Chapter 18.2 growing up

Post on 19-Jan-2017

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Discworld LegacyChapter


Growing Up

Welcome back to the Discworld Legacy.

Last time there was birth, birthdays, pregnancy and teenage drama.

No matter how much he tried to ignore it Edward's thoughts kept returning to the night at the bowling alley. Why had he turned Alienor down? Why was he so fixated on Dorian?

He was going in circles trying to work out what he wanted and wasn't getting anywhere. Much as he loved his parents he just didn't feel comfortable asking them about something like this, maybe if Esme hadn't changed. But he didn't want to think about that either.

There was one person Edward felt he could talk to.

Edward stood at the door, nervously shifting from foot to foot.

"Hi Edward, if you're looking for Sebastian and Viola they've gone shopping, I don't know exactly when they plan on getting back. They should have their phones on them if you want to give them a call."

"Actually it was you I wanted to see Aunt Drue"

"Come in then."

Edward followed Druellae into the living room trying to calm his mind and prepare the questions he so desperately needed answers to.

"What did you want to talk about then Edward?"

"Um?" Edward struggled to find the right words "You and Viola? When did you... How did you know that she was the right person for you?"

Druellae paused before she gave her answer, she pondered the question Edward had asked and the question he hadn't.

"I didn't, not at first. I was attracted to her from the moment I met her but didn't give any thought to it lasting beyond my teenage years. When I got to university I started thinking about the future and finding someone to settle down with. I rejected everyone I met, there was always a good reason but I think really it was because they weren't Viola." Druellae smiled as she reminisced "When I met Viola again it just felt so right and, well, we haven't been apart since.“

Druellae sighed "If things had happened differently and we'd never met again I'd probably have found another girl who I felt just as strong a connection with and I would be just as happy as I am now. Probably. Not that it matters because I have Viola."

"As for how I knew I was gay"

"I didn't ask."

"I know, but I'm going to answer" Drue couldn't help feeling slightly amused at her nephew's distress; he was far easier to read than he thought. "I never sat down and thought definitely that I was gay but I guess it's always been pretty clear, I've only ever been attracted to other women. I know you're confused about things but remember you don't get to chose who you're attracted to just how you act on it, you never know you could be pleasantly surprised."

"In the end all that matters is that you're happy and with someone you love. If anyone tells you otherwise let me know and I'll take care of them.“

"Thanks Aunt Drue, I think I know what I'm going to do now."

Edward left feeling happier than he had in days.

While Edward was visiting his aunt Roxy started feeling the very familiar signs of labour. She called out to attract the attention of anyone who was around, while she had plenty of experience of child birth she did prefer there to be someone around, just in case.

Hearing her shouts Casanunda, Amber and the maid hurriedly joined her.

They were soon joined by a little girl with deep black eyes. But the labour pains hadn't stopped with her birth.

Roxy knew exactly what the continued pain meant. She calmly (as calmly as the situation allowed anyway) handed her new daughter to Casanunda and continued her labour.

It didn't take long for the second baby to make its appearance, another girl with the same dark eyes.

The girls were named Ella and Erzulie and with their mother and two doting grandparents present for the birth were showered with love from their first minute.

[Ella Saturday (also called Emberella) is the Discworld version of Cinderella, however, she doesn't want to marry the prince and ends up ruling a city by herself. Erzulie Gogol is a voodoo witch and a great cook. In the books Erzulie is actually the mother of Ella, so naming the naming the twins like this is a little weird.]

Later that evening, after he'd had a chance to meet his new sisters, Edward stood outside waiting for someone to arrive. It had taken what felt like hours and countless false starts to actually call the number, now he just hoped his nerves held.

Edward felt his stomach lurch when he spotted Dorian, was this really the right thing to do?

Ignoring the nagging doubts Edward invited Dorian in.

"So where's this new game you were telling me about then?"

"Up in my room, follow me."

"It's...I...Well...Um..." Edward realised he wasn't making any sense and tried to calm his breathing, closing his eyes for a second.

Before he had a chance to open them again he felt Dorian's fingers brush against his chin.

Startled Edward opened his eyes just as Dorian's lips met his. There was a slight clashing of noses but Edward didn't care, as far as he was concerned the kiss was perfect.

