Changes, Challenges & Choices Pepper de Callier Prague Leadership Institute.

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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21st Century LeadershipChanges, Challenges & Choices

Pepper de CallierPrague Leadership Institute

The Questions Before Us Today:

• What went wrong?

• What are some active choices we can make to avoid the mistakes of the past and create more value as leaders in the 21st century?

• Trends and Predictions?

• A tip on how to improve the odds of making good hires?

• TQM, Re-engineering, Six Sigma, etc.

• Gallup Study• Behavioral


Disturbing News

Key Things Leaders Get Wrong About HR

• 64% Don’t recognize what truly motivates employees

• 41% Fail to lead by example• 32% Don’t make company culture a


Keas HR ConsultingSurvey of HR Leaders

How did we get here?

• Cognitive Intelligence

• Toxic intelligence

• Purely transactional

• Do as I say, not as I do

20th Century Thinking

Four Things Assholes Have in Common:

1. Consistently leave others demeaned or de-energized, especially those who have less power

2. Less sensitive to the needs of others

3. More focused on their own needs

4. Disinhibition-becoming less inhibited about social norms

Prof. Robert SuttonThe No Asshole Rule

Self-enhancement bias

What is it people really want from their leaders?

10 Things Employees Want More Than A Pay

Raise• To Feel Proud• To Be Treated Fairly• To Respect The Boss• To Be Heard• To Have A Personal Life• To Be Coached Not


• To See The Assholes Get Fired

• To Feel Less Stress• To Have A Little Security• To Beat The Competition

Geoffrey JamesInc. Magazine

Why should leaders care about any of this?

Climates created by leaders with a low

emotional self-awareness score

Demotivating 60%

Neutral 18%

Energising 20%

High Performance 2%


Climates created by leaders with a high emotional self-

awareness score

High Performance 69%

Energising 23%

“Leaders got hired for their business experience and intelligence, but got fired for their lapses in social and emotional intelligence.”

Daniel Goleman

Transitioning to 21st Century Leadership• Intelligence and expertise = commodities• Emotional, Social, Contextual• Physics• Bringing out the best—going beyond threshold• Attitude• Courage to unlearn 20th Century behavior• Soft Power

A Growing Realization“Average leaders focus on results, and that’s it. Good leaders focus also on the behaviors that will get those results. And great leaders focus, in addition, on the emotions that will drive those behaviors”

Hitendra WadhwaColumbia University

Predictions1. Employee Retention will be a thing of the past.

The focus will be on “Tenure Maximization”.2. The discussion about Employee Engagement

will reverse and focus on the individual, not the company—it’s all about choice.

3. An increasing number of HR leaders will be sought out as senior thought-partners and Board Members.

4. Lack of interpersonal skills will increasingly become a trigger for termination of the most senior executives.

Love, Sex, Caring and Your Career

The Question

How Can I Increase The Likelihood Of Hiring Winners?

(I don’t have time, You know what I need--I’ll just stop in briefly when you’re meeting them; I’ll know it when I see it, I trust my instincts; no need to do

any referencing)

The Tip

• Seeking the truth not validating a bias• Scale, Scope, Challenges, Set-backs• Chapters 31 and 32 in volume III• From flipping a coin to 70%+

Thank You!pepper@pragueleadershipinstitute
