Challenges of Using Text Classifiers for Causal...

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Challenges of Using Text Classifiers for Causal Inference

Zach Wood-Doughty∗, Ilya Shpitser†, Mark Dredze∗†Department of Computer Science

∗Center for Language and Speech Processing†Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218{zach,ilyas,mdredze}


Causal understanding is essential for manykinds of decision-making, but causal inferencefrom observational data has typically onlybeen applied to structured, low-dimensionaldatasets. While text classifiers producelow-dimensional outputs, their use in causalinference has not previously been studied.To facilitate causal analyses based onlanguage data, we consider the role that textclassifiers can play in causal inference throughestablished modeling mechanisms from thecausality literature on missing data andmeasurement error. We demonstrate how toconduct causal analyses using text classifierson simulated and Yelp data, and discuss theopportunities and challenges of future workthat uses text data in causal inference.

1 Introduction

Most scientific analyses, in domains fromeconomics to medicine, focus on low-dimensionalstructured data. Many such domains alsohave unstructured text data; advances in naturallanguage processing (NLP) have led to anincreased interest in incorporating language datainto scientific analyses. While language isinherently unstructured and high dimensional,NLP systems can be used to process raw textto produce structured variables. For example,work on identifying undiagnosed side effectsfrom electronic health records (EHR) uses textclassifiers to produce clinical variables from theraw text (Hazlehurst et al., 2009).

NLP tools may also benefit the study ofcausal inference, which seeks to identify causalrelations from observational data. Causalanalyses traditionally use low-dimensionalstructured variables, such as clinical markers andbinary health outcomes. Such analyses requireassumptions about the data-generating process,

which are often simpler with low-dimensionaldata. Unlike prediction tasks which are validatedby held-out test sets, causal inference involvesmodeling counterfactual random variables(Neyman, 1923; Rubin, 1976) that representthe outcome of some hypothetical intervention.To rigorously reason about hypotheticals, weuse causal models to link our counterfactuals toobserved data (Pearl, 2009).

NLP provides a natural way to incorporate textdata into causal inference models. We can producelow-dimensional variables using, for example,text classifiers, and then run our causal analysis.However, this straightforward integration beliesseveral potential issues. Text classification is notperfect, and errors in a NLP algorithm may biassubsequent analyses. Causal inference requiresunderstanding how variables influence one anotherand how correlations are confounded by commoncauses. Classic methods such as stratificationprovide a means for handling confounding ofcategorical or continuous variables, but it is notimmediately obvious how such work can beextended to high-dimensional data.

Recent work has approached high-dimensionaldomains by using random forests (Wager andAthey, 2017) and other methods borrowed frommachine learning (Chernozhukov et al., 2016).But even compared to an analysis that requireshundreds of confounders (Belloni et al., 2014),NLP models with millions of variables arevery high-dimensional. While physiologicalsymptoms reflect complex biological realities,many symptoms such as blood pressure areone-dimensional variables. While doctors caneasily quantify the effect of high blood pressureon some outcome, can we use the “positivity” of arestaurant review to estimate a causal effect? Morebroadly, is it possible to employ text classificationmethods in a causal analysis?

We explore methods for the integration oftext classifiers into causal inference analyses thatconsider confounds introduced by imperfect NLP.We show what assumptions are necessary forcausal analyses using text, and discuss whenthose assumptions may or may not be reasonable.We draw on the causal inference literature toconsider two modeling aspects: missing dataand measurement error. In the missing dataformulation, a variable of interest is sometimesunobserved, and text data gives us a meansto model the missingness process. In themeasurement error formulation, we use a textclassifier to generate a noisy proxy of theunderlying variable.

We highlight practical considerations of acausal analysis with text data by conductinganalyses with simulated and Yelp data. Weexamine the results of both formulations and showhow a causal analysis which properly accounts forpossible sources of bias produces better estimatesthan naıve methods which make unjustifiedassumptions. We conclude by examining how ourapproach may enable new research avenues forinferring causality with text data.

2 Causal Inference, Briefly

While randomized control trials (RCT) are thegold standard of determining causal effects oftreatments on outcomes, they can be expensive orimpossible in many settings. In contrast, the worldis filled with observational data collected withoutrandomization. While most studies simply reportcorrelations from observational data, the field ofcausal inference examines what assumptions andanalyses make it possible to identify causal effects.