When they parted Edward couldn't find anything to say, he was so stunned by Dorian's actions, in the scenarios he'd planned he'd never considered this.

Misinterpreting Edward's lack of reaction Dorian was embarrassed "God Edward, I'm really sorry, I just..."

Hearing words he'd expected to be saying Edward laughed interrupting Dorian's apology "Don't be. I've been trying to work up the nerve to do that ever since you arrived."

Dorian smiled, "That's good then, I like you Edward, really like you, and, well, I've been wanting to ask you out ever since I first met you."

"We could try that kiss again, now we're both on the same page."

It hadn't seemed possible but their second kiss was even better than the first, and the third was even better, Edward was too distracted to keep track after that. He had no idea how long they kissed for and it didn't matter.

When they finally separated there were matching grins on both their faces. "So was there really a new game, or was it just an excuse?"

"There really is one, I didn't want to look like an idiot if I chickened out. Wanna play?"

"Nice move. Want to go out some time?"

And go out they did.


Being with Dorian helped Edward stop worrying about every move he took and enjoy being spontaneous.

Dorian even got Edward to sing karaoke in public.

While Edward and Dorian's relationship was only getting stronger the relationship between Errol and Evadne wasn't looking good. They hadn't spoken a work to each other since their argument over Victoria.

They couldn't even stand to be in the same room.

Evadne desperately wanted to have her brother back by her side. Without him she found it hard to be the centre of attention that she had so carefully worked to be.

But neither one of them wanted to make the first move; they were both far too stubborn.

Instead Evadne spent even more time cleaning than usual. She found it comforting and it made it that much easier to avoid Errol.

She couldn't avoid him all the time though. They were both in the room to cheer at Enrico's transition although it was very noticeable that they stood as far apart as possible. Enrico didn't care though, he was just happy to see all his family gathered round and to have Edward bring him to the cake.

Enrico became a happy child who couldn't wait to get his hands on the books he'd always had to pester his family to read to him previously but first he really wanted to play with his siblings.

His cheerful enthusiasm even won over Eric, mostly; Eskarina's hands were never quite as red after playing red hands with Eric as Enrico's were.

Enrico wasn't quite as cheerful after his first day at school.

"It's not fair." He complained later "The PE teacher only marked me down because I didn't want to try out for the school football team."

"Don't worry about your PE grade sweetie, as long as you try your best it's ok." Roxy reassured.

After his mother's reassurance Enrico stopped paying much attention to his PE grade and happily celebrated his A's in everything else.

"Look grandpa, I came top in the spelling test and in the maths quiz and they're going to move me to the advanced group in science."

Edward and Dorian were spending an afternoon in the park, enjoying the summer weather but Dorian was unusually quiet, there was something weighing on his mind.

"Ed there's something I need to tell you." Edward's face fell "Don't worry it's nothing really. I just got my acceptance letter from Brazeneck College this morning."

"Oh, I'd kinda just assumed you'd be going to Unseen U with me and the others."

"Brazeneck College offers some pretty unique courses, Unseen U just doesn't offer what I want to study."

"Ok, it's not that big a deal though is it? I mean it's pretty close to Unseen U, it's not like I'll never see you."

"Less than an hour's drive, but that's not the only thing. The way the course works I have to start early."

"How early?"

Dorian shifted uncomfortably "Pretty much now. I mean, I'm coming to the birthday party tonight but after that I've got to leave."

Edward was quiet for a moment, not quite sure how to take the sudden news.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier but I only found out this morning I had a place, before that I didn't really want to think about what it might mean if I did get it. Are we ok?"

Edward smiled "Of course we are. It's not like you'll be on the other side of the world. And there are these things called phones now, you can use them to talk to people even if they aren't in the same building."

Dorian laughed "Hey, I apologised, no need for sarcasm."

The birthday party Dorian mentioned was for two sets of twins - Eric and Eskarina were due to become teenagers and Ella and Erzulie were becoming toddlers. True to his word Dorian was there along with Druellae and her family (minus her oldest children, they were too busy with exams).

Eric and Eskarina went first, cheered on by everyone watching.

"It wouldn't kill you to smile you know."


