Chapter 1 - Coaching and Management- Mujtaba- 2008

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  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 - Coaching and Management- Mujtaba- 2008


    Coaching and Performance


    Bahaudin G. Mujtaba,2008

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 - Coaching and Management- Mujtaba- 2008


    Table of Contents

    • Chapter 1 – Coaching and Management 

    • Chapter 2 – Performance Management

    • Chapter 3 – Influencing and Leadership Skills

    • Chapter 4 – The Coaching Process and Steps

    • Chapter – Coaching and !ork"Life #alance

    • Chapter $ – Coaching %isrupti&e #eha&ior 

    • Chapter ' – (&aluating) Influencing and Coaching Performance

    • Chapter * – +lternati&e !ork +rrangements

    • Chapter , – Coaching -emales in the !orkplace

    • Chapter ./ – Communication0 The +rt of Listening

    • Chapter .. – Conflict and 1egotiation Management

    • Chapter .2 – Moti&ation) %iscipline and loaliation

    • Chapter .3 – 5e6ards) 5ecognition Programs) and (thics

    • Chapter .4 – Prolem"Sol&ing and Leadership

    • Chapter . – Cases for Coaching and Performance Management

    • Chapter .$ – (7ercises for Coaching and Performance Management© Mujtaba,

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    • (ffecti&e coaching) leadership andmanagement are one and the same8 Coachingis an effecti&e method of leading people andmanaging processes and resources8 In toda9:s

    comple7 and competiti&e usinessen&ironment) firms and managers must doe&er9thing the9 can to recruit and retaintalented and e7perienced emplo9ees8

    -urthermore) organiational leaders must doe&er9thing that the9 can to make sure theiremplo9ees are not underutilied) error prone)and dissatisfied 6ith their dail9 assignments8

    © Mujtaba,

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    • If 9ou choose to purposel9 li&e and ser&eas an effecti&e coach) this could e thesingle most important initiati&e oth in9our personal and professional li&es8Through coaching) 9ou can chisel thet9pe of person 9ou 6ant to e through9our da9"to"da9 thinking) feelings) 6ords)

    and eha&iors8 So) consciousl9 reflectupon 9our feelings) thoughts) 6ords) andactions as the9 determine 9our characterand destin98

    © Mujtaba,

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    • #e careful of 9our thoughts) for 9our thoughts ecome 9our 6ords8

    #e careful of 9our words) for 9our 6ords ecome 9our actions8

    #e careful of 9our actions) for 9our actions ecome 9our haits8

    #e careful of 9our habits) for 9our haits ecome 9our character8

    #e careful of 9our character ) for 9our character ecomes 9our destiny8

    ;Universal Proverb<

    © Mujtaba,

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    The Cautious Man:

    =nce there 6as a &er9 cautious man!ho ne&er lo&ed) laughed or cried8

    >e ne&er risked) he ne&er lost

    >e ne&er 6on nor e&er tried8

    +nd one da9 6hen he passed a6a9

    >is insurance 6as denied8

    -or since he ne&er reall9 li&ed

    The9 claimed he ne&er reall9 died8


    © Mujtaba,

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     What is Life?

     – Life is a challenge888 meet it

    Life is a gift888 accept it

    Life is an ad&enture888 dare it

    Life is a sorro6888 o&ercome it

    Life is a traged9888 face it

    Life is a dut9888 perform it

    Life is a game888 pla9 itLife is a m9ster9888 unfold it

    Life is a song888 sing it

    Life is an opportunit9888 take it

    Life is a ?ourne9888 complete it

    Life is a promise888 fulfill it

    Life is a eaut9888 praise itLife is a struggle888 fight it

    Life is a goal888 achie&e it

    Life is a pule888 sol&e it


    © Mujtaba,

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 - Coaching and Management- Mujtaba- 2008


    Coaching and Mentoring

    • Coaching  usuall9 in&ol&es a continuous flo6 of instructions)comments) and suggestions from coach to emplo9ee "listening) @uestioning) relating learning to the learnerAse7perience) and pro&iding guided practice8