We formalize a causal statement like “smokingcauses cancer” as “if we were to conduct a RCTand assign smoking as a treatment, we wouldsee a higher incidence of cancer among thoseassigned smoking than among the control group.”In the framework of Pearl (1995), we considera counterfactual variable of interest: what wouldhave been the cancer incidence among smokersif smoking had been randomized? Specifically,we consider a causal effect as the counterfactualoutcome of a hypothetical intervention on sometreatment variable. If we denote smoking asour treatment variable A and cancer as ouroutcome variable Y , then we are interested in thecounterfactual distribution, denoted p(Y (a)) or

p(Y | do(a)). We interpret this as “the distributionover Y had A been set, possibly contrary to fact,to value a.” For a binary treatment A, the causaleffect of A on Y is denoted τ = E[Y (1)] −E[Y (0)]; the average difference between if youhad received the treatment and if you had not.Throughout, we use causal directed acyclic graphs(DAG), which assumes that an intervention onA is well-defined and results in a counterfactualvariable Y (a) (Pearl, 1995; Dawid, 2010).

Figure 1a shows an example of simpleconfounding. This is the simplest DAG inwhich counterfactual distribution p(Y (a)) is notsimply p(Y | A), as C influences boththe treatment A and the outcome Y . Torecover the counterfactual distribution p(Y (a))that would follow an intervention uponA, we must“adjust” for C, applying the so-called “back-doorcriterion” (Pearl, 1995). We can then derive thecounterfactual distribution p(Y (a)) and desiredcausal effect, τS as a function of the observeddata, (Fig. 4 Eq. 1.) This derivation is shownin Appendix A.

Note that p(Y (a)) and τS require data onC, and if C is not in fact observed, it isimpossible to recover the causal effect. Formally,we say that p(Y (a)) is not identified in themodel, meaning there is no function f such thatp(Y (a))=f(p(A, Y )). Identifiability is a primaryconcern of causal inference (Shpitser and Pearl,2008).

Throughout, we assume for simplicity that A,C, and Y are binary variables. While textclassifiers can convert high-dimensional data intobinary variables for such analyses, we need tomake further assumptions about how classificationerrors affect causal inferences. We cannot assumethat the output of a text classifier can be treated asif it were ground truth. To conceptualize the waysin which a text classifier may be biased, we willconsider them as a way to recover from missingdata or measurement error.

3 Causal Models

Real-world observational data is messy and oftenimperfectly collected. Work in causal inferencehas studied how analyses can be made robustto missing data or data recorded with systematicmeasurement errors.




(a) Simple Confounding




(b) Missing Data





(c) Measurement Error

Figure 1: DAGs for causal inference without text data. Red variables are unobserved.A is a treatment, Y is an outcome, and C is a confounder.

A C Y1 1 00 1 10 0 11 0 1

(a) Simple Confounding

RA A C Y1 1 1 00 ? 1 11 0 0 10 ? 0 1

(b) Missing Data

A∗ C Y0 1 00 1 10 0 11 0 1

(c) Measurement Error

A∗ A1 10 10 01 1

(d) Mismeasurement

Figure 2: Example data rows for causal inference without text data.

3.1 Missing Data

Our dataset has “missing data” if it containsindividuals (instances) for which some variablesare unobserved, even though these variables aretypically available. This may occur if somesurvey respondents choose not to answer certainquestions, or if certain variables are difficult tocollect and thus infrequently recorded. Missingdata is closely related to causal inference – bothare interested in hypothetical distributions thatwe cannot directly observe (Robins et al., 2000;Shpitser et al., 2015).

Consider a causal model where A is sometimesmissing (Figure 1b). The variable RA is a binaryindicator for whether A is observed (RA = 1)or missing. The variable A(RA = 1), writtenas A(1), represents the counterfactual value of Awere it never missing. Finally, A is the observedproxy for A(1): it has the same value as A(1) ifRA = 1, and the special value “?” if RA = 0.

Solving missingness can seen as intervening toset RA to 1. Given p(A,RA, C, Y ), we want torecover p(A(1), C, Y ). We may need to make a“Missing at Random” (MAR) assumption, whichsays that the missingness process is independent ofthe true missing values, conditional on observedvalues. Figure 1b reflects the MAR assumption;RA is independent of A(1) given fully-observedC and Y . If an edge existed from A(1) to RA,we have “Missing Not at Random” (MNAR) andwould not be identified except in special cases(Shpitser et al., 2015).

