Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery - BeWell Therapy

Post on 16-Feb-2022

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Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 1

Chair Yoga Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery

A Light-hearted Yoga and Physical E i P Exercise Program

For the body, mind and spiritSherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT

Part One Welcome & Introduction

Part Three Physical


Target Student Demographics

My Teaching Philosophy

Part Two Complementary Practices

Challenges/Contraindications for Cancer Recovery Students

Part Four Full Chair Yoga Class

Complementary Practices Pose Library &

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 2

Life Before Yoga: 25-Yr Corporate Road Warrior

M I t d ti t Y

My Journey

My Introduction to Yoga

Bought an Ashtanga-focused Yoga Studio for my 50th Birthday and gave it back when I was 60!

Focus on Gentle, Senior and Chair Yoga Teaching Studio libraries hospitals assisted living Corporate Teaching – Studio, libraries, hospitals, assisted living, Corporate


Video Production – YogaJP/Videos/DVDs

Training – CEU Workshops & Mentorships &

100’s of Live Gentle, Senior and Chair Yoga Classes filmed over a decade!

Online Yoga Video Library

Great resource for Yoga Teachers

Great resource for Yogis and Yoginis who have physical limitations and challenges!

www.YogaJP.TV &

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 3

Online Self-Paced Certification Programs Chair and Gentle Yoga Certifications

Online Teacher Training Programs

Chair and Gentle Yoga Certifications

Gentle Yoga for Low Back Care Certification

Corporate Yoga Certifications

Online Specialty Workshops &

20’s, 30’s, 40’s Injuries, Congenital issues

Chair Yoga Student Demographics 70’s, 80’s

Joint replacements

S f f “I want to be fixed, repaired or accepting”

40’s, 50’s, 60’s Repetitive motions, Lifestyle patterns

Old injuries, accidents, sports

“I want to be ME again”

50’ 60’

Seek mild form of exercise

“I want to maintain my independence”

Issues across the Ages Diseases cancer heart digestive 50’s, 60’s

Seek balance vs. activity

Peace of mind (Caregiving)

“I want to be healthy! Health is Wealth!” &

Diseases – cancer, heart, digestive

Back Pain


“I want to be healed”

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 4

Helps to Improve: Cancer related fatigue

Chair Yoga Practice for Cancer RecoveryFeedback from my Cancer

Recovery Chair Yoga Cancer-related fatigue

Digestion/Elimination functioning

Muscle strength and endurance

Cardiovascular fitness



Quality of Life Physical, mental and spiritual &

Student Philosophy

Movement Philosophy

My Philosophies

Movement Philosophy

Teaching Philosophy &

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 5

Seated Pigeon

Student Philosophy: Observe Anatomy

Warrior II &

Mind/Body Constitution – Remember the Doshas! Vata – notice mental capacity and memory

Student Philosophy: Learning Styles

p y y Pitta – watch for competitive nature Kapha – slow movers

Blended learning approach Different processing – auditory, visual and experiential

Demonstrate Articulate Repeat &

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 6

Blocked energy leads to Illnesses pains and diseases

Movement Philosophy: Energy Lines

Illnesses, pains and diseases

Move the body in all directions

Work from the top down

Lubricate all the joints

B th k d Vi li ti Breath work and Visualization


North, South, East, West, Twist, Twist to Feel Your

Best! &

Small, Subtle movements to a particular part of the body

Combine multiple movements together

Movement Philosophy: Isolate & Integrate

Benefits: Benefits:

Mind/Body connection, concentration, control, dexterity

Benefits: Coordination, process

complex patterns, small & gross motor movements &

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 7

Build the pose step-by-step

Suggest the student stop at the place they feel comfortable

Movement Philosophy: Progressive Format

Or offer a challenge for those that want it! &

Almost every pose can be broken down into a sequence of steps, which can be repeated as a pattern

Movement Philosophy: Patterns

Benefit Memory, concentration, Mind/Body connection, accomplishment,

and FUN! &

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 8

Different Students!

Different Abilities!

Customize your Chair Yoga Classes

Teaching Philosophy: Modular Approach

Different Needs! Learn the basic modular structure of delivering a safe & effective Chair Yoga class

Understand and meet the needs of each student audience

Never run out of Poses!

