, and the Media

THE FiRE iSLAND NATiONAL SEASHOREA HistoryLee E. Koppelman and Seth Forman

A comprehensive account of the history of the Fire Island National Seashore since its creation in 1964.

n 2008 n $21.95 pb


Fire IslandNationalSeashoreA History


Fire IslandNationalSeashoreA History

Lee E . Koppelman & Seth Forman

FUNNY, iT DOESN’T SOUND JEWiSHHow Yiddish Songs and Synagogue Melodies Influenced Tin Pan Alley, Broadway, and HollywoodJack Gottlieb

Documents the influence of Jewish music on American popular song.

“…a marvelous book…” — Michael Feinstein

n 2004 n Illustrated

n $40.00 jacketed hc



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NEW WORLD DUTCH STUDiESDutch Arts and Culture in Colonial America, 1609–1776Roderic H. Blackburn and Nancy A. Kelley, editors

The history, culture, and lifeways of New Netherland as researched and interpreted by Dutch and American scholars.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 1987 n Illustrated n $21.95 pb

REMEMBRANCE OF PATRiADutch Arts and Culture in Colonial America, 1609–1776Roderic H. Blackburn and Ruth Piwonka

An essential guide to the history, culture, and social life of New Netherland.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 1988 n Illustrated n $65.00 hc

MOHAWK FRONTiER, SECOND EDiTiONThe Dutch Community of Schenectady, New York, 1661–1710Thomas E. Burke Jr. With an Introduction by William A. Starna

A history of Dutch Schenectady.

n 2009 n $21.95 pb

FOUR CENTURiES OF DUTCH-AMERiCAN RELATiONSHans Krabbendam, Cornelis A. van Minnen, and Giles Scott-Smith, editors

A comprehensive history of bilateral relations between the Netherlands and the United States.

Uitgeverij Boomn 2009 n $39.95 jacketed hc

PAUL CUSHMANThe Work and World of an Early 19th Century Albany PotterAlbany Institute of History and Art

Overview of the life, work, times, and legacy of a renowned Albany potter.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 2007 n Illustrated n $34.95 pb

FROM STONECUTTER TO SCULPTORCharles Calverley, 1833–1914Elizabeth K. Allen

First-ever career-spanning retrospective of the nineteenth-century New York sculptor.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 1996 n $10.00 pb

OPEN-AiR SKETCHiNGNineteenth-Century American Landscape Drawings in the Albany Institute of History and ArtElizabeth K. Allen

Nineteenth-century landscape and outdoor drawings and sketches by the Hudson River school artists and others.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 1998 n Illustrated n $10.00 pb

BORDERS AND SCROLLSEarly American Brush-Stroke Wall Painting, 1790–1820Margaret Coffin

Invaluable overview of domestic wall paintings in the Northeast from 1790–1820.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 1986 n Illustrated n $14.95 pb

The Dutch Community of Schenectady, New York, 1661–1710

Mohawk FrontierSecond Edition

Thomas E. Burke Jr.

 Four Centuries oF DutCh-AmeriCAn relAtions

edited by hans krabbendam  cornelis a. van minnen giles scott-smith

CAST WiTH STYLENineteenth Century Cast-Iron Stoves from the Albany Area, Revised EditionTammis K. Groft

Introduction to the influential cast-iron stoves manufactured in Albany and Troy in the nineteenth century.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 1981 n Illustrated n $24.95 pb

ALBANY iNSTiTUTE OF HiSTORY AND ART200 Years of CollectingTammis K. Groft and Mary Alice Mackay, editors

Beautifully illustrated introduction to and overview of the collections of the Albany Institute of History and Art, founded in 1791.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 1998 n Illustrated n $50.00 pb

GERMAN FOLK ARTS OF NEW YORK STATEMary Antoine de JulioForeword by Roderic H. Blackburn

An essential introduction to the crafts and folks arts of German settlers.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 1985 n Illustrated n $6.00 pb

RiCHARD CALLNER50 Year RetrospectiveAlbany Institute of History and Art

Career retrospective of modernist Albany painter Richard Callner.

