Ch. 5 & 6 Review Answers. Magna Carta 1215 Limited the power of the king Gave some rights to...

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Ch. 5 & 6 Review Answers

Magna Carta

1215Limited the power of the king

Gave some rights to noblemen and freemen.The King couldn’t take property from citizens.

Couldn’t tax without the consent of a council of noblemen.People couldn’t be put on trial without a witness and had to

have a jury of their peers.

English Bill of Rights

1689After taking over William and Mary signed an agreement of

rights for their people.All laws had to be made by parliament and not just on the

wishes of the king.Rights of people were strengthened

Glorious Revolution

1688King James was Catholic and Parliament didn’t like that so

they asked the king’s daughter Mary and her husband William to take over the crown.


The Enlightenment was a period of time where many people started wondering about human lives and what rights we should all have.

Valued Science and reason as paths to knowledgeBenjamin Franklin was an Enlightenment thinker.

John Locke argued that people had natural rights which could not be taken away. These rights included life, liberty, and property.


Britain’s economic policy of controlling colonial trade.

Great Awakening

The Great Awakening was a religious movement that called on people to focus on more their religious feelings inside

rather than the appearance of them on the outside.

Treaty of Paris 1763

Officially ended the French and Indian war, Britain got almost all of North America east of the Mississippi River.

Pontiac’s Rebellion

Native Americans were angered at the British soldiers for not giving them supplies as the French had.

They were also upset that colonists had settled on their land.In 1763 they rebelled, attacking British soldiers and forts.

To defeat the Native American’s British soldiers met with leaders of the native tribe and gave them gifts of blankets as a peace offering. The blankets were infected with small pox which seriously decimated the

native population and caused them to retreat.

Declaration of Independence

Written by Thomas Jefferson"That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men,

deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."Ensuring Unalienable (Natural) Rights.

Lists colonial grievances against King George III.Outlines what a government should be

Salutary Neglect

The king and parliament pretty much left the colonies alone. This allowed the colonies to rule themselves.


To act out against. Examples: burning paper in response to the stamp act;

attacking officials.

Unalienable Rights

Natural rights that cannot be taken away.


CancelledExample: Stamp Act of 1765 went into effect but was

eventually repealed in 1766.


Refuse to buy from or use.

Writs of Assistance

Search warrants used to search ships for smuggled goods.


An injustice. Something wrong that has happened.


Volunteer (non-professional) army.

Proclamation of 1763

Proclamation by King George III, stated colonists couldn't settle West of the Appalachians Mountains.

CAUSES:Pontiac’s Rebellion & French and Indian War

Britain wanted peace (too expensive to fight Native Americans).EFFECTS:

Colonists were FURIOUS they felt they had the right to settle land and that this was just an attempt by the British to have more control over

them.Many colonists had no land or had already bought land as an

investment. Many IGNORED the law!

British was angry that colonists wouldn’t help pay for their own defense.

Stamp Act

Taxed all paper, documents, newspapers, books, playing cards, wills, deeds to property… everything made from paper.

Required stamp on all documents to prove tax was paid. Paid for with silver coins which were rare and very hard for colonists to

get.Taxed all colonists since it wasn’t a tariff.

CAUSES:Britain needed money to pay for French & Indian War.

EFFECTS:PROTESTS, some violent (burning the paper, attacking officials).

BOYCOTT (refusal to buy) British goods.Sam Adams forms the SONS OF LIBERTY (a secret society to oppose

British policies).Act was repealed (cancelled) finally in 1766.

Patrick HenryRadical colonial leader who was very opposed to British taxes.

Helped stage boycotts.Was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses.

Is famous for saying “Give me liberty or give me death!”

Sugar Act

1st taxation without representation!!!!Taxed imported sugar, molasses, and provided harsh punishments for

smuggling to avoid paying it.CAUSES:

Britain needed money to pay debts from the French & Indian War.EFFECTS:

Colonists said Britain couldn’t tax them since they had no representation in Parliament.

NO taxation without representation!!!Upset merchants since it affected them the most.

Common Sense

Written by Thomas PaineArgued that the only way to be a thriving, profitable group

of colonies was to become independent from Britain.This book sold over 100,000 copies and was very influential

in getting people to join the revolutionary leaders.