3.2 Measurement Error

Sometimes a necessary variable is never observed,but is instead proxied by a variable which differsfrom the truth by some error. Consider theexample of body mass index (BMI) as a proxy forobesity in a clinical study. Obesity is a knownrisk factor for many health outcomes, but has acomplex clinical definition and is nontrivial tomeasure. BMI is a simple deterministic functionof height and weight. To conduct a causal analysisof obesity on cancer when only BMI and cancerare measured, we can proceed as if we hadmeasured obesity and then correct our analysisfor the known error that comes from using BMIas a proxy for obesity (Hernan and Cole, 2009;Michels et al., 1998).

To generalize this concept, we can replaceobesity with our ground truth variable Aand replace BMI with a noisy proxy A∗.Figure 1c gives the DAG for this model.Unlike missing data problems, there is nohypothetical intervention which recovers thetrue data distribution p(A,C, Y ). Instead, wemanipulate the observed distribution p(A∗, C, Y )with the known relationship p(A∗, A) to recoverthe desired p(A,C, Y ).

Unlike missing data, measurement errorconceptualization can be used even when wenever observe A (e.g. the table in Figure 2c)as long as we have knowledge about the errormechanism p(A∗, A). Using this knowledge,we can correct for the error using ‘matrix






(a) Simple Confounding with Text






(b) Missing Data with Text




A∗ Ti


(c) Measurement Error with Text

Figure 3: DAGs for causal inference with text data. In the Yelp experiments we discuss, Ti influences Yand not the other way around.

τS =∑C

(p(Y = 1 | A = 1, C)− p(Y = 1 | A = 0, C)) p(C) (1)

τMD =∑C

(p(A = 1 | T, C, Y = 1, RA = 1)∑′

y p(A = 1 | T, C, y′, RA = 1)p(Y = y′ | C)

− p(A = 0 | T, C, Y = 1, RA = 1)∑′y p(A = 0 | T, C, Y = y′, RA = 1)p(Y = y′ | C)

)p(Y = 1, C) (2)

τME =∑C

−δc,y=1qc,y=1(0) + (1− δc,y=1)qc,y=1(1)

(1− εc,y=1 − δc,y=1)∑y′−δc,y′qc,y′(0) + (1− δc,y′)qc,y′(1)

(1− εc,y′ − δc,y′)

(1− εc,y=1)qc,y=1(0)− εc,y=1qc,y=1(1)

(1− εc,y=1 − δc,y=1)∑y′

(1− εc,y′)qc,y′(0)− εc,y′qc,y′(1)(1− εc,y′ − δc,y′)

p(C) (3)

Define εc,y = p(A = 0 | A∗ = 1, C = c, Y = y), δc, y = p(A = 1 | A∗ = 0, C = c, Y = y),qc,y(0) = p(C = c, Y = y,A∗ = 0), and qc,y(1) = p(C = c, Y = y,A∗ = 1).

Figure 4: Functionals for the Causal Effects for Simple Confounding (τSC), Missing Data (τMD) andMeasurement Error (τME). Derivations are in Appendices A, B, and C.

adjustment’ (Pearl, 2010). In practice we mightlearn p(A∗, A) from data such as that found inFigure 2d. Recent work has also consideredhow multiple independent proxies of A couldallow identification without any data on p(A∗, A)(Kuroki and Pearl, 2014).

4 Causal Models for Text Data

We can use conceptualizations for missing dataand measurement error to support causal analyseswith text data. The choice of model depends on theassumptions we make about the data-generationprocess.

We add new variables to our models (Figure1a) to represent text, which produces thedata-generating distribution shown in Figure 3a.This model assumes that the underlying A, C, andY variables are generated before the text variables;we use text to recover the true relationshipbetween A and Y .

We represent text as an arbitrary set of Vvariables, which are independent of one another

given the non-text variables. In our implementedanalyses we will represent text as a bag-of-words,wherein each Ti is simply the binary indicator ofthe presence of the i-th word in our vocabulary ofV words, and T = ∪iTi. The restriction to simpletext models allows us to explore connections tocausal inference applications, though future workcould relax assumptions of the text models to beinclusive of more sophisticated text models (e.g.neural sequence models (Lai et al., 2015; Zhanget al., 2015)), or consider causal relationshipsbetween two text variables.

