Chap. 2. Object-Oriented Design

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Chap. 2. Object-Oriented Design. Inheritance. Building. Apartment. House. Commercial Building. Low-rise Apartment. High-rise Apartment. Two-story House. Ranch. Skyscraper. An example of an “is a” hierarchy involving architectural buildings. class: S. fields: x. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chap. 2. Object-Oriented Design



Apartment HouseCommercial





Ranch Skyscraper

An example of an “is a” hierarchy involving architectural buildings

class: S fields: x

methods: a() b() c()

class: T fields: y

methods: d() e()



• Polymorphism refers to the ability of an object variable to take different forms.

• If both S and T define an a() method, when o refers to an object from class T, it uses T’s a() when o.a() is called; when o refers to an object from class S, then it uses S’s a() when o.a() is called.

• Thus, the object o is polymorphic.


• Overloading is a useful technique related to polymorphism.

• Overloading occurs when a single class T has multiple methods with the same name, but different signature.

• The signature of a method is a combination of its name and the type and number of arguments that are passed to it.

• For example, suppose a class T, which defines a method a(), extends a class U, which defines a method a(x,y).

• If an object o from class T receives the message “o.a(x,y)”, then U’s version of method a is invoked.

• Inheritance, polymorphism, and method overloading support the development of reusable software.

• In Java, each class can extend exactly one other class.

• Java uses two kinds of method overriding, refinement and replacement.

• In the replacement type of overriding, a method completely replaces the method of the superclass that it is overriding.

• In the refinement type of overriding, a method does not replace the method of its superclass, but instead adds additional code to that of its superclass.

• In Java, constructors use the refinement type of method overriding whereas regular methods use replacement.

The Keyword this

this is used as reference to the current instance of a class. It is useful, for example, when we want to pass the current object as a parameter to some method.

public class ThisTester {// instance variable public int dog = 2; // constructor ThisTester( ) { // null constructor } public void clobber( ) { double dog = 5.0; = (int) dog; // two different dogs! }

public static void main(String args[]) { ThisTester t = new ThisTester(); System.out.println(“The dog field = “+; t.clobber(); System.out.println(“After clobbering, dog = “ +; }}Output: The dog field = 2 After clobbering, dog = 5

An example to pass arguments to methods

class Car { String licensePlate = ""; // e.g. "New York 543 A23" double speed = 0.0; // in kilometers per hour double maxSpeed = 120.0; // in kilometers per hour

// accelerate to maximum speed // put the pedal to the metal void floorIt() { this.speed = this.maxSpeed; } void accelerate(double deltaV) {

this.speed = this.speed + deltaV; if (this.speed > this.maxSpeed) { this.speed = this.maxSpeed; } if (this.speed < 0.0) { this.speed = 0.0; }

} }

class: Progression

fields: long first long cur

methods: Progression( ) long firstValue() long nextValue()void printProgession(int)

class: ArithProgression

fields: long inc

methods: ArithProgression( ) ArithProgression(long) long nextValue()

class: GeomProgression

methods: GeomProgression( ) GeomProgression(long) long nextValue()

class: FibonacciProgression

fields: long prev

methods: FibonacciProgression( )FibonacciProgression(long, long) long nextValue( )


extends extends extends

Inheritance Example A generic class for numeric progressions

public class Progression {// First value of the progression. protected long first;// Current value of the progression. protected long cur; // Default constructor Progression() { cur = first = 0; }

// Resets the progression to the first valueprotected long firstValue( ) { cur = first; return cur;}

// Advances the progression to the next value.protected long nextValue( ) { return ++cur; // default next value}

// Prints the first n values of the progressionpublic void printProgression(int n) { System.out.print(firstValue( )); for (int i=2; i<= n; i++) System.out.print(“ “+nextValue()); System.out.println( ); // ends the line }}

Inheritance Example An Arithmetic Progression class

class ArithProgression extends Progression { // Increment protected long inc;

// Inherits variables first and cur // Default constructor setting a unit increment ArithProgression( ) { this(1); }

