Chapter 4 Façade Summary prepared by Kirk Scott 1.

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Chapter 4Façade

Summary prepared by Kirk Scott


EmmerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

• Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum), also known as farro especially in Italy, or hulled wheat,[1] is a type of awned wheat. It was one of the first crops domesticated in the Near East. It was widely cultivated in the ancient world, but is now a relict crop in mountainous regions of Europe and Asia.



SpeltFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

• This article is about the wheat species. • For the alternative version of the word "spelled", see

Spelling.Spelt, also known as dinkel wheat,[2] or hulled wheat,[2] is a hexaploid species of wheat. Spelt was an important staple in parts of Europe from the Bronze Age to medieval times; it now survives as a relict crop in Central Europe and northern Spain and has found a new market as a health food. Spelt is sometimes considered a subspecies of the closely related species common wheat (T. aestivum), in which case its botanical name is considered to be Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta.



Einkorn wheatFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Einkorn)• Einkorn wheat (from German Einkorn, literally "single

grain") can refer either to the wild species of wheat, Triticum boeoticum , or to the domesticated form, Triticum monococcum. The wild and domesticated forms are either considered separate species, as here, or as subspecies of T. monococcum. Einkorn is a diploid species of hulled wheat, with tough glumes ('husks') that tightly enclose the grains. The cultivated form is similar to the wild, except that the ear stays intact when ripe and the seeds are larger.


• Einkorn wheat was one of the earliest cultivated forms of wheat, alongside emmer wheat (T. dicoccum). Grains of wild einkorn have been found in Epi-Paleolithic sites of the Fertile Crescent. It was first domesticated approximately 7500 BC (7050 BC ≈ 9000 BP), in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) or B (PPNB) periods.[1] Evidence from DNA finger-printing suggests einkorn was domesticated near Karaca Dağ in southeast Turkey, an area in which a number of PPNB farming villages have been found.[2] Its cultivation decreased in the Bronze Age, and today it is a relict crop that is rarely planted, though it has found a new market as a health food. It remains as a local crop, often for bulgur (cracked wheat) or as animal feed, in mountainous areas of France, Morocco, the former Yugoslavia, Turkey and other countries. It often survives on poor soils where other species of wheat fail. [3]



Design Patterns in JavaChapter 4


Summary prepared by Kirk Scott



• The book starts with a review of some of the benefits of object-oriented code development

• The idea is that families/hierarchies of classes are developed which are known as toolkits

• Then application programs can be written which make use of the functionality implemented in the toolkits


• In the broadest sense, you might think of the Java API as a toolkit

• This would be an example of a toolkit that has too much in it to fully understand

• How do you know what features to use or where to start when trying to use it to implement an application?


• The authors suggest that an IDE might help isolate a programmer from toolkit complexity, while still making the toolkit available for use

• However, this implies taking the trouble to learn the IDE

• A sufficiently advanced (paint by number) IDE will automatically generate code for the programmer


• The automatically generated code may not be well designed

• Also, the programmer may not understand the code

• It’s bad enough when you don’t understand the toolkit

• It may be worse when you don’t understand what is ostensibly your own code


• The façade design pattern is an approach to managing the complexity of a toolkit

• The book describes a façade as a “small amount” of code which provides a typical, no-frills usage of the classes in a class library

• It expands this description by saying that a façade is a class with a level of functionality between a toolkit and an application


• This class offers simplified usage of the classes in a package or subsystem (the toolkit)

• It can do this by providing an interface with fewer methods

• It can also do this by providing an interface containing methods with fewer parameters


Book Definition of the Design Pattern

• Book definition:• The intent of the Façade pattern is to provide

an interface that makes a subsystem easy to use


• The book will take two approaches to illustrating what a façade is

• The first approach is to point out a class in the Java API which it says meets the definition of a façade

• The second approach will be to give a concrete example of a design, including code, and refactor it to reflect the façade pattern


• The refactoring involves adding new classes to the design and dividing methods among them.

• A basic design question is always, what are the classes and what functionality do they contain?

