CEO Update - · implementation is made up of...

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July - August 2013

It’s finally completed - the new Kimberly Clinic opened its doors for business on July 1, 2013! From Family Health Ser-vices’ point of view, it sometimes felt like ‘forever’, waiting on construction to be finished. Interestingly enough, people outside of FHS have described the entire process as ‘pretty quick’; once again reminding us that our percep-tions are often defined by ‘where we’re standing’. The best part about the new clinic just may be the enthusiasm expressed by the communities of Kimberly, Hansen, and Murtaugh, so anxious to use our services. It is gratifying and somewhat humbling to hear that the same people that supported the possibility of a Kimberly Clinic continue to support the final reality of a finished product – they have waited patiently. This issue of the Headline News will focus on the newest addition to Family Health Services’ clinics and the public response to the accessibility to health care in the Kimberly area. FHS looks forward to celebrating the new clinic with a Grand Opening scheduled for August 13. Hope to see you there! - P. Brown, Editor

Finished Product: Kimberly’s newest ‘Face’ on Main Street - Our newest FHS Clinic

CEO Update:

Summer has finally arrived! And

with the nicer weather and more

opportunities to enjoy being out-

doors, we also look forward to

community picnics, celebrations,

and annual fairs. Family Health

Services will soon be celebrating

the Grand Opening of our newest

clinic site in Kimberly – something

we‟ve been looking forward to for

the past two years.

KIMBERLY: With the comple-

tion of the new facility, the new

clinic opened its doors to patients

on Monday, July 1st. A Grand

Opening event is scheduled at

10:30 a.m. on August 13th to let

everyone take a look at our beauti-

ful new building. We are very hap-

py with the new clinic, both inside

and out. We had hoped for a mid-

June completion date, but Idaho

weather issues prevailed during the

first part of the year, as well as

some unforeseen but fairly routine

construction issues.

Community Support for the new

clinic continues to be a positive

force, with Kimberly, Hansen, and

Murtaugh being very excited to

have us join their communities.

The nearly 4300 square foot facili-

ty will offer full time medical and

dental services. The Kimberly pro-

vider staff will include Adam

Richins, PA-C, previously based in

Jerome; Paige Humphreys, DDS,

who will transition from the Twin

Falls 325 Dental Clinic; and our

newest medical provider, Dr. Basil

Anderson, who will be joining the

Kimberly staff in August. I hope

to see you if you can make it to the


EMR: Our new EMR (electronic

medical record) system is progress-

ing on schedule, thanks to the dedi-

cation of our IT and clinical staff.

The computer system upgrade and

implementation is made up of three

components: Continued on page 2

Lynn Hudgens, CEO


CEO update continued….

1) a new practice management sys-

tem (EPM); 2) an electronic medi-

cal record (EMR), and 3) an EDR

(electronic dental record), known

as QSI. QSI replaces our former

Dentrix system and is fully inte-

grated with NextGen, the company

from whom we purchased the

EMR. The benefit in having this

fully integrated system is that only

one patient record is needed and

demographic information is shared

between programs. Prior to the

new electronic record systems, pa-

tient information had to be gath-

ered separately, at the dental, med-

ical, and behavioral health offices.


I really appreciate all the coopera-

tion and enthusiasm that staff add-

ed to the EMR implementation

process. Staff members from every

level of our organization have pro-

vided invaluable help and perspec-

tive with the new system‟s imple-


CHOOSING A SYSTEM: Our choice of EMR companies re-

sulted in the selection of NextGen

due to its extensive experience

with Community Health Centers

and its ability to adapt to our com-

pany‟s specific needs. The system

includes programming designed to

fit the unique needs of Family

Health Services. The timing for

the new system was ideal for FHS.

We have known for the past sever-

al years that we needed to purchase

an EMR, after a successful „run‟

with our former system for the past

7 years. Our old system was be-

ginning to have problems of its

own. And with the opportunity for

funding through Medicaid, the ad-

dition of our new EMR is occur-

ring under favorable conditions.


