Chapter 13 Education and Religion Soc 2010 Henslin

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Chapter 13, Henslin 2010, Education and Religion



Chapter 13Global Perspectives

3 Theories

U.S. Education and Religious Systems



“A central sociological

principle of education is

that a nation’s education

reflects its culture”


Education and Religion

Credential Societies - Diplomas Determine Job


Diplomas Serve as Sorting Devices◦ Because employers don’t know potential workers,

they depend on schools to weed out the incapable.

Credential Societies are usually Industrialized





Education and Religion

History of Education in the US

Education and Industrialization

One Room School House

Education Serves Social Purpose

◦ GI Bill – Post WWII control large number of

males returning to work force

◦ National Defense Education Act- U.S.S.R. 1957

launched Sputnik . U.S. responded by funding

Math and Science Education



Figure 13.1 Educational Achievement in the United StatesNote: Americans 25 years and over. Asterisk indicates author’s estimate.

Sources: By the author. Based on National Center for Education Statistics 1991:Table 8; Statistical Abstract of the United States 2010:Table 228.

Education and Religion

Industrialized Nations: Education in Japan

◦ Emphasis on Solidarity within Group◦ Discourages Competition among


Industrializing Nations: Education in Russia

◦ Education, including College was Free◦ Post-Soviet Russians are

“Reinventing” Education as Communism has dissolved


Education Around

the World

Education and Religion

Education Around the World

Education in Egypt (Least Industrialized

Nations) Mandatory Attendance Laws are Not enforced

Many learn from their parents

Education is expensive

1/3 of Egyptian men and over half of Egyptian

women are illiterate

Education in Burkina Faso


Education and our 3 Theories

1. Functional Analysis

2. Symbolic Interaction

3. Conflict Theory


Education and Religion

Functionalist Perspective

Education provides manifest & latent functions

Manifest functions (positive & intended):

Learning skills and knowledge

Cultural transmission of values Process by which schools pass on a society’s core values

from one generation to the next.

E.g. support for Capitalist society = Grades are individual

No group tests


Education and Religion

Functionalist Perspective

Latent Functions (not intended)

Social Integration- promote national

identity◦ To forge a national identity is to stabilize the political system

Mainstreaming – Inclusion Students with disabilities

Gate-keeping Tracking- sorting of students into different educational programs


Credentialing – use of diploma for job eligibility

Replacing family functions (Child care)10

Education and Religion

Functionalist Perspective

There are dysfunctions within the

educational system:

◦ School violence

◦ Mediocrity

◦ Unequal funding


Education and Religion

The Conflict Perspective

The educational system perpetuates social

inequalities that already exist in society

The Hidden Curriculum

Tracking leads to inequalities

Standardized tests are biased towards

certain social classes IQ test

Some students lack cultural capital


Education and Religion

The Conflict Perspective

Let’s see how “smart” you are

Cultural Bias in IQ testing


Education and Religion

Figure 13.2 Who Goes to College?

Comparing Social Class and Ability in

Determining College AttendanceSource: Bowles 1977.

Education and Religion

The Conflict Perspective

“Family background is more important

than test scores in predicting who attends

college” (p. 350).

Way schools are funded stacks the deck

against the poor

Educational system reproduces not only

the U.S. social class structure but also its

race-ethnic divisions15

Education and Religion

The Conflict Perspective


Figure 13.3

The Funneling

Effects of



Education and Religion

Symbolic Interaction


The Ray Rist Study: Teacher’s perception

of students led to labeling

Teachers label students a certain way

which leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy

among many students

Expectations of teachers have

profound consequences for their


Education and Religion

Theoretical Summary

Functionalist look at how education

benefits society

Conflict theorist examine how education

perpetuates social inequality

Symbolic interactions study face-to-face

interaction in the classroom.


Education and Religion

Diversity in Education

• Value system: Who’s Budget Gets Cut?

• Arts

• Music

Video: PS22 Clip

Which voices have been historically left

out of the conversation?