// Parametric constructor providing the increment ArithProgression(long increment) { inc = increment;}

// Advances the progression by adding the increment to the current value protected long nextValue( ) { cur += inc; return cur; } // Inherits methods firstValue( ) and printProgression(int)}

Inheritance Example A Geometric Progression class

class GeomProgression extends Progression {// Inherits variables first and cur// Default constructor setting base 2 GeomProgression( ) { this(2); }

// Parametric constructor providing the base GeomProgression(long base) { first = base; cur = first;}

// advances the progression by multiplying the base with the current valueprotected long nextValue( ) { cur *= first; return cur; }

// Inherits methods firstValue( ) and printProgression(int)}

Inheritance Example A Fibonacci Progression class

class FibonacciProgression extends Progression {// Previous value long prev; // Inherits variables first and cur FibonacciProgression( ) { this(0,1); } // Parametric constructor providing the first and the second values FibonacciProgression(long value1, long value2) { first = value1; prev = value2 – value1; // fictitious value preceding the first}// Advances the progression by adding the previous value to the current value protected long nextValue( ) { long temp = prev; prev = cur; cur += temp; return cur; }// Inherits methods firstValue( ) and printProgression(int)}

// Test program for the progression classesclass Tester { public static void main (String[ ] args) { Progression prog; // test ArithProgression System.out.println(“Arithmetic progression with default increment:”); prog = new ArithProgression( ); prog.printProgression(10); System.out.println(“Arithmetic progression with increment 5:”); prog = new ArithProgression(5); prog.printProgression(10);// test GeomProgression System.out.println(“Geometric progression with default base:”); prog = new GeomProgression( ); prog.printProgression(10); System.out.println(“Geometric progression with base 3:”); prog = new GeomProgression(3); prog.printProgression(10); // test FibonacciProgression System.out.println(“Fibonacci progression with default start values:”); prog = new FibonacciProgression( ); prog.printProgression(10); System.out.println(“Fibonacci progression with start values 4 and 6:”); prog = new FibonacciProgression(4,6); prog.printProgression(10); } }


• In Java, exceptions are objects that are “thrown” by code that encounters some sort of unexpected condition.

• They can also be thrown by the Java run-time environment should it encounter an unexpected condition, like running out of object memory.

A throw statement is typically written as:throw new <exception_constructor>([<param>,<param>,…]);

e.g.:if (insertIndex > size( )) { throw new BoundaryViolationException(“No element at index “ + insertIndex);

e.g.: // can specify all the exceptions that might be thrown by a methodpublic void goShopping( ) throws ShoppingListTooSmallException,

OutOfMoneyException { // method body …}

Catching Exceptions

The general syntax for a try-catch block in Java is as follows:

try <block_of_statements_1>catch (<exception_type> <identifier>) <block_of_statements_2>[catch (<exception_type> <identifier>) <block_of_statements_3>]…[finally <block_of_statements_n>]


int index = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //2.14 Billion

try // This code might have a problem …{ String toBuy = shoppingList[index];}catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx){ System.out.println(“The index “+index+” is outside the array.”);}


catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) { throw new ShoppingListTooSmallException( “Product index is not in the shopping list”);}


• An interface is a collection of method declarations with no data and no bodies.

• When a class implements an interface, it must implement all of the methods declared in the interface.

• The compiler or run-time system requires that the types of parameters that are actually passed to methods rigidly conform with the type specified in the interface. This requirement is known as strong typing.