To motivate our explanations, consider the taskof predicting an individuals’ smoking status fromfree-text hospital discharge notes (Uzuner et al.,2008; Wicentowski and Sydes, 2008). Somehospitals do not explicitly record patient smokingstatus as structured data, making it difficult to usesuch data in a study on the outcomes of smoking.We will suppose that we are given a dataset withpatient data on lung cancer outcome (Y ) and age(C), that our data on smoking status (A) is affected

by either missing data or measurement error, butthat we have text data (T) from discharge recordsthat will allow us to infer smoking status withreasonable accuracy.

4.1 Missing Data

To show how we might use text data to recoverfrom missing data, we introduce missingness forA from Figure 3a to get the model in Figure 3b.The missing arrow from A(1) to RA encodes theMAR assumption, which is sufficient to make itpossible to identify the full data distribution fromthe observed data.

Suppose our motivation is to estimate the causaleffect of smoking status (A) on lung cancer (Y )adjusting for age (C). Imagine that missingdata arises because hospitals sometimes – but notalways – delete explicit data on smoking statusfrom patient records. If we have access to patients’discharge notes (T) and know whether a givenpatient had smoking status recorded (RA), then theDAG in Figure 3b may be a reasonable model forour setting. Note that we must again assume thatA does not directly affect RA.

The causal effect of A on Y in Figure 3b isidentified as τMD, given in Eq. 2 in Figure 4. Thederivation is given in Appendix B.

4.2 Measurement Error

We model text data with measurement error byintroducing a proxy A∗ to the model in Figure3c. We assume that the proxied value of A∗ candepend upon all other variables, and that we willbe able to estimate p(A∗, A) given an externaldataset, e.g. text classifier accuracy on held-outdata.

Suppose we again want to estimate the causaleffect from §4.1, but this time none of our hospitalrecords contain explicit data on smoking status.However, imagine that we have a separate trainingdataset of medical discharge records annotatedby expert pulmonologists for patients’ smokingstatus. We could then train a classifier to predictsmoking status using discharge record text1.

Working from the derivation for matrixadjustment in binary models given by Pearl(2010), we identify the causal effect of A onY (Figure 3c) as τME (Eq 3 in Figure 4.) Thederivation is in Appendix C.

1This is the precise setting of Uzuner et al. (2008).

5 Experiments

We now empirically evaluate the effectivenessof our two conceptualizations (missing data andmeasurement error) for including text data incausal analyses. We induce missingness ormismeasurement of the treatment variable and usetext data to recover the true causal relationshipof that treatment on the outcome. We beginwith a simulation study with synthetic text data,and then conduct an analysis using reviews

5.1 Synthetic Data

We select synthetic data so that we can controlthe entire data-generation process. For eachdata row, we first sample data on three binaryvariables (A, C, Y ) and then sample V differentbinary variables Ti representing a V -vocabularybag-of-words. A graphical model for thisdistribution appears in Figure 3a. We augmentthis distribution to introduce either missingdata (Figure 3b) or measurement error (Figure3c.) For measurement error, we sample twodatasets. A small training set which gives data onp(A,C, Y,T) and a large test set which gives dataon p(C, Y,T).

The full data generating process appears inAppendix D, and the implementation (along withall our code) is provided online2.

5.2 Yelp Data

We utilize the 2015 Yelp Dataset Challenge3

which provides 4.7M reviews of local businesses.Each review contains a one- to five-star rating, upto 5,000 characters of text. Yelp users can flagreviews as “Useful” as a mark of quality.

We extract treatment, outcome, and confoundervariables from the structured data. The treatmentis a binarized user rating that takes value 1 ifthe review has four or five stars and value 0if the review has one or two stars. Three-starreviews are discarded from our analysis. Theoutcome is whether the review received at leastone “Useful” flag. The confounder is whetherthe review’s author has received at least two“Useful” flags across all reviews, according totheir user object. In our data, 74.2% of reviewswere positive, 42.6% of reviews were flagged as“Useful,” and 56.7% users had received at least

two such flags. We preprocess the text of eachreview by lowercasing, stemming, and removingstopwords, before converting to a bag-of-wordsrepresentation with the 4,334 word vocabulary ofall words which appeared at least 1000 times in asample of 1M reviews.