◦ Students who are homeless or migrant

◦ Students with Disabilities19

Education and Religion

Students with Disabilities

Disability is a Social Construction

Association on Higher Education & Disabilities

From IEP to Self Advocate

Gallaudet College – Deaf and hard of hearing students

King Gimp (Oscar winning film on Dan Keplinger; a compelling artist

fighting an ongoing battle with Cerebral Palsy)



Education and Religion

Rising Tide of Mediocrity

Unequal Funding

Cheating on SATs

Dummying down SAT

Grade Inflation

Social Promotion

Functional Illiteracy

Violence in Schools

Unqualified Teachers


Problems in

U.S. Education



One solution offered by our text

Home school Year Book



ReligionIntersection between

Education and Religion

What is Religion

Our 3 Theories24






Education and Religion

Emile Durkheim said, “A religion is a unified

system of beliefs and practices relative to

sacred things.”

Sacred is the opposite of profane (ordinary)


What is Religion?

Education and Religion

Beliefs that Some Things are Sacred

Practices Centering on Things Considered


A Moral Community Resulting from a

Group’s Beliefs and Practices


Three Elements of Religion


Education and Religion

Quick Overview of Some (not all)

World Religions. If you are interested see power

point slides at end.


Bahai ◦

• Judiasm•


• Buddhist•


Education and Religion

Differences & Similarities in Worship

Remember Durkheim’s elements that are

common to all religious

◦ Develop a community

◦ Separate sacred from profane

Video Hampton Synagogue High Holy Days

Atlanta West Pentecostal Church Choir

Islamic Call to Prayer with English Subtitles

Joel Osteen on Marriage

Islamic Center of Greater Toledo Celebrates Eid up-Fitr

Catholic Service St. Michaels

Buddhist Monks Chanting in Pali (Sankalpa)

Praise and Worship with Nathan Simmons


Our 3 Theories

1) Symbolic

2) Functional

3) Conflict


Education and Religion

Functionalist Perspective

Religion provides certain functions:

Answers questions about the ultimate meaning of life

Social solidarity

Emotional comfort

Provides guidelines for everyday life

Social Control

Social Change

Video: U.S. Civil rights movement MLK Baptist Minister


Education and Religion

Dysfunctions of Religion: War,

Terrorism and Religious Persecution

Witch Trials

◦ 1692 Protestant Leaders in Salem

◦ 2001 Democratic Republic of Congo

• Crusades

• Attempt to gain control of “Holy Land” from


• Religious Terrorism

• Ireland (Belfast) Protestants and Catholics

• U2 “Sunday Bloody Sunday”


Education and Religion

Symbolic Interaction


Studies what meanings people give to their

religious beliefs and what religion means to each


Religious Symbols

Rituals, Ceremonies, Repetitive Practices

For some people the meaning of the Religious

Experience is so powerful, they believe they are

Born Again


Education and Religion

Religious Symbols




Lotus Flower (Symbol of Purity) Dharmachakra (Wheel of the law) Lotus with Om

Star and crescent "Allah" in Arabic



Star of David Menorah

Education and Religion

Marx saw religion as “The opium of the people”

and believed that religion diverted people’s

attention from the oppression they were facing

Legitimization of Social Inequalities

◦ Social Arrangements Represent God’s Desires

◦ Divine Rights of Kings

◦ Pharaoh as God

◦ Hindu Cast System


Conflict Perspective

Education and Religion

Karl Marx and Religion

“Religion is the sign of the

oppressed creature, the

sentiment of a heartless

world . . . It is the opium of

the people” (Marx 1844/1964).


Education and Religion

What does Marx Mean?

What is “Opium” ?

Oppressed workers find escape in


Religion is like a drug

By diverting thoughts toward future

happiness in an afterlife, religion takes

their eyes off their suffering in this world,

reducing the possibility that they will

rebel against their oppressors.



Figure 13.6 Social Class & Religious Affiliation

Education and Religion


◦ Begin with Charismatic Leader

◦ Most Popular Religions Started this Way

◦ Religious Fervor is High

◦ Most Cults Fail

◦ If Cults Survive, They Often Form:


◦ Loosely Organized and Fairly Small

◦ Emphasize Personal Salvation

◦ Some sects remain sects and never turn into churches



Types of Religious Groups

Education and Religion


◦ Highly Bureaucratized

◦ National and International

◦ Relationship with God Less Intense


◦ State Religions

◦ Part of Cultural Identification


Types of Religious Groups


Figure 13.5 Religious Groups: From Hostility

to Acceptance

Education and Religion

The hour between 10 and 11 am on Sundays

has been referred to as the most segregated

hour in the U.S.

