Chapter 1: Introduction - Software Engineering · Chapter 1: Introduction O ... Æhelps to deal...

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Obj O i dObject-Oriented


Prof. Dr. Armin B. CremersTobias Rho & Daniel Speicher & Holger Mügge

The team... for further questions

Official Lecturer:f ( b b d )• Prof. Dr. Armin B. Cremers (

Lecture Organization:Lecture Organization:

• Tobias Rho(

• Daniel Speicher (

• Holger Mügge (• Mahmoud El-Gayar (• Matthias Berg (

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 2

Objectives of the Class

Introduction toTechnical aspects of building complex software systemsObject-Oriented Modeling with the Unified Modeling LanguageThe Complete Software LifecycleThe Complete Software LifecycleConfiguration & Rationale Management

Advanced Topics are covered in a follow-up lectureAdvanced Topics of Software ConstructionDeepens Requirements Engineering, e.g. Requirements WritingSoftware ProcessesSoftware ProcessesSoftware ArchitecturesAdvanced Technologies

Aspect-oriented Software Development (Separation of Crosscutting Concerns)

Model-Driven Architecture

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 3

Acquire Technical Knowledge

Learn standard modeling languageUML 2 0 (Unified Modeling Lang age)UML 2.0 (Unified Modeling Language)

Learn standard modeling methods

Learn how to use toolsEclipsepSubversionCASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering)

Improve your knowledge in Java ( 6.0 )

Learn how to useLearn how to use Design PatternsRefactoring

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 4


Required:Bernd Bruegge Allen Dutoit: “Object Oriented SoftwareBernd Bruegge, Allen Dutoit: Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns, and Java”, Prentice Hall, 2003.

Recommended:Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides: “Design Patterns”, Addison-Wesley, 1996.Grady Booch James Rumbaugh Ivar Jacobson “The UnifiedGrady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, V.2.0”, Addison Wesley, 2005.

Additional books may be recommended during individual lecturesSome sources will be made available on the web site

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 5

Outline of Today's Lecture

Perspectives on Software EngineeringModeling complex systems

Functional vs. object-oriented decomposition

S ft lif lSoftware lifecycleOverview of the classConcluding remarksConcluding remarks

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 6

How to start with a software project?

IdeasInformation RequirementsInformationConditions


Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 7

Mapping requirements to SoftwareA good practice?g p


Direct mappingDirect mapping


Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 8

Perspectives on Software Engineering:Quality of Software

“Bad software engineering” leads to functional misbehaviorUpdates are needed to fit the initial requirements

Increased costsDela ed deplo mentDelayed deploymentUnsatisfied customers

Some examples:Toll Collect (Germany): Technical Problems caused a delayed deployment of more than 2 yearsHartz IV-Software “A2II”: Regular Updates needed, high costs; Computation of the unemployment benefit cannot be guaranteedp p y g(

Th ft d t l d th k t i t f

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 9

The average software product released on the market is not error free

Perspectives on Software Engineering:Definition

Software Engineering is a collection of techniques,methodologies and tools that help with the production of

complex and huge software systems with a given budgetwith a given budget before a given deadline

while change occurs.

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 10

Perspectives on Software Engineering:What makes up a software engineer?p g

Computer Scientist (Researcher)Proves theorems about algorithms, designs languages, defines g , g g g ,knowledge representation schemesHas infinite amount of time… (in general no project)

PProgrammerMainly involved in the technical realization of software

Software EngineerSoftware EngineerHas to work in and understand multiple application domainsMust have technical and managerial backgroundCovers many (all) phases in software lifecycle in a projectCovers many (all) phases in software lifecycle in a project

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 11

Perspectives on Software Engineering:A Problem Solving Activityg y

General Procedure for Problem-Solving activity:Formulate the problemFormulate the problemAnalyze the nature of problem and break the problem into piecesSearch for solutions/Identify the most appropriate solutionsSpecify the solutionsAggregate the solutions

