Ch04 Reducing Complexity Through Standardization and Consolidation

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Reducing Complexity through Standardization and Consolidation

Reducing Complexity throughStandardization and ConsolidationIn This ChapterIdentifying sources of complexityFinding value in standardization and consolidationApplying the 80/20 ruleUnderstanding opposition to standardizationPlanning for data-center consolidationRecognizing Complexity in the EnterpriseThe complexity of the technological environment increases both costs and support requirements. A useful rule is that cost and support increases can be generally said to be the square of the number of equivalent solutions in use. 2 different workstation operating systems will require roughly four times (2 2) the level of effort and cost to support to maintain, update, configure, support, and secure than if only a single operating system were in use. Common sources of complexityApplication stackHardwareIdentity managementApplication developmentLegislative and regulatory mandatesConnectivityApplication stackApplication stack refers to the operating system, applications, services, user applications, and other solutions that together form the operating environment for a computer. Application stack may also refer to the technology stack, particularly in reference to suites of integrated products by a single vendor or partner vendors.Both commercial and open-source stacks including IBMs WebSphere environment; Microsofts technology stack; and LAMP (Linux Apache, mySQL, Perl/PHP/Python) are popular in enterprises. In organizations without standardization, multiple stacks may be in use, which leads to support complexities as well as difficulties when users move from one part of the organization to another.HardwareKeeping track of multiple vendors, warranties, and contracts increases administrative overhead and makes procurement more difficult.The time between software update/patch release and implementation increases due to requirements for testing on multiple hardware configurations. Testing before deployment avoids interruption of service should it fail on a particular hardware build. Unfortunately, it isnt unusual for software updates to be incompatible with drivers for individual components.The more types of hardware you have, the more complex and costly disaster recovery efforts become.Identity managementIdentity management, including directory services, is the core of an enterprise network. It handles user identification, authentication, and authorization Complexity arises when multiple directory services or identity management solutions exist in resource silos throughout your enterprise; integration must occur across different directory services; or multiple vendors products are in use, even though the organization has the option to use only a single standard or product if mandated by a particular business function or application..Reducing complexity in identity management also enhances security by decreasing the number of logons a user needs to conduct business. This lessens the tendency to use the same password everywhere or write logon/password credentials on sticky notes stuck to monitors or hidden under keyboards.Application developmentProgramming style and languages are the foundation of your organizations application development and customization efforts. The programming model (object-oriented or nonstructured, for example) determines the way in which data will be accessed and manipulated. Complexity most often occurs in application development when multiple programming languages are in use.Although some development platforms, such as Microsofts .NET, support compatibility among different languages, that compatibility does not exis between all languages. As a result, you may have problems with application integration, and you may wind up with equivalent custom code libraries for multiple languages)Another problem with lack of standardization and use of multiple languages is finding developers who are familiar with all programming languages in use.As a result, some programmers may recode applications in their preferred languages in an ad-hoc manner. In addition, development costs can be increased by the number of computing platforms in use, due to more complex design and testing requirements.Legislative and regulatory mandatesEncryptionSegregation of dataMandated protocolsData classification systems that support mandatory access controlsConnectivityIt is a rare organization that does not need communication among different technologies. Modern networks may require connectivity for various types of mobile devices (such as cellphones and laptops), internal and external users, and applications.Complexity arises not just from connectivity requirements, but also from underlying requirements for security such as encryption and authentication.Reduction in complexity does not result in a reduction in connectivity.Complications of complexityHigher personnel costsEmploy a smaller number of individuals with knowledge of multiple solutionsEmploy a larger number of individuals with more specialized knowledge. Increased costs for business continuity and disaster recoveryRecovering from a disaster is difficult in the best of circumstances and is made more so if planning has to include requirements such as restoration of customization and integration between multiple vendors products. Cost is also increased, particularly in the case of hot and warm recovery sites, if multiple hardware types must be maintained.Higher software costsMultiple equivalent solutions often require multiple tools and utilities, including anti-malware software and management tools, to secure and maintain each solution according to its own requirements. Splitting licensing among multiple products may result in the organization missing out on volume discounts.RedundancyThe number of resource silos and other types of inappropriate or undesirable redundancy in place in the existing enterprise configuration. Planning for ConsolidationApplying the 80/20 ruleFinding valuePlanning for technology end of lifeMaintaining the help deskConsolidating skillsLevels of planningStrategic planning, which is long term (at least 3 to 5 years out), encompasses the entire organization, and occurs at the executive level.Tactical planning, which is medium-term planning (1 to 2 years) and occurs at the middle-management level. Tactical plans are developed from strategic plans.Operational planning, which is short term, occurs at the business unit or workgroup level and is concerned with day-to-day operations. Operational plans are developed from tactical plans.Applying the 80/20 ruleThe 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle. In essence, the 80/20 rule states that 80 percent of consequences come from 20 percent of possible causes. In technology, applying a similar 80/20 split aids in understanding :the impact of application developmentresource allocationuser productivity suite selection a variety of other broadly applied strategies.Finding value