Based on this p(A,C, Y,T) distribution,we assume the data-generating process thatmatches Figure 3a and introduce missingnessand mismeasurement as before, giving usdata-generating processes matching Figures 3band 3c.

Our intention is not to argue about a truereal-world causal effect of Yelp reviews on peerbehavior: we do not believe that our confounderis the only common cause of the author’s ratingand the platform’s response. We leave for futurework a case study that jointly addresses questionsof identifiability and estimation of a real-worldcausal effect. In this work, our experimentsfocus on a simpler task: can a correctly-specifiedmodel that uses text data effectively estimate acausal effect in the presence of missing data ormeasurement error.

5.3 Models

We now introduce several baseline methodswhich, unlike our correctly specified models τMD

and τME , are not consistent estimators of ourdesired causal effect. We would expect that thetheoretical bias in these estimators would result inpoor performance in our experiments.

5.3.1 Baseline: Naıve ModelIn both the missing data and measurement errorsettings, our models use some rows that are fullobserved. In missing data, these are rows whereRA = 1; in measurement error, the training set issampled from the true distribution. The simplestapproach to handling imperfect data is to throwaway all rows without full data, and calculate Eq1 from that data. In Figure 5, these are labeled as*.naive.

5.3.2 Baseline: Textless ModelIn Figure 3b, if we do not condition on Ti tod-separate A(1) from its missingness indicator,that influence may bias our estimate. While weknow that ignoring text may introduce asymptoticbias into our estimates of the causal effect, weempirically evaluate how much bias is producedby this “Textless” model compared to a correct

model. This is labeled as *.no text in Figure5 (a).

In principle, we could conduct a measurementerror analysis using a model that does not includetext. In practice, we found we could not imputeA∗

from C and Y alone. The non-textual classifierhad such high error that the adjustment matrixwas singular and we could not compute theeffect. Thus, we have no such baseline in ourmeasurement error results.

5.3.3 Baseline: no y and unadjustedModels

In Figure 3b, we must also condition on C and Yto d-separate A(1) from its missingness indicator.In our misspecified model for missing data, we donot condition on Y , leaving open a path for A(1)to influence its missingness. In Figure 5 (a), thismodel is labeled as *.no y.

When correcting for measurement error, acrucial piece of the estimation is the matrixadjustment using the known error betweenthe proxy and the truth. A straightforwardmisspecified model for measurement error is toimpute a proxy for each row in our dataset andthen calculate the causal effect assuming no errorbetween the proxy and truth. This approach,while simplistic, can be thought of as using a textclassifier as a proxy without regard for the textclassifier’s biases. In Figure 5 (b), this approachis labeled as *.unadjusted.

5.3.4 Correct ModelsFinally, we consider the estimation approachespresented in §4.1 and §4.2. For the missing datacausal effect (τMD from Eq 2) we use a multipleimputation estimator which calculates the averageeffect across 20 samples from p(A|T, C, Y ) foreach row where RA = 0. For the measurementerror causal effect (τME from Eq 3), we use thetraining set of p(A,C, Y,T) data to estimate εc,yand δc, y and the larger set of p(C, Y,T) data toestimate qc,y and p(C).

These models are displayed in Figure 5 (a) as*.full and in Figure 5 (b) *.adjusted.

5.4 Evaluation

Each model takes in a data sample withmissingness or mismeasurement, and outputs anestimate of the causal effect of A on Y in theunderlying data. Rather than comparing models’estimates against a population-level estimate,

we compare against an estimate of the effectcomputed on the same data sample, but withoutany missing data or measurement error. This‘perfect data estimator’ may still make errorsgiven the finite data sample. We compare againstthis estimator to avoid a small-sample case wherean estimator gets lucky. In Figure 5, we plot datasample size against the squared distance of eachmodel’s estimate from a perfect data estimator’sestimate, averaged over ten runs. Figure 6 inAppendix E contains a second set of experimentsusing a larger vocabulary.

6 Results

Given that our correctly-specified models areproven to be asymptotically consistent, we wouldexpect them to outperform misspecified models.However, for any given dataset, asymptoticconsistency provides no guarantees.