• You may get this right in an initial design or you may have to rethink it on a redesign


• The façade pattern can be used as a model for abstracting out certain functionalities into one class, the façade

• The remaining functionalities are then reorganized in a set of classes that is more logical or convenient


Facades and Utilities

• If a class fits the intent of the Façade design pattern and consists entirely of static methods, then it is called a utility

• A utility can be a useful construct• Comparing facades and utilities brings out

some points that you probably haven’t considered before


• For example, you can’t override static methods in subclasses

• On the one hand, trying to do this might not seem to make much sense

• On the other hand, if you are trying to develop a utility hierarchy, this is would be a limitation of utilities


• Turning this around, you could make this positive statement about facades:

• Facades don’t have to consist entirely of static methods

• If you develop a façade, in theory it would be possible to give it subclasses

• You could override methods as necessary


• It’s not immediately clear how useful this would be

• Could it be used to support the goal of making a toolkit easier to use, or would it just make the façade more complicated?

• The book doesn’t pursue this idea any further• No example of extending a façade will be



Facades and Demos

• A demo is an example that shows how to use a class or subsystem

• Demos provide much of the same information or value to the programmer as a façade, but they are not exactly the same thing

• The difference can be expressed in terms of the use that they can be put to


• Challenge 4.1• “Write down two differences between a demo

and a façade.”


• Solution 4.1• “Some differences to note between demos

and facades are as follows.• A demo is usually a stand-alone application; a

façade is usually not.• A demo usually includes sample data; a façade

does not.


• A façade is usually configurable; a demo is not• A façade is intended for reuse; a demo is not• A façade is intended for use in production; a

demo is not”


An Example of a Façade in the Java API

• The book gives the JOptionPane class from the Java API as an example of a façade

• If you look in the API documentation, this class has dozens of methods of its own and it inherits literally hundreds of others

• It is in the javax.swing package, and it can be used in the writing of graphical user interface code


• It is impossible to say how many discrete elements of the swing package the JOptionPane class is based on, or provides a way of using

• The book provides one simple example of its use

• It gives an application that pops up a confirm dialog box


• This is done with a static call to the JOptionPane class

• There is no reason to look at the complete code where the call occurs

• The one line of code in question looks like this

• option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(…);

• Its output is shown on the next overhead



• The use of the JOptionPane should not be foreign to you, because it was used in unit 17 of CSCE 202

• In the code for there was a line of code like this

• inputString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(…);

• Its output is shown on the next overhead



• Challenge 4.2• “The JOptionPane class makes it easy to

display a dialog. • Say whether this class is a façade, a utility, or a

demo, and justify your answer.”


• Solution 4.2• “The JOptionPane class is one of the few

examples of a Façade in the Java class libraries.• It is production worthy, configurable, and

designed for reuse.• Above all else, the JOptionPane class fulfills the

intent of the Façade pattern by providing a simple interface that makes it easy to use the JDialog class.


• You might argue that a façade simplifies a “subsystem” and that the solitary JDialog class does not qualify as a subsystem.

• But it is exactly the richness of this class’s features that make a façade valuable.


• Sun Microsystems bundles many demos in with the JDK.

• However, these classes are never part of the Java class libraries.

• That is, these classes do not appear in packages with a java prefix.

• A façade may belong in the Java class libraries, but demos do not.


• JOptionPane has dozens of static methods that effectively make it a utility as well as a façade.

• Strictly speaking, though, it does not meet the UML definition of a utility, which requires it to possess solely static methods.”

• [End of solution 4.2]


• Challenge 4.3• “Few facades appear in the Java class libraries.

Why is that?”


• Solution 4.3:• “Here are a few reasonable but opposing

views regarding the paucity of facades in the Java class libraries.

• [given on the following overheads]


• [1] As a Java developer, you are well advised to develop a thorough knowledge of the tools in the library.

• Facades necessarily limit the way you might apply any system.

• They would be a distracting and potentially misleading element of the class libraries in which they might appear.


• [2] A façade lies somewhere between the richness of a toolkit and the specificity of a particular application.

• To create a façade requires some notion of the type of applications it will support.

• This predictability is impossible given the huge and diverse audience of the Java class libraries.


• [3] The scarcity of facades in the class libraries is a weakness.

• Adding more facades would be a big help.”


