CFC Day 3

Post on 22-May-2015

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Draft Lesson Guide for Day 3 of the Construction Foundation Course.


LEARN – DAY 3Construction Foundation Course

• Check-in: Shake hands. Remind students to pick up binders and sit where they were yesterday in their temporary Work Teams. Start class.

5 minutes - Review the day:

Review the day’s activities from the list on the board or chart paper (something that stays up all day). This can be adapted from the Curriculum Map and takes about 30 seconds to review.

Check in

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)7:30 AM - 8:30 AM - 1

10 minutes - Previous day quiz

• Tell students that today’s quiz will be an oral quiz like yesterday except that today Pair-Share partners will be answering questions to earn points for their team. As yesterday, one point is awarded to each Work Team that gets the right answer to their question.

• Remind them of this week’s reward for the winning team. Use Timing Activities—5 minutes to study from their notes of the previous day as a Team; start timer. When timer goes off, explain that you will:

- Ask the question;- Provide 5 seconds of thinking/discussing time; and- Call on a partnership.

• If the selected partnership gets the correct answer, they earn a point for their Work Team. If not, you will ask another partnership for the answer, and they will get the point for their Team, if correct.

Oral Quiz

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)7:30 AM - 8:30 AM - 2

• Start the quiz. You can use these questions and/or others and any number you wish, as long as the Teams have equal numbers of turns. Always be sure to include key vocabulary and any study skills terms from the previous day.

1. How often and on what day do you get paid?2. Name three Construction Industry Career Technical Training programs

offered on center.3. What is the penalty for being out of uniform?4. What is the first step in resolving conflict without fighting?5. What must you do when you are sick and cannot come to class?6. Name four activities available through Recreation.7. Name two ways you can keep yourself safe while you’re on center.8. What is the first rule of water safety?9. Name two student support services.

• Mark the points on the board or a chart paper that you started yesterday.

Oral Quiz

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)7:30 AM - 8:30 AM - 3

• Binder check: Students leave their binders open to yesterday’s notes, and you simply check to see if the notes are adequate, making a note of any student with inadequate notes, so you can address this individually. This can be done at any time during the day.

45 minutes - Goal setting:

• Create an AO for your usual presentation, adapted to fit the time frame, as necessary. Pass out the AO, give your presentation, including a Pair-Share teach activity. Choose a Team to contribute Model Notes to the folder on the board, while you do a quick review of highlights.

5 minutes

• Move to the TABE testing room.

Goal Setting

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)7:30 AM - 8:30 AM - 4

180 minutes – Administering the TABE Test

• Conduct your usual introduction to TABE testing and administer the test. Include one or more breaks, if possible. Process results immediately.

TABE Testing

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)8:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)11:30 PM – 12:30 PM

120 minutes - Review the results of the TABE Test

• Pass out each student’s results. This is a group review, an explanation of the range of scores and their possible implications for what kind of academic program might be most appropriate.

• Students get one AO to cover the entire academic presentation—TABE results, HS diploma presentation, and academic options presentations. The AO should include a statement that the student will fill in toward the end of the small group meeting with the Counselor: At this point, I think my educational plan will be:

- Step 1:- Step 2:- Step 3:

TABE Test Results

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)12:30 PM – 2:30 PM - 1

• For example, a student with no HS diploma, a TABE reading score of 549 and math score of 588 might complete the sentence by stating:

- Step 1: Reading class to bring my scores up- Step 2: XYZ High School program to finish the classes I

have left to complete for my diploma; and- Step 3: ABC Community College online program. I don’t

know what courses yet.

TABE Test Results

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)12:30 PM – 2:30 PM - 2

• High School Diploma presentation: Present the program prepared by the National Office on the importance of completing a high school diploma.

• Discuss the need for advanced learning, explaining that everyone in Job Corps (and in life) must be a life-long learner, given the new global economy. Explain that some people who have a HS diploma may have been out of school for some time and lost some math and/or reading skills that they’ll need to review and demonstrate mastery of.

TABE Test Results

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)12:30 PM – 2:30 PM - 3

• Academic options presentations: All options should be presented in terms of pathways to the HS diploma and/or post-secondary education. This is part of the Job Corps’ emphasis on HS diploma attainment. Thus, a center might bill their educational offerings like this:

- Reading and/or math skill building to get your skills up to the mark for a HS diploma program;

- A GED program that results in [FILL IN correct number for your program] units toward your high school diploma program through [FILL IN name of provider that offers this option];

- A HS diploma program for people who didn’t complete too many HS units;- A HS diploma program for people who don’t have many HS units left to

complete;- Community college or university courses online—study skills courses (such as

writing lab, how to be successful in college, etc.), trade-related academic courses (such as Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology, etc.), AA-degree courses (such as American History, Psychology, or English), or others approved by the C/CM.

- Community college or university courses on campus, as time and distance may allow, or on center, if such arrangements are possible.

TABE Test Results

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)12:30 PM – 2:30 PM - 4

• Presentations should get equal time, if representatives from each option are speaking to students. Use Model Notes.