Medicaid paid for the initial startup

costs of our new EMR, under what

is called the Medicaid Meaningful

Use Program, providing FHS with

over a half million dollars thus far

and additional funding to continue

over the next 5 years. Initial

startup costs covered by Medicaid

include $21,500 per eligible pro-

vider, plus an additional $8,500 per

eligible provider per year for the

next five years. The funding pays

for software, training, implementa-

tion, and licenses. Hardware ex-

penses are not covered. FHS is

still in the process of determining

what hardware options will best fit

our needs.



CORE TEAM: Staff members

worked many hours, with represen-

tation from all staff positions.

Front Desk staff scheduled three

days of “Scheduling Parties”, mov-

ing all existing patient information

and schedules to the new system,

which provided the ideal training

environment for our front desk us-

ers. On June 4th, we successfully

completed the Practice Manage-

ment “GO LIVE” process, replac-

ing our former Net Practice system

with components of our new EMR

system. The old system was

„turned off‟, and we transitioned to

the new NextGen product. The

process went extremely well with

few complications, even during the

first hour of operation. On site

support for the “GO LIVE” pro-

cess was provided by OSIS staff

members. Also assisting with “GO

LIVE” was our own “Super Users

Group”. “GO LIVE” occurred sim-

ultaneously at all of our clinic sites

– Great Job, Everyone!


ERS: Our providers have been

very supportive of the move to an

EMR system. The next step in our

EMR implementation process is a

bit more complicated, as it will im-

pact every aspect of our business

conducted by providers and nurs-

ing staff. Nearly all of our provid-

er staff and many other staff mem-

bers have already worked with an

EMR system, either through prior

employment or during medical

school and residencies. Staff al-

ready familiar with EMRs will be a

great source of support as we com-

plete the implementation process.

The final implementation steps,

including “GO LIVE” for the

EMR, will occur in the Fall. Not

all clinics will “GO LIVE” at the

same time for this final process.


privilege of signing

the land lease with

Intermountain Health

Care for our new Bur-

ley Clinic. Completed

in mid-June, the

signed lease is now

under final review

with IHC. Once the

final review is com-

pleted, we can move

quickly toward the ac-

tual building of the

new clinic. The next step will be a

survey of the 3 acres, where the

building will be located and the

filing of the deed and documents in

Cassia County. A routine lien will

be filed by HRSA (Health Re-

sources and Services Administra-

tion, our Federal funding source).

HRSA will administer the release

of our grant money, with the un-

derstanding that FHS will continue

to meet the ongoing requirements

of a primary care Community

Health Care Center, and will con-

tinue doing business as per our cur-

rent plans. Plans for the new clinic

have been worked on for the past

several months, with the hope that

the bidding process can begin in

July. Construction is anticipated to

start this Fall and will take approx-

imately 12 months for completion.

The new building will be approxi-

mately 15,000 square feet.

WHAT’S NEXT: We are still

awaiting news on our application

for a new Access Point grant. We

should be notified in September

and hope to offer services in Wen-

dell in the near future. We have

the ability to utilize an existing

building in the area. Continued on page 3

“Go Live” with NextGen at 388

Everyone worked together and it was a success!


CEO update continued…

The new Access Point funding will

make a significant increase to our

existing annual grant, with an on-

going yearly increase of $650,000,

if awarded.



funding of $207,000, intended in

part to cover wages for four new

12-month positions became availa-

ble to FHS this month. We will

hire the limited service employees

as soon as possible, with the ex-

pectation that they will start mid-

July. The 4 new employees will

work with all of our clinics. The

purpose of the positions is to edu-

cate our patients about the

“Marketplace” (Exchange) insur-

ance options that will become a

national requirement for some Ida-

hoans in January, 2014. Patients

will also receive information about

applying for Medicaid if they are

currently eligible or meet the new

2014 eligibility criteria; many pa-

tients may not have been previous-

ly eligible. The goal of the four

new positions is to ensure that FHS

patients have access to information

about signing up for health insur-

ance if they don‟t already have it,

and understanding Medicaid en-

rollment. The new employees will

also participate in some communi-

ty outreach events over the next 12


FHS has approximately 14,000

uninsured patients at the present

time. Our goal is to inform and as-

sist our uninsured patients so that

they can enroll in an insurance

plan that best fits their needs. Dur-

ing the months of July, August,

and September, we will obtain ad-

ditional information on the new

insurance and Medicaid options

and refine our strategies on sharing

it with our patients and communi-

ties. Marketplace enrollment be-

gins October 1, and eligible indi-

viduals will receive coverage ef-

fective January 1, 2014.