Becoming a teenager didn't change Eskarina's sunny outlook in the slightest. Her biggest dream was to find that one person with whom she could spend the rest of her life and be the head of a large family, and while she was looking she was determined to have a good time. Eric on the other hand wasn't interested in the long-term at all, he just wanted to get as much knowledge about the physical side of relationships as possible, preferably through practical experimentation. [Eskarina is a Family/Pleasure sim, she wants to have 6 grandchildren. I think it suits her perfectly. Eric is a Romance/ Knowledge sim, he wants to woohoo with 20 different sims, with his 3 outgoing and 2 nice it'll be interesting]

With the teens made over and their picture taken it was the turn of the infants.

Of the twins so far they probably looked the most alike (not just because they were both girls) and were the most similar in personality. Though they still followed the trend of one twin being nice and the other mean.

[Ella (in the red) is a Taurus - 7 neat, 6 outgoing, 6 active, 7 playful and 3 nice. Erzulie (in the orange) is an Aries - 5 neat, 10 outgoing, 8 active, 3 playful and 9 nice.]

The party was also when Dorian and Edward had to say goodbye, at least for a little while.

"You're leaving first thing in the morning right?"

"Yep, I'll give you a call as soon as I'm settled in."

Early the next morning after a night spent running after two active little girls Dorfl and Roxy finally got a chance to relax.


"Yes love?"

"Now the twins are potty trained we could start trying for the next one, the last one." Roxy's expression grew wistful "I've dreamed about this so long it seems so strange to be almost there. I don't quite know what I'm going to do when they're all grown up."

"You're getting a bit ahead of yourself there love. They've all got a lot of growing up left to do before they're adults and number ten doesn't even exist yet." Dorfl reached out his arm to embrace Roxy. "Now come here and lets see what we can do about thatlast part."

Roxy's subdued mood couldn't last for long with two cheerful toddlers to remind her that while she may be reaching the end of one stage there was still a lot to do.

The bouts of morning sickness also helped take her mind of things. To help her out Casanunda and Dorfl volunteered to teach the girls to talk, they were startlingly fast learners and strangely in sync.

Now that Dorian wasn't around Edward found a surprising new partner for playing games with, Eric had finally decided his big brother was worth spending time with.

Not that he appreciated it very much anytime Edward beat him (which was fairly often).

Dorian hadn't abandoned Edward; he kept his promise and rang once he was settled in.

"So what's it like living in a dorm then."

"It's been ok so far. Some of the other residents seem a little strange, but I've been spending so much of my time at the library I haven't really had a chance to get to know anyone properly yet."

"You're working hard then. You know, you never did say what you're actually studying."

"No I didn't, it's Parabiology."

Edward couldn't help laughing. "No wonder you couldn’t study at Unseen U, they tend to stick to established subjects."

"Hey, no laughing, your dad's one of the lecturers."

While Edward and Dorian had their lives ahead of them another couple knew their time was coming to its end.

"What was that for?"

"Does it have to be for anything in particular?" Amber sighed, "I'm old and tired Cas, every day I'm finding it harder to get moving in the morning. I can feel my body slowing down; I don't think I've long left."

"Nonsense, we're still in our prime you and I; we are going to be here for a long time yet."

"I wish you were right but my bones tell me you're not."

"You deserved so much better than me Amber."

"It was you I chose. I knew what kind of sim you were when you proposed to me," Amber couldn't help smiling as she though back to her college days, "remember I'd lived with Cassandra for the last year of university, she was never exactly coy about her nature, or yours."

"Then why?"

"Because I loved you, you dolt. And it was me you proposed to, me you came home to, me you loved. You're a good husband, not a perfect one sure, but good enough for me, and I couldn't have asked for a better man to have children with."

"Now enough of this morbid stuff, the twins are asleep and everyone else is out."

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"And you call yourself a romancer. To the bedroom husband dear."

"There are advantages to marrying a romancer."

"I love you Amber Discworld."

"I know."

After school Amber sought out Evadne, she was well aware of the rift between the twins and hated to see it.

"Why don't you talk to your brother dear, I know you miss him and I'm pretty sure he misses you too."

"No he doesn't, he hates me, and I don't blame him. I was mean and horrible to that girl and I don't even know why." Evadne was choking back tears as she spoke.