Parametric Equations: A Detour

• The book’s next example is based on an application that presents graphical representations of parabolic flight paths of rockets

• You will see that this is closely related to some of the things that happened both visually and with the use of functions that cropped up in the MVC example with graphs of thrust and burn rate


• This example and the MVC example raise the issue of how best to do graphical things based on mathematical formulas in Java

• These questions have nothing to do with the façade design pattern, so they will not be covered in depth

• However, they have to covered somewhat in order to follow the example

• Every example more complicated than rock-bottom will have a context


• Graphing can be a real concern• You may recall some of the graphical code I

provided in CSCE 202• It was not nice• It was full of fudge factors to make sure that it

displayed correctly


• The correct use of parametric equations can make the graphing of mathematical equations much neater and clearer

• The book devotes a subsection to the use of parametric equations

• It is a topic worth considering, so it will be covered now


Parametric Equations: An Initial Example

• In Java, graphical objects are generally determined by (x, y, w, h)—in other words, their location is specified by an (x, y) pair

• One example of a case where parametric equations would be useful is when you are interested in plotting a mathematical relationship which isn’t a mathematical function


• In other words, for a given value of x, the relationships has more than one value of y

• A circle in Cartesian coordinates is an example• The equation for the circle centered at the

origin with radius 1 is x2 + y2 = 1.• If you solve for y, you get y = ±√(1 – x2), which

is not a function• For each x value there are 2 y values


• However, you could switch your representation scheme to polar coordinates

• For a circle with its center at the origin, r = a constant

• This is a very simple function• You can then translate from polar to Cartesian



• For a circle of radius r, for any angle θ (consider the range 0 to 2π), these relationships hold:• sin θ = y / r• cos θ = x / r

• Solving for x and y gives:• y = r sin θ• x = r cos θ


• Polar coordinates arise as a natural alternative to Cartesian coordinates

• The last two equations given above illustrate parameterization

• Instead of one equation, you have two equations jointly expressing the values of x and y in terms of r and θ


• x and y are expressed in terms of a constant r, and a variable, or parameter, θ

• These two equations for x and y are functions of θ

• There is no confusion about ± values


Parametric Equations: Matching Equations to the Requirements of Java Graphing

• Converting a given equation to a parametric form can also be useful even if the equation is already a function

• Consider some of the challenges of representing a mathematical function using the simple graphical capabilities of Java


• A. You have to match up the actual width of the display panel in Java with the range of values x takes on in the function of interest

• B. You have to do the same for y.• C. You also have to deal with the fact that in

Cartesian coordinates, the positive y axis points up, while in Java, the positive y axis points down


• Parameterizing an equation can give expressions for x and y that take into account the inversion of y and the width and height of the display panel

• The code can be written so that the width and height of the display area, w and h, are variables or input parameters to display methods

• The graphing code automatically factors changes in w or h, namely, the dimensions of the display panel, into the output values of x and y


Parametric Equations: Fireworks Flight Paths

• The book’s example code involves displaying the trajectory of a shell

• This is a projectile that is shot without any propellant of its own (it’s not a rocket)

• If air resistance and wind are ignored, and if the shell doesn’t explode in mid-air and it returns to earth, its flight path is a simple parabola

• Sample output from their example application is shown on the following overhead



• In general, a parabola has a quadratic equation of the form y = x2

• A parabola with this simple equation would have its vertex at the origin and it would open upward

• This is a function, but it is desirable to parameterize it so that we can display it nicely


• In addition to fitting the display panel, the parameterization should deal with the orientation and location of the parabola in the panel

• The book empirically derives some parametric equations for this scenario


• The book approaches the problem by example, using some rules of thumb and simple mathematical observations

• It doesn’t go into any deep theory about parametric equations

• The example code is then implemented using the parametric equations that are derived


How to Parameterize

• The first task in parameterizing is to decide on a parameter

• In many physical cases it is customary to use the variable t, denoting time

• In practice, t might range from some given starting time to some given ending time

• In this example, it may be thought of as representing time—but not clock time


• It is useful to normalize t, having it start at 0 and end at 1

• Then any value of t between 0 and 1 represents the proportion of time that has passed between the beginning and the end of some physical process

• It is not really necessary to think of this as time at all

• It can be regarded as a useful mathematical convenience and nothing more


Parameterizing x

• Consider the x axis for a function• It will correspond to the x axis in a Java• It runs positive from left to right in both

Cartesian coordinates and Java display• Parameterizing x involves making its range of

values correspond to the amount of time that has passed


• Practically speaking, what you want to accomplish from parameterization is this:

• t takes on values from 0 to 1• x depends on t• As t goes from 0 to 1, x takes on the values

from 0 to w, the width of the panel in which the graph is to be displayed


• Notice how, by default, the range of x values has been dealt with in the statement of the problem.