SUMMER FUN: With all the

hard work going on at FHS, I want

to encourage all of you to partici-

pate in some of our afterhours

Booster Events. Our annual Em-

ployee Picnic is scheduled for Au-

gust 10 at Harmon Park in Twin

Falls, similar to last year‟s event.

Bring your families, take time to

relax, and join in the fun. I hope to

see everyone there! -Lynn

Patty Kleinkopf once again

brought a big project – Kimberly‟s

Clinic- to a successful close.

Thanks go out to Patty and many

staff members that helped through-

out the construction process. From

the design of the building, to many

late night Kimberly City Council

meetings, from construction bids,

to concrete design….even a gas

leak crisis! Patty was on-site

countless hours, ensuring that the

new clinic met our expectations.

Aaron Houston, the „Man With

The Money‟, monitored the fiscal

issues during the entire Kimberly

project, helping to make our new

site development a success.

And last but not least, thanks to

Chris Wingfield, for the design and

his expertise on all things techno-

logical for our new Kimberly



Under the leadership of providers

Paige Humphreys, DDS, and Ad-

am Richins, PA-C, the Kimberly

Clinic is open for business and

started seeing patients on Mon-

day, July 1. Our new Kimberly

Team includes: Anay Puente,

Charge RN, Samantha Martinez,

LPN, Camille Pool, Front Office

Lead, and Tonya McMinn, Medi-

cal Assistant, all of whom have

been previously working at other

FHS clinics. The clinic will be

fully staffed by the end of July,

with a couple of new staff mem-

bers joining us soon. Medical

provider Dr. Basil Anderson, will

be moving to Magic Valley mid-

July, and has already dropped in

for a visit to the new clinic. He

will start on a part time basis in

Kimberly, while also working in

the Jerome Clinic until the de-

mand for additional hours occurs

in Kimberly.

Continued on page 4

Another Project Well Done

Thanks FHS Chiefs!

Patty Kleinkopf, COO Aaron Houston, CFO Chris Wingfield, CIO


“Sign of things to come” Kimberly

construction site - March 29, 2013

The building takes shape!

Adam Richins, PA-C


Continued from page 3..

Positions for a dental assistant and

a dental hygienist will be filled

within the next couple of weeks.

We look forward to meeting the

rest of the new Kimberly staff.

It is a positive commentary on the

new Kimberly staff members,

making the move to a new build-

ing. Although it is always exciting

to open a new clinic, there is also

the undeniable challenge of getting

organized, moving everything in to

its appointed place, and being

ready to see our patients. Thanks

to everyone that made this move


Special thanks also goes to Nick

Bregante, PA-C (Buhl) and Taenia

Hudson, Regional Manager (Twin

Falls), who initially offered FHS

medical services during the months

of January through June, at our ini-

tial location in the Kimberly

Wright Physical Therapy building,

while the new clinic was under

construction. They helped intro-

duce us to the Kimberly communi-

ty and paved the way for the com-

munity to become familiar with


Meet the Kimberly

Clinic Staff…

“I‟m very excited to be a part of

the FHS Kimberly team. When I

was first hired by FHS, I was intro-

duced to the possibility of a Kim-

berly clinic location and it‟s been

something that I‟ve

been anticipating. I

look forward to serv-

ing those in Kimberly

and the surrounding

areas. Being born and

raised in rural Idaho, I

recognize the im-

portance of accessible

health care for those of

all ages. I‟m also ex-

cited about the role

and contributions that

the FHS clinic can make

within the community.

As a Physician Assistant,

I‟m excited to be a part

of the clinical team. I

attended Brigham Young Universi-

ty for my undergraduate studies.

While there I participated in re-

search that allowed me to study in

Guadalajara and Mexico City,

Mexico. I also learned the Spanish

language while being in Santa

Cruz, Bolivia for two years. I pur-

sued my medical training in

Miami, Florida that offered numer-

ous cultural and medical opportuni-

ties. Our family will be moving to

Kimberly in a short period of time.