Albany Institute of History and Art

n 2003 n Illustrated n $15.00 pb






EXPLORERS, FORTUNES AND LOVE LETTERSA Window on New NetherlandThe New Netherland Institute

Drawing on the latest research, leading scholars shed new light on the culture, society, and legacy of the New Netherland colony.

Mount Ida PressThe New Netherland Institute

n 2009 n $29.95 jacketed hc

BEVERWiJCKA Dutch Village on the American Frontier, 1652–1664Janny Venema

Paints a detailed picture of everyday life in an early American community.

“A sweeping, groundbreaking book on the city’s earliest history.” — Albany Times Union

n 2003 n Illustrated n $33.95 pb


An indispensable introduction to the trade and ceramics of the New Netherland colony.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 1987 n Illustrated n $14.95 pb

HORSiNG AROUNDTwentieth Century Cast-Iron Hitching PostsW. Douglas McCombs, editor

Overview of cast-iron hitching posts designed and manufactured in the nineteenth century.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 2008 n Illustrated n $26.95 pb


The first full-length biography of the artist Arthur B. Davies, who played a major role in twentieth-century American art’s coming-of-age.

“…[a] fascinating biography.” — Publishers Weekly

n 1998 n Illustrated n $31.95 pb

CHARLES E. BURCHFiELD The Sacred WoodsNancy Weekly

Illustrates an exhibit that commemorated the centennial of Burchfield’s birth.

n 1993 n $40.50 hc

THE NEW RESPONSEContemporary Painters of the Hudson RiverJohn Yau

Introduction to contemporary painters of the Hudson River, who both continue and react to the legacy of the nineteenth-century Hudson River School of painting.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 1985 n $6.95 pb

THE HUDSON RiVER TO NiAGARA FALLSNineteenth-Century American Landscapes Paintings from the New-York Historical SocietySamuel Dorsky Museum of Art

A stunning selection of paintings by Cole, Durand, Casilear, Inness, and others.

Samuel Dorsky Museum of Artn 2009 n Illustrated n $16.00 pb

ROBERT MORRiSSamuel Dorsky Museum of Art

Drawings by one of the twentieth century’s most intellectually challenging artists.

Samuel Dorsky Museum of Artn 2001 n Illustrated n $15.00 pb

TAKiNG A DiFFERENT TACKMaggie Sherwood and the Floating Foundation of PhotographySamuel Dorsky Museum of Art

An overview of an innovative and influential arts organization of the 1970s and early 1980s.

Samuel Dorsky Museum of Artn 2009 n Illustrated n $20.00 pb

EVA WATSON-SCHÜTZEPhotographerSamuel Dorsky Museum of Art

An overview of the career of Eva Watson-Schütze (1867–1935), one the foremost American women photographers of the early twentieth century.

Samuel Dorsky Museum of Artn 2009 n Illustrated n $18.00 pb

iNDiAN LADDERA Lyric JourneyJohn Yang, photographer

Beautiful landscape photographs of the Helderberg Escarpment in New York State by renowned photographer John Yang.

Albany Institute of History and Artn 2007 n Illustrated n $29.95 pb





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HOME FRONT SOLDiERThe Story of a GI and His Italian American Family During World War IIRichard Aquila

Presents a multi-layered social history of a soldier and his Italian American family during World War II.

n 1999 n $24.95 pb


Concise history of the valiant service of New York’s African American soldiers.

“This book is necessary and outstanding.” — William Gladstone

n 2009 n $14.95 pb

SUBDUED BY THE SWORDA Line Officer in the 121st New York VolunteersJames M. Greiner

Presents the life of Captain John S. Kidder during the Civil War, as told through letters to his wife, Harriet, at home in rural New York.