// Interface for objects that can be soldpublic interface Sellable {// description of the object public String description(); // list price in cents public int listPrice(); // lowest price in cents we will accept public int lowestPrice();}

// class for photographs that can be soldpublic class Photograph implements Sellable { private String descript; // description of this photo private int price; // the price we are setting private boolean color; // true if photo is in color public Photograph(String desc, int p, boolean c) { // constructor descript = desc; price = p; color = c;} public String description() { return descript; } public int listPrice() { return price; } public int lowestPrice() { return price/2; } public boolean isColor() { return color; }}

// Interface for objects that can be transported

public interface Transportable {

// weight in grams

public int weight();

// whether the object is hazardous

public boolean isHazardous();


// Class for objects that can be sold, packed, and shippedpublic class BoxedItem implements Sellable, Transportable { private String descript; // description of this item private int price; // list price in cents private int weight; // weight in grams private boolean haz; // true if object is hazardous private int height=0; // box height in centimeters private int width=0; // box width in centimeters private int depth=0; // box depth in centimeters// constructorspublic BoxedItem (String desc, int p, int w, boolean h) { descript = desc; price = p; weight = w; haz = h;} public String description() { return descript; } public int listPrice() { return price; } public int lowestPrice() {return price/2;} public int weight() { return weight; } public boolean isHazardous() {return haz;} public int insuredValue() {return price*2;} public void setBox(int h, int w, int d) { height = h; width = w; depth = d; }}

Multiple Inheritance in Interfaces

In Java, multiple inheritance is allowed for interfaces but not for classes.


public interface InsurableItem extends Transportable, Sellable { public int insuredValue(); // return insured Value in cents}

public class BoxedItem implements InsurableItem {// … rest of code exactly as before}

Abstract Classes

• An abstract class is a class that contains empty method declarations (that is, declarations of methods without bodies) as well as concrete definitions of methods and/or instance variables.

• An abstract class lies between an interface and a complete concrete class.

E.g.:• A concrete number class, such as java.lang.Integer and

java.lang.Double, extends the java.lang.Number class and fills in the details for the abstract methods of the superclass.

Casting in an Inheritance Hierarchy

Number n;

Integer i;

n = new Integer(3);

i = (Integer)n; // This is legal

n = new Double(3.1415);

i = (Integer) n; // This is illegal

Number n;

Integer i;

n = new Integer(3);

if (n istanceof Integer)

i = (Integer) n; // This is legal

n = new Double(3.1415);

if ( n instanceof Integer)

i = (Integer) n; // This will not be attempted

Casting with Interface

public interface Person {

public boolean equalTo (Person other); // is this the same person

public String getName( ); // get this person’s name

public int getAge( ); // get this person’s age


public class Student implements Person { String id; String name; int age;

public Student (String i, String n, int a) {// simple constructor id = i; name = n; age = a; }

protected int studyHours( ) { return age/2;} // just a guess public String getID( ) { return id; } // ID of the student public String getName( ) { return name;} // from Person interface public int getAge( ) { return age; }// from Person interface public boolean equalTo(Person other) { // from Person interface Student otherStudent = (Student) other; // cast Person to Student return (id.equals(otherStudent.getID( ))); // compare IDs }}

public class PersonPairDirectory {// … instance variables would go here … public PersonPairDirectory() {//default constructor goes here} public void insert (Person person, Person other) { // insert code goes

here } public Person findOther (Person person) { return null; } // stub for find public void remove (Person person, Person other) { // remove code goes

here }}

Student cute_one = myDirectory.findOther(smart_one); // wrong!

Student cute_one = (Student) (myDirectory.findOther(smart_one));



1 if n=0

n*factorial(n-1) if n>=1.

public static int recursiveFactorial(int n) { // recursive factorial function

if (n==0) return 1; // base case

else return n*recursiveFactorial(n-1); // recursive case


The Adapter Pattern

• The adapter pattern applies to any context where we want to modify an existing class so that its methods match those of a related, but different, class or interface.

• One general way for applying the adapter pattern is to define the new class in such a way that it contains an instance of the old class as a hidden field, and implement each method of the new class using methods of this hidden instance variable.

class StudentPairDirectory adapting class PersonPairDirectory

// Class for a directory storing pairs of Student objectspublic class StudentPairDirectory { protected PersonPairDirectory directory; public StudentPairDirectory() { directory=new PersonPairDirectory();} public void insert(Student s, Student t) {directory.insert(s,t);} public Student findOther(Student s) { return (Student) directory.findOther(s); } public void remove(Student s, Student t) { directory.remove(s,t); }}