• Small group meetings with Counselors. In the small group meetings, the Counselor has students record on their AOs their educational status, e.g., HS graduate, Finished 40 HS units, Passed all classes for HS diploma but didn’t pass state exit exam, etc. The Counselor has this information for all of the students in the group, so s/he can help if students don’t remember. Then Counselors lead a discussion with students about placement. Following are examples of questions that could be used to lead the discussion.

TABE Test Results - Counseling

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)12:30 PM – 2:30 PM - 5

• What option(s) might be best for a student:- With only two more courses to complete to earn a high school

diploma?- Who has completed a GED?- Who completed all required coursework for a high school diploma

but has not yet passed the state exit exam?- With coursework credit earned through the freshman year in high

school?- Who earned a high school diploma and a 330 in reading and 360 in

math on the TABE?

• Counselors then help the students fill out their preliminary educational plan. The Counselor asks the students to think about it overnight, as they’ll be meeting tomorrow to make a final decision on the first step.

TABE Test Results - Counseling

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)12:30 PM – 2:30 PM - 6

• When construction math begins in the Foundation Course, students will have been in academics for 40 hours. It is essential that the first 40 hours in academics be spent in math, whether that is basic skills math/TABE math, GED math, or High School Diploma math courses, as construction math in the Foundation Course assumes that students have mastered the following basic arithmetic operations:

Important Note about Math for the Construction Foundation Course

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)12:30 PM – 2:30 PM - 7

• Whole numbers- Reading and writing whole numbers as words and numerals- Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers- Understanding the relationship of addition to subtraction and

multiplication to division- Checking answers for accuracy in the above operations

• Fractions- Reading, writing, and identifying fractions as part of a whole - Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions

• Decimals- Reading, writing, and identifying decimals as part of a whole - Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals- Translating decimals to fractions and vice versa

• Mixed numbers- Reading, writing, and identifying mixed numbers whole numbers plus

fractions or decimals - Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing mixed numbers.

Important Note about Math for the Construction Foundation Course

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)12:30 PM – 2:30 PM - 8

• Students whose TABE scores indicate they may have difficulty mastering this material in 40 hours of course work, should be assigned an individual or small group tutor immediately, and the tutor should continue through the student’s mastery of these operations, even if that is during week 4 or beyond in the Foundation Course. Any student not making expected progress in mastery during the 40 hours should also be assigned a tutor.

• The focus here is to ramp up student mastery of math basics during the first two weeks in academics—and the motivation is to be ready with their peers to tackle the construction math beginning on day 17. As the bond within the group grows, so will this motivation. Added to the desire to “TABE out” of basic math, move to high school diploma work, and realize TABE gains to score cash, students should be ready to put in some serious concentration on this effort.

Important Note about Math for the Construction Foundation Course

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)2:30 PM – 2:30 PM - 9

90 minutes - Career exploration – Take a stretch break after an hour.• Career exploration activities build on and reinforce the information

presented during the admissions process, and are designed to increase the student's understanding of the industry sector and the careers available as a result of each CTT program and/or certifications offered at the center. Information provided to students includes, at a minimum:

- Working conditions, including physical requirements- Wages- Employment requirements (i.e., age, background check, etc.)- Required technical and academic education - Credential requirements:

• Academic• Industry-recognized certifications/licenses/apprenticeships, etc.• Driver's license

- Advancement potential- Postsecondary and advanced training opportunities- Employment outlook in the geographic areas to which the students are likely

to return

Career Exploration

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)2:40 PM – 4:30 PM -1

• You should also help students learn about available career exploration sources such as those offered through state departments of employment and the Department of Labor, those available commercially, and those accessible through local One-Stops and the libraries. While using some of these sources to validate and augment what they know about construction occupations, they could be completing an AO reflecting the features of each, which one they like best, and why it’s their preference.

• The AO for this scenario will also be different from what you’ve created in the past, as the students are accessing the information from the computer according to instructions you have provided. In that case, combining the instructions with the AO in which students record answers can optimize students’ use of this information in the future.

Career Exploration

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)2:40 PM – 4:30 PM -2

15 minutes - Driver’s Education.

• Same as presentations yesterday with AO and Model Notes. Typically, this is a relatively short presentation.

5 minutes - Reflection. See procedures for Day 1 above.

• Out the door: Remind students to pick up Model Notes for any session they missed. Have them show you that they completed their Reflection and then ask them put their binder on the class shelf. Shake hands on the way out.

• Questions for Week 1 Quiz: Choose two areas from today’s presentations and activities. Create 2 multiple choice questions, like those shown for Day 1, that focus on the most important information in those areas.

Driver’s Education

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)2:40 PM – 4:30 PM - 3

Week One: Day 3 (Wednesday)AFTER HOURS

• Dorm life presentation/activities. Please also remind students that the Computer Lab is open so they can complete their individual IT plans this week. Beginning in Week 2, there will be after hours assignments that will take 1-1.5 hours/evening.

• Open Computer Lab. The Computer Lab will be open continuously for at least 1 hour in the evening, preferably more.

END If you continue to click forward, you will see links to presentations of similar content available through

Content prepared for the National Office of Job Corps through Contract No. DOLJ111A21695 Job Corps Professional Development Support - KUCRL