6.1 Missing Data

The missing data (MD) experiments suggest thatthe correct full model does perform best. Theno ymodel performs approximately as well as thecorrect model on the synthetic data, but not on theYelp data. The difference between the no y andfull missing data models is simply a functionof the effect of Y on RA. We could tweak oursynthetic data distribution to increase the influenceof Y to make the no y model perform worse.

When we initially considered otherdata-generating distributions for missing data,we found that when we reduced the influenceof the text variables on RA, the no text andnaive models approached the performance ofthe correctly-specified model. While intuitive,this reinforces that the underlying distributionmatters a great deal in how modeling choices mayintroduce biases if incorrectly specified.

6.2 Measurement error

The measurement error results tell a moreinteresting story. We see enormous fluctuationsof the adjusted model, and in the syntheticdata, the unadjusted model appears to be quitesuperior.

In the synthetic dataset, this is likely becauseour text classifier had near-perfect accuracy, andso simple approach of assuming its predictionswere ground-truth introduced less bias. A broaderissue with the adjusted model is that the

matrix adjustment approach requires dividingby (potentially very small) probabilities, thissometimes resulted in huge over-corrections. Inaddition, since those probabilities are estimatedfrom a relatively small training dataset, smallchanges to the error-estimate can propagate tohuge changes in the final casual estimate.

This instability of the matrix adjustmentapproach may be a bigger problem for text andother high-dimensional data: unlike in our earlierexample of BMI and obesity, there are likelyno simple relationships between text and clinicalvariables. However, instead of using matrixadjustment as a way to recover the true effect, wemay instead use it to bound the error our proxymay introduce. As mentioned by Pearl (2010),when p(A | A∗) is not known exactly, we canuse a Bayesian analysis to bound estimates of acausal effect. In a downstream task, this would letus explore the stability of our adjusted results.

7 Related Work

A few recent papers have considered thepossibilities for combining text data withapproaches from the causal inference literature.Landeiro and Culotta (2016) and Landeiro andCulotta (2017) explored text classification whenthe relationship between text data and class labelsare confounded. Other work has used propensityscores as a way to extract features from textdata (Paul, 2017) or to match social media usersbased on what words they write (De Choudhuryet al., 2016). The only work we know of whichseeks to estimate causal effects using text datafocuses on effects of text or effects on text (Egamiet al., 2018; Roberts et al., 2018). In our work,our causal effects do not include text variables:we use text variables to recover an underlyingdistribution and then estimate a causal effectwithin that distribution.

There is a conceptually related line of workin the NLP community on inferring causalrelationships expressed in text (Girju, 2003;Kaplan and Berry-Rogghe, 1991). However, ourwork is fundamentally different. Rather thanidentify casual relations expressed via language,we are using text data in a causal model to identifythe strength of an underlying causal effect.

102 103 104 105 106 10710−9










Dataset Size

(a) Missing Data text yYelp.full text ySynthetic.full

102 103 104 105 106 107

Dataset Size

(b) Measurement Error




Figure 5: Experimental results. Squared distance (y-axis, lower is better) of the estimated causal effectfrom τSC calculated from the full data with no missing data or measurement error. Error bars (negligiblefor larger datasets) are 1.96 times standard error across 10 experiments. Additional experiments with alarger vocabulary are shown in Appendix E.

8 Future Directions

While this paper addresses some initial issuesarising from using text classifiers in causalanalyses, many challenges remain. We highlightsome of these issues as directions for futureresearch.

We provided several proof-of-concept modelsfor estimating effects, but our approach isflexible to more sophisticated models. Forexample, a semi-parametric estimator wouldmake no assumptions about the text datadistribution by wrapping the text classifier intoan infinite-dimensional nuisance model (Tsiatis,2007). This would enable estimators robust topartial model misspecification (Bang and Robins,2005).

Choices in the design of statistical models oftext consider issues like accuracy and tractability.Yet if these models are to be used in a causalframework, we need to understand how modelingassumptions introduce biases and other issues thatcan interfere with a downstream causal analysis.To take an example from the medical domain, we

know that doctors write clinical notes throughoutthe healthcare process, but it is not obvious howto model this data-generating process. We couldassume that the doctor’s notes passively recorda patient’s progression, but in reality it may bethat the content of the notes themselves activelychange the patient’s care; causality could work ineither direction.