The Declaratory Act

Law said Parliament had the supreme power to govern the colonies in any way it saw fit, regardless of their

representative assemblies.CAUSES:

Britain was trying to find ways to keep power over the colonies.

EFFECTS:Tug of war between Britain and the colonies on who had


Boston Tea Party

Groups of colonists dressed as natives board cargo ships in Boston Harbor.

They take all the tea out of the ships and dump it into the Harbor.

They did this in protest of the Tea Act.Colonists were hoping to get Britain to repeal the Tea Act…

instead Britain passed the Intolerable Acts to punish the colony of Massachusetts

The Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)

TO MAKE AN EXAMPLE out of Massachusetts and warn other colonies.

Closed the Port of Boston until colonists paid for destroyed tea.Got rid of many Committees of Correspondence.

Let British officials accused of crimes stand trial in Britain.Let them house troops in colonies whenever and wherever they wanted


Boston Tea PartyEFFECTS:

First Continental Congress

Boston Massacre

Tensions between colonists and soldiers was at an all time high in 1770.

Soldiers were working for extra money in their spare time and were usually taking jobs away from colonists who needed them.

Colonists began to resent them.A group of soldiers was being taunted by a large crowd of colonists.

The crowd was throwing bottles and rocks.The soldiers got scared and opened fire into the crowd killing 5 people.This turned into a HUGE event that became a rallying cry for freedom.

People looked to this incident as proof of how evil Britain was.Paintings of the massacre were in all the newspapers, this propaganda

helped sway public opinion and support towards the colonists and away from Britain. The soldiers were arrested and tried in court for

murder.Crispus Attucks: 1 of the men killed, African American

John Adams: Lawyer who defended the British soldiers for the shootings, saying they acted in self defense. Sam Adams cousin.

Believed strongly that the colonies were being taken advantage of by King George but was trying to work for a peaceful solution.

Tea Act

Gave British East India Co. control of tea trade and forced colonists to buy only this kind of tea.

Before the new law, most tea was smuggled to get around paying taxes and now everyone would have to pay.

CAUSES:Britain wanted money and to show control over colonies.

EFFECTS:Committees of Correspondence (Sam Adams forms groups

to discuss problem with Britain so no one forgets).Boston Tea Party

Quartering Act

NOT A TAX!!!! Required colonists to house troops in their homes and give them supplies.

CAUSES:Britain wanted troops to keep peace & enforce the

Proclamation of 1763 but couldn’t pay because of debts from the French & Indian War.

EFFECTS:Outraged colonists that they had to house and support

troops they did not want in their homes.

Townshend Act

Tariffs on glass, paper, lead, tea, etc.Suspended New York’s Assembly until they agreed to house troops

under the Quartering Act.Could be enforced by issuing search warrants (called writs of

assistance) to look for smuggled goods.CAUSES:

Britain needed something to replace revenue (income) lost from Stamp Act and to pay for royal officials to be housed in colonies.

EFFECTS:Serious protests occurred.

Colonists thought Britain was going against natural rights.More boycotts and Sons of Liberty Protests followed.

Trade with Britain decreased as colonists started making own goods.Eventually boycotts were successful and all but tea tax was repealed.

1st Continental Congress

Meeting held in Philadelphia in 1774 by all the colonies except Georgia, trying to decide what to do about problems

with Britain.Voted to stop all trade with Britain until they repealed the

Intolerable Acts.Each colony agreed to start training militia troops in case

they had to fight Britain.

2nd Continental Congress

Most important accomplishment was creating the Declaration of Independence.

Delegates to the Second Continental Congress voted to organize a national army and appointed George

Washington as its commander in chief.

John Locke

John Locke argued that people had natural rights which could not be taken away. These rights included life, liberty,

and property. These ideas led to the colonists wanting protection from their government.

William and Mary

Signed the EBOR. Gave the first rights to people other than the King.

Sons of Liberty

Secret society started by Sam Adams that protested British policy.

2nd Continental Congress


King George

His policies of salutatory neglect and taxation without representation led to the colonists being angry.

Thomas Jefferson

Wrote the Declaration of Independence.

George Washington

First General of the colonial army.

Thomas Paine

Wrote Common Sense which influenced the colonists ideas about government. He believed the only way to be

profitable was to become separate from Britain.