“Civil War aficionados will enjoy the opportunity to watch the war unfold through the eyes of entirely new characters.” — Harold Holzer

n 2003 n $24.95 pb


A history of the military campaigns near Fort Ticonderoga, New York, in 1758.

“An in-depth military history covering the conflicts throughout the year … highly recommended.” — Wisconsin Bookwatch

n 2008 n $21.95 pb

LiNCOLN’S VETERAN VOLUNTEERS WiN THE WARThe Hudson Valley’s Ross Brothers and the Union’s Fight for EmancipationD. Reid RossForeword by Duane A. Smith

Chronicles the Civil War experiences of four brothers from New York’s Hudson Valley.

n 2008 n $35.00 jacketed hc

NEW YORK’S HiSTORiC ARMORiESAn Illustrated HistoryNancy L. Todd

Chronicles the evolution of the armory as a specific building type in American architectural and military history, and the role these buildings played in the history of America’s volunteer militia.

n 2006 n Illustrated

n $50.00 jacketed hc

FORT STANWiX NATiONAL MONUMENTReconstructing the Past and Partnering for the FutureJoan M. Zenzen

A history of the reconstruc-tion of Fort Stanwix, New York, by the National Park Service.

n 2008 n $24.95 pb

THE EMOTiONS OF A NEW ERAPaul Grondahl and Steve Jacobs

Created by award-winning journal-ists Paul Grondahl and Steve Jacobs, this DVD captures crowd reactions and emotions at the inauguration of President Barack Obama.

n 2009

n Running time: 17 mins.n $10.00 DVD

GOVERNiNG NEW YORK STATEFifth EditionRobert F. Pecorella and Jeffrey M. Stonecash, editors

Essays on New York State government and politics.

n 2006 n $30.95 pb


Recounts the shift towards conservatism in New York’s Repub-lican Party in the 1960s and 1970s.

n 2008 n $24.95 pb


An expanded and updated edition of the 2002 book that has become required reading for policymakers, students, and active citizens.

Rockefeller Institute Pressn 2006 n $22.00 pb

Black Soldiers of New York State

Anthony F. GeroA P R O U D L E G A C Y

Lincoln’s Veteran Volunteers Win the War

Lincoln’s Veteran Volunteers

Win the War

F O R E W O R D B Y D U A N E A . S M I T HF O R E W O R D B Y D U A N E A . S M I T H

D. Reid Ross

The Hudson Valley’s Ross Brothers and the Union’s Fight for Emancipation

nester 01.indd 1 7/16/07 11:31:07 AM

Fort StanwixNational Monument

Reconstructingthe Past andPartnering for the Future

Joan M. Zenzen

New Zenzen Sketch #3 02/20/08 Four Color

“...it will be too bad to have thosesuffer with them who are goodUnion People but I look for sucha state of things. It will come assure as the sun rises and setsunless this rebellion is subdued bythe sword. People may laugh at myopinion but they will live to see mywords proven true.”

Captian John S. Kidder121st New York Volunteers

A Line Officer in the 121st New York Volunteers

Subdued by the Sword

James M. Greiner

New York’s Historic

ArmoriesAn Illustrated History

N A N C Y L. T O D D

GoverningNew YorkStateFifth Edition

Edited byRobert F. Pecorella andJeffrey M. Stonecash

Stonecash Sketch #2 PMS 419C / PMS 5773C Rev. 4/27/05

Timothy J. Sullivan

New York State and theRise of Modern Conservatism

Redrawing Party Lines

MAYOR CORNiNGAlbany Icon, Albany EnigmaPaul Grondahl

Grondahl’s classic biography of Albany’s “mayor for life.”

“Grondahl evokes his subject with novelistic assurance.” — The New Yorker

n 2007 n $32.95 pbMAYORCORNINGA l b a n y I c o n , A l b a n y E n i g m a

Paul Grondahl

PMS 8005 C metallic gold, 8543 C metallic brown and process black Cfont is Bernhard Modern From Paul Grondahl






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