CHAIRMAN'S WELCOME - … · CHAIRMAN'S WELCOME Hello everyone, here we...

Post on 08-Oct-2020

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Hello everyone, here we go again with another newsletter. As I write this thesun is shining brightly and I'm just enjoying a cold beer and happy to reportthat with the relaxation of the Covid regulations we have a busy monthahead. We have had two successful car runs so far and although the tractorrun was postponed to July 12th because of a poor weather forecast a greatturn out of 26 machines enjoyed great conditions on that day. This run was inmemory of John Le Seelleur and I would like to thank all those attending fortheir generous donations. It was also great to see a good gathering at JerseyPearl for the coffee morning.At this time the Summer Flower Show at the RJA Showground is going ahead and the planned static displayby the club on Sunday 23rd August could be the only chance we get to display our vehicles this year, so pleasemake the effort to attend the show to show off your pride and joy. All types of vehicle welcome. We arecurrently waiting for further information regarding the Samares Manor Show, so please keep up with viewingyour emails for the latest updates. Finally I would like to remind all members to adhere to government guidelines regarding social distancingwhilst we are able to enjoy our gatherings during this world wide pandemic.

Cheers for now Tim

Although Jersey is still at Level 2 we are able to begin to enjoy some group events again as long as we arecareful, please keep alert and a metre apart. I did think we would be in Level One by this month butGovernment is being cautious which is probably a good thing.

EVENING RUN - SATURDAY JULY 11 th 2020I am sure everyone enjoyed this run, rounded off with a meal wherever we chose to eat. Thank you to Ossiefor once again leading us in style.

Les Charrieres Nicolle,St Lawrence

Telephone: 862938 Email;


94 Halkett Place, St Helier. Telephone: 872345 Mon to Fri: 8am - 5pm / Sat: 9am – 1pm

TRACTOR RUN – SUNDAY 12 th JULYThis was the first run of the year which had been postponed the previous week due to weather conditions.Although the sun was shining brightly there was an air of sadness as we remembered fellow Club member andkeen tractor boy, John Le Seelleur, who had lost his young life so tragically in an accident at the end of May. Aminute’s silence was held for John and a collection was made in his memory to donate to the RNLI JerseyGuild which totalled £212.Starting from the New North Road car park the 26 participants headed eastwards passing Fremont, along LesPlatons and continued through tranquil lanes, mostly around Trinity, before finally finishing the 10 mile run atJardin d’Olivet.

PUY DU FOU JULY 25 th - 28 th – UPDATE for 2021If anyone is interested in going to Puy du Fou in 2021 please let me know as I am sure we will be able to addon to our original group. I won't know anything more until October 2020 when the tickets for 2021 will becomeavailable.


Derek Vivian and Sam Pallot remind you all that there will be a tractor run on Sunday August 2nd commencingfrom the North Road car park opposite Les Fontaines Pub. Please meet at 10.30am for an 11am start.

Les Charrieres Nicolle,St Lawrence

Telephone: 862938 Email;


94 Halkett Place, St Helier. Telephone: 872345 Mon to Fri: 8am - 5pm / Sat: 9am – 1pm

EVENING RUN and MEAL – SATURDAY AUGUST 8 th A car run has been arranged for the above evening starting at Les Fontaines car park, St John at 5.30pmprompt. Tim Pallot has kindly worked the route out and will be leading the run this evening. The run will end atJersey Pearl where a meal has been booked with the intention of eating at 7pm. A three course menu hasbeen enclosed, however, it has been suggested that we choose two courses at £15. This means you caneither choose a Starter and Main or a Main and a Dessert.Coffee/Tea is included in the price of the menu.Please pay your own drinks separately.The children's menu priced at £7.50 is as follows and includes a glass of squash:-cod goujons with chips and peas-chicken goujons-sausages, mash and beansI have enclosed a form for you to complete and return to me with your cheque made payable to the JerseyClassic Vehicle Club. If you wish to email the choices to me my email is or Tel No.744446. Thank you to those who have sent their form and cheque back to me. When filling the form in pleasecan you specify who is having what on the menu. Thanking you for your help in this.

COMMERCIAL RUN – SUNDAY AUGUST 9 th Derek Vivian and Sam Pallot wish to remind you that there will be a commercial run on Sunday August 9 th

commencing from the Esplanade Car Park. Please meet at 10.30am for an 11am start.

LEISURELY CHAT at JERSEY PEARL – TUESDAY AUGUST 11 th at 10.30am. Rosie at Jersey Pearl is reserving 6 tables but they will not be joined together. Please observe the metreguideline that is now included in our Level Two. There are loads of tables so there is no need to huddle up,remember that metre must be observed for the time being especially when you are indoors.These are the future dates for the leisurely chats at Jersey Pearl:Tuesday September 8th, Tuesday October 13th, Tuesday November 10th, Tuesday December 8th

CAR RUN and PICNIC – SUNDAY 16 th AUGUST This event will be going ahead with a picnic rounding it off on Gorey Common as was done last year. The runwill start off at La Fontaine, St John in the car park across the road at 11am. Please don't forget to bring yourown picnic.