"Evadne talk to your brother, I really don't think he hates you but you won't know unless you talk to him. Please, for your grandma."

"Yes grandma."

"Good, now give me a kiss and go find your brother."

Hopeful that her advice would have the desired effect Amber went in search of her husband, she felt a pressing need to be close to him and feel him in her arms.

As the afternoon moved to evening Amber felt a deep chill and the world seemed to fade. A figure cloaked in grey slowly appeared in the room.




"But there's so much left to do, I'm not ready."



"I don't exactly have a choice."


"You'd better give me that drink then."

Casanunda scowled as he turned away from his wife's death and crying family. His helplessness in the situation had become anger, anything else he could have at least tried to fight, but age was inevitable, there was nothing he could do to save her.

While Casanunda refused to watch Amber faded into the afterlife surrounded by her sobbing family, she may not have been related to them by blood but they loved her no less for that.

Rest in Peace Amber Discworld.

You may not have passed your genes on to the main legacy family but you were an integral part of it. You were at Druellae's birth and raised Casanunda's three alien children no differently from the kids you shared with him. You provided financial and emotional support right when he needed it and you turned a blind eye to his cheating and in return he became monogamous, by choice, in his old age. I'm going to miss you.

Turning to see only an urn where his wife had stood the grief that had been masked by his initial anger washed over Casanunda and there was nothing he could do to stop the tears.

Hating to see anyone she loved in pain Eskarina did her best to comfort her grandfather.

"I'm sorry grandpa, we're all here if you need anything."

For a moment after Amber's death the relationship between the twins seemed almost back to normal. Without saying a word Errol pulled his twin into a tight hug.

But the moment passed and Errol walked away without ever saying anything. Evadne felt a small spark of hope, he didn't hate her, maybe she could make things right between them.

Later that evening the twins found themselves alone together for the first time since their fight. Both seemed determined to ignore the other but Amber's words and the realisation that Errol didn't hate her occupied Evadne's thoughts.

Finally she gave up trying to paint and took a seat by her brother.

"Errol" She paused, "I'm sorry ok. I don't even know why I was so angry. It's always been you and me I guess, I mean, yeah, there've been other friends, but you and me have always been closer than anyone else. I was just afraid I was going to lose that."

She hung her head and waited for Errol to speak.

He didn't respond straight away, instead Evadne heard him stand, she looked up afraid he would turn his back on her again.

Once he'd replaced his book he stood and looked at Evadne.

"I think I understand and it's ok. I'd forgiven you ages ago really but didn't want to be the first to crack, if I hadn't been so stubborn we could have sorted this ages ago."

"Maybe, but that's something we have in common. Are you and Victoria still together?"

"Actually no. We broke up not long after the fight, she said some mean stuff about you and I may have been mad at you but I didn't like that. I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid you'd gloat.“

"Oh, sorry."

"Nah, it was never really all that serious. But Evadne there are going to be other girls. I want to settle down with someone one day. I need you to be ok with that.“

"I'll be alright with, I can't promise to like her though."

"Wouldn't expect you to, but I hope you'll get on, whoever she ends up being."

"We'll see." Eskarina stood to hug her brother. "Now, we've got so much to catch up with. I had loads planned for us to do and we've wasted all this time arguing and we're not going to have time to do any of it because we're going to have to start studying for uni soon."

While some things were going back to normal others were changing for good.

"Mum, dad, I got the letter from Unseen U this morning, the new semester is about to start."

"It can't be, you're not old enough yet surely"

"Of course he is love, we've been planning this for ages, the twins are starting to apply for places now too."

"Oh don't remind me." Roxy smiled at Edward. "Don't mind me dear, I just don't feel ready for my children to be so grown up. Come on, let's go sort out what you want to take."

"This would be a lot easier if you kept this room tidier."

"Yes mum. I think that's everything anyway."

"Are you sure? I don't want you remembering something vital just after we leave tomorrow."

Edward was leaving early in the morning so they could have a relaxed trip, before he left hs took a moment to say goodbye to Enrico.

"I'll give you a call when I've settled in, tell you all about the place."


"Promise, and I promise I'll be back to see the girls become children, and when you become a teen."


