Post on 27-Dec-2015

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• 217. entitlement programs-programs that guarantee benefits to particular groups of people.

• 218. “New Right”-1970’s...right-wing grass-roots groups that supported or promoted single issues that reflected their key interests.

• 219. affirmative action-policy that required employers and educational institutions to give special consideration to women and other minority groups, even though these people were not necessarily better qualified.

• 220. reverse discrimination-many saw affirmative action programs as reverse discrimination-favoring one group over another on the basis of race or gender.

• 221. conservative coalition-an alliance of business leaders, middle-class voters, disaffected Democrats and fundamentalist Christian groups.

• 222. Moral Majority-formed by Reverend Jerry Falwell...consisted of evangelical and fundamentalist Christians who interpreted the Bible literally and believed in absolute standards of right and wrong.

• 223. “Reaganomics”-new economic policies of President Reagan: 1. budget cuts, 2. tax cuts, 3. increased defense spending.

• 224. supply-side economics-basis for Reaganomics-if people paid fewer taxes, they would save more money; banks could loan that money to businesses which would invest it to increase productivity; supply of goods would increase, driving prices down.

• 225. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)-defense system to protect US from enemy’s missiles...named “Star Wars” after popular movie...estimated cost: $$Trillions!!

• 226. deregulation-cutting back on federal regulation (control) of industry.

• 227. George H. W. Bush-served as Vice-P under Reagan...elected 41st President in Election of 1988...economy was good=voters—why change party in control?

• 228. acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)-spread rapidly around the world in 1980’s...virus that destroys immune system, weakens body so it is prone to infections and normally rare cancers...transmitted through bodily fluids...early: homosexuals & intravenous drug users...also, blood transfusions, babies born to mothers with virus.

• 229. abortion-important issue in ’80’s...”pro-life” vs. “pro-choice”...Jul, 1989, Webster vs. Reproductive Health Care Services—states have right to impose new restrictions on, varied from state to state.

• 230. drug abuse-gangs sold; treatment facilities; Nancy Reagan—”Just Say No” to drugs program.

• 231. Mikhail Gorbachev-1985, general secretary of Communist Party in USSR...wanted to reform Russian economy and advocated...

• 232. glasnost-(Russian for “openness”)...allowed criticism of government; steps toward freedom of press...outlined...

• 233. perestroika-restructuring of Soviet society...less government control of economy, some private enterprise and start of democratic government for Soviet Union.

• 234. INF Treaty-Gorbachev felt that better relations with US would allow Soviets to reduce military spending and reform economy...INF were arms control meetings...Dec’87-eliminated 2 types of weapons in Europe + allowed on-site inspections of other country’s military sites.

• 235. Boris Yeltsin-President of USSR-’92...and President Bush (41) issued formal statement declaring an end to the Cold War!!...marked beginning of new era of “friendship and partnership” between the former antagonists.

• 236. Opening Berlin Wall-East Germans overturned Communist govt and on 09.Nov.1989—opened the Berlin Wall---allowing free passage between the divided city since 1961.

• 237. Tiananmen Square-April ’89, Chinese college students held demonstrations (constructed Statute of Liberty) to symbolize struggle for democracy...Chinese Army crushed demonstration-slaughtering unarmed college students.

• 238. Sandinistas-rebels who overthrew dictatorship in Nicaragua in 1979...Carter recognized new government...President Reagan called it Soviet outpost-”exporting revolution” and began to support...

• 239. Contras-guerilla forces who opposed Sandinistas in Nicaragua in 1981...supported by US.

• 240. Grenada-tiny Caribbean island...1983, US overthrew pro-Cuban (commie) government.

• 241. Panama-1989,Bush (41) sent troops to Panama to arrest General Manuel Noriega on charges of drug trafficking...formerly supported by CIA, Noriega was involved in international drug 40 years in prison.

• 242. Iran-Contra Scandal-irregularity of arms sales to Iran in exchange for Americans held hostage in Lebanon in 1983...some of $$ from sale was sent to Nicaragua to assist the Contras (a violation of no assistance policy)...hearings, trial—Colonel Olvier North found guilty of participating in cover-up.

• 243. Persian Gulf War-Aug.’90, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq army invaded neighbor Kuwait, looted it and advanced on Saudi Arabia...if it took S.A. it would control ½ of world’s known oil reserves...

• 244. Operation Desert Storm-Bush(41) organized coalition to liberate Kuwait...16.Jan.91- launched massive air assault—On 23.Feb, launched ground assault from Saudi Arabia...on 28.Feb, President Bush announced ceasefire...Kuwait was liberated...fewer than 400 US casualties!!