Chapter 14 How To Talk About Common Phenomenon & Occurrences Sessions 39-41.

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Chapter 14Chapter 14How To Talk About How To Talk About

Common Common Phenomenon & Phenomenon &

OccurrencesOccurrencesSessions 39-41Sessions 39-41

Session 39 Penury- extreme poverty; destitution

Vicarious- shared in or experienced by imagined participation in another’s experience

Ephemeral- lasting a short time, then vanishing

Euphemisms- use of a word or phrase that is less expressive or direct, but also less offensive

Badinage- playful, teasing talk

Bovine- slow, dull, sluggish; cow-like

Nostalgia- a longing for something of the past

Cacophony- harsh, jarring sounds

Carnivorous- meat-eating

Clandestine- keeping secret or hidden for some illegal purpose

Exercises pg. 407-409

Session 40 Penuria- Latin- need, neediness

Parsimonious- English- stingy, cheap, frugal

Indigence- English- people living in reduced circumstances

Destitution- English- extreme poverty; synonym of penury

Fluo- Latin- to flow

Affluent- English- possessing large amounts of money

Confluence- English- flowing together

Opulentus- Latin- wealthy

Opulent- English- living a lavish and luxurious lifestyle

More Session 40 Ephemera- pg. 411- Greek- the word for a fly that lived

for a day

Vanesco- Latin- to vanish

Evanescent- English- fleeting; staying for a remarkably short time (synonym for ephemeral)

-Esce/-escent- suffix- begin to

Adolescent- English- beginning to become an adult

Evanesce- English- beginning to vanish

Convalesce- English- beginning to get well after an illness

Putrescent- English- beginning to rot

Obsolescent- English- beginning to become obsolete

More Session 40- An exploration of various good things

Eu- Greek- good

Pheme- Greek- voice

Phone- Greek- sound

Euphony- English- good sound; pleasant lilt or rhythm

Logos- Greek- word or speech

Eulogy- English- a speech of praise, usually given at a funeral

Euphoria- English- good feeling; a sense of mental buoyancy and physical well-being

Thanatos- Greek- death

Euthanasia- English- method of painless death inflicted on people suffering from incurable conditions

Still 40-Exploration of modes of expression

Persiflage- English- close synonym of badinage; playful speech that may be a bit mocking

Cliché- English- a pattern of words which was once new and fresh, but is now old and overused pg. 413

Bromide- English- any trite, dull, and fallacious remark that shows little evidence of original thinking

Platys- Greek- broad or flat

Platitude- English- similar to a cliché, but the speaker is trying to pass it off as new and original

Plateau- English- flat land

Odyne- Greek- pain

Anodyne- English- a statement made to make the listener feel better

Exercises- pg. 416-421

Session 41- People are the craziest

animals Bovis- Latin- ox, cow

Leonine- English- like a lion

Canine- English- ???

Feline- English- ???

Porcine- English- pig-like

Vulpine- English- fox-like

Ursine- English- like a bear

Lupine- English- wolf-like

Equine- English- like a horse

Piscine- English- ???

See pg. 422 for the Latin roots

More 41- You can’t go home again

Nostos- Greek- a return

Algos- Greek- pain

Kakos- Greek- bad, harsh, or ugly

Telephone- English- sound from afar

Euphony-English- ???

Phonograph- English- ???

Saxophone- English- ???

Xylone- Greek- wood

Xylophone- English- ???

Phonetics- English- the science of the sounds of language

Phonics- English- a method of teaching reading by drilling letter and syllable sounds

More 41 Carnis- Latin- flesh

Voro- Latin- to devour

Herba- Latin- herb

Herbivorous- English- subsisting on grains, grasses, or vegetation

Omnis- Latin- all

Omnivorous- English- eating both meat and vegetation

Voracious- English- devouring; greedy or gluttonous

Potens, potentis- Latin- powerful

Omnipotent- English- all powerful

Potentate- English- powerful leader

Impotent- English- powerless

Potent- English- ???

Potential- English- possessing power not yet exercised

More 41 Sciens- Latin- knowing

Omniscient- English- all-knowing

Omnipresent- English- present everywhere, at all times

Ubiquitous- English- seemingly everywhere

Ubique- Latin- everywhere

Omnibus- English- for all

More 41- More flesh Carnelian- English- reddish in color

Vale- Latin- farewell

Carnival- English- any riotous merrymaking or festivities

Carnal- English- pleasures of the flesh

Carnage- English- great destruction of life

Reincarnation- English- a rebirth or reappearance

Incarnate- English- in the flesh

Clam- Latin- secretly

Surreptitious- English- stealthy, sneaky, furtive

Exercises- pg. 427-434