Religious participation goes up as one ages

62 % of Americans belong to a church,

synagogue or mosque.

94 % of Americans believe that there is a



Religion in the U.S.





Education and Religion

Religion Thrives

People will always ponder the Purpose of Life

Science Cannot Tell Us About

◦ The Existence of God

◦ The Purpose of Life

◦ An Afterlife

◦ Morality


The Future

of Religion

Extra Info on World


(Not found in your text book and not on the exam

but if you are interested here is an overview) Catholic Americans

Jewish Americans

Mormon Americans

Muslim Americans

Amish Americans

Rastafarian Americans

Santerian Americans

Hindu Americans


Education and Religion

Education and Religion

Socio-historical Perspective

Historically, from the time of Pilgrims, the U.S. has been the

haven for many religious groups fleeing persecution and

seeking religious freedom

◦ U.S. founded by Pilgrims- a religious group fleeing

persecution and seeking religious freedom

◦ Founding fathers built into the Constitution two fundamental


1) Separation of church and state

2) Freedom of Religion

◦ This is a unique legacy and a pull factor for immigrants

◦ Also has resulted in a history of court cases/ challenges and conflict.


Education and Religion

Catholic Americans

Catholicism did not gain easy acceptance in U.S.

= Societal Hostility◦ Mid -17th century all colonies had passed laws designed to

thwart Catholic immigration

◦ Samuel Morse (inventor of telegraph) alleged papist conspiracy

to take control of the U.S. government through Catholic


◦ In the 1850’s the Know-Nothing movement were anti-Catholic =

riots and mobs burning Catholic churches, schools, convents etc.

◦ 1887 the American Protective Association (APA) was an anti-

Catholic organization dedicated to keeping Catholics out of

political office

Education and Religion

Catholic Americans To understand why Catholics were not liked we need

to know that:◦ Historically, religion played a far greater role in people’s lives in previous

centuries than it does today.

◦ This made religious differences a matter of greater concern

◦ People bring with them conflict from other parts of the world. The

Catholic-Protestant conflict in Europe created a legacy of antagonism.


◦ Catholics followed Church dogma, or a prescribed doctrine and local

churches were operated as part of a vast bureaucracy whose hierarchy

of authority was located in Rome.

◦ U.S. Protestants feared that this bureaucratic structure would have

millions of Catholic immigrants obeying a foreign ruler (the Pope) like an

unthinking indoctrinated army.

Education and Religion

Catholic Americans

Religion: Also Catholic Practices marked them as different

◦ Different version of Bible

◦ Celibacy among priest and nuns = was seen as unnatural

◦ Mandatory weekly attendance & repetition of the same mass

ceremony (in Latin) = viewed as un-American and repressive of

individual thought.

◦ Use of private confessional booth to tell sins to priest

= seen as bizarre to some.

Education= Greatest place of conflict with Protestants

◦ Different version of the Bible = conflict and separate schools

◦ Protestants thought that public school would end the “ignorance

and superstition” of Catholic children and were against public

funding for parochial schools

Education and Religion

Catholic Americans Contemporary Scene

◦ 68 million = Largest single denomination in U.S.

◦ Overt discrimination has ended (except where it intersects with recent

racial immigrants: Hispanic)

◦ First Catholic president (1960) JFK

◦ Greater dialogue occurs between Protestant and Catholic leaders due

to Pope John XXIII ecumenical movement.

◦ Shortage of Catholic priests = more lay people involved = less different

to outsiders.

(e.g.) No more Mass in Latin

◦ Increase in the Catholic-Protestant intermarriage

In 1990 about 40%

◦ Problem areas include

Church’s teaching on birth control (85% of Catholic Americans reject this), and cases

involving sex abuse by priests.



