Chapter 15 Sudden Illness. Types of Sudden Illnesses 1. Fainting 2. Diabetic emergency 3. Seizures...

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Chapter 15Sudden Illness

Types of Sudden Illnesses1. Fainting

2. Diabetic emergency

3. Seizures

4. Stroke

5. Poisoning

6. Heart attack

7. Shock

Fainting• One of the most common sudden illnesses

• Definition-partial or complete loss of consciousness.

• Cause-temporary reduction of blood flow to the brain due to

1. stressful event

2.disturbing site

3. getting up too quickly

Sign and symptoms• Loss of consciousness

• Light headed/dizzy

• Pale/cool skin

• Sweating

• Vomiting

• Distortion of vision

• Feeling or looking ill

Care for fainting1. Try to catch the person

2. Position person on their back

3. Elevate the legs 12 inches- to keep blood to vital organs.

4. Loosen restrictive clothing

5. Check for life-threatening conditions

6. Do not give food or drink

7. Do not slap person or pour water on them.

Diabetic Emergencies• Diabetes mellitus-a condition where the

body does not produce enough insulin or use insulin effectively.

• Insulin is a hormone that allows sugars to be passed into our cells for energy.

• A diabetic emergency-is an imbalance of insulin and sugar in the bloodstream.

2 types of diabetes

1. Type I (juvenile diabetes)-the body produces little or no insulin.


2. Type II (adult onset diabetes)-body produces insulin but the cells do not use the insulin correctly or not enough insulin is produced.

Signs of a Diabetic Emergency• Changes in levels of consciousness• Irregular breathing• Rapid pulse• Feeling or looking ill• Fruity breathe• Irregular behavior- “out of it” or


Treatment• Check for life threatening conditions

• Give person sugar fluids or food ie. Candy, fruit juice or non diet soda.

• If victim doesn’t feel better within 5 minutes call 911

• Insulin shock (hypoglycemia)-too much insulin, low sugar level

• Diabetic coma (hyperglycemia)-

High blood sugar level, low insulin.

Seizures• Irregular loss of body control due to abnormal

electrical activity in the brain.Epilepsy is a chronic conditions that needs

medicine• Signs and Symptoms1. Aura-unusual sensation or feeling2. Uncontrollable tremors-grand mal seizure3. Blank stare-petit seizure4. Irregular breathing5. Eyes roll back

Treatment• Protect the head/prevent further injury

• Do not restrain

• Move objects away from them

• Call 911 if first time or longer than 5 min.

• Do not try to put anything in the mouth

• Position person on their side

• Speak calmly and reassure them

Febrile Seizure• Happens to infants who are running a high

fever quickly.

• Additional Treatment: Cool the body slowly

• Call 911 for first time.

6 Instances for calling 911 for a seizure victim

• 1. if seizure lasts more than 5 minutes

• 2. if the person has multiple seizures

• 3. if the person DOESN’T regain consciousness

• 4. if the person is pregnant

• 5. if it is a febrile seizure

• 6. if the seizure occurs in water

Stroke2 Kinds1.Disruption of the blood

flow in the brain caused by a clot (thrombus or embolus)

TIA-Transient Ischemic Attack-temporary disruption of blood flow

2. Bleeding from a ruptured artery (aneurysm)

Signs and Symptoms• F.A.S.T-Face, Arm, Speech, Time• Numbness and tingling• Paralysis• Dizzy• Vision problemsTreatmentCall 911 immediately-TIME SENSITIVE!!!Monitor life threatening conditionsPosition so fluids can drain from mouth if


Hypertension-high blood pressure• You are 7 times more likely to have a

stroke if you have high blood pressure.

Things you can do:

• Exercise

• Do not smoke

• Eat healthy

• Get annual physical examinations

General guidelines for treating sudden illnesses

• Do no further harm

• Monitor ABCs and consciousness

• Help victim rest comfortably

• Keep them from getting chilled or overheated

• Reassure victim

• **you need to know when 911 is needed and when it is not.

• *give specific care as needed.