CHAMPA DESIGN PORTFOLIO...The design challenge here is that I have an L shaped space in which a...

Post on 12-Jul-2020

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ABOUT MEA successful design is not about glamour and ostentation I believe it is

about harnessing the goodness of life and making it vibrate in the space. I achieve this by using holistic design principles and by understanding my

clients, so that the result is a reflection of who they truly are.

Holistic design principles apply that therapeutic nature of light, textures, patterns and color to achieve spaces vibrating with positive energy. Calm-

ing sounds, soothing aromas, healing plants and balanced natural ele-ments are used to accentuate the living experience. As far as possible, tox-icity is minimized by building with natural and environmentally friendly ma-


In addition to all of the above, I make personalized art - which has a deeper significance than just a pretty picture. Art dictates the mood of the space; speaks of your taste; reflects your personality; and relates a story. It can nestle you in a web of flying emotions from which you derive com-

fort and inspiration.

This is the package that I offer.



CLIENT PROFILEHari is a well travelled, high spirited man. He loves collecting art and artifacts, which he displays as beautiful memories of his life journey.

Nandini is a gentle, accommodative and supportive wife who in-dulges her husband and his child like excitement for building his green space.

They have an adorable little daughter Devanshi. They are what I would call global in outlook, Indian at heart, and rooted in their love for Lord Krishna.

Hari trusted me with his home. And there is nothing more empower-ing for a designer then trust.

THE ZEN GARDEN: FOCAL POINTHari has a 1600 square-foot apartment in the heart of Bangalore. My task was to create a quiet voices in the

thick of a noisy, polluted city.

His living, dining and kitchen areas all open out to a large balcony and outdoor patio speakers. I decided to make this the Zen focal point and heart of his home.

A bamboo hedge provides a visual, dust and sound barrier; a Buddha statue sits on a platform, placed in the cen-ter of a dry pebble bed; a pergola is constructed around this bed, on which flowering creepers grow, and hang

down from above.

Carefully placed concealed lighting behind the bamboo hedge and under the Buddha accentuates the play of ele-ments and textures. The sounds of rustling bamboo, wind chime and trickling water, and the center of the flowers

all add to the sense of serenity.



CONCEPTUAL SKETCHESI created a series of perspectives to bring alive my ideas. With these, Hari could precisely visualize how his home would look.

The entrance foyer showcases a precious Ganesha wall sculpture with a textured wall background and mirrored lamps to invite Chi into the house. There is a floor pebble art of Krishna’s feet, toddling into the house.

The pooja niche follows a color scheme of off-white stones, ebony frames, brass lamps and Tanjore paintings. These sober colors are the backdrop for the fruit and flowers that adorn the exquisite Tanjore paintings.


DESIGN ELEMENTSFalse ceilings were used only where absolutely necessary, to create a range of mood lighting. Certain walls were extended to enable more use of the living spaces. Projections were designed to visually frame all his art.

Along with some furniture, I also designed partitions to divide the space without visually interrupting the garden view. These also served as display spaces for Hari’s artifacts.

Treated banana fiber blinds and lampshades were used throughout the house to give it a natural feel. Even with the blinds closed, light and greenery filtering into the house imparts a serene mood.





THE RESULTThese images capture Hari’s home after it was built, and after the bam-boo are creepers grew to full length in the garden.

Hari often says that his best creative ideas happen when he is sitting in the garden, with the multi sensory experience it offers. It is both an intro-spective and a social space for him. He says he feels alive in his house - and to me, that is the best feedback I can get as a designer!










ART FOR HARI’S HOMEI commissioned a collection of original paintings for Hari’s home. Each art-work has a story and a meaning behind it, so that it is not just a visual ele-ment but also an emotional, personal and uplifting one. The color palette and subject of the work were carefully chosen, taking into account their tastes, background, and the function of the room.


“The Love Letter”Oil on Canvas

A painting for the dining room. This work tries to express all that I feel about the activity of dining together - nourishment, contentment, profusion, earthi-ness, vibrancy, celebration and a sensuality that is soothing.



“Ode to Sweetness”Oil on Canvas

This painting adorns the family sitting area which overlooks the Zen garden. Hari and Nandini, being devotees of Krishna, had to have one painting dedicated to Him.

This painting exudes the sweetness, inno-cence and beauty of being in the company of the Lord. In every blade of grass is written the “Madhurashtakam” which is a poem de-scribing the sweetness of Krishna




“Mother Earth’s Bounty”Oil on Canvas

A painting for the dining room. This work tries to express all that I feel about the activity of dining together - nourishment, contentment, profusion, earthi-ness, vibrancy, celebration and a sensuality that is soothing.



