Changing Lives through Service Learning

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Changing Lives

Through Service Learning

Donna Duerst

4-H Youth Development

Rock County

Pam Hobson

4-H Youth Development

Richland County

Cooperative Extension Statewide Conference

October 20, 2010

What is Service Learning?

“…a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.”

National Service-Learning Clearinghouse

“…a teaching method that enriches learning by engaging students in meaningful service to their schools and communities.”

National Youth Leadership Council

What is Service Learning?

“…a teaching and learning methodology which fosters civic responsibility and applies classroom learning through meaningful service to the community.”

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

“…an educational strategy that combines service to the community with learning activities to meet both intellectual and civic objectives.”

University of Wisconsin Extension

Elements of Service Learning

Youth Voice

Meaningful Service

Link to Curriculum


Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice

National Youth Leadership Council

Elements of Service Learning

Duration and Intensity


Progress Monitoring


Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice

National Youth Leadership Council

Rock County 4-H Service Trip to Louisiana and


Thirty-one 4-H members participated, 8th grade and up, in June 2006

Three days of service projects, including a day of service in Biloxi, Mississippi and planting trees at a

local youth camp in Louisiana

Example of a 4-H Service Learning


Painting a newly reconstructed home in Biloxi, MS

Building benches in shelters at Camp Teca Towazi

Planting over 1,500 trees at Camp Teca Towazi

Relationship to Scholarship

“Creative intellectual work”

The trip was a new approach in Rock County, as it was the first 4-H trip based entirely on service learning.

“Reviewed by the scholar’s peers who affirm its value”

The agent published a department paper and a Journal of Youth Development article, both of which were peer-reviewed.

Successful Program awards were received from WAE4-HYDP and the North Central Region of NAE4-HA

Relationship to Scholarship

“Added to our intellectual history through its communication”

The work added to the body of knowledge and was shared through the publication of the department paper and journal article, which are accessible on websites.

“Valued by those for whom it was intended”

Evaluation results clearly indicate the experience had a very positive and lasting effect on the participants.

Evaluation and Reflection Methods

Pre/Post test on aspects of Southern culture

Journals with prompt questions included

Graffiti wall and comment box at Forestry Camp

Daily group discussions at project site

County fair exhibits and county award forms

Six-month follow-up written evaluation

Recurrence of key concepts or phrases in written reflection pieces.


(N = 48)


(N = 31)

Gained appreciation for things in my life; not going to take so much for granted from

now on

21 (43.8%) 17 (54.8%)

It was rewarding/it felt good to help others 12 (25.0%) 11 (35.5%)

The experience changed my life 12 (25.0%) 10 (32.3%)

Learned about cooperation/responsibility;gained self-confidence

10 (20.8%) 8 (25.8%)

Want to help more, either in the South or at home

8 (16.7%) 8 (25.8%)

Learned about life in the South 7 (14.6%) 7 (22.6%)

Quantifying Reflection Results

Six-month Follow-up:Six-month Follow-up:

“I now know that hard work, patience, cooperation, along with open mindedness is the best way to get things done, and that

it’s important to live life to the fullest.” (10th grade participant)

“It’s so rewarding to make someone else’s day and help them out. It gives you a real sense of responsibility, character and self

confidence that you can make a difference.” (10th grade participant)