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Post on 30-Nov-2014

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By Andrew


Statue of liberty

This is a national landmark of New York is The Statue Of Liberty represents freedom and New York is known as the gateway to freedom

Map of New York


New York’s Capitol: Albany

New York is Famous For There Fashion week

Nikki Minaj a.k.a Barbie is from New YorkNikki Minaj the rapper from yung muny

Nikki minaj

By Ayobunmi

Map of Alaska

Alaska’s Flag

Alaska’s Capital : Juneau

The Govenor of Alaska: Sarah Palin

Alaska’s Beautiful Glaciers

Alaska’s Bird: Willow Bird

Alaska’s Flower : Kingdom Flower

Alaska’s Motto

Alaska’s State Tree: Sitka Tree

Alaska’s State Mammal: Polar Bears

Alaska’s Team Sport


Map of Hawaii

Flag of Hawaii

Capital of Hawaii

Hawaii’s Landmark

Famous person of Hawaii: Elvis Presley

State bird of Hawaii the Nene

State flower of Hawaii

By Dorian


By. Jasmine