• The range of x starts at 0, not at some negative value to the left of the origin, as would be the case for a centered graph of y = x2


• The book gives this parametric equation for x, which satisfies this requirement:

• x = w * t• As the value of t goes from 0 to 1, the value of

x goes from 0 to w.


Parameterizing y

• Taking care of y involves a few more steps• Recall the general form y = x2

• If you simply graphed that equation in Cartesian coordinates, the vertex would be at the origin and the parabola would open upward

• However, the parabola for a flight path has its vertex at the top center of the display panel, and the parabola opens downward


• Parameterizing y involves making its range of values correspond to the amount of time that has passed

• Practically speaking, what you want to accomplish from parameterization is this:

• t takes on values from 0 to 1• y depends on t


• These 3 things have to be achieved:• 1. The vertex of the parabola is centered in

the panel• 2. The parabola opens downward (y is

inverted)• 3. As t goes from 0 to 1, y takes on values

between 0 and h, the height of the panel in which the graph is to be displayed


1. Centering the Vertex

• The x coordinate of the vertex should be at the midpoint of the panel the graph is displayed in

• The x coordinate of the vertex would correspond to half of w, and in terms of t, it would correspond to half of t


• The goal is to have the min value for y, 0, occur at the center of w

• This parametric equation for y has the vertex in the middle:

• y = (t – .5)(t – .5)• When t = .5, y = 0• When t = 0 or 1, y = (.5)(.5) = .25


2. Inverting y

• The y coordinate of the vertex should be at the top of the panel the graph is displayed in and the parabola should open downward

• This “inversion” in y turns out not be an issue at all

• Because positive y points downward in Java graphics, no adjustment has to be made to the parametric equation


3. y Takes on Values Between 0 and h

• The next step is to normalize the maximum value attained by y to 1

• To do this, you introduce a constant to offset the product’s giving a maximum value of .25

• In other words, you introduce a factor of 4 into the parametric equation:

• y = 4(t – .5)(t – .5)


• The last step is to include h as a variable so that the maximum value of y is h:

• y = 4h(t – .5)(t – .5)


The End Result of Parameterization

• Together, then, these are the parametric equations:

• x = wt• y = 4h(t – .5)(t – .5)• The parameter t defines the quadratic

relationship between x and y


• The shape of the parabola as graphed will depend on the constant 4 and the variables w and h

• In other words, the shape as shown on the display will not be “purely” y = x2

• The graph will be stretched or squeezed so that it fits perfectly into the bounds defined by w and h


• The parameterization of a parabola as explained here is used in the implementation of the original, un-refactored example code given by the book

• It is also used in the new code which results from refactoring using the Façade design pattern


Refactoring to Facade

• Next the book gives an example with an initial design

• It then re-analyzes the design separating functionality into different classes

• One class in the new design, a façade, provides simplified access to the functionality of other classes, a subsystem


• A UML diagram for a monolithic class that shows the flight path of a shell is shown on the next overhead

• Note this similarity with the initial example of the unit on the mediator design pattern:

• You start with a monolithic class and want to break it up



• The monolithic class in the design, ShowFlight, is a subclass of JPanel

• In this application, ShowFlight, in essence, contains “everything”:

• 1. It is responsible for being the application itself

• 2. It presents a panel to display a flight path graphically, wrapping it in a border

• 3. It calculates the parabolic flight path


• Having three different identifiable purposes in a single class is a sign that redesign might be useful

• The task of being an overall application could be implemented as a separate class

• The task of displaying the parabola could be implemented as a separate class


• This is the element that is critical to redesigning using the façade pattern

• The application is graphical• Ultimately, it has to make use of Java swing

features for display• A separate façade class can be developed so

that it will be easy to use Java’s graphical toolkit


• The façade pattern would not just be useful in refactoring individual applications

• An organization might have standards for GUI’s that have to be applied across multiple applications

• These standards might be abstracted out and implemented as a façade for Java swing which all applications could use


Original, Monolithic Code

• The following overheads present and discuss the book’s code for the original, monolithic design

• This gives you an idea of the problem context• Due to limitations of time and space, the code

for the book’s refactored design will not be given in the overheads


• It is more important to see the original code so that you can understand how bits and pieces are moved around in the redesign

• The monolithic ShowFlight class has a paintComponent() method, which calculates and displays the parabola

