Chapter 1 Mass Communication: A Critical Approach.

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Chapter 1

Mass Communication:A Critical Approach

Culture and the Evolution of Mass Communication

Mass media are the cultural industries that produce and distribute:

SongsNovelsTV showsNewspapers

MoviesVideo games Internet


Eras in Communication

Oral communication Written communication Printed communication Electronic communication Digital communication

The Linear Model of Mass Communication

Senders (authors, producers) Messages (programs, ads) Mass media channel (TV, books) Receivers (viewers, consumers) Gatekeepers (editors, executive

producers, media managers) Feedback (messages from receivers

back to senders)

Cultural Model for Mass Communication

Recognizes that individuals bring diverse meanings to messages

Audiences actively affirm, interpret, refashion, or reject the messages and stories that flow through various media channels

The Competent Communication Model

Modeling Communication

Media Convergence and Cultural Change

Changes in how we consume and engage with media culture Watch TV shows on Hulu and Netflix or

DVR/On-Demand options Make media choices based on social

media recommendations Upload our own media Discuss programs as we watch them

through “live-tweeting”

Media Convergence…

Your examples? Who owns the mass media

Text pull-out Implications?What is Apple worth (2012)

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (1791)

Question: If we don’t have an open communication system, can we have a functioning society?

Contemporary Culture

Cultural critics are concerned about: The quality of contemporary culture The overwhelming amount of

information now available How much the media shape society

is still unknown.

Figure 1.1: Daily Media Consumption by Platform, 2010 (8- to 18-Year-Olds)

Figure 1.2: Culture as a Skyscraper

Figure 1.3: Culture as a Map

Cultural Values of the Modern Period

Modern period Began with the Industrial Revolution

and extended until the mid-twentieth century

Four key values: Efficiency Individualism Rationalism Progress [Modern Times]

Shifting Values in Postmodern Culture

Postmodern period From the mid-twentieth century to

today Four features:

Populism Diversity Nostalgia Paradox [table 1.1]

Trends Across Periods

Critiquing Media and Culture

Media literacy is a critical process that takes us through the steps of: Description Analysis Interpretation Evaluation Engagement

Benefits of a Critical Perspective

Allows us to participate in a debate about media culture as a force for both democracy and social progress

New, blended, and merging cultural phenomena challenge us to reassess and rebuild the standards by which we judge our culture.