Ceramic I Pinch Unit Presentation

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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*Pinch Unit: Area of Interaction(s): Environment/Approaches to Learning Guiding Questions: Knowledge and Understanding (Criterion A) What was “art” in ancient societies? Scholastic Arts MagazineIn what ways is environment and culture of the artist revealed in the artwork?

View and know about Anasazi, and Pre-Columbian pottery, environment and society. Unit Objectives: Know and Understand Earthenware clay, low-fire glaze and electric firing.

Learn and Practice the Pinch technique by creating several pinch bowls.

Apply Slip and Score techniques of attaching clay.Know and apply painted and “incised” surface

designs.Create a functional musical instrument out of an

organic material. Learn and Apply- Surface Treatment using Low

fire Glazes, Electric Firing Techniques.

Colorado VA Standards

Observe & Learn to ComprehendGLE 1.1. Visual art has inherent characteristics and expressive featuresGLE 1.3- Art and design have purpose and function Envision & Critique to ReflectGLE 2.1. Reflective strategies are used to understand the creative process Invent & Discover to CreateGLE 3.2. Assess and produce art with various materials and methods

Project Criteria:

Create a creative form, animal, object, that whistles, rattles, (makes noise).Complete with quality craftsmanship,No cracking or breakingSlipped and scored well.Quality glazing, colorful and color applied with little raw clay showing

Ceramic I VocabularyWrite definition and/or draw picture reference (if applicable) Clay-

Score- to scratch the clay surface in the areas where 2 pieces will be joined

Slip- watered down clay

Wedging- The kneading like action done to clay before starting work

Shrinkage- Most clay has 8-13% when drying that makes the work smaller then when it was started.

Grog- Ground fired clay mixed into wet clay and helps reduce shrinkage and strengthen. Plasticity- Maximum bend ability in clay Construction TechniquesHand-building:Pinch- The hand building technique using just the fingers to shape