New lines of work in causality may beespecially helpful for NLP. In this work, we usedsimple logistic regression on a bag-of-wordsrepresentation of text; using state-of-the-arttext models will likely require more causalassumptions. Nabi and Shpitser (2017) developscausality-preserving dimensionality reduction,which could help develop text representations thatpreserve causality.

Finally, we are interested in case studies onincorporating text classifiers into real-world causalanalyses. Many health studies have used textclassifiers to extract clinical variables from EHRdata (Meystre et al., 2008). These works couldbe extended to study causal effects involving

those extracted variables, but such extensionswould require an understanding of the underlyingassumptions. In any given study, the necessityand appropriateness of assumptions will hingeon domain expertise. The conceptualizationsoutlined in this paper, while far from solving allissues of causality and text, will help those usingtext classifiers to more easily consider researchquestions of cause and effect.


This work was in part supported by the NationalInstitute of General Medical Sciences under grantnumber 5R01GM114771 and by the NationalInstitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases undergrant number R01 AI127271-01A1. We thank theanonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.

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A Simple Confounding

p(Y (a)) =∑C

p(Y (a) | C)p(C) (4)


p(Y (a) | A,C)p(C) (5)


p(Y | A,C)p(C) (6)

Eq 5 holds because Y (a) ⊥ A | C, as seen inFigure 1a. Plugging this distribution into τS =E[Y (1)] − E[Y (0)] gives us the causal effectpresented in Figure 4, Eq 1.

This assumes that an intervention on A iswell-defined; if we did conduct a randomizedcontrol trial, we could assign A = a and breakA’s dependence on C.

In general, this step requires that we conditionon all “back-door” paths between the treatmentand the outcome. In Figure 1(a), if we did not havedata on C, we could not block the back-door pathbetween A and Y .

Eq 6 holds due to consistency. We assume that,given we intervened to setA = a, if that individualwould have been assigned A = a in nature, thenthe distribution over Y is the same.

B Missing Data

Denote p(Y (A(1) = a)) = p(Y (a)).First, we identify the causal effect in terms of

the true A(1).

p(Y (a))


p(Y (a) | C)p(C) (7)


p(Y (a) | A(1), C)p(C) (8)


p(Y | A(1), C)p(C) (9)

Where 7 holds by chain rule, 8 holds byA(1) ⊥Y (a) | C, and 9 by consistency.

Now, we identify A(1) in terms of observeddata.

p(A(1), C, Y )

= p(A(1) | C, Y )p(C, Y ) (10)

= p(A(1) | C, Y,RA = 1)p(C, Y ) (11)

= p(A | C, Y,RA = 1)p(C, Y ) (12)

Where 10 holds by chain rule, 11 by A(1) ⊥RA | C, Y , and 12 by consistency.

Now, use Eq 12 to identify p(Y | A(1), C) fromEq 9 in terms of observed data.

p(Y | A(1), C)

=p(Y,A(1), C)

p(A(1), C)(13)

=p(Y,A(1), C)∑Y p(Y,A(1), C)


=p(A | C, Y,RA = 1)p(C, Y )∑Y p(A | C, Y,RA = 1)p(C, Y )


=p(A | C, Y,RA = 1)p(Y | C)∑Y p(A | C, Y,RA = 1)p(Y | C)


Where 13 holds by definition, 14 holds bymarginalization, 15 holds by an application of 12twice, and 16 holds by canceling out p(C).

If we include text in this derivation, we simplyreplace p(A | C, Y,RA = 1) with p(A |T, C, Y,RA = 1), where T is all our textvariables.

Finally, combine Eq 9 and Eq 16 to get:

p(Y (A(1) = a))


p(A | C, Y,RA = 1)p(Y | C)∑Y p(A | C, Y,RA = 1)p(Y | C)

p(C) (17)

Plugging this distribution into τMD =E[Y (1)] − E[Y (0)] gives us the causal effectpresented in Figure 4, Eq 2.

