Cg Enterprise Phone Systems

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  • 8/8/2019 Cg Enterprise Phone Systems


    Focs Reserc 2010

    Focs Reserc

    Mrc 2010

    Eterprise Poe Sstems

    Compriso Gide

  • 8/8/2019 Cg Enterprise Phone Systems


    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 2Focs Reserc 2010


    Internet Protocol (IP) telephony is increasingly replacing traditional PBX technologies at all types and sizes o companies. However, most businesses

    cant simply replace all o their incumbent telephony in one ell swoop. Instead, decision makers like you must look careully at whats available, what

    youve got and what you need. Once youve surveyed the market and identifed and prioritized your specifc business needs, youre challenged to crat

    your best possible short list o candidates. And this Comparison Guide, designed or midsize and large enterprises, is here to help.

    This document is a companion to the Focus Phone Systems Market Primer and the Focus Enterprise Phone Systems Buyers Guide.

    Or Focs Eterprise Poe Sstems Compriso Gide is oe o seerl reserc reports bsed o te

    Focs Reserc Metodolog, wic is desiged to spport or etire prcsig process.

    Phone Systems Market Primer Want to know what an enterprise phone system is?

    Enterprise Phone Systems Buyers Guide Want help defning your requirements?

    Eterprise Poe Sstems Compriso Gide Want help comparing?

    Table o Contents

    Comparison Methodology: Focs Ber Tpe descriptios, compriso ctors d ow soltios/edors re selected . . . . . . p. 3

    The Focus Short List: Cdidtes tt Focs beliees eer ber o Eterprise Poe Sstems sold cosider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6

    The Focus Comparison Grids: Detiled comprisos o prodct, pricig d edor cosidertios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 8

    Vendor Profles: Tmbil descriptios o iclded edors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p . 19

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 3Focs Reserc 2010

    Compriso Metodolog

    Ber Tpes

    As discussed in greater detail in the Focus Buyers Guide: Enterprise Phone Systems, the Focus research methodology identifes three basic BuyerTypes or business solutions such as enterprise telephony systems Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.


    Basic Buyers are those in search o simple

    solutions that support the most widely used

    traditional and IP telephony eatures, such

    as modular installation and support or

    the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Such

    buyers typically have limited IT resources and

    expertise. Many, but not all, Basic Buyers also

    typically work at smaller companies supporting

    no more than 500 users.

    Intermediate Buyers are those in search o

    relatively more complex solutions that support

    greater capacities and more sophisticated

    eatures such as support or unifed

    messaging, virtual private network (VPN)

    connections or enhanced security. Such

    buyers typically have some IT resources and

    expertise, and may have experience with IP

    telephony solutions as well. Many Intermediate

    Buyers also work at midsize companies

    supporting between 500 and 2,500 users.

    Advanced Buyers are those in search o

    airly complex solutions (including support or

    multiple distributed sites and advanced call/

    contact center eatures) that enable increased

    availability, automation, optimization and

    integrated management. Solutions that meet

    the needs o Advanced Buyers can oten

    require extensive IT resources and expertise.

    Many Advanced Buyers also work at larger

    enterprises supporting rom 2,500 to 10,000

    users or more.

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 4Focs Reserc 2010

    Compriso Fctors

    In addition, members o every Buyer Type identifed by Focus Research have three primary areas o concern when considering Enterprise Phone

    Systems.These are:

    Product considerations: including basic, intermediate and advanced product eatures and delivery platorms;

    Cost considerations: including price, ees, hidden costs and ROI analysis; and

    Vendor considerations: including vendor viability, support, services and consulting.

    vedor Selectio

    To be considered or inclusion in this Guide, solutions and their vendors must meet the ollowing minimum requirements.