“Raas”Oil on Canvas

This oil painting is the first painting to be seen as one enters Hari’s home, in the formal living area. It is my creative version of the personality that Hari is - a vibrant, celebratory and exquisitely aesthetic human being. In his inner personality, see complex and sensual colors like oranges, magentas, olive greens and turquoises all swirling together in a joyous dance. This is who Hari is, and his living room makes that statement through colour!


“Devanshi”Watercolours on Paper

This is a watercolor portrait that I made of Devanshi, their little daughter .

I suggested that they have a “memory wall” exclusively for her outside her bedroom. I painted that wall a textured green and this portrait goes at the center - the first piece on the wall.

Around it, they can keep adding photos of special moments of life as she grows up - and in time, the walls would be full of precious memories!

The sitting space has a wooden flooring, cane furniture and a bar cabinet.



PROJECT PROFILEThe following are a series of sketches I made for a company called Lancaster and Lawrence in Oman. This is for a pre-concept study report for a proposed eco-resort inside Salalah, at the “Khawr Awsatt”. This report involved an in-depth study of peo-ple, money, culture, architecture, art, and the relevant ecological and environmental factors unique to the site in question. The sketches are my suggestions of the interiors

and architectural style which could be used for this resort.

ENTRANCEA formal progression of fountains, patterns of paved and pebbled paths, and an avenue of trees give the sense of formal grandeur that an entrance of a large hotel deserves.

COTTAGE CLUSTERSThe cluster space, an experience in itself, contrasts the formal arrangement of the main entrance, taking on a meandering and free style. Designed in Omani tradition, each cottage is unique. Surprise elements - hidden courtyards, terraces, split levels and landscaped pockets are viewed from traditional balconies

CONNECTING SPACESAn imagination of how spaces connecting the various blocks could be treated





CLIENT PROFILEPaul and June are a successful English couple in Dubai. They love the Euro-pean country side, flowers, nature, books and space. They have a taste for contemporary, monopolistic, Joe metric architecture which is offset by plants, color, fluid organic elements and attention to details. They wanted me to give them a series of idea sketches for their Dubai home.


CLIENT PROFILEVidya and Vinod Kasturi hail from South India.

Vidya has a strong emotional connection to her roots and values, even though she has been away for several decades from India. Despite all her success in life, she retains a beautiful inner simplicity. She told me that no matter how far she’s come, she can never forget who she really is. Vidya is also a lover of nature. She is at peace in the vast space in silence of the environ-ment in which she loves.

They have a holiday home in Monterey in a beautiful spot by the coast - a place they wish to retire in. This home has a double height wall in the dining area which Vidya wants to make a statement from - something which would define her, something spectacular.

I was asked to give some ideas for this wall - how to make this wall a centre of conversation, beauty and meaning.

I share here the sketches I made, which have varying themes from Agrahara, Temple, Nature to Abstract.

“THINNAI”In this option, I have focused on Vidya’s love and connec-tion to her ethnic roots.

Wall treatment is typical “Agraharam” home facade remi-niscent of olden days in South India. Recreating the feel of a “Thinnai” or traditional sit out, within the limited space available. The columns, door and windows on this wall are given traditional wooden facing and treatment. Kancheevaram sarees for window blinds

The wall is painted in rough, rustic texture in off white or warm earthy colors. Niches for lamps and a lintel level “loft” or mantel piece for artifacts. Using antique artifacts like the clock, kettles, hurricane lamps and vessels for decoration. In the spot-lit wall space flanked by the two columns, I envision a vibrant painting of Yasodha feeding Baby Krishna his meal. The subject is also apt for the din-ing area as it speaks of love, food, abundance and giv-ing.

The painting will be in my own unique style and will incor-porate traditional elements from Kerala murals or Tanjore paintings to keep with the mood of the wall.

“TEMPLE”In this option, I have focused on Vidya’s love and connec-tion to her ethnic roots.

Wall treatment is an adaptation of the social space in a temple environment. An informal sitting space between columns. The columns and walls to look like off white granite, can be achieved with Venetian plaster. Door and windows to look like traditional temple doors and win-dows. Wall above door and below high lintel to be faced with wood to give impression of a double height door

In the spot-lit wall space flanked by the two columns, a painting inspired by Kerala Mural style or any other con-temporary adaptation of a temple painting - in vermilions, blacks, mustard, olives and turquoise.



