Ch 3 Record.transactions

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  • Chapter 3

    Recording Transactions

  • Learning Objectives

    After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

    Use double-entry accounting.

    Analyze and journalize transactions.

    Post journal entries to the ledgers.

    Prepare and use a trial balance.

    Close revenue and expense accounts and update retained income.

    Correct erroneous journal entries and describe how errors affect accounts.

    Use T-accounts to analyze accounting relationships.

    Explain how computers have transformed processing of accounting data.

  • The Double-Entry

    Accounting System

    Some businesses enter into thousands of transactions daily or even hourly.

    Accountants must carefully keep track of and record these transactions in a systematic manner.

    Double entry accounting system is the method usually followed for recording transactions, whereby every

    transaction affects at least two accounts

  • The Double-Entry

    Accounting System

    Each transaction must still be analyzed to determine which accounts are involved,

    whether the accounts increase or decrease, and

    how much the balance will change.

    The balance sheet equation can be used for this analysis, but with so many transactions, this is not


    In practice, accountants use ledgers.

  • Ledger Accounts

    Ledger contains the record for a group of related accounts kept current in a

    systematic manner

    Think of a ledger as a book with one page for each account.

    The ledger is a companys books.

    General ledger - the collection of accounts that accumulates the

    amounts reported in the major

    financial statements


  • Ledger Accounts A simplified version of a ledger account is called the


    They allow us to capture the essence of the accounting process without having to worry about too many details.

    The account is divided into two sides for recording increases and decreases in the accounts.

    Account Title

    Left Side Right Side

  • Ledger Accounts

    In practice, accounts are created as per the need

    The process of creating a new account is called Opening the Account

    Each T-Account summarizes the changes in the particular accounts

    T-Accounts show only the Amounts and NOT the transaction description

  • Ledger Accounts

    Balance - difference between total left-side amounts and total right-side amounts at any particular time

    Assets have left-side balances.

    Increased by entries to the left side

    Decreased by entries to the right side

    Liabilities and Owners Equity have right-side balances.

    Decreased by entries to the left side

    Increased by entries to the right side

  • Ledger Accounts

    T-accounts and the balance sheet equation:

    Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity

    Assets Liabilities

    Owners Equity

    Increases Decreases Decreases Increases

    Decreases Increases

  • Ledger Accounts

    Each transaction generates a right side entry in one T- account and a left side

    entry in another T- account, of the same

    amount if there are only two accounts


    Compound entries effect more than 2 T-accounts with different amounts.

  • Debits and Credits

    Debit (dr.) Denotes an entry on the left side of an account

    Credit (cr.) Denotes an entry on the right side of an account


    Debit is always the left side!

    Credit is always the right side!

  • The Recording Process

    The sequence of steps in recording transactions:

    Transactions Source






    Balance Ledger

  • The Recording Process

    Step 1.

    The process starts with source documents, which are

    the supporting original records of any transaction.

    Examples are sales slips or invoices, check stubs, purchase orders, receiving reports, and cash

    receipt slips.

  • The Recording Process

    Step- 2

    In the second step, an analysis of the transaction is placed in the book of original entry, which is a

    chronological record of how the transactions affect

    the balances of applicable accounts.

    The most common example is the General Journal - a diary of all events

    (transactions) in an entitys life.

  • The Recording Process


    In the third step, transactions are entered into the


    Remember that a transaction is not entered in just one place; it must be entered in each account that

    it affects.

    Depending on the nature of the organization, analysis of the transactions could occur

    continuously or periodically.

  • The Recording Process


    The fourth step includes the preparation of the Trial

    Balance, which is a simple listing of all accounts in

    the general ledger with their balances.

    Aids in verifying accuracy and in preparing the financial statements

    Prepared periodically as necessary

  • The Recording Process


    In the final step, the Financial Statements are prepared.

    Financial statements are prepared each quarter of the year for publicly traded companies.

    Other companies prepare financial statements at

    various other intervals to

    meet the needs of their users.