Never run out of Ideas! audience

Easily create a class of any duration: 30, 60, 75 or 90 minutes in length &

Make every Class Different and Unique!

Teaching Philosophy: Modular Approach Warm Ups

Upper Body

Power Poses

Lower Body



Just like Lego Blocks of different colors and sizes, choose yoga poses from each module and build a class to meet your audience needs, and class timeframe &

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 9

Teaching Philosophy: Modular Format

Find your Seat Sun Salutations

Power PosesWarm Ups

Find your Seat

Centering and Breathing


Neck/Shoulder stretches

Upper Body

Chair, Down Dog

Warriors, Goddess, Balance Poses

Hip Openers

Lower Body


Arms, Hands and Fingers

Chest Openers and Side Bends

Back Stretches and Bends

Leg stretches


Reflect and Relax &



Teaching Philosophy: Be Creative!

Pose Selection

Factoids and Themes

LogisticsCreate! &


Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 10

Make it Interesting and Educational

“Did you know Cancer Recovery statements”

Motivate and Cue with Factoids

MOOD: Exercise elevates mood, offering drug-free relief for the feelings of depression that may accompany a cancer diagnosis.

FATIGUE: Research demonstrated that those who exercised regularly had 40% to 50% less fatigue.

STRENGTH: Engaging in regular exercise increases muscle strength, joint flexibility and general conditioning, all of which may be impaired by surgery and some cancer therapies.

WEIGHT CONTROL: Physical activity controls weight -- a crucial factor, as studies have shown y y g ,that gaining weight during and after treatment raises the risk of a cancer recurrence.

OUTCOMES: Being physically active after a cancer diagnosis is linked to better cancer-specific outcomes. &

Source: National Comprehensive Cancer Network

And how about some Anatomy…. 25% of all your bones are in your feet - let’s do a few more ankle rocks to

The Art of Cueing

25% of all your bones are in your feet - let s do a few more ankle rocks to strengthen them!

Tight pectoral muscles usually indicate weak rhomboids – let’s open the pecs and create a back cleavage!

Tight hamstrings pull on the lower back and can cause back pain – let’s release them with a gentle down dog!

Strong quadriceps lift and support your knee joint and can relieve knee pain – let’s g q p pp y j pdo another chair pose!

Synovial fluid comes into your joints with movement – so let’s oil those joints!

Protect your hips from fracture by strengthening the muscles that support it - let’s do our Door Hinges! &

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 11

Teaching Philosophy: Safe Sequencing


Forward Bend



Extension &

Lateral Bend

Teaching Philosophy: Safe Sequencing

Forward Bend &

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 12

What color is everyone wearing? Reflects the energy in the room - try it, it really works!

Teaching Philosophy: Pose Selection

Cool colors = calm, slow, meditative movements

Bright colors = energetic, flows, reaches

Warm colors = comforting, supportive, holds vs. flows

What is the temperature of the room Cold – start with some movement

Hot – Reduce the power and flow poses

Pick a representative group of poses from Modular groupings Mix it up with new and familiar poses

70% familiar and 30% &

Classroom Logistics Your job is to make the room a sacred space

Teaching Philosophy: Logistics

Your job is to make the room a sacred space

What about Music?

What about a dirty or unkempt space?

Your Traveling Yoga Kit – belts, eye pillows, aromatherapy

Think about what you bring to the class that makes you a Unique teacher &

They will hardly remember what you said, or what you did, but they will remember how you made them feel!

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 13

Let’s Dance! &

Want more Ideas?

Be Specifically Trained!

Online Gentle & Chair Yoga Certification Programs


Gentle, Senior and Chair Yoga Resources

Online Advanced Specialty Yoga Teacher Training Programs

60 Hours includes Quizzes, Tests, Field Trips & Final Exam

In-depth Anatomy of Aging & Learning Labs

For more information:

Visit &

Chair Yoga for Cancer Recovery with Sherry Zak Morris Yoga Vista Academy & 14

Sherry Zak Morris

Founder, Yoga Vista

Contact Information YouTube Channels

YouTube com/Yoga Vista Academy CEO,

Director, Yoga Vista Academy Vista Academy


tons &

Linkedin Linkedin/SherryZakMorris