    For Basic Buyers:



    For Intermediate Buyers:



    For Advanced Buyers:




  • 8/8/2019 Cg Enterprise Phone Systems


    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 5Focs Reserc 2010

    Solutions and vendors ound to meet these requirements were included in this Focus Comparison Guide based upon analysis and comparison o

    product, cost and vendor considerations. Those solutions and vendors were also evaluated in terms o market prominence, ater interviews and

    discussions with industry analysts, other experts and users. Some o these were conducted via the Focus Web site. These interviews and discussions

    were combined with Focus research and expertise to select Focus Short List members and to crat the comparison grids in this Guide. For moreinormation, please contact the Focus research team.

    You should keep in mind that this Guide is ocused on solutions intended or enterprises that are typically larger and/or in need o more

    sophisticated eatures than those required by small and midsize businesses (SMBs). Many SMBs are fnding their voice communications needs

    being well met by smaller and/or less comprehensive solutions than those eatured here.

    Some o the vendors eatured in this Guide also oer solutions optimized or smaller companies and/or simpler deployments, as indicated by the

    Oers small business alternative? column in the Vendor Considerations section o the comparison grid. Those oerings are not eatured here, as


    this Guide, even i your company is not a large enterprise. Focus recommends that you use its Market and Buyer Guides, along with relevant Briesand community discussion and your own resources, to identiy and prioritize your business specifc needs accurately and completely, and to best

    determine the candidate solutions and vendors most likely to meet those needs.

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 6Focs Reserc 2010

    Te Focs Sort List


    identifed by Focus, organized by Buyer Type and the key considerations outlined above. Focus believes that the solutions and vendors on the Focus Short List oer

    pricing, unctionality and/or support eatures o particular interest to each associated Buyer Type.

    The maturity o the telephone systems market means that there is oten little dierentiation among core eature sets. However, you should pay close attention to how those

    eatures are implemented and supported, and to what other unctions and eatures are available with the solutions and vendors you consider. And as you crat your own


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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 7Focs Reserc 2010


    Type O Buyer Best Product Bets Product Cost Vendor


    BaSIC BuyERS

    SoreTel IP Poe Sstemhigl sclble, ll itegrted sstem;more iclded etres t mcompetitors

    Lower totl cost o owersip (TCO)t most comprble sstems,reports idicte

    13 ers experiece; oers spportserices olie d i resellers

    Tosib Strt CIX 1200Telepoe Sstem

    Strog, igl cstomizble core etreset; optiol dced pplictios serer

    $350-$500/ser; ries wit sers,edpoits

    40 ers i telecommictios; pretcomp oded i 1875



    astr Clerspup to 100,000 sers/ode; rs oLix, IBM blde serers

    Strts t $625/ser or 1,500 ports; llss cpcit rises

    26 ers experiece

    Iterctie Itelligece:Cstomer Iterctio Ceter

    Desiged s commictios sericespltorm; osted optio ilble

    $350-$1,000/ser; ries witcogrtio, cpcit

    15 ers experiece

    Mitel 3300 IP Commictios Pltorm/Mitel Commictios Director Sotwre

    Rs o proprietr Mitel or idstr-stdrd Lix serers; rs o vMwre

    aerge price/ser pproximtel $400,ccordig to pblised reports

    100 loctios i 90 cotries;1,500 resellers/prters

    SoreTel IP Poe Sstemhigl sclble, ll itegrted sstem;more iclded etres t mcompetitors

    Lower totl cost o owersip (TCO)t most comprble sstems,reports idicte

    13 ers experiece; oers spportserices olie d i resellers



    alctel-Lcet: OmiPCX EterpriseCommictios Serer

    C dle more simlteos cllst most; bilt o Lix serers

    Strts t $268/ser i 250-sercogrtio

    23 ers experiece

    a ar Eterprise Editio

    Compreesie pltorm spportig

    stdrds-bsed itegrtio wit legcsstems

    Strts t $265/ser; ries wit cpcit

    d etres selected

    Foded i 2000; 8,700 Globl Serices

    emploees, 32 spport ceters worldwide

    Cisco uied Commictios MgerStrog spport or mobilit, presece,coerecig; osted optio ilble

    applice strts t $4,000; spports pto 30,000 sers per clster

    25-er etworkig eter;100,000+ uC sers

    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers Sorce: Focs, Mrc 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Cg Enterprise Phone Systems


    Te Focs Compriso Grids

    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 8Focs Reserc 2010

    Te Focs Compriso Grids


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer


    Hosted or

    on-premise delivery?


    solutions available?Sotware-based IP PBX?


    management tool?