We are excited to become in-

volved in community activities

and events.” -Adam

“I am very excited to be the den-

tist in the new FHS Kimberly den-

tal clinic. I have worked for Family

Health Services since 2007. My

family and I have lived in Kimber-

ly for that same amount of time. I

have enjoyed it greatly. It is a

great town where you can feel a

sense of unity. It has also been a

great location for my wife and I to

raise our kids. The schools are

great. The community events al-

ways draw crowds. Our kids enjoy

participating in the various sports

programs offered. The clinic will

be a great addition to the communi-

ty. It will make medical and dental

services more accessible to people

in the areas of Kimberly, Mur-

taugh, and Hansen. We already see

a lot of patients in our Twin Falls

clinic from that area. I know they

will love having a clinic in their

own town as much as I will. I look

forward to getting to know more

people from my community while

working in the Kimberly dental

clinic.“ -Paige

Open for Business!

New FHS Kimberly Clinic opens its doors July 1, 2013

Samantha Martinez, LPN and Anay

Puente, Charge RN at the new

Kimberly Nurse’s station.

Camille Pool, Front Office Lead gets the

front desk organized!

Finishing touches on the new office space

in Kimberly!

Adam Richins, PA-C

Paige Humphreys, DDS


Meet the Kimberly

Clinic Staff Continued…

“I started working with FHS as a

CNA in 2009, and have been going

to school to achieve my RN degree.

I graduated this May and am look-

ing forward to my new position as

Charge Nurse in Kimberly. I am

thrilled that Family Health Services

decided to open a clinic there be-

cause the community will really

benefit from the services we offer.

When I graduated in May, I knew I

needed to decide where I wanted to

continue in nursing. After some

soul searching, I realized that I love

helping our FHS patients. Even

though the past four years have

been challenging at times, this is

where my heart is. I know that our

Kimberly Team will have a tremen-

dous impact on our patients' lives.

I am both humbled and honored to

be hired in my new position as

Charge Nurse and I look forward to

making a difference.“ -Anay

“I have worked at the Behavioral

Health office for almost 2 years

now and I will be moving to the

Kimberly clinic as the Office Lead.

I am very excited for the opening of

our new clinic and I look forward

to serving patients in that area.” -Camille

I have been with Family Health

Services for about 3 years and have

worked primarily at our 388 clinic

in Twin Falls. I have enjoyed my

time there immensely, but am very

excited to have the unique oppor-

tunity to work at the new Kimberly

clinic. I look forward to the new

learning opportunities I will have

there and the new relationships to

be built within the company and the

community, but will of course miss

my 388 family and wish them the

best! -Tonya

Samantha has just recently trans-

ferred from the 388 Twin Falls

Medical Clinic to the new Kimber-

ly Clinic, just in time to help with

the „move‟. 388 will miss her, but

she looks forward to the new clinic

and getting to know the communi-



To Nick Bregante, PA-C and

Taenia Hudson, Regional Manag-

er, who initially staffed the new

Kimberly Site, Co-located initial-

ly at the Wright Physical Thera-

py office, until the new building

could be completed. Nick and

Taenia introduced Family Health

Services to the community of

Kimberly, Hansen, and Mur-

taugh, helping to “Open the

door” to our patients when the

new clinic opened July 1, 2013


Our new clinic will be a

success in Kimberly due in

large part to the tremendous

support we have received

from the Kimberly, Hansen,

and Murtaugh communities

throughout the process of estab-

lishing a new clinic site. In 2011,

we started a discussion about the

possibility of obtaining a grant for

a Kimberly Clinic. The grant pro-

cess included the need to find out if

the communities wanted a health

care facility to move into their area.

Through many local civic club

meetings and discussions with

community leaders, it became very

apparent that a clinic was wanted

and needed in the Kimberly area.

Local leaders stepped up and

showed their support, providing

letters for the initial grant process,

distributing our brochures, and wel-

coming us to their meetings for

Kimberly-Hansen-Murtaugh City

Councils, Kiwanis Club, Kimberly

Business Owners Association, Sen-

ior Citizens, local school districts,

and Lions‟ Club. Two years later,

the community leaders, civic

groups, and local business leaders

continued to wait patiently, and

none of them forgot – they still

wanted a clinic. Over the past few

months, as construction on the

building wound down, we were

again invited to speak at local

meetings, with the community ea-

ger for us to start business in Kim-

berly. Continued on page 6

Anay Puente, Charge RN

Camille Pool, Front Office Lead

Tonya McMinn, Medical Assistant

Samantha Martinez, LPN

Congratulations and Good Luck to our new

Kimberly Team!




