CfP Young Scholars EDPL 2020 - Lexxion...Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann Alessandro Spina Wojciech...

Post on 05-Mar-2021

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+49-30-81 45 06-13

● Eligible Topic● Format (5.000 - 7.000 words, in English)● Deadline for submission: 15 November 2020

Lexxion Verlagsgesellscha� mbH · Güntzelstraße 63 · 10717 Berlin · Phone +49-30-81 45 06-0 Fax: +49-30-81 45 06-22 · Mail: ·

4 issues/year · approx. 100 pages/issue · ISSN 23 64-28 31 ·

Editor Bart van der Sloot Tilburg University

Associate Editors Maja Brkan University of Maastricht

Mark D. Cole University of Luxembourg, Insti tute of European Media Law (EMR)

Gloria González Fuster Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Tijmen Wisman VU University Amsterdam

Editorial Board Franziska Boehm Axel Frhr. v. d. Bussche Alexander Dix Federico Ferre� Els Kindt Eleni Kosta Orla Lynskey Alessandro Mantelero Marc Rotenberg Peter Schaar Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann Alessandro Spina Wojciech Wiewiorowski Tal Zarsky Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

Par� cipa� on Requirements:

2021 EDPL Young Scholars AwardCALL FOR PAPERS

The European Data Protec�on Law Review cordially invites young researchers at the beginning of their academic career (Master or PhD students under the age of 35) to submit ar�cles based on their thesis

for the 5th annual EDPL Young Scholars Award.

The five best submissions will be published in issue 1/2021 of

European Data Protec� on Law Review. The winner of the compe�on will receive a one-year subscrip�on to the European Data Protec�on Law Review.

The contribu�on must deal with a data protec�on issue and address it from a European perspec�ve. The preferred approach is legal, but interdisciplinary approaches are also welcome.

The ar�cle should depict the thesis’ core points, including key ques�ons, hypothesis, methodology, findings and policy recommenda�ons,

if applicable.

Regardless of the original language of the work, submissions are only accepted in English. They are subject to the scru�ny of an expert jury which will evaluate their quality, degree of innova�on and clarity of presenta�on.

Contact:Please submit the applica� on in a Word document via e-mail to the

Execu� ve Editor:Jakob

Jakob McKernan