    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I A O-premise Iormtio ot proided b edor no; rck-motble it yes

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A O-premise yes yes yes

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA O-premise yes yes yes

    Avaya: Aura I A O-premise yes yes yes

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA Bot yes yes; rck motig optiol yes

    Interactive Intelligence:

    Customer Interaction CenterI A Bot no yes yes

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel CommunicationsDirector sotware

    B I A O-premise no no; rck-motble it yes

    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A O-premise no yes no

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A O-premise yes no; rck-motble it yes

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I A O-premise yes yes yes

    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications ServerA O-premise no yes yes

    Taridium: ipbx v2 B I O-premise no yes; rck or wll motig optiol. yes

    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200

    Telephone SystemB I O-premise yes no; sel-cotied bse cbiet yes

    1 2 3 4

    Note: nortel ws prcsed d 3Com is beig cqired b hP; pls or nortel d 3Com poe sstems re i fx.


    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+

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    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+

    serices tt lik telepoes d cll mgemet etres to telepo-ebled comptig pplictios

    o commo eterprise etwork; ke elemets o compter-telepo itegrtio (CTI)

    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 9Focs Reserc 2010


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer


    Number o

    calls per hour?

    Number o

    simultaneous calls?

    Number o integrated

    telephony services? System capacity? Voice conerencing?

    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I AIormtio ot proided

    b edorIormtio ot proided

    b edorIormtio ot proided

    b edor2 - 50,000 deices yes

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A167,823 bs or cll ttempts

    (BhCas)47 clls/secod 200 1 - 100,000 sers per ode yes

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA 120,000 BhCCs 120,000 BhCCs 700 15,000 sers per serer yes

    Avaya: Aura I A 500,000 30,000Iormtio ot proided

    b edor"36,000 sttios/

    18,000 SIP edpoits/serer"yes

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA 48,000 ulimited 500 60,000 sers no. ailble s dd-o

    Interactive Intelligence:

    Customer Interaction CenterI A

    252,000 BhCas 15,000 175 100 - 15,000 sers yes

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel Communications

    Director sotware

    B I A 14,400 250 500 10 - 65,000 sers yes

    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A 12,000 BhCas ulimited hdreds 1 - 30,000 ports yes

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A 48,000 ulimited 800 16,000 edpoits yes

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I A 50,000 BhCCs 5,000 150 1 - 10,000 sers yes

    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications ServerA 252,000 BhCas 15,000 300 100,000 sers yes

    Taridium: ipbx v2 B I 14,400 250 167 15 - 1,000 sers per serer yes

    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200Telephone System

    B I 12,000 BhCas ulimited 300 1 - 1,000 sers per sstem yes

    5 6 7 8 9

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 10Focs Reserc 2010


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer


    API/SDK included? Built-in security? CRM integration? Sot phone client?

    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I A yes yesIormtio ot proided

    b edoryes

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A yes yes yes yes

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA yes yes yes yes

    Avaya: Aura I Aapplictio d

    SIP "eblemet serices"yes no. ailble s dd-o yes

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA yes yes yes no. ailble s dd-o

    Interactive Intelligence:

    Customer Interaction CenterI A yes yes yes yes

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel Communications

    Director sotware

    B I Aailble trog

    Mitel Soltios allice (MSa)yes (i Mitel

    Commictios Director)no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A yes yes no yes

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A yes yes yes yes

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I A yes yes yes yes

    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications ServerA yes yes yes no. ailble s dd-o

    Taridium: ipbx v2 B I yes, or CRM yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200

    Telephone System B I yes yes yes yes

    10 11 12 13continue

    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 11Focs Reserc 2010


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer


    Supports third-party

    IP phones?