"Are you sure you have everything?"

"Yes mum, please stop worrying, we've checked everything at least twice."

"Worrying is a mother's job son. If there's anything vital we've forgotten I'm sure there'll be a shop on campus that sells it. Now lets go."

After an uneventful journey Edward and his parents arrived at the dorm that would be his home for at least the next year.

At his father's suggestion Edward headed inside to find his room while his parents started unloading the car. It also gave him a chance to check out some of the other students he'd be living with.

"I think that's everything, we'll check the car before we leave just to be sure."

"Thanks mum."

"You sure you don't want me to give you a hand unpacking the last boxes? It won't take long."

"It's fine mum, I can manage it."

"Oh I know you can sweetie; I'm just not sure I'm ready to see my little boy all grown up and not needing me around any more."

"I might not need you any more mum but I'll always want you around." Edward pulled Roxy into a tight hug "I love you mum."

"Bye son, take care of yourself and don't forget to call us from time to time."

"I'll remember dad. And I'll be back for the next birthday party I can guarantee that."

"I don't doubt it."

Edward waved goodbye to his parent conflicting emotions in his heart. He'd always been surrounded by family, for the first time in his life he was alone, and he couldn't deny that he was a little scared. On the other hand college offered so many new opportunities that Edward couldn't wait to explore, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing Dorian again.

It was impossible for Edward to feel alone for long. The dorm was a bustling place, there were ten other first years moving in that day and the issues associated with the start of university made easy conversation starters.

"So, what do you think of the rooms?"

"Not bad, not exactly luxurious though."

And of course he had Dorian to talk to.

The beginning of the first semester was a hectic time, full of lectures and coursework. Edward decided he'd get his first term paper written early leaving his time free for other things.

Once his life calmed down and he had free time again Edward invited Dorian over for a visit.

Edward greeted Dorian with a warm hug; it was good to finally see him again.

"The dorm looks nice and it's good and central, sometimes I wonder if studying at Brazeneck College is really worth how far I am from everything."

Edward gave Dorian a quick tour of the dorm ending in his room.

Edward had wondered occasionally if growing up and going to university would mean his feeling for Dorian changing but being with Dorian again stirred the same feelings as when he was a teenager.

"I've missed you terribly; the phone just isn't quite the same."

"That's the other thing I regret about going to Brazeneck, I don't get to have you around."

Dorian couldn't restrain himself any longer and grabbed Edward close for an extended makeoutsession.

They spent the rest of the visit alternating between kissing and making plans for future visits. Sadly Dorian couldn't stay for too long and had to head back to his college but any doubts Edward had had about their relationship had been banished.

Near the end of the semester Edward decided to throw a party partly because it was the last chance before exams and partly because he was missing Dorian and his cousins.

"I like the look, it's very colourful."

"You know me, I like to stand out."

"And the green skin doesn't do that enough already?"

"Good grief, you've even found matching contacts."

"You should see what she's done to the house." Sebastian muttered.

His greeting for Dorian was even more enthusiastic than last time they'd seen each other.

"If it carries on like this we're going to need a double bed in the hall the next time I visit." Dorian joked causing Edward to blush furiously.

"Say cheese!" called Viola as the flash of her camera went off.

"You could have given us a warning you know, you'd get better pictures that way."

"Nah, I prefer the spontaneity. You two looked so cute gazing into each other's eyes like that." Viola laughed as she scouted around for more photo opportunities.

Before everyone left Edward and Dorian made plans to meet up after exams. For a change they decided Edward would visit Dorian at Brazeneck College.

The party was the last chance Edward had for a while to have much fun. Exams were looming and the dorm was filled with stress and silence and revision was the only thing on anybody's schedule.

Once exams were over (passed with relative ease) Edward took a cab over to Brazeneck College. Dorian's dorm was strangely empty, this time of day it should have been full of students, and there were strange noises coming from the floor above. Edward felt uneasy as he headed upstairs to meet Dorian.

What he saw when he reached the top of the stairs made his blood run cold.

And that's where I'm ending it. Have a picture of Viola and some butterflies to make up for it.

Thanks, as always, to those who make the custom content that is slowly taking over my computer and to everyone at Boolprop and SiMania for their support and advice.