Education and Religion

Jewish Americans Unique minority because they are not a specific

religious grouping and need not even be religious

Although religion is an important bond among Jews, it

is not a cohesive force- 3 main branches of Judaism◦ Orthodox

◦ Conservative

◦ Reform

“A Jew is someone whom other people identify as a Jew”

(Jean-Paul Sarte, p. 318)

Education and Religion

Jewish Americans

First wave: Immigration before 1880◦ All English colonies discouraged Jewish immigrants and passed laws to keep them

from voting or holding office

◦ Ulysses S. Grant expelled Jews from the military during Civil War

◦ Know-Nothing group singled Jews out for discriminatory treatment

Second wave: Mid -19th Century

◦ Ashkenazi Jews from German provinces

Wealthier and better educated

Initial “push” factor was Pogrom – Organized massacre that followed the

assassination of Russian Czar Alexander II

Jews were not invloved in regincide.. But new government used

them as scapegoat

Then you get World War I and World War II as huge “Push” factors

Education and Religion

Jewish Americans Anti-Semitism

◦ Anti-Jewish stereotypes in arts and media

◦ Example Life magazine “Jew York”

◦ Stereotypes of clannishness & pushiness

◦ Hotel accommodations denied (to even very wealthy people

who were Jewish)

◦ This behavior declined after World War II

Partly because of revulsion against Nazi genocide

◦ Billings, Montana

Vandalism after Menorah = Local news paper printed full

page Menorah and over 10,000 homes displayed them

Education and Religion

Jewish Americans Upward mobility

◦ 2/3rd were skilled workers = economic assimilation

◦ Cultural factors

History of self-sustaining occupations

Most came with entire families = emotional stability

Tradition of learning reinforced by religion = read the

Torah by age 13 = strong education values

◦ Social ostracism – often accompanied economic


This has changed with shifts in identity and inter-cultural



Education and Religion

Mormon Americans Group is unique as a minority because its principal migration

was to leave what was then the U.S.

Early Years

◦ Joseph Smith receive first of several visitations from angel Moroni who

guided him to golden plates

◦ He translated plates into the Book of Mormon

◦ Early church was founded in New York State – then moved several times

due to hostility: first to Ohio, resettled in Missouri, then Illinois, and last

the Salt Lake Valley (1847) in what became Utah.

◦ Attracted enemies because of

Antislavery views

Growing political power / visibility

Polygyny – or practice of having more than one wife

Education and Religion

Mormon Americans Polygyny = Legal Problems

◦ In 1862 Lincoln singed the Morill Act forbidding bigamy in U.S.

territories (and giving us land grant colleges like Ohio State)

◦ Mormons Challenged the law but lost in 1878 when the U.S. Supreme

Court ruled in Reynolds v. United States

◦ 1882 “Lewd cohabitation act” = many polygamist in jail

◦ In 1887 Edmunds-Tucker Act dissolved the Mormon Church as legal

entity and confiscated church property (documents of plural marriage)

◦ 1890 Mormon Church president Wilford Woodruff issued a manifesto

ending the open practice of plural marriage

◦ U.S. President Harrison then granted pardons to all imprisoned


◦ In 1896 Utah became a state

◦ Currently: Small separate sects practice and TV show on TLC “Sister

Wives” tries to bring issue into open so that fear of law does not lead

to spouse abuse.

Education and Religion

Mormon Americans Values:

◦ Typically do not smoke or drink (alcohol, coffee, tea, or caffeinated soda).

◦ Family = heavy emphasis and behavior that undermines growth/family stability is

discouraged (e.g. birth control, divorce, abortion)

◦ Monday is seat aside as Family Home Evening

◦ Education: great stress on education

Founded both Brigham Young and University of Utah

Apply values to BYU basketball = No pre-marital sex for players

◦ Religion = strong missionary programs

Part of experience for people age 19-25 and retired couples

Practices tithing 10% of gross income to church

◦ Economics

Take care of own poor without public-welfare assistance

Church has investments and corporate assets (e.g. skyscrapers in NYC,

Beneficial Life Insurance Company, AgReserves Inc.)

Annual income of 5 to 6 billion

Education and Religion

Mormon Americans

In summary:

◦ The Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints evolved

from a persecuted people to a respected church

◦ Worldwide, Mormon membership is now over 13.5 million,

and such remarkable growth means that U.S. residents

account for less than half of this worldwide major faith

◦ Mormons place heavy emphasis on family and education

and have a program for young missionaries


Education and Religion

Muslim Americans Westerners often think that Islam (the religious faith of

Muslims) is an Arab religion- most Muslims throughout the

world are not Arabs.