    Supports multiple

    ofce sites?

    Unifed messaging


    Unifed Communications

    suite included?

    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I A yes yes yes yes

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A yes yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA yes yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Avaya: Aura I A Limited to SIP poes yes yes no. ailble s dd-o

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA yes yes yes no. ailble s dd-o

    Interactive Intelligence:

    Customer Interaction CenterI A yes yes yes (optiol) yes

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel CommunicationsDirector sotware

    B I Ayes, trog Mitel

    Soltios allice (MSa) yes yes yes

    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A yes yes yes yes

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A yes yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I A yes yes yes yes

    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications ServerA yes yes yes yes

    Taridium: ipbx v2 B I yes yes yes no

    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200

    Telephone SystemB I Limited to SIP poes yes, i etworked sstems yes yes

    14 15 16 17continue

    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 12Focs Reserc 2010


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer


    VPN? Video conerencing? Web conerencing?

    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I A Iormtio ot proided b edor yes yes

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Avaya: Aura I A yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Interactive Intelligence:

    Customer Interaction CenterI A yes no. ailble s tird-prt dd-o no

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel CommunicationsDirector sotware

    B I A

    no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o yes

    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I A yes yes yes

    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications ServerA no no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Taridium: ipbx v2 B I yes Limited no

    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200

    Telephone SystemB I yes yes yes

    18 19 20

    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 13Focs Reserc 2010


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer


    Advanced business

    communications services?

    Hotel communications




    Contact/call center


    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I A yesIormtio ot proided

    b edoryes

    Iormtio ot proidedb edor

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A yes no. ailble s dd-o yes no. ailble s dd-o

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA yes yes yes yes

    Avaya: Aura I A yesno. ailble s tird-prt dd-o

    yes yes

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Interactive Intelligence:

    Customer Interaction CenterI A yes no yes yes

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel Communications

    Director sotware

    B I ALimited. additioletres ilble

    no. ailble s dd-o yes no. ailble s dd-o

    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A yes no. ailble s dd-o yes

    Limited. Fll ctiolitilble s dd o

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A yes yes yes yes

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I ALimited. additioletres ilble

    yes. ailble i yes yes

    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications ServerA yes no. ailble s dd-o yes yes

    Taridium: ipbx v2B I


    no. ailble s

    tird-prt dd-o yes yes

    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200

    Telephone SystemB I yes no. ailble s dd-o yes no. ailble s dd-o

    21 22 23 24continue

    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 14Focs Reserc 2010


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer




    Call recording

    and reporting?Fax server?



    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I A yes yes yesIormtio ot proided

    b edor

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A yes yes yes yes

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA yes yes no. ailble s dd-o yes

    Avaya: Aura I A yesno. ailble s tird-prt dd-o

    yes yes

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA no. ailble s dd-o yes yes yes

    Interactive Intelligence:

    Customer Interaction CenterI A yes yes yes yes

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel Communications

    Director sotware

    B I A no. ailble s dd-oLimited. Fll ctiolitilble s dd-o

    no. ailble s dd-o yes

    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A yes yes no. ailble s dd-o

    Limited. Fll ctiolitilble s dd-o

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A yesno. ailble s tird-prt dd-o

    no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I A yes yesno. ailble s tird-prt dd-o


    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications ServerA yes yes yes yes

    Taridium: ipbx v2 B I no. ailble s dd-o yes Limited; x-to-emil ol yes

    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200

    Telephone SystemB I yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    25 26 27 28continue

    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 15Focs Reserc 2010


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer


    Multiple language

    support?Text-to-speech? Operator console? Voice mail?

    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I A yes yes yes yes

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA yes no. ailble s dd-o yes yes

    Avaya: Aura I A yes yes yes yes

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    Interactive Intelligence:

    Customer Interaction CenterI A yes yes yes yes

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel CommunicationsDirector sotware

    B I A

    Limited no. ailble s dd-o yes yes

    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A yes no. add-o i deelopmet yes yes

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I A yesno. ailble s tird-prt dd-o

    yes yes

    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications ServerA yes yes yes yes

    Taridium: ipbx v2 B I Limited no. ailble s dd-ono. ailble s tird-prt dd-o


    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200

    Telephone System B I Limited yes no. ailble s dd-o no. ailble s dd-o

    29 30 31 32

    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 16Focs Reserc 2010

    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer


    Distributed a



    system?Supports SOA? Server?