    December 2002

  • Journalizing Transactions

    Journalizing - the process of entering transactions into the journal

    Journal entry - an analysis of the effects of a transaction on the accounts, usually

    accompanied by an explanation of the


    This analysis identifies the accounts to be debited and credited.

  • Journalizing Transactions

    The conventional form for journal entries includes the following:

    The date and identification number of the entry

    The accounts affected and an explanation of the transaction

    The posting reference, which is the number assigned to each account affected by the


    The amounts that the accounts are to be debited and credited

  • Journalizing Transactions

    A journal entry for the following transaction will look like this:

    Purchased merchandise inventory for cash Rs.1,50,000 on Jan 1, 2002

    Journal entry

    2002 dr. cr.

    Jan 2 Inventory 1,50,000

    Cash 1,50,000

  • Journalizing Transactions

    The conventional form for recording in the general journal:

    Entry Post. Date No. Accounts and Explanations Ref Debit Credit


    12/31 1 Cash 100 400,000

    Paid-in capital 300 400,000

    (Capital Stock issued)

    12/31 2 Cash 100 100,000

    Note payable 202 100,000

    2002 (Borrowed at 9% interest on a 1 yr note)

    1/2 3 Merchandise inventory 130 150,000

    Cash 100 150,000

    (Acquired inventory for cash)

  • Chart of Accounts

    Chart of accounts - a numbered or coded list of all account titles used to record


    Account Account Account Account Number Title Number Title

    100 Cash 202 Notes payable

    120 Accounts receivable 203 Accounts payable

    130 Merchandise inventory 300 Paid-in capital

    140 Prepaid rent 400 Retained income

    170 Store equipment 500 Sales revenue

    170A Accumulated 600 Cost of goods sold

    depreciation 601 Rent expense

    602 Depreciation expense

  • Posting Transactions

    to the Ledger

    Posting is the transferring of amounts from the journal to the appropriate accounts in the ledger

    Dates, explanations, and journal references are provided in detail on paper formatted with special


    Strictly a mechanical process and hence generally done electronically

  • Posting Transactions

    to the Ledger

    Cross-referencing - the process of numbering or otherwise specifically identifying each journal entry

    and each posting

    Transactions are often posted to several different accounts, but cross-referencing allows users to

    find all components of a transaction in the ledger

    no matter where they start.

    Cross-referencing also allows auditors to find and correct errors.

  • Analyzing, Journalizing, and

    Posting Transactions

    Types of journal entries:

    Simple entry - an entry for a transaction that affects only two accounts

    Compound entry - an entry for a transaction that affects more than two accounts

    Remember: whether the entry is simple or compound, the debits (left side) and credits (right

    side) must always equal.

  • Analyzing, Journalizing, and Posting

    Transactions Jan 3 The company buys bicycles for Rs.10,000 from a

    manufacturer. Manufacturer requires Rs.4,000 by Jan 10 and

    balance in 30 days

    Jan 4 Co. buys store equipment for a total of Rs.15,000. A cash

    down payment of Rs.4,000 is made. Remaining must be paid in

    60 days

    Jan 5 Co. sells a store equipment to another business. Its selling

    price is Rs.1,000 which is exactly equal to its cost. The buyer

    agrees to pay within 30 days

    Jan 6 Co. returns inventory worth Rs.800 which had been acquired

    on credit on Jan 3 to the manufacturer.

    Jan 10 Co pays to the manufacturer Rs.4,000 for Jan 3 transaction

    Jan 12 Co. collects Rs.700 of Rs.1,000 for the store equipment it had

    sold on Jan 5

    Jan 12 The owner remodels his home Rs.35,000 paying by cheque

    from his personal account

  • Revenue and Expense Transactions

    Retained Income is merely accumulated revenues less expenses, but we cannot just

    increase or decrease the Retained Income

    account directly. This would make preparing the income statement

    very difficult

    By accumulating revenues and expenses separately, a more meaningful income

    statement can be easily prepared.

  • Revenue and Expense Transactions

    Revenue and expense accounts are a part of Retained Income.


    Retained Income

    Expense Revenue

    Decrease Increase





  • Revenue and Expense Transactions

    Summary of revenue and expense transactions:

    A credit to a revenue increases the revenue and increases Retained Income.