C Measurement Error

Define the following terms for convenience:

εc,y = p(A = 0 | A∗ = 1, C = c, Y = y) (18)

δc, y = p(A = 1 | A∗ = 0, C = c, Y = y) (19)

qc,y(0) = p(C = c, Y = y,A∗ = 0) (20)

qc,y(1) = p(C = c, Y = y,A∗ = 1) (21)

Eq (5) and (7) from Pearl 2010 gives us:

p(A = 1, C = c, Y = y)

=−δc,yqc,y(0) + (1− δc,y)qc,y(1)

(1− εc,y − δc,y)(22)

p(A = 0, C = c, Y = y)

=(1− εc,y)qc,y(0)− εc,yqc,y(1)

(1− εc,y − δc,y)(23)


p(Y | A = 1, C)

=p(Y,A = 1, C)

p(A = 1, C)(24)

=p(Y,A = 1, C)∑Y p(Y,A = 1, C)



−δc,yqc,y(0) + (1− δc,y)qc,y(1)(1− εc,y − δc,y)∑

y′−δc,y′qc,y′(0) + (1− δc,y′)qc,y′(1)

(1− εc,y′ − δc,y′)(26)

and then,

p(Y | A = 0, C)

=p(Y,A = 0, C)

p(A = 0, C)(27)

=p(Y,A = 0, C)∑Y p(Y,A = 0, C)



(1− εc,y)qc,y(0)− εc,yqc,y(1)(1− εc,y − δc,y)∑

y′(1− εc,y′)qc,y′(0)− εc,y′qc,y′(1)

(1− εc,y′ − δc,y′)(29)

Plugging this distribution into τME =E[Y (1)] − E[Y (0)] gives us the causal effectpresented in Figure 4, Eq 3.

D Synthetic Data Distribution

In the distributions below, Ber(p) is used asthe abbreviation a Bernoulli distribution withprobability p.

Below, si, ui and vi are the effect of C, A,and Y on the probability of word Ti; each isdrawn from N (0, ζ), a parameter which controlshow correlated words are with the underlyingvariables. When ζ is close to 0, the wordsare essentially random. When ζ is large, thewords are essentially deterministic functions ofthe underlying variables. Similarly wi is the effectof word Ti on RA, and is drawn from N (0, η).

For both settings, we set vocabulary size to4,334 (to match Yelp experiments) and ζ = 0.5.For the missing data setting, we set η = 0.1. Wepicked these constants by empirically finding areasonable middle ground between the text dataproviding only noise and being a deterministicfunction of their parents. We picked all otherconstants such that the naıve correlation p(Y | A)was a poor estimate of the counterfactual p(Y (a))in the full-data setting.

D.1 Missing data data-generation

C ∼ Ber(0.4)

A(1) ∼ Ber(−0.3C + 0.4)

Y ∼ Ber(0.2C + 0.1A+ 0.5)

Ti ∼ Ber(0.5 + uiA+ viC)

RA ∼ Ber

(0.7 + 0.2C − 0.4Y +




D.2 Measurement error data-generation

C ∼ Ber(0.4)

A ∼ Ber(−0.3C + 0.4)

Y ∼ Ber(0.2C + 0.1A+ 0.5)

Ti ∼ Ber(0.5 + siC + uiA+ viY )

101 102 103 104 105 106 10710−9










Dataset Size

(a) Missing Data text yYelp.full text ySynthetic.full

101 102 103 104 105 106 107

Dataset Size

(b) Measurement Error




Figure 6: Experimental results with a vocabulary of size 53,197. Squared distance (y-axis, lower is better)of the estimated causal effect from τSC calculated from the full data with no missing data or measurementerror. Error bars (negligible for larger datasets) are 1.96 times standard error across 10 experiments.

E Additional Experiments

Figure 6 shows the results of a second setof experiments, which are identical to thosedescribed in §5 except the vocabulary size is now53,197 instead of 4,334. For the Yelp data, thelarger vocabulary consists of all words whichappear at least ten times in a sample of 1Mreviews. As the larger vocabulary introducedgreater memory requirements, we did not runthese experiments with as large of datasets.

The results of these experiments show roughlythe same patterns as those seen in Figure 5.The adjusted measurement error models againappear erratic, generally performing worse thanthe unadjusted models though better than thenaive models.

The full missing data model appeared toslightly outperform the no y model on Yelpdata but only perform as well on the syntheticdata. Both these models appeared better than thenaive and no text models on both datasets.