• The code is shown on the next overhead• Note that it is parameterized


• protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)• {• super.paintComponent(g); // paint the background• int nPoint = 101;• double w = getWidth() - 1;• double h = getHeight() - 1;• int[] x = new int[nPoint];• int[] y = new int[nPoint];• for (int i = 0; i < nPoint; i++) {• // t goes 0 to 1• double t = ((double) i) / (nPoint - 1);• // x goes 0 to w• x[i] = (int) (t * w);• // y is h at t = 0 and t = 1, and y is 0 at t = .5• y[i] = (int) (4 * h * (t - .5) * (t - .5));• }• g.drawPolyline(x, y, nPoint);• }


• The monolithic ShowFlight class also contains static utility methods to create a display panel, wrap a title around it, and define a standard font

• The code for these methods is shown on the following overheads


• public static TitledBorder createTitledBorder(String title)• {• TitledBorder tb =

BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(BorderFactory .createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED), title, TitledBorder.LEFT, TitledBorder.TOP);

• tb.setTitleColor(;• tb.setTitleFont(getStandardFont());• return tb;• }


• public static JPanel createTitledPanel(String title, JPanel in)• {• JPanel out = new JPanel();• out.add(in);• out.setBorder(createTitledBorder(title));• return out;• }

• public static Font getStandardFont()• {• return new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 18);• }


• As a monolithic design, ShowFlight is both a constructable class and a class with a main() method

• ShowFlight’s main() method is shown on the overhead following the next one


• main() calls the constructor ShowFlight()• main() sends this flight path as a parameter

when calling createTitledPanel()• The resulting titled panel is then added to the

content pane of a frame• As seen at the outset, it’s the

paintComponent() method of the FlightPath object that contains the logic for generating the parabolic flight path


• public static void main(String[] args)• {• ShowFlight fp = new ShowFlight();• fp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 200));• JPanel fp_titled = createTitledPanel("Flight Path",


• JFrame frame = new JFrame("Flight Path for Shell Duds");

• frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);• frame.getContentPane().add(fp_titled);

• frame.pack();• frame.setVisible(true);• }


• The output of the program is shown again on the next overhead



Changes to the Code

• The following changes to the code might lead to a better design:

• 1. Introduce a Function class with a method f() that accepts a double (the value of time) and returns a double (the function’s value)

• Write two subclasses of the Function class which contain the code for parametric equations of x and y respectively


• 2. Move the plotting code of ShowFlight into a PlotPanel class

• Let the PlotPanel class do plotting by receiving objects of the Function class, which generate the needed x and y values

• 3. Move the createTitledPanel() method into a UI façade class


• An incomplete UML diagram which outlines the changes listed above is shown on the following overhead

• It shows a refactoring of the design of ShowFlight into a set of classes so that each has one job



• Challenge 4.4• “Complete the diagram in Figure 4.5 to show the

code for ShowFlight refactored into three types: • a Function class, a PlotPanel class that plots two

parametric functions, and a UI façade class. • In your redesign, make the ShowFlight2 class

create a Function for y values, and have a main() method that launches the application.”


Solution 4.4



• Note that the given solution is incomplete• In particular the facade, the UI class, is floating

in space• This is a disappointment• The goal is to understand the façade pattern• The UI class is the façade• But what is its relationship to the other classes

in the example application?



• The UI class contains the createTitledPanel() method in the application

• Where is this called from?• It is called from main()• In other words, in the UML diagram one

missing link is between the ShowFlight2 class and the UI class


• The ShowFlight2 class makes use of the PlotPanel class to generate the contents of the graphical elements

• The ShowFlight2 class makes use of the façade class in generating the standardized graphical elements of the application that will be displayed

• The UI class, the façade, stands in front of graphical elements existing in the Java API


Another Missing Element in the Diagram

• There is another missing link in the diagram• The Function class is floating in space• The PlotPanel class paintComponent() method

relies on the Function class to contain the logic for generating the points of a parabola

• In other words, the other missing link in the UML diagram is between the PlotPanel Class and the Function class


Another Example

• Another example will be given next, which is an adaptation of the book’s work.

