Ceyx andalcyone

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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“Love always triumphs over what we call

death.” -Paolo Coelho,




• Ceyx – the king of

Thessaly, was the son of Lucifer (the light bringer, the star that brings in the day); husband of Alcyone

Major Characters:

•Alcyone – daughter of

the Keeper of the Winds, Aeolus; wife of Ceyx

• Zeus- King of the Gods

• Hera- Queen of the Gods

• Morpheus- son of Hypnos, the god of Sleep and Comforter of the Afflicted; an expert in forming apparitions

Minor Characters:



Ceyx and Alcyone were very happy together and often called each other “Zeus” and “Hera”.

“Her name was on his lips when the ship sank and the waters closed

over him.”

“For all the Gods she offers frequent incense, but more than all

to Hera.”

“While he lingered there, and cast off his tacklings, he gave me his last


“Oh dearest husband, is it thus you return to me?”