    A debit to a revenue decreases the revenue and decreases Retained Income.

    A credit to an expense decreases the expense and increases Retained Income.

    A debit to an expense increases the expense and decreases Retained Income.

  • Revenue and Expense Transactions

    Keeping revenues and expenses in separate accounts makes the preparation of the

    income statement easier.

    The income statement provides a detailed explanation of how operations caused the balance

    of Retained Income shown on the balance sheet

    to change from the beginning of the

    year to the end of the year.

  • Prepaid Expense and Depreciation


    Prepaid expenses relate to assets having useful lives that will expire sometime in the

    future. The expiration, or using up, of those assets is an expense.

    With depreciation, a new account,

    Accumulated Depreciation, is introduced. the cumulative sum of all depreciation recognized

    since the date of acquisition of a particular asset

  • Prepaid Expense and Depreciation


    Contra account :

    An accounts such as Accumulated Depreciation is

    called a contra account, which is a separate but

    related account that offsets or is a deduction from a

    companion account.

    Book value - the balance of an account, net of any contra accounts (net book value, carrying amount, or

    carrying value)

    = Acquisition Cost - Accumulated Depreciation.

  • Accumulated Depreciation

    Why use accumulated depreciation? Why not just reduce the asset account

    as it expires?

  • Transactions in the

    Journal and Ledger

    Some details to remember:

    Do not use Rupee signs in either the

    journal or the ledger.

    Do not use negative numbers. The effect on the account is conveyed by the side (debit or credit) on which the number appears.

  • Trial Balance

    Once all transactions have been posted to the ledger, a trial balance is prepared.

    Trial balance - a list of all of the accounts with their balances

    The purposes of the trial balance: To help check on accuracy of posting by proving whether

    the total debits equal the total credits

    To establish a convenient summary of balances in all accounts for the preparation of formal financial statements

  • Preparing the Trial Balance

    The trial balance is usually prepared with the balance sheet accounts first, followed by the income statement accounts.

    Order is : Current Assets

    Fixed Assets

    Current Liabilities

    Long term Liabilities

    Paid in Capital

    Retained Incomes

    Sales Revenue




  • Preparing the Trial Balance

    An example of a short trial balance:

    Account Number Account Title Debit Credit

    100 Cash $350,000

    130 Merchandise inventory 150,000

    202 Note payable $100,000

    300 Paid-in capital 400,000

    500,000 5,00,000 ================== = ==================

  • Deriving Financial Statements from

    the Trial Balance

    The trial balance is the starting point for the preparation of the balance sheet and the income


    The income statement accounts are summarized later in a single account called Net Income, which

    becomes part of Retained Income in the balance


  • ABC Company,

    Trial Balance January 30,2008

    Debits Credits

    Cash 336700

    A/R 160300

    Inventory 59200

    Prepaid Rent 4000

    Machinery 14000

    Accumulated Depreciation, Machinery 100

    Loan 100000

    A/P 16200

    Paid in Capital 400000

    Retained Income 0

    Sales Revenue 160000

    COGS 100000

    Salary Expense 2000

    Depreciation expense 100

    TOTAL 676300 676300

  • Disadvantage of the Trial Balance

    Note that a trial balance may balance even when errors were made in recording or posting.

    A transaction may be recorded in different amounts

    A transaction may be recorded in a wrong account.

    In both situations, the total debits will still equal total credits on the trial balance.

    Dr. = Cr.

  • Closing the Accounts

    Once the financial statements are prepared, the ledger accounts must be prepared to record the next periods transactions. This process is called closing the books.

    The balances in all temporary stockholders

    equity accounts are transferred to a Retained Income Account via a temporary Income Summary account.

    The revenue and expense accounts are reset to zero and the current net income is transferred to Retained Income.