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 12

Perspectives on Software Engineering:A Problem Solving Activityg y

Problem solving needs:Notation

Graphical or textual set of rules for representing a model

Methods: R t bl t h i th t ifi th t f l i ifi blRepeatable technique that specifies the steps for solving a specific problem

Methodologies: Collection of methods for solving a class of problems. Specifies how and when each method should be used

Tools: Instrument or automated systems to accomplish a methodInstrument or automated systems to accomplish a method

Knowledge AcquisitionNonlinear process: addition of new knowledge may invalidate old knowledge

R ti l M tRationale ManagementCapturing the context in which decisions were made and the rationale behind these decisions

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 13

Object-Oriented Software Construction Overview

Today’s mainstream development methodology in Software flEngineering. Influences:

Object-Oriented Object-Oriented d l

jProgramming Languages(C++, Java, C#, Ruby, Smalltalk)

Modeling Notations( UML2 )

M d l D i A hit t

OOSC“Post Object-Orientation” (Components, Aspects,

Model-Driven Architecture(EMF, OAW, AndroMDA,…)

Object-Oriented Modeling MethodsMajor standardization


ode g et ods(Rational Unified Process, …)

Object-Oriented Databases, Platforms …

Major standardizationEndeavors (OMG);Appreciation in industry

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 14

Factors affecting the quality of a software systemy

ComplexityC l t h l i ( i l )Complex technologies (programming languages)The development process is very difficult to manageDomains are complex that no single person can understand itDomains are complex that no single person can understand itComplex (unfeasible) requirements from clientsFixing a bug causes another bug

ChangeRequirements need to be updated when errors are discovered andRequirements need to be updated when errors are discovered and when developers have a better understanding of the applicationProject constellation changes (staff turn-around) Technological changes (new standards, languages)

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 15

Dealing with ComplexityThree Main methods

1. Abstraction (Modeling) Abstract from complex systems and condition and build models improves understanding, reusability

2. DecompositionDivide your solution into independent piecesDivide your solution into independent piecesimproves flexibility, effectiveness

3. HierarchyOrganize the system (and knowledge) in meaningful hierarchiesimproves understanding

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 16

Abstraction:Models are used to provide abstractionsp

System Model:Object Model: What is the structure of the system? What are the objects and how are they related?Functional model: What are the functions of the system? How isFunctional model: What are the functions of the system? How is data flowing through the system?Dynamic model: How does the system react to external events? H i th t fl i th t ?How is the event flow in the system ?

Task Model:PERT Chart: What are the dependencies between the tasks?PERT Chart: What are the dependencies between the tasks?GANTT Chart: How can this be done within the time limit?Org Chart: What are the roles in the project or organization?

Issues Model:What are the open and closed issues? What constraints were posed by the client? What resolutions were made?

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 17

posed by the client? What resolutions were made?

Abstraction:The “Triangle” of Modelingg g

System Models Object ModelObject Model



Dynamic Model



Dynamic Model

Org ChartConstraints


PERT ChartGantt Chart


ProposalsPro Con

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 18

Task ModelsIssue Model


A technique used to master complexity (“divide and conquer”)A technique used to master complexity ( divide and conquer )Functional decomposition

The system is decomposed into modulese syste s deco posed to odu esEach module is a major processing step (function) in the application domainM d l b d d i t ll d lModules can be decomposed into smaller modules

Object-oriented decompositionThe system is decomposed into classes (“objects”)The system is decomposed into classes ( objects ) Each class is a major abstraction in the application domainClasses can be decomposed into smaller classes

Which decomposition is the right one?

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 19

Which decomposition is the right one?


Both views are important during software life-cycleBoth views are important during software life cycle

Functional decomposition emphasizes the ordering of operationsV f l t i t i i t d hi h l lVery useful at requirements engineering stage and high level description of the system. Functions are spread over the system Hard to maintain / change

Object-oriented decomposition emphasizes the objects that cause the operations.