◦ Many are in Indonesia, India, China, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, and African countries

Education and Religion

Muslim Americans

First Muslims in U.S. were unwilling immigrants – enslaved

people of color.

In 1916 a large group of Muslim Arabs settled in Dearborn, MI

to work in in Ford Motor plant

Worldwide Islam has more than 1.4 billion people

◦ Second largest religion in membership (Christianity is first largest).

What is it like to be a Muslim American at a Christian College

in Michigan?◦


Education and Religion

Muslim Americans

Values/Practices◦ Muhammad was the greatest prophet (completing a line of prophets from Adam

though Moses to Jesus)

◦ Islam incorporates many beliefs and practices of Jewish and Christian faiths.

Muslims subscribe to a rigorous Holy Law or Shari’ah based on teaching from

the Quran (Koran).

◦ Keep Sabbath on Friday and do not eat pork or drink alcohol

◦ Five pillars of Islam:

Profession of faith, prayer 5 times a day, almsgiving to poor, fasting during daylight hours throughout

holy month of Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca.

Call to prayer.

◦ Personal hygiene rules (similar to Hindu e.g. eat with right hand, clean body

after defecation with left hand)

◦ To Muslims, religious beliefs and the social mores of public conduct and private

experience are inseparable

Muslims reject the dominant U.S. group’s preoccupation with materialism and their self-indulgent

pleasures at the expense of obligations to family and community

Should not be confused with radical Muslims who use Quran to justify violence

Education and Religion

Muslim Americans Prejudice/Discrimination

◦ After 9/11 Muslim Americans faced hostility that unfortunately still

continues in U.S. and Europe

E.g. French Burka law

◦ Community leaders work on educating non-Muslims and try to

encourage public not to blame an entire group for actions of one


◦ U.S. public view on Islam remains divided

2009 Pew Research Center Poll found respondents with a more negative view towards

Islam were more likely to be conservative Republicans or evangelical Protestants

Polls also find that the more familiar Americans are with Islam, especially if they know

someone who is Muslim the more positive view they will have toward the religion.

◦ Lets take a virtual tour


Education and Religion

The Amish

Descended from Swiss Anabaptist who believe in

voluntary adult baptism only

◦ Ethnic group as well as religion.

◦ Uses shunning as a powerful social control

mechanism (that enables Amish to maintain their way

of life).

Considered “tough love” the congregation can vote to impose

Meidung on errant members = no interaction even with family.

◦ Live in gemeinschaft community = intimate, homogeneous and

close nit.

◦ Pride is a major sin, so is seeking leadership role, and wearing


◦ Clothing is an important symbol of group identity (No belts or

gloves- even in cold weather)

Education and Religion

The Amish Language = another symbol = German (English is the second


Amish refer to all non-Amish people as “English” regardless of

their nationality or race

German is used exclusively for preaching service and formal


Conservative Amish farmers use horses instead of tractors

Do not use electricity furnished by public power lines

Bottled gas, batteries, small generators, etc o.k.

As farming land is less available = new occupations =


Education and Religion

The Amish Most Amish keep their young people (willingly adopt the way

of life)

Rumspringa = running around. Allow their youth to

experiment with larger world and temptations: clothing, cell

phones, dancing, drinking, smoking etc..

◦ Teens may “go away” on Friday night and not return until Sunday evening.

◦ Takes place while teens live at home and carry out ordinary work

activities on farm

Endogamous marriage / no birth control = large family

Conflicts with Society

◦ Leave school at 8th grade

◦ Not wanting to pay taxes or receive government benefits

◦ Tourism annoys the Amish (esp. in Lancaster county)

Education and Religion

The Amish


◦ Forming geminschaft communities, the Amish

have remained remarkably constant in a

radically changing dominant society

◦ Clothing and language serve as symbolic


◦ They have grown from 59,000 in 1970 to

about 227,000 today

◦ Several Amish Congregations have accepted

some elements of modern life


Education and Religion

Rastafarian Americans Marcus Garvey- Jamaican born founder of Back to Africa

movement was influential in Jamaica (before leaving the island

for U.S. in 1916.)

◦ When he left Jamaica he said “Look to Africa, where a black king shall be

crowned, for the day of deliverance is near.”

