Change~ Poetry e-Book

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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ChangeAshley SterbaPeriod 3Mrs. Love

I Have ChangedBy. Tyler Howard

I’ve changed

From lying to being scared and shy I’ve changed

Growing up and learning it’s ok to cry I’ve changed

Was a little girl now I’m turning into a woman I’ve changed

I learned to do my best and try as hard as I can I’ve changed

All the pain and struggles I’ve I had I put it in the past I’ve changed

I try not to think about my brother and when I saw him last I’ve changed

I had things happen to me that I thought would never happen I’ve changed

I am not the same person that I use to be


I Have Changed- Analysis I chose this poem to include in my project because I find it very relatable, considering how I recently went through a change very similar to what this poem describes.

I like this poem because its kind of inspirational showing that change can happen to anyone and in anyway.

This poem is a Free Verse because there is no rhyme or meter.

The Mood in this poem I feel is uplifting and inspiring as if the writer is trying to influence others to change for the better just as she did.

The Tone I see as a positive, hopeful.

Ever-ChangingBy. Bounty Davis

We all are


A simple thought is


Growing into an idea always


Creating delusions of


Poisoned looks hating the


Turn of your


Hair and your


Moods and your



A simple

Ever-changing thought

can destroy a simple



Ever-Changing- Analysis I chose this poem because it speaks the truth we are ever-changing, life is, this entire world is ever-changing.

I like this poem because it talks about a truth that needs to be expected and embraced.

This poem is another Free Verse.

The Mood here is kind of informational the writer is just kind of telling you that we’re ever changing.

The Tone is repetitive for obvious reasons.

Do Not Just Long For a ChangeBy. Bashyam Narayanan

Nothing is permanent Except the change Change is a necessary phenomenon In an active system Changelessness is deadly Change is continuous Steady and driven by a cause Nature and extent of change Depend on Nature and extent of cause We all look for And indeed long for a change And we have specifications Many a time The occurring change is Not the change we were Looking or longing for We turn excited or sad Because of the change Many a time we are Unprepared for the change Though we were longing for it Often we find it difficult To accommodate and

Accept the change Nothing wrong Longing for a change But desiring itself not enough We need to create such Causes that will lead To the change we look for Many a time these causes Are not totally under our controlSo, it is well-advised To be prepared for the Deviations from your specifications Then you will find yourself In a position to acceptThe change whole-heartedly Long for a change, Plan actions accordingly, Execute and waitChange has to come But, again be prepared To accept the changeDespite its falling short Or exceeding your Specifications

Do Not Just Long For a Change-Analysis

I chose this poem because it goes in depth about how change affects us, really.

I like this poem because the writer explains a problem and then gives advice on how to fix it.

This is yet another Free Verse poem.

The Mood of this poem seems helpful

The Tone is supportive

I’m StuckBy. Nicole Renoso

Stuck in a world where everything has gone wrong.

Nothing is going my way anymore

New twists and turns have been made on that road I thought I had in control

Nothing is the same

Friends and family say that they notice a change in me

What change? I cannot say

Whatever happened to everyone rooting and cheering me on?

Now everyone has turned around and talked about me saying mean stuff

Now I’m desperately searching for a way out of this world.

But the thing is I end running in circles

I had the map of a perfect world.

But someone stole it now

I want my life back and my map too.

But I can’t get it back now

I’m Stuck- Analysis

I picked this poem because in all reality it’s right change isn’t easy.

I like this poem because I went through this I went through a change that was very difficult and left me “stuck” and I wanted noting but to go back to the way things were but I got through that rough patch and I think the change was good for me.

Again this poem is a Free Verse

The Mood of this poem is sad

The Tone is sort of hopeless it seems

A Rose in the MoonBy. Kayla HaggardAmongst the midnight sky,

I stare at a rose as it dies.

Its pedals are torn and bruised,

such a precious thing to lose.

Yet, when I stare into the full moon,

I see that it will be daytime soon.

When I hear a girl's sorrowful cries,

I know that a new rose began to arise.

Those pedals are lush and red,

nowhere close to being dead.

And as I find her inside my heart,

I know that I am not falling apart.

I finally realize who I really am,

it definitely took some time but, damn.

It was all worth it in the end.

A Rose In The Moon- Analysis

I picked this poem because of the symbolism it has in it.

I like this poem’s sound and I started to collect dead roses after my change so it speaks to me

This poem is a Couplet

This poem’s Mood starts of a bit sad but turns to hopeful

The Tone depressed then inspiring

Clean of My EmptinessBy. Emily

Off to the emptiness where I am widely invited. I do hope loneliness will consume my soul. Away the hurt will go. No more aches because the dulling numbness, will take away my feel. Stretching long and far is my path, leading to a place hoarding the lowest of lows. One more companion to guide my way. I do hope He doesn't shun my choice. Crawling through the years, peaking upwards through the vents, I see the world as it is. To people pay no attention the reflection I see. Only showing dirt,

hopelessness, and debris. Alas they only see what is shown to them. No second glance of reconsideration. Warmth and comfort, turn to foreign concepts. Taking their place, hurt and sorrow. What will become of my murky reflection, Tainted? Stained? Forgotten. Would it be easier, to just accept? Skip the pain right to the killing. Tear off the leftover shreds of my feelings. Plunge into darkness, hopefully to resurface, Clean of my emptiness.