    •  Mentoring  is the process 6here9 a senior emplo9ee takes an

    acti&e role in de&eloping a ?unior colleague8 T9picall9 thisoccurs at managerial le&el or amongst professions8 In this case)the mentor pro&ides ad&ice on ho6 the mentee can de&elop hisor her skills) competencies) kno6ledge) and e7perience inorder to progress along a successful career path8 +s 6ell asgi&ing ad&ice) the mentor might also pro&e useful in pro&idingcontacts that help the mentee to engage in the process ofnet6orking8

    © Mujtaba,

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    Thoughts on Coaching

    • The primar9 enefits of coaching are impro&edindi&idual performanceB ottom"line results including

     profit) client ser&ice) and competiti&eness8

    •#efore e7ploding or 6riting the 6orker up on aformalied 6arning) tr9 one"on"one coaching8

    • (mplo9ees need to kno6 that 9ou appreciate their positi&e efforts on e&er9da9 performed tasks and not ?ustma?or accomplishments8

    • =rganiational coaching seeks to impro&e performance) producti&it9) andor team6ork and &ie6s the coach asthe e7pert 6ho moti&ates and gi&es ad&ice8

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    Situations Needing Coaching

    Coaching is aout de&eloping a trusting relationship 6ith 9our people so 9ou can ?ointl9 clarif9 e7pectations and departmental goals there9 leading to specificaction plans for achie&ement8 +s such) there are man9 situations 6here coachingskills 6ill e &er9 effecti&e and the follo6ing list presents some of them8 – 5einforcing good performance8

     – Moti&ating emplo9ees to ne6 heights and peak performance le&els8


    =rienting a ne6 emplo9ee into the department or organiation8 – Pro&iding ne6 kno6ledge to indi&iduals aout changes and tactics8

     – Training a ne6 skill for a ne6 task that needs performing8

     – -ollo6ing up on competencies passed on during a training session8

     – (7plaining the current or ne6 standards and ho6 the9 can e achie&ed8

     – Setting priorities for effecti&e time management 6ith those emplo9ees 6ho need it8

     – Inculcating someone into the cli@ues and groups 6hich ma9 e7ist 6ithin the political

    circles8 – Clarif9ing e7pectations and correcting poor performance8

     – Increasing the self confidence of an emplo9ee aout the task or ne6 responsiilities andchallenges8

     – Conducting a performance re&ie68

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    Working one-on-one

    Guiding people to

    learn for themselves

    Orchestrating resources

    and learning




  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 - Coaching and Management- Mujtaba- 2008


    Coaching Guidelines

    Coaching is not an innate skill ut rather it is learned8 It occurs through one:s life personall9and professionall98 (ffecti&e coaching is the process of letting people kno6 that 6hatthe9 do matters oth to the coach and the organiation8 – #efore eginning the coaching session) e sure to plan e7actl9 6hat 9ou 6ant to achie&e) and

    the potential enefits for the other person8

     – Start on a positi&e note and estalish a common ground 9 ha&ing a supporti&e en&ironment8

     – Communicate clearl9) listen effecti&el9) sho6 that 9ou care) and do not Deat around the ush8EClearl9 and caringl9 state the challenge) opportunit9) andor e7pectations8

     – #e respectful of the other person:s feelings) honor and dignit98 Create a non"threateningen&ironment for the interaction) dialogue and discussion8

     – #e culturall9 sensiti&e 9 getting to kno6 the other person:s ackground) culture) &alues) andanticipate hisher reactions8

     – +&oid &alue ?udgments) stereot9ping and laeling the eha&ior of others8

     – Fse empathic listening skills to clarif9 9our understanding and the other person:s perspecti&e8

     – Sta9 6ith the point and do not get sidetracked 6ith other issues8 5estate the purpose of thesession and ask 6hat specific things can e done to increase or impro&e performance8 Gou canoffer assistance ut a&oid pro&iding solutions – let the indi&idual come up 6ith the solutions8Gour ?o is to lead them in the right direction8