Community support continued...

Our informational brochures and

posters can be spotted around the

Kimberly-Hansen-Murtaugh area.

And already, just opening on July

1, we are starting to fill our ap-

pointment schedule at the new clin-

ic. We sincerely want to thank the

three communities of Kimberly,

Hansen, and Murtaugh, helping us

through the challenging process of

building a new clinic and setting

up a new business.


Kimberly Mayor

Tracy Armstrong

We appreciate the support and

commitment Mayor Armstrong has

devoted to the Kimberly Clinic


Kimberly City Administrator

Larry Hall

New to the position of Kimberly

City Administrator this Spring,

Larry quickly stepped in to join us

on the Kimberly project. With

many years of valuable experience

working with finance and organi-

zational structure, he has been a

great partner in the completion of

the Kimberly Clinic.

Hansen Mayor

Joe Ratto

“Family Health Services Clinic is

the best addition to our community

that has ever happened.”

Murtaugh Mayor

Dean Hunsaker

“The City of Murtaugh looks for-

ward to the great addition of Fami-

ly Health Services Clinic in Kim-

berly, which will be a valued ser-

vice to the citizens of Murtaugh.”

Kimberly School District

Luke Schroeder, Superintendent

“Kimberly School District is very

excited for the opening of Family

Health Services in Kimberly. FHS

will provide much needed health

services for our families and citi-

zens of Kimberly. “

Murtaugh School District

Michelle Capps, Superintendent

“Having medical and dental ser-

vices in Kimberly, provided by

Family Health Services, will be a

great benefit to the families in the

Murtaugh School District. Ser-

vices will be provided for families

of all incomes, but a sliding scale

is available for low income fami-

lies. This will allow children to

receive service who may have oth-

erwise gone without, due to the

inability to pay or a lack of insur-

ance. We look forward to working

with the staff at the clinic and ap-

preciate this new service for our

community. We wish them (FHS)

much success in their new facili-


Hansen School District

Susan Scherz, Superintendent

“Hansen School District is excited

to have FHS offer services in our

community. We look forward to

this valuable service for our school

patrons and their families.”

Owner/Operator of Natures Gate

Connie Windsor- May

“Kimberly welcomes and looks

forward to the addition of Family

Health Services clinic. I am anx-

ious to meet the staff as my „new


Pastor Gary Ross

“The Crossroads United Methodist

Church believes that health care is

a major issue in our area. We are

fully supportive of the new Family

Health Services clinic and the ben-

efits they will bring to elderly and

families in our area and are looking

forward to the services they will


Continued on page 7


Special Thanks continued….

Kimberly Ageless Senior Center

Patty Bloxham

Acting Site Manager

“It is such a necessity for our Sen-

iors! We look forward to having

health care in our community.”

Additional Support Has

Been Provided By: Jake Tolman, First Federal Bank

Kimberly Business Owners Assoc.

Kimberly Kiwanis Club

Kimberly Lions

And many other business owners,

community and church leaders, and

individual citizens from the Kim-

berly-Hansen-Murtaugh area.

EHR Schedule What’s Left:

“The 388 Twin Falls Medical Clin-

ic was happy to be a part of FHS

history! The "Command Sta-

tion" was full speed ahead with the

NextGen Super Stars.

-Pam Patton, Charge RN

We are closing in on the end of

the first month on the new

EPM system. I would like to thank

all of you for your hard work and


That was Phase 1, 2 to go! We

have started some of our E.H.R.

training and configuration and will

be moving forward with chart ab-


Below is a copy of the project time-

lines including Dental.

There are some key dates where we

will utilize the training center at


If you had not noticed our count-

down clock changed after EPM

“Go Live” to EDR “Go Live”. I

would like to thank the Dental

Team for their hard work getting

that system ready. We have loaded

test conversion data and it looks

good. Again, I would just like to

thank everyone for all the work that

they have done. -Chris

Training for the New System ... Stay awake Chris Perotto!

Chris Wingfield, CIO 56 Days | 15 Hours | 41 Minutes | 31 Seconds

Days Until EDR Go Live!!!