• It is based on a small graphical application that allows the user to visualize Monte Carlo integration of the parabola y = x2 from 0 to 1

• The graphing problem is somewhat simpler than that of graphing a parabolic flight path, so the plot panel and function implementations are simpler


• This example borrows the book’s UI class directly

• It also makes use of the structure of the book’s PlotPanel class

• However, the PlotPanel class has to be adapted to the Monte Carlo problem as opposed to the parabolic flight path problem


• As it turns out, a better adaptation could have been done

• The results of this example do not display quite as nicely as the book’s example does

• But no additional, complicating adaptations were made

• This is based on pure borrowing• A screen shot of the application’s output is

shown on the next overhead



A UML Diagram for this Example

• A UML diagram of the application is shown on the overhead following the next one

• In the main() method there is a call to UI.NORMAL.createTitledPanel(…, mypanel)

• mypanel is an instance of PlotPanel, which includes the application specific plotting logic

• The UI method returns an instance of JPanel, which has the plot panel added to it


• These are all just structural details• The point of the example is shown to the right

of the diagram• The UI class is the façade class• It provides an entry point into the GUI tools

that exist in Java• In general, a façade class will appear in a

diagram between an application and a toolkit




• The code for the application is given on the following overheads for reference.

• It will probably not be covered in class.


• import java.awt.Dimension;• import javax.swing.JFrame;

• public class MonteCarloRefactored• {• public static void main(String[] args)• {• PlotPanel mypanel = new PlotPanel(101, 50, new T(), new

YFunction());• mypanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 200));• JFrame frame = new JFrame("Parametric Parabolic

Function.");• frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);•

frame.getContentPane().add(UI.NORMAL.createTitledPanel("Simulation of Monte Carlo integration.", mypanel));

• frame.pack();• frame.setVisible(true);• }• }


• /* This class is used as given. It is not simplified. The only change is commenting out

• the package name, which may be necessary depending on how you are dealing with packages in

• your development environment. */

• //package com.oozinoz.ui;

• /*• * Copyright (c) 2001, 2005. Steven J. Metsker.• *• * Steve Metsker makes no representations or warranties about• * the fitness of this software for any particular purpose,• * including the implied warranty of merchantability.• *• * Please use this software as you wish with the sole• * restriction that you may not claim that you wrote it.• */

• import java.awt.*;

• import javax.swing.*;• import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder;• import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;

• /**• * User interface utilities.• */


• public class UI {• protected Font font = new Font("Book Antiqua", Font.PLAIN, 18);

• public static final int STANDARD_PAD = 10;

• public static final UI NORMAL = new UI();

• /**• * @return a standard font that subclasses can override• */• public Font getFont() {• return font;• }

• /**• * @return a standard padding amount that subclasses can override• */• public int getPad() {• return STANDARD_PAD;• }


• /**• * @return a standard button• */• public JButton createButton() {• JButton button = new JButton();• button.setSize(128, 128);• button.setFont(getFont());•



• return button;• }


• /**• * @return a standard OK! (or affirmation) button• */• public JButton createButtonOk() {• JButton button = createButton();• button.setIcon(getIcon("images/rocket-large.gif"));• button.setText("Ok!");• return button;• }

• /**• * @return a standard Cancel! (or negation) button• */• public JButton createButtonCancel() {• JButton button = createButton();• button.setIcon(getIcon("images/rocket-large-down.gif"));• button.setText("Cancel!");• return button;• }

• /**• * @return a panel with a standard amount of padding around any controls• */• public JPanel createPaddedPanel() {• JPanel panel = new JPanel();• panel.setBorder(• BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(getPad(), getPad(), getPad(), getPad()));• return panel;• }


• /**• * @return a panel with a standard amount of padding around any

particular• * control• * @param c• * the control• */• public JPanel createPaddedPanel(Component c) {• JPanel panel = createPaddedPanel();• panel.add(c);• return panel;• }

• public static Icon getIcon(String imageName) {• return new ImageIcon(imageName);• }

• public JList createList(Object[] contents) {• JList result = new JList(contents);• result.setFont(getFont());• result.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);• return result;• }


• /**• * @return a titled border with the given title.• */• public TitledBorder createTitledBorder(String title) {• TitledBorder border = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(• BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED),• title,• TitledBorder.LEFT,• TitledBorder.TOP);• border.setTitleColor(;• border.setTitleFont(getFont());• return border;• }

• /**• * @return a new panel that wraps a titled border around a given

panel.• */• public JPanel createTitledPanel(String title, JPanel in) {• JPanel out = new JPanel();• out.add(in);• out.setBorder(createTitledBorder(title));• return out;• }• }


• //package com.oozinoz.ui;