     – %ocument and clarif9 the specific plan suggested 9 the emplo9ee) the e7pected le&el of performance and ho6 the plan 6ill impro&e performance8 Seek agreement and summarie thecon&ersation8

     – (nd on a positi&e note and thank the person for coming up 6ith the specific plan8

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    The Five Steps of Coaching /


    • Tell them

    • Sho them

    • !et them tell "ou

    • !et them sho "ou

    • Give feedbac# 

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    Characteristics of Coaches

    +n (ffecti&e Coach0

     – >as faith in the future8

     – +ttempts to positi&el9 influence others8

     –(7hiits humilit98

     – Is thankful for 6ho she is and appreciates ha&ing

    e&er9one in hisher life8


    5ememers hisher past) clearl9 en&isions the futureand focuses on the DpresentE 6hich is a Dgift8E

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    $utstanding Coaching

    Coaches ;leaders< e7emplif90

     – a &ision of the future8


    e7cellent communication skills8 – optimism) oldness and decisi&eness8

     – moti&ation and cheerleading skills8

     – integrit9) honest9) and a strong 6ork ethics8

     – a ser&ant mentalit9 H trust

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    Coaches Thin# %Teamor#&

      D(ffecti&e CoachingE are 6illing to make sacrificesfor the enefit of the &ision andor organiation8 – + coach:s decisions are dri&en to enefit the organiation

    and the indi&idual8 – (ffecti&e coaches ha&e a Dmore 6e and less meE


     – Coaches understand that

    • Together 

    • '&er9one

    • Achie&es

    • More8

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       Effective coaching  is a continuous process ofcon&ersational collaorations and interactions aimed atassisting others unlock and realie their full potential onetask and one skill at a time) and at a pace appropriate for

    the person eing coached8 – The essence of coaching is unlocking people:s potential) through

    Socratic @uestioning) so the9 can ma7imie their o6n performance8

     – (ffecti&e coaches accept the challenge kno6ing that the gro6thand de&elopment ?ourne9 is continuous) and that learning ho6 to

    learn and de&elop are the real goals for the coach and the coachee8 – (ffecti&e coaches keep in mind that imposing their 6a9 of

    accomplishing tasks is not their o?ecti&e8

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    Coaching Steps

    There are fi&e specific steps in the coaching processas 9ou o&ersee the 6ork done through 9ourassociates8 +s such) effecti&e coaching re@uires0

     – Planning )

     – Supporting  associates for good performance)

     – Communicating  andor setting a time to increase performance)

     – Leading  associates to higher performance) and

     –  Following up and confirming effecti&e achie&ement ofo?ecti&es and e7pectations8

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    'mplo"ee Appreciation

    • Say thank you for your great S!"#$C!%& –  S  is the support 9ou pro&ideB 9our lo9alt9 is true8

     –  E  is for eagernessB 9our great attitude shines through8

     –  R is for reachingB 9ou al6a9s aim high8

     – V  is for &alueB 9our 6orth goes e9ond the sk98

     –  I  is for ideasB 9ou help our compan9 gro68

     – C  is for con&ictionB it means more than 9ou could kno68

     – E  is for e7cellence in e&er9thing 9ou do8

    © Mujtaba,

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 - Coaching and Management- Mujtaba- 2008



    • Coaching and performance managementis aout continuous and strategiccollaoration) commitment and

    communication among all the partiesin&ol&ed to meet the needs of one:sclients) customers) emplo9ees) and ossesand there9 gain a competiti&e ad&antage8

    © Mujtaba,

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 - Coaching and Management- Mujtaba- 2008


    Coaching is a privilege( not a )ob*

    Police( evaluate and improve "our coaching s#ills+


    Coach and guide effectivel"+ 

  • 8/18/2019 Chapter 1 - Coaching and Management- Mujtaba- 2008


    ,eferences / -ibliograph"

    • Mu?taa) #8 8 ;2//*