Very useful after initial functional description Object DesignVery useful after initial functional description Object DesignEncapsulates data and functions helps to deal with change

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 20

Decomposition: Object-Oriented Decompositionj p


I/O Devices CPU MemoryI/O Devices CPU Memory

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 21


We got abstractions and decompositionThis leads us to chunks (classes, objects) which we view with object model

Another way to deal with complexity is to provide simpleAnother way to deal with complexity is to provide simple relationships between the chunksOne of the most important relationships is hierarchy2 important hierarchies

"Part of" hierarchy"I ki d f" hi h"Is-kind-of" hierarchy

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 22



I/O Devices CPU MemoryI/O Devices CPU Memory

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 23

Hierarchy:Is-Kind-of Hierarchy (Taxonomy)y ( y)


Muscle Cell Blood Cell Nerve Cell

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 24

Object-oriented Modeling Our first modeling project!g p j

Your mission:Please model “this”

Your (obvious) question:What is “this”?

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 27

Object-oriented Modeling: Model of an Inuit



lives in











b t i it th i ht d l?

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 28

but is it the right model?

Object-Oriented Modeling: Alternative Model: The Head of an Indian




FaceNose NrOfTeeth






Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 29

Decomposition: Class Identification

Class identification is crucial to object-oriented modelingWhat are the limitations? Depending on the purpose of the system different objects might be found

How can we identify the purpose of a system?How can we identify the purpose of a system?

Principle Questions in Requirements Engineeringp Q q g g

Solution:Negotiate the purpose of a system with clientsPresent various modelsI t i Ob tiInterview, Observations …

ok but what to do if the client is unknowing?

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 30

… ok, but what to do if the client is unknowing?

Object-oriented Modeling: Behavior of an Inuit entering a igloog g

:Inuit :Igloo:Inuit :Igloo





Issue No. 1 “Behavior of Shape”

Status: solvedStatus: solved

Rationale: Client confirmed the shape as Inuit

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 31

Object-oriented Modeling: Anticipate changesp g



lives in




Change Request: Inuit wants to live in a flat

g ()Goal:Find a design in which such a change can be realized

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 32

Use already tested designs!

Class Identification

Class identification is crucial to object-oriented modelingBasic assumption: 1. We can find the classes for a new software system: We call this

Greenfield EngineeringGreenfield Engineering2. We can identify the classes in an existing system: We call this

Reengineering3. We can create a class-based interface to any system: We call this

Interface Engineering

Why can we do this? Philosophy science experimental evidenceWhy can we do this? Philosophy, science, experimental evidenceWhat are the limitations? Depending on the purpose of the system different objects might be found

How can we identify the purpose of a system?

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 33

So where are we right now?

Three ways to deal with complexity and changesAbst actionAbstraction DecompositionHierarchy Anticipate changes in design

Object-oriented modeling is a good methodologyj g g gyUnfortunately, depending on the purpose of the system, different objects may be found

How can we do it right? Many different possibilitiesOur current approach: Start with a description of the functionalityOur current approach: Start with a description of the functionality (Use case model), then proceed to the object modelThis leads us to the software lifecycle

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 34

Software Lifecycle Activities… and their models



Implemen-tation TestingRequirements

Elicitation Analysis

Expressed in Terms of

Structured by

Realized by

Implemented by

Verified by


by y



SourceSolution Domain

ApplicationDomain Test



Use Case

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 35



Domain Objects

Domain Objects

Test Cases

Use CaseModel

Software Lifecycle Definition

Software lifecycleSet of activities and their relationships to each other to support the development of a software system

Typical lifecycle questionsWhich activities should I select for the software project?What are the dependencies between activities? How should I schedule the activities?

Dealing with changeUse a nonlinear software lifecycle to deal with changingUse a nonlinear software lifecycle to deal with changing requirements or changing technology IterationProvide configuration management to deal with changing entities

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 36


Software engineering is a problem solving activity Developing quality software for a complex problem within a limited time while things are changingObject-Oriented Software Construction is the standard methodObject Oriented Software Construction is the standard method

There are many ways to deal with complexityModeling, decomposition, abstraction, hierarchy

d d l h hMany ways to do deal with changeManagement View: Use of an iterative software lifecycle Technical View: Anticipate changes in your designTechnical View: Anticipate changes in your design ( use design patterns)

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 37

Overview on Lectures

IntroductionWarm up tutorial: OO Java Eclipse SVNWarm up tutorial: OO, Java, Eclipse, SVNUMLRequirements ElicitationRequirements AnalysisSystem DesignObject Design

Design PatternsRefactoringRefactoring

TestingConfigurations Managementg gRationale ManagementSpecial lectures on selected topics (t.b.a.)