ORIGINAL DESIGN (3rd PARTY)The original elevation was flat-roofed and with large grill and windows. The style was urban, unremarkable and did not blend in with the surroundings.

PROPOSED MODIFIED DESIGNI changed this elevation to make it more vernacular and suitable to the local style.

Deep pitched roofs, recessed non-grilled windows, rough plaster walls, sweeping verandahs with terra-cotta flooring and wooden balustrades give this homes-tay a cozy holiday feel, and make it look like it belongs to the hills, valleys and plantations.


PROJECT PROFILEThe design challenge here is that I have an L shaped space in which a bedroom,

study/play area have to be designed for a hyperactive pair of twins of 6 years old. The boys fight a lot and have difficulty in focusing on their studies, and in calming down before bed. Their favourite football team colours are red and white - hardly

calming colours!

I decided to use the two arms of the " L" as the private spaces where each boy gets to personalize and express his individuality. The windows from each private space overlook a common, calming garden scene. All elements of design such as colour, sound, textures, lighting, plants  and aroma are used to provide a stimulating, yet

calming mood in the private spaces. 

The common space will be the play and group activities area. I need to make this a vibrant social space but one that does not encourage agitation and aggression. Here I have used design elements which give scope to release excessive energy

through physical activity. This enables the boys to productively vent their aggression without getting into a fight. The football theme and colours are used in this area. 


ART & COLOR PSYCHOLOGY IN DESIGNI extensively use the psychology of color and art to dictate the design of my spaces.

The next few designs show how this decides the mood and feel of a room.

In the rooms that I have designed, I have used some paintings from my origin of work “The Satori series“ to demonstrate this concept.

Colors have a subtle but palpable effect on the human mind and body. They affect a person’s physical and mental health, whether they are consciously aware of it or not. Art has much more meaning than just that of a pretty picture. Apart from appreciat-

ing in value, it offers a starting point for conversation; shows one’s roots and values; and portrays stories or messages that one relates to or takes comfort in.

Therefore, the combined effect of appropriate art and color can raise the experience and depth of a room remarkably

THE LIVING ROOMThe living room is a social space as well as a relaxation room for the fam-ily. It is here that visitors get their main impression of you.

The art here should speak of you. It should define your personality, taste, background or your beliefs and phi-losophy about life.

This room can have a balanced mix of warm and cool colors. It is like the “rainbow room” - joyous, positive, invit-ing and bright.

THE DINING ROOMThe dining room is about bonding over food, gratitude and celebrating the abundance of earth.

The colors here should be earthy, strong and of increased energy levels.

Orange and yellow are known to in-crease appetite and aid digestion. Read is stimulating, and pinks and lav-enders are comforting and calming.

THE MEDITATION ROOMSpiritual and holistic activities such as yoga and meditation promote a sense of inner peace and alertness.

Purple is a great color to achieve this apparent contradiction. It is a combina-tion of red and blue. Red is stimulating and energizing, while blue is calming and serene. Purple tends to have prop-erties of both.

THE BEDROOMGreens and blues work well in bed-rooms if the intention is to create a calming, sedative and tranquil environ-ment.

Studies have shown that greens have the same grounding effect as being close to nature


Often, my clients may like some of my original artworks, but they may not fit within their budget or the scheme and size of the room where they want to display it. As a solution for this I offer re-designing, resizing and printing the original work to suit

their needs.

The following videos and images show how unlimited variations are possible from an original work. I add new layers and nuances to my GTA prints so that they become new original, unique works. The size and color scheme is customized to suit the inte-

rior and wall proportion of the room in question

HENNAESCAPESThis series of color-scapes is inspired by two contrastingly different styles of art - the spontaneity of Zen abstracts and the painstaking intricacy of Indian Henna painting. Hennaescapes attempt to merge and mutually accentuate these two styles - the spontaneity with the planned design, and the minimalism with the intricacy. They are deliberately named because of the usage of Henna motifs; “escape” refers to the release from “time”, being in the “no time” zone of the Zen.

SATORISatori is a Japanese word - a Zen term describing a sudden, unexpected moment of awakening - like an experience I had with an almond tree past which I walk every day. I was unusually captivated by the beautiful patterns the leaves created with the sunlight filtering through. Observing this every day with a new sense of wonder, I saw scenes I never noticed before - kaleidoscopic patterns with infinite hues that were created as the sun's angle varied. It was impos-sible to see this drama and not be awestruck; thus was born this series of semi abstracts, which pay a tribute to the play between the sun and the leaves.