    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I A yes Secrit-rdeed Lix no IBM X-Series

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A yes Lix yes IBM hS21 Blde serers

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA yes Red ht Lix yes

    Idstr-stdrdLix pltorms

    Avaya: Aura I A yes Red ht Eterprise Lix yes a S800 series

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA yes Lix d Microsot Widows no

    Cisco MCS 7800 SeriesMedi Coergece Serers,B-series uied Comptig

    blde serers

    Interactive Intelligence:

    Customer Interaction CenterI A yes Microsot Widows Serer 2003 yes Idstr-stdrdWiTel serer

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel Communications

    Director sotware

    B I A yes Mitel Stdrd Lix yesMitel 3300 Cotrollers;hP, IBM, S serers

    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A yes Microsot Widows Serer 2003 yes

    Idstr-stdrdItel Petim serers

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A yes Lix yesProprietr serer witreddt CPu, power

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I A yes Widows d Lix yesIormtio ot proided

    b edor

    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications Server A no Lix yes


    64-bit sstems

    Taridium: ipbx v2 B I yes Red ht Lix noIdstr-stdrd

    Itel Petim serers

    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200

    Telephone SystemB I yes Proprietr embedded OS no Sel-cotied bse cbiet

    33 34 35 36

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    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 17Focs Reserc 2010


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer


    Base price?Integrates with

    incumbent PBX?

    Supports incumbent

    third-party hardware?

    Supports incumbent

    analog phones?

    Payment model


    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I AIormtio ot proided

    b edoryes yes yes Licese

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A

    $625/ser t 1,500 ports;lls s cpcit icreses

    to $425/seryes yes yes Licese

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA

    $268/ser i 250-ser cogrtio

    Iormtio ot proidedb edor

    Iormtio ot proidedb edor

    Iormtio ot proidedb edor


    Avaya: Aura I A$265-$320/ser depedig

    o etres d cpcityes (t lest nortel) yes (t lest nortel) yes Licese

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA applice strts t $4,000 yes yes yes Licese, osted

    Interactive Intelligence:Customer Interaction Center

    I A $350 - $1,000/ser yes yes yes Licese

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel Communications

    Director sotware

    B I AIormtio ot proided

    b edoryes, trog SIP d MitelSoltios allice (MSa)

    yes, trog SI P d MitelSoltios allice (MSa

    yes, trog Mitel Soltiosallice (MSa)


    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A

    Strts t $101/serec er

    yes yes yes Licese

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A$166.44/ser or 500 sers;$140.20/ser or 1,000 sers

    yes yes yes Licese

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I AIormtio ot proided

    b edoryes

    yes SIP poes dlegc PBXes

    yes Licese

    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications ServerA

    Strts t $5,000

    (or uC Serer loe)yes yes yes Licese

    Taridium: ipbx v2 B I

    $499/sigle-serer limited-ser licese; $25-$129 ecor dditiol etre modles

    (i olie store)

    yes yes yes Licese

    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200

    Telephone SystemB I

    $350 to $500/ser; rieswit edpoit deice

    yes yes yes Licese

    1 2 3 4

    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+


  • 8/8/2019 Cg Enterprise Phone Systems


    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 18Focs Reserc 2010


    Vendor: Product SolutionBuyer


    Length o time

    in business

    Oers small business

    alternative?How purchased?