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 38

Practice Talks (t.b.a)

Lecture OrganizationO O S C

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho ,Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 39

Class OrganizationQuestionnaire + GroupingQ p g

Please fill in the questionnaire and join a groupYou will be added to the OOSC mailing list and will get a SVN account

QuestionnaireQuestionnaireNameEmail addressEmail addressBachelor’s degreeKnowledge in EclipseKnowledge in JavaProgramming LanguagesKnowledge in UMLKnowledge in UMLKnowledge in SVN (Version Control System)Exercise Grouping Number

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 40

p g

Class OrganizationDates + Mode

Dates:Monday, 17:00 – 18:30 Great Lecture Hall, B-ITThursday, 10:35 – 12:05 Great Lecture Hall, B-IT

Lecture Mode:Lecture Mode:every first week: two lecturesevery second week: one exercise, one lectureevery second week: one exercise, one lecture

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 41

Lecture Organization

Webpagehttps://sewiki iai uni bonn de/teaching/lectures/oosc/2008/start

Slides for lecture are published on webpagepublished on webpage approx. 1-2 hours before the lecture takes place

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 42

Class OrganizationRequirements to be creditedq

SWS: V3/Ü1, number of ECTS Credits: 6Requirements to get admittance to the written examRequirements to get admittance to the written exam

Join an exercise group of up to four students50 % of all assignments must be completed by the groupAssignments are reviewed and gradedRegular attendance to the exercises by at least one group memberPresent at least one solution in the exercises

Bonus points for the examThe exam grade is reduced by 0,3 points if your group solves >= 70%

Written examWritten examDate to be announced soon: presumably in the week 21.-25.07.08Second date (oral or written) will be announced shortly after the first examCovered: Everything thatCovered: Everything that

is discussed in the lecturesis elaborated in the exercises

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 43

Class OrganizationExercise Announcement and Submission

Assignments will be announced on the website one week before the next exercise

Also published in the mailing listSolutions have to be prepared for the exercise in groups (max. 4 t d t )students)

Preparation of the assignments with tools (Eclipse/SVN, JUDE/UML) or text editors)Due: typically two days before the exercise session starts, 10:45 am to Mahmoud El-Gayar (, or the version control system (SVN)or the version control system (SVN).Actual dates will be announced with every assignmentFill in the group information form or send initial group information g p g p(title, names, email addresses, and matrikel number of students) to Mahmoud El-Gayar until April, 14th 2007, 12:00

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 44

Lecture OrganizationExercise Dates

17 lecture sessions (April 10rd until July 14th)1 – 2 practice talks in July

7 exercise sessionsE i d tExercise dates:

Monday, April, 14th 2008 (OO/Java/Eclipse Tutorial)Monday, May, 5th 2008y, y,Thursday, May, 29th 2008Monday, June, 9th 2008Monday June 23th 2008Monday, June, 23th 2008Monday, July, 7th 2008Thursday, July, 17th 2008

Optional Java TutorialsWednedays, upon consultation

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 45

Warm Up TutorialOO, Java, SVN, Eclipse, , , p

Monday, April 14thShort Introductions

Object-Orientated ModelingJavaEclipseSVNSVN

The version control system we use to organize the assignments

Bring your Laptops and set up your environment for the i t b f h dassignments beforehandAt least one laptop per group

If this is not possible please contact us directly or via the mailing list sure to set up your environment before the tutorial starts

Armin B. Cremers, Tobias Rho, Daniel Speicher, Holger Mügge Organizational Requirements Engineering 46