Chapter 10 The Union in Peril. Economic Differences in North and South South Agriculture Slavery...

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Chapter 10

The Union in Peril

Economic Differences in North and South



NorthManufacturingAnti-SlaveryMore even

Distribution of income

Larger Population

Territorial Disputes over slavery

California New Mexico Utah

Wilmot Proviso

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist in any territory the United States might acquire as a result of the war with Mexico.”

Simply that California, Utah, and New Mexico would be admitted to the Union as free States

As a result of the Gold Rush, California skipped the Territorial Phase of becoming a state

The Senate begins to debate the admission of these states

as free states.

End result is that the southern states begin screaming


Compromise of 1850

Clay’s Compromise

Admitted California as a free state

More effective fugitive slave law

Popular Sovereignty

Protest, Resistance, and Violence

Fugitive Slave Act

Declared open season on all slaves in the north

Policeman were given a free hand in returning slaves as fugitive, whether they were or not.

Northern states passed Personal Liberty Laws

The Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

Initiated the underground Railroad

Soon other blacks and whites were conductors of the railroad

Ex slave who was severely beaten

Uncle Tom’s Cabin


The Missouri Compromise (Slide A), Compromise of 1850(Slide B) and the Kansas-Nebraska

Act(Slide C)

Slide A

Slide B

Slide C

Kansas-Nebraska Act

North and South began to erupt into violence

1st was the Sack of Lawrence

Thousands of Border ruffians swept into Kansas and voted to admit slavery. A posse of about 800 men went in and burned the antislavery headquarters to the ground

2nd was the “Pottawatomie Massacre

John Brown caught wind of the sack of Lawrence and Decided that God had sent him to rid the world of slavery

John Brown

Anti slavery Fanatic Called by God Bleeding Kansas Fled the territory Caught and Hanged

at Harper’s Ferry

The Birth of the Republican Party

Whig Party split

Whigs Opposed

Fugitive Slave Act

Lukewarm support to the Compromise of 1850

Know Nothing Party Nativism Order of the Star

Spangled Banner Fence riders

Formation of Political PartiesPARTY ESTABLISHED PLATFORMS

Free Soil 1848 Anti extension of slavery

Pro Labor

Know Nothing 1854 (American Party)



Whig 1834 Pro-business

Divided on Slavery

Republican 1854 Opposed expansion of slavery into territories

Democratic 1840 (Democratic-Republican)

States Rights

Limited Government

Divided on slavery


Dred Scott Slave from Missouri Owner moved to free

state Scott believed he

should be free Owner moved back to

slave state and took Scott with him

Court ruled in favor of owner, slaves did not have the same rights as citizens

Change is own the Horizon

A new Name begins to emerge as the savor for the Union

Abraham Lincoln

Election of 1860

Abraham Lincoln

Stephen Douglas

John Breckinridge

John Bell

Formation of the Confederate States of America

Southern States formed together

Jefferson Davis Union is in peril Southern states left

the Union as soon as Lincoln won the election