    Support services


    3Com: VCX V7000 platorm I A 30 ers (beore hP cqisitio) yes Resellers Directl d trog cel prters

    Aastra Technologies: Clearspan I A 26 ers yesDirect d idirect celprters, delers, resellers,

    telepoe compies (uS ol)

    From "serices prters" BSL TelepoSerices, Dttred d Sttic Power

    Alcatel-Lucent: OmniPCX

    Enterprise Communications ServerA 23 ers yes 2,100 "bsiess prter" resellers Trog 2,100 "bsiess prters"

    Avaya: Aura I A 9 ers yesa (d tried/certied

    nortel) resellersDirectl d trog i tegrtors

    d serice proiders

    Cisco: Unifed

    Communications ManagerA 25 ers no

    Directl (or compies witDirect Prcsig agreemets)

    d tog cel prters

    Directl d trogcertied cel prters

    Interactive Intelligence:

    Customer Interaction CenterI A 15 ers yes

    Directl (osted ersio) d trogresellers (premise-bsed ersio)

    Pckged proessiol dspport serices oered directl

    Mitel: 3300 IP Communications

    Platorm/Mitel Communications

    Director sotware

    B I A 36 ers yes ResellersDirectl d trog

    cel prters

    NEC: UNIVERGE Sphericall

    IP-PBX with Web ServicesI A 15 ers no

    Direct sles oces dtorized delers

    Sstems itegrtio ddeelopmet serices i nEC

    uied Soltios i nort americ

    NEC: UNIVERGE SV8500 A 15 ers noDirect sles oces d

    torized delers

    Sstems itegrtio ddeelopmet serices i nEC

    uied Soltios i nort americ

    ShoreTel: IP Phone System B I A 13 ers yes More t 750 globl resellersOlie serices directl d i-perso

    serices i resellers d cosltts

    Siemens: OpenScape

    Unifed Communications ServerA 162 ers yes Resellers

    Olie triig d spport oered tosers d cel prters directl; oter

    serices oered trog resellers

    Taridium: ipbx v2 B I 2 ers yesDirectl i olie store; lso

    trog resellers d cosltts

    Oe er o emil spport &mitece iclded wit prodct;

    dditiol oe-er pckges ilble @$250; oter serices oered b Tridim

    Proessiol Serices d prters

    Toshiba: Strata CIX 1200

    Telephone SystemB I 70 ers yes Resellers Trog resellers

    1 2 3 4

    B Bsic Bers I Itermedite Bers A adced Bers * Smll = 1-100, midsize = 101-500, smll eterprise = 501-2,500, eterprise = 501-10,000+

  • 8/8/2019 Cg Enterprise Phone Systems


    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 19Focs Reserc 2010

    vedor Proles

    Aastra Technologies Alcatel-Lucent Avaya Cisco Interactive Intelligence Mitel

    Oers bot IP-bsedd trditiol bsiessd residetil teleposoltios

    also oers rge oSIP-complit telepoes

    For more

    Icorported dedqrtered i Frce;opertes i 130 cotries

    Bell Lbs it olds moret 26,000 ptets, moret 2,700 obtied i 2008

    For more

    acqired nortel networkseterprise soltios bsiessi December 2009

    ar to lik legc, voIPsoltios d irstrctreelemets to serices

    For more

    Origitors o temlti-protocol etworkroter i te 1980s

    Iests more t $5 billioll i reserc ddeelopmet (R&D)

    For more

    Soltios ocsed oitegrted commictiosd reltiosip mgemet

    also oers soltios orcotct ceters d bsiessprocess tomtio

    For more

    Prterig wit vMwre tooer irtlized oice serices

    also oers oice/dtetwork desig, trcproisioig, pplictiodeelopmet serices

    For more

    NEC ShoreTel Siemens Taridium 3Com Toshiba

    unIvERGE IP rcitectrespecicll desiged to imltimedi etworks

    now expded to spporticorportio o CR Md oter ke bsiesspplictios

    For more

    Focsed exclsiel o IPtelepo d iedcommictios (uC)soltios

    nmed b Serg Resercs mrket-ledig proidero SMB/mid-mrket uCsoltios or 6 cosectieers