◦ In 1930 Ras Tafari was crowed as the Emperor in Ethiopia

RasTafari also added the titles “King of Kings” and “Lion of the Tribe of Judah”

to his normal title of “Emperor”

In doing this Ras Tafari placed himself in the legendary line of King Solomon

It also reminded Marcus Garvey’s followers of his famous parting words that

seemed to fulfill the biblical prophecy of Revelation 5: 2-5

◦ Rastas reject nearly all chemically processed goods (do not use

soap, shampoo) the use herbs for washing.

◦ Rarely eat mean- do not drink liquor, milk, or coffee

◦ Smoke ganja (marijuana) originally gave Rastas a sense of

communitas (cohesive unity).

Education and Religion

Rastafarian Americans Started in Jamaica

◦ Colonialism and poverty

3 major themes dominated the early phase

◦ 1) Innate wickedness of Whites

◦ 2) racial superiority of Blacks

◦ 3) Eventual revenge of Blacks against Whites by enslavement

Belief that working for taxpayers of social instruction implied

recognition / approval of existing social structure

◦ Lived off land and refused to work.

◦ Endogamy

◦ Developed a bad reputation as criminals until the University of the

West Indies (the Harvard of Jamaica) did an impartial investigation of

their movement

◦ This rehabilitated the Rastafarian reputation in Jamaica

Education and Religion

Rastafarian Americans In summary:

◦ The Rastafarians are a misunderstood religious minority that

frequently experiences prejudice and harassment Stereotype of: Pot, Dreads, and Reggie

◦ Although some Rastafarians do not wear their hair long,

most do as a symbol of unity, power, freedom, and defiance

to out-groups and in accordance with biblical tradition

◦ Contemporary- exact numbers are difficult to find. Mostly

poor, unskilled workers, tend to live in low-rent areas.

◦ Strong in group solidarity, adaptability and social distance

(with both Whites and Blacks) = persistent sub culture.


Education and Religion

Santerian Americans

A fairly new religion in the United States is Santería or

La Regla Lucumí, which originated in the region of West

Africa now divided between Nigeria and Benin

◦ Based on Oral tradition (no written scripture)

◦ Belive in one god Olorun who is the source of ashe, the spiritual energy

that makes up the universe

Was brought over with African slaves to Cuba- due to

prohibition practice was hidden and blended with


◦ Flourishes in Cuba today

◦ In U.S. New York and FLA- difficult to tell numbers because secretive

Difficulty with local officials and activists over animal



Education and Religion

Hindu Americans Most people think of it as a religion but more accuratly

Hinduism is a set of practices and a range of philosophical


Does not have a single founder, specific theological system, or

even a single religious organization

Has grown to become the world’s third largest religion 914

million believers

Most important Hindu text is Bhagavad Gita

Because Hindu is not a religion in the strict sense it does not

have converts. You can be a Catholic, Jew, Muslim etc and still

practice. (Budist also work this way)

Education and Religion

Hindu Americans Hinduism is based on the monotheistic principle of Brahman,

that all reality is unity.

The deity is a triad of

◦ Brahman = the Creator

◦ Vishnu = the Preserver (sustains new creations)

◦ Shiva = the Destroyer

Cattle slaughter is sacrilege – Hindus revere the cow as mother to all

humankind because of nourishing milk it provides.

Perceive humans as being trapped in samasara- a meaningless cycle of birth,

life, death & rebirth.

Karma is accumulated sum of one’s good and bad deeds, which determines

how you will live your next life

Education and Religion

Hindu Americans

Eventually one can escape samsara (the cycle of birth,

life, death, and rebirth) by achieving enlightenment.

◦ Bad deed cause a person to be reborn at a lower level or

even as an animal

◦ Hindus accept society’s unequal distribution of wealth,

prestige and suffering as natural and just consequences for

people’s previous actions both in this life and in previous


◦ The pottu (a dot on the forehead) is an ethno religious

symbol for Hindus (just like cross for Christians).

Black = unmarried female

Red = married female

Education and Religion

Hindu Americans•The Rigveda defined five social castes

•Maintained via Endogamy

•Dictated jobs

•Formally abolished in India in 1949 – still a

significant social force.