Standardization and modernization initiatives offer distributed and complex organizations opportunities to decrease both support complexity and acquisition cost by taking advantage of economies of scale. Managing 1,000 of one item is cheaper than managing one each of 1,000 similar-but-different items.Vendors often agree to better per-item costs when you contract to purchase large quantities. And when you employ a standard across the extended enterprise, support requirements are greatly simplified.Planning for technology end of lifePlanned obsolescencemust make decisions regarding lease agreements versus outright purchase before procurement can occurmake sure that media and hardware disposal strategies encompass all solutions necessary to maintain legacy equipment because an alternative doesnt exist or has been deemed too costly to acquireHidden obsolescenceBy providing modern technologies, the lifespan of legacy technologies and old big iron systems may be stretched out almost foreverHardware replacement, service patch and update, maintenance skills, and even data center facilities requirements can become risks to continued operation when legacy systems are maintained beyond obsolescenceCyclic replacementThe rate of change in both hardware and software means that modern technology is not designed to be used indefinitely, or even simply until it fails.Using outdated hardware places limits on your organizations performance and its ability to implement modern software.Cyclic replacement, in which a percentage of resources is replaced yearly, also allows for better resource management so that you can plan and schedule a fixed number of upgrades

Maintaining the help deskHelp desk staff must have the necessary administrative privileges or access to tools that proxy those privileges in order to troubleshoot issues in a timely manner.Help desk staff must also have access to all technologies in use throughout the enterprise, including multiple versions, if applicable.Planning should include that todays mobile and geographically diverse workforce is likely to require 24 7 help desk support.Addressing Concerns about StandardizationReduced functionalityWhat if functionality available in the current solution is not present in the new one?Although standard business productivity software, tend to have similar performance, it becomes more of a concern if the software has been customized through the use of templates, macros, or workflows.Decreased productivityoccur when technologies change as a reason to maintain the status quo.Incompatibility with existing applicationsdatabase management systemfile stores, moving from a case-sensitive operating system (Linux) to a case-insensitive (Microsoft Windows) requires greater effort to ensure that filenames that differ only by case are not overwrittenRisk of technology monocultureDont put all your eggs in one basketincreased risk due to the rapid proliferation of malware (such as viruses or worms) throughout similar systems, and similar vulnerabilities in multiple products by the same vendor, which may compromise the entire application stack.Preparing for oppositionconcerns over disruption of business, loss of functionalityPersonal reason : loss of authority, administrative access, and direct access to hardwareConsolidating the Data CenterEnterprise architecture projects may involve efforts to consolidate separate information technology silos into a centralized data center, to consolidate technology resources already within the data center, or both. Each of these situations offers opportunities projects that result in resource availability for future projects; administrative, procurement, and licensing cost reductions; and an overall decrease in complexity.The most effective solution for dealing with separate information resource silos (including technology, personnel, and skills) is consolidation into a centralized data center. This type of consolidation requires changes to administrative procedures, such as planning, budgeting, procurement, and acquisition.Data center consolidation solutions affect the entire organization, including internal and external users, interconnectivity with partners via data transfer and extranets, and internal communications.Identifying the benefitsImproved resource useImproved document recoveryImproved securityAdditional benefitsFile storage and backup solutionsService deliveryIncreased data availability to executivesReducing complexity through virtualizationVirtualization of servers reduces complexity by decreasing the number of physical servers that must be maintained. The physical servers that host virtual systems must be robust; however, one robust server can host as many virtual systems as its processing power, memory, and storage will allow. The physical system can host virtual systems with the same or different operating systems, depending upon the virtualization technology in use.Because a virtual server is, in essence, a file on the host server, it can be moved from one physical host to another very quickly and, in some cases, automatically. This ability allows critical services to be restored rapidly in the event of a hardware failure. Finding a server with the same hardware configuration is not necessary, as it would be with a traditional server.Implementing desirable redundancyData storage solutionsFailover solutionsLoad balancingTechnology personnelAlternative sitesCachingPlanning the centralized facilityVarious methods of cooling, such as rack fans, water-cooled cabinets, and blanking panelsOrganization of rows and racks to minimize hot spotsRecovery from natural and human-caused disastersPhysical securityAutomating the Data CenterPatches and updatesImage-based deploymentThis type of deployment utilizes snapshots of configured computers that can be copied to othersBackup solutions