    For more

    Eterprise Commictiosgrop clims to be ledigproider i globl telepomrket

    also oers extesielcstomizble, widget-bsedIP telepo soltios orSMBs

    For more

    Oers IP PBXes, mgedvoIP serices, ied oicemil d mobile IP PBXccess

    Cosltig tem clims moret 30 ers combiedvoIP experiece

    For more

    Te vCX v7000 rs osecrit-rdeed Lixd IBM Sstem x serers

    hP oced pls tocqire 3Com i noember2009, bt mde o metio o3Coms IP telepo soltios

    For more

    Telecommictio SstemsDiisio oers rge oIP telepo soltios (8-1,200 ports)

    Oers idstrs ol see-er mctrers extededwrrt

    For more

  • 8/8/2019 Cg Enterprise Phone Systems



    durations and customer wait times and increase customer satisaction.


    with CRM or other applications should watch M5s progress, andquestion other candidate vendors about their approaches to integration

    and strategic voice services.

    Several other vendors, notably Altigen, AT&T, Fonality, Qwest and

    Verizon Business, have relevant oerings in this market. However,

    despite repeated requests rom Focus, these vendors were unable to

    supply sufcient, timely inormation to make meaningul comparisonsor analysis possible. Focus will try to include these vendors and their

    oerings in uture updates to this Comparison Guide.

    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 20Focs Reserc 2010

    Oters Wort Wtcig

    Digium Google M5 Networks

    Tis comp is te commercil orce beid asterisk,te most widel sed compreesie ope sorcepltorm or IP telepo i te world. Digim oersSwitcox IP PBX soltios tt spport p to 400sers d 75 cocrret clls, wit ree tril editiosilble. Te comp lso oers asterisk sotwred Digim rdwre compoets wit wic sersd/or itegrtors c bild cstomized soltios or IPtelepo d oter pplictios.

    Focs beliees Digim d asterisk soltios c oersigict ecoom d oter dtges to sers bled willig to roll teir ow soltios. howeer, tose

    sers mst ssess teir eeds d tresolds or picrell, to determie i te potetil dtges re wortte extr work reqired. Some o tt work m iole teserices o pid cosltts d/or itegrtors, wic msit cost/beet clcltios cosiderbl.

    For more iormtio:

    Te comp best kow or olie serc d trgeteddertisig lred oers site o serices kow sGoogle voice. Te comp lso cqired voIP strtpGizmo 5 i noember 2009, d oers expdigsite o collbortio serices der te Google Docsd Google apps bers. Google s lso lced sel-brded wireless dset bsed o te adroidopertig sstem lred t te ert o wirelesssmrtpoes rom mltiple mctrers d crriers.

    Focs beliees tt Google m e o pls tooer ll-blow IP telepo serices to bsiesses.howeer, Focs lso beliees tt Google is tkig

    oice serices seriosl, d tt its iitities coldreslt i oerigs tt crete ew spport ditegrtio clleges to bsiess decisio mkers.

    For more iormtio:

    Tis comp specilizes i wt it clls oice s serice. Te M5 delier model combies osted PBXserices (lrgel powered b Cisco tecologies) witpoit-to-poit, reddt coectios betwee ost dcstomer cilities (verizo T-1 liks wit DSL bckp).Tis pproc proides ig leels o relibilit dreddc, ccordig to te comp.

    I dditio, M5 oers itegrtio wit CRM pplictiossig Web serices dpter, rter t te MicrosotTelepo applictio Progrmmig Iterce (TaPI)sed b m oter edors. Te M5 pproc mkeste CRM itegrtio eectiel clod-bsed, oidig

    te spport problems tt c ccomp te cliet-bsed TaPI pproc, ccordig to M5.

    For more iormtio:

  • 8/8/2019 Cg Enterprise Phone Systems


    Focs / Compriso Gide / Eterprise Poe Sstems 21Focs Reserc 2010

    abot Focs Reserc


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    Through its Research Guides, Focus Research empowers buyers to make considered purchases and decisions. Focus does this by providing reely

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    * Sorce: vis, Ic. Commercil Cosmptio Expeditre Idex ct seet.