Clean of My Emptiness-Analysis

I chose this poem because it can be interpreted to ways: one- is someone wanting a change of the current change or, two- going through a difficult change

I like this poem because of the two interpretations and the one that relates most to the reader is the one that stands out the most

This poem’s a Free Verse but there are some lines that rhyme

The Mood is sad

The Tone is depressing

Starting OverBy. Tatum

I’m trying to find something to base my life upon,

Something in this strange world that goes on and on.

As the years go by and time fades away,

What used to be "good days" are now filled with dismay.

Tomorrow comes, and then again, it goes,

And my ambition to become something more, grows and grows.

Around the corner, yet miles away,

The life I want now, gets closer each day.

All I've ever wanted was something to live for,

I don’t want to be this little person anymore.

I’ve been basing my life upon what others think,

I wish I could go back and redo everything, every time an eye would blink.

I've fought to become who I am and what I want to be,

I have to remind myself that one day, I will be free.

Free from the rules I followed as a child,

When everything was a game and life was so mild.

Now times have changed and I realize nothing is fair,

And sometimes it seems like nobody even cares.

It’s like no one pays attention to what I feel is best for me,

And what I think about the way some things should be.

I understand now, that I’m pretty much on my own,

And I know a lot of what I can do will never be known.

All the time, I think about everything I can’t say, what I have to keep in,

And by doing this, my thoughts only get more complicated and deepen.

Soon I hope to find out who I am, and what I am meant to become,

I want to know where I’m going, I don’t need to be reminded of where I came from.

Starting Over- Analysis

I chose this poem because this what a lot of people feel when they want a change

I like this poem because I still do feel this way sometimes

This poem is another Couplet

The Mood is both optimistic and restrained so to say

The Tone is hopeful but longing for more

Letting Go and Holding OnBy. Martha Turner

Oh how I love life,

walking outside in spring and summer

and smelling the honeysuckle floating on the warm breeze.

Couples walking hand and hand,

smiles of happiness from being in love

owners walking their dogs,

kids laughing and playing,

birds chirping and singing all day long

each and everyday the world continues on.

I get tired of it's confusion

tired of the pain.

I'm tired of the emptiness from hearts I've parted from.

Tired of wishing for more but not knowing which way to turn

and sometimes too scared to look back.

To let go completely of yesterday,

and grasp a hold on the hope of tomorrow.

A hope that if tomorrow gets here, it won't be like yesterday.

Yesterday's holding on to the hope of a lost love

yesterday's disappointments of the same ol' routine

yesterday's wishing bills didn't exist

so there wouldn't be any living from check to check.

Yesterday's empty dreams of a fairy tail ending,

Wanting an end to all my struggling.

OH... holding onto the hope of tomorrow...

A tomorrow filled with pure happiness

knowing that this direction on the path is the one and only way...


A tomorrow filled with the reassurance that your headed for better days.

A tomorrow with a love that was sent to you from the heaven above that will only grow

deeper and deeper as time goes by to last forever.

A tomorrow that will complete and fulfill yesterdays wants and dreams.

A tomorrow that will conquer all my hardships and troubles.

I grasp the thought of what wonderfulness tomorrow could bring.

Letting Go and Holding On-Analysis

I chose this poem because it has the hope for change as early as tomorrow.

I like this poem because it lets you know that change can happen as early as tomorrow as late as in a year or it could happen with in the next few minuets.

This poem is a Free Verse

This poem’s Mood is hopeful

The poem’s Tone is optimistic

Who Am I?By. Miranda

Who am I?

what is the real reason to why I cry?

I'm having trouble opening up

My mind is at a loss

I don't move so I'm getting covered in moss

But it doesn't grow the right way

I thought it was supposed to show you the way

I just want to get home

Where I can be alone

I'm sick of feeling closed in

I'm not an animal you can put in a pin

I need to be free

So I can see all I can see

I don't want to be locked up

I want to come to my senses

I remember everything he mentions

Yet I don't know me

That's who I can't see

It seems so simple

But that can't be

'Cause if is was so

I'd know where to go

I don't know who to go to

I need to talk it through

But they can't know me

And they can't see

I can't find them

How can this be

Who Am I?- Analysis

I chose this because it’s another one about the hardships when going through change

I like it because this describes the feeling of being lost while the change takes place

This poem is a Couplet

The Mood is sad and scared

The Tone is alone and confused

ChangeBy. Brenda Poole

Seasons come and go

Sceneries change over time

Nothing stays the same

Should we be revised?

Of course, it's necessary

All are due for change

Without change there's no

Future to look forward to

Change lives on a throne

Change can make us cry

Change can also make us laugh

Sometimes change is death

Sometimes change is life

Nothing ever changes change

Change is always change!

Change- Analysis

I chose this poem because it was the perfect ending poem because it talks about change

I like this poem because it’s right Nothing ever changes change

This poem’s a Free Verse

The Mood is honest and right

The Tone is truthful and sure