GUERNSEY WEST SHOW AUGUST 19 th and 20 th 2020 – CANCELLEDThe Committee of the West United Agricultural and Horticultural Society are very disappointed that they areunable to hold the Show this year but due to Covid-19 it is a decision that was inevitable. The safety of thepublic is their main priority and this is the appropriate course of action to support what has been achieved bythe Civil Contingencies Authority in reducing the active cases within the Bailiwick to zero. Well Done to Guernsey for maintaining this achievement!The dates for the 2021 show will be Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th August.


The RJA & HS are very hopeful that the August flower show can go ahead but with strict guidelines that mustbe followed. It will be staged and held to respect the social distancing regulations that are still in place withregards to Covid-19. Club Members will be allowed to visit the show free of charge on production of theircurrent JCVC membership card. You will be asked to follow a one way system to view the show and only acertain number of people will be allowed in the hall at a time. Please be patient and follow the instructions.However, any decision made will be subject to Government Guidelines at the time of the Show.

If it has to be cancelled it will be and they wish this to be made clear to everyone.

The RJA & HS toilets are located in the main entrance and it would be better to ensure you use the facilitiesbefore entering the Main Hall but if you need to use the toilets once you have exited the New Arena, you cango through the Members room back into the main entrance. Also, if you feel that you have not seen all youwant to, you can go around the one way system again. The cake auction that normally takes place after theshow will not be happening. However, there is a possibility that the cakes can be sold on Sunday afternoon tothe public. There will be prices on each cake and the purchaser will put their money into a tin located near the

Les Charrieres Nicolle,St Lawrence

Telephone: 862938 Email;


94 Halkett Place, St Helier. Telephone: 872345 Mon to Fri: 8am - 5pm / Sat: 9am – 1pm

cakes and will be able to collect their cakes on the Sunday afternoon. This will be confirmed nearer the time.

The RJA & HS Committee would definitely like the Jersey Classic Vehicle Club to attend the Show and askthat you arrive with your vehicle by 10.30am and leave at the end of the Show at 5pm' not before. I thank youin advance for your co-operation in this.

SUNDAY MEETING – AUGUST 30 th – 10.30amFor the time being we shall be meeting in St Clement's Parish Hall car park. There are toilets in the public carpark and coffee/tea/bacon rolls can be bought from the mobile van across the road. Let us hope by the end ofSeptember restrictions will be lifted far enough in order that we can resume going inside the Hall.

SAMARES COUNTRY FAIR - AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY – MONDAY AUGUST 31 st Although the Club is normally invited to this event, there is some uncertainty this year. The Manor currentlyhasn't been granted an event licence to go ahead. They may have a cap on numbers for the day so it wouldmean a limited number of people on site. As soon as they know for certain they will let us know. For the timebeing they can't confirm either way if we can attend the Fair. SATURDAY 12 th SEPTEMBER – PALLOT STEAM THRASHING FAYRE – CANCELLED

ST. JOHN'S FELLOWSHIP RUN AND LUNCH – SEPTEMBER 20 th - CANCELLEDTrevor Bayliss regrets the decision but due to the uncertainty of the Covid-19 restrictions at the time of theevent he feels there is no other option.

I am sure I don't need to remind you all to stay safe and well, we have nearly reached Level One but evenwhen we reach that Level we will still need to be very careful.

Pam Laurens (Events Chairman).

Tim Atkinson can produce new English classic tax discs for club members for theircars if required at a cost of £5.00 and an extra £2.00 for a plain tax holder.

He will need all details of your car i.e., month and year it was built, make andmodel, registration number, and anything else you have.

If interested please contact Tim at

Les Charrieres Nicolle,St Lawrence

Telephone: 862938 Email;


94 Halkett Place, St Helier. Telephone: 872345 Mon to Fri: 8am - 5pm / Sat: 9am – 1pm





Please contact Frank Laurenson

Tel 744446 or 481277 for further details





Please contact Frank Laurens for further details

Tel 481277 or 744446


1979 MG Midget


£4000 or near offerVery good condition, contact

Frank or Pamon 744446 or 481277

for further details


Chairman: Tim Pallot Tel: 723018 / 07797 748718

Email: and

Deputy Chairman: John Lamy Tel: 872352 / 07797 713045. Email:

Newsletter: Sue & Robert Le Moel Tel: 853190 / 07797 724876. Email:

Secretary & Memberships: Lorna Surcouf Tel.: 730684

Events Chairman: Pam Laurens Tel.: 744446 Email:

Treasurer: Cynthia Hamon Tel: 742945

Social Committee: Sam Pallot, Derek Vivian, Lorna Surcouf, Mick De Sousa, Frank Laurens, Ossie Baudains, Joan Gardner, Alf Le Masurier

Club e-mail address:

Club website:

Les Charrieres Nicolle,St Lawrence

Telephone: 862938 Email;


94 Halkett Place, St Helier. Telephone: 872345 Mon to Fri: 8am - 5pm / Sat: 9am – 1pm