  • The Closing Process

    Step 1:

    The revenue accounts are closed to Income Summary

    Step 2:

    The expense accounts are closed to Income Summary

    Step 3:

    The amount of Net Income (revenues - expenses) is

    then transferred from Income Summary to Retained


  • Capital Vs Revenue

    The items of expenses and income, are termed as Revenue by accountants- they are short lived and closed by transferring to Income Summary Account

    The credit and debit balances in Trial Balance which remain unclosed (not transferred to Income Summary Account) are called Capital- They survive and move to the next year as opening balances

    - All Asset accounts, Liability accounts, Paid in Capital and Retained Earnings account are called Capital

  • Effects of Errors

    When a journal entry contains an error, it can be erased or crossed out only if the error is detected

    before the entry is posted to the ledgers.

    If the error is detected after posting, a correcting entry must be made.

    The correcting entry counteracts the incorrect entry and assures that the correct account is

    debited or credited for the proper amount.

  • Effects of Errors

    A correcting entry is recorded in the General Journal and posted to the ledger exactly as regular entries are.

    Focus is on the FINAL BALANCES of accounts and not on the flow of entries, because ultimately it is the FINAL BALANCES that are used for preparing the Financial Statements

  • Correcting Entry

    Equipment account erroneously debited for a repair expense paid on 31st Jan,

    2009. The error is detected on 1st Feb..

    What is the erroneous entry?

    What should have been the correct entry?

    What should be the correcting entry to be passed on 1st Feb?

  • Types of Error

    Errors of Commission- When a wrong account is journalized (debited or

    credited) or a wrong amount is entered.

    Errors of Principles- An error due to non-compliance of rules of


    Error of Omission- The complete omission of a transaction due to

    neglect of recklessness

  • Effect of Errors

    Some errors may be Temporary while some errors persist till corrected.

    1. Temporary Errors

    - Some errors, which remain undetected by accountants, can effect a variety of items including revenue and expenses for a given period.

    - However they get automatically corrected in the next period- they have counterbalance effect in two accounting periods which nullifies their effect

  • Effect of Errors

    E.g.- Rent paid in advance, Rs.100 on 1st December 2007 for the month of January

    2008, wrongly recorded as Rent Expense

  • Effect in 1st year (2007) Effect in 2nd year(2008)

    -Rent Expense will be

    overstated by 100

    -Pre tax Income will be

    understated 100

    -Assets understated by 100

    -Rent expense understated

    by 100

    -Pre tax Income overstated

    by 100

    -No effect

    Incorrect Entry

    On 1st Dec 2007

    Correct Entry

    On 1st Dec 2007

    Correct Entry

    On 31st Jan 2008

    Rent Exp100

    Cash 100

    Prepaid Rent..


    Rent Exp

    Prepaid Rent.

  • 2. Errors that are not


    Errors that are not counterbalanced will

    keep the balance sheet incorrect

    until correcting entries are made.

    e.g.: Overlooking a depreciation expense by Rs.500 in

    year 1


    Year 1: Overstated Pretax income, Assets and Retained


    Subsequent Years: Overstated Asset and RI

  • Incomplete Records

    Accountants must sometimes fill in the blanks when accounting records are lost, stolen, or


    T-accounts can help to recreate and calculate unknown amounts.

    The accountant must understand the account and the amounts that flow through it in order to

    determine unknown amounts.

    This process can become extremely complicated when many accounts are used.

  • Incomplete Records

    You need to help a store owner in calculating the sales for the year 2008 as he has lost the

    records. Following information has been

    provided by him:

    List of customers who owe money-

    - On December 31st, 2007= Rs.14000

    - On December 31st, 2008= Rs.28,000

    - Cash receipts from customers during 2008

    =Rs.4,00,000 (All sales being on credit)

  • Data Processing and Computers

    Data processing - the procedures used to record, analyze, store, and report on chosen activities

    An accounting system is one type of data processing system.

    Accounting systems are now likely to be computerized, but regardless of format,

    information still must be entered.

  • Data Processing and Computers

    Advantages to computerized systems: Managers can get daily financial reports.

    Employees can enter transactions into a terminal, such as a cash register, and the computer will perform many tasks

    (update inventory, perform credit checks, and prepare

    monthly statements for mailing to customers).

    The computer can automatically record each transaction as soon as it happens thereby reducing much of the paperwork

    and data processing costs.