• /*• * Copyright (c) 2001, 2005. Steven J. Metsker.• *• * Steve Metsker makes no representations or warranties about• * the fitness of this software for any particular purpose,• * including the implied warranty of merchantability.• *• * Please use this software as you wish with the sole• * restriction that you may not claim that you wrote it.• */

• import java.awt.Color;• import java.awt.Graphics;• import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;• import java.util.Random;• import java.awt.Graphics2D;

• import javax.swing.JPanel;

• //import com.oozinoz.function.Function;


• /**• * This class displays pair of functions in a panel. The functions• * are x and y functions, parameterized by time. As the panel plots,• * time goes 0 to 1.• */• public class PlotPanel extends JPanel• {• private int points;• private int trials;• private int count = 0;• private double area = 0.0;

• private int[] xPoints;• private int[] yPoints;

• private Function xFunction;• private Function yFunction;


• /**• * Create a plot calculated from the provided x and y functions.• * These functions must be functions of time; time goes 0 to 1• * as the panel plots.• */• public PlotPanel(int nPoint, int nTrial, Function xFunc,

Function yFunc)• {• points = nPoint;• trials = nTrial;• xPoints = new int[points];• yPoints = new int[points];• xFunction = xFunc;• yFunction = yFunc;• setBackground(Color.WHITE);• }


• protected void paintComponent(Graphics graphics)• {• Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) graphics;• Random mygenerator = new Random();• double randx, randy;• double circlex, circley, calcy;• int count = 0;• Ellipse2D.Double mycircle;

• double w = getWidth() - 1;• double h = getHeight() - 1;

• Color mycolor = new Color(0.75F, 0.0F, 0.75F);• g2.setColor(mycolor);

• for (int i = 0; i < points; i++)• {• double t = ((double) i) / (points - 1);• xPoints[i] = (int) (xFunction.f(t) * w);• yPoints[i] = (int) (h * (1 - yFunction.f(t)));• }

• g2.drawPolyline(xPoints, yPoints, points);

• /* New junk to do Monte Carlo circles. */

• g2.setColor(;


• for(int i = 0; i < trials; i++)• {• randx = mygenerator.nextDouble();• randy = mygenerator.nextDouble();

• circlex = w * xFunction.f(randx) - 5;• circley = h * (1 - randy) - 5;

• calcy = h * (1 - yFunction.f(randx)) - 5;

• mycircle = new Ellipse2D.Double(circlex, circley, 10, 10);

• if((1 - randy) > (1 - yFunction.f(randx)))• {• count++;• g2.fill(mycircle);• }• else• {• g2.draw(mycircle);• }• }

• area = (double) count / (double) trials;• g2.setColor(mycolor);• g2.drawString("The area under the curve is " + area, 15, 15);• }• }


• /* This is a simplification of the book's code. */

• public abstract class Function• {• public Function()• {• }

• public abstract double f(double t);• }

• /* This is a simplification of the book's code. */

• public class T extends Function• {• public T()• {• }

• public double f(double t) {• return t;• }• }


• /* This is a simplification of the book's code. */

• public class YFunction extends Function• {• public YFunction()• {• }

• public double f(double t)• {• return (t * t);• }• }


A UML Diagram for the Pattern from Lasater

• Lasater’s UML diagram is given on the next overhead.

• Using that author’s terminology, the façade class provides an entry point to one or more subsystems

• The client code isn’t shown• This emphasizes the idea that the façade

“stands in front of” something, but the reality is that it stands between things



Considering the UML for the Pattern Again

• Here the diagram for the façade pattern is considered in the context of the preceding pattern, the mediator

• Literally, the mediator is the class “in between”• The façade is the class “in front of”• Practically, though, the façade is also “in

between” whatever it’s in front of and whatever makes use of what it’s in front of


• The façade design pattern is supposed to make a toolkit easier to use

• The mediator design pattern is supposed to capture relationships between the base objects

• Structurally, in simplest form, the diagrams for both patterns would consist of 3 connected boxes

• The difference in purpose is represented by different connectors between them


• On the overhead following the next one, two UML diagrams are shown

• The first is my simplified mediator diagram, repeated for the sake of comparison

• The second is an attempt to abstract out and simplify the façade pattern

• The dashed arrows in the façade diagram are meant to indicate “makes use of”


• The basic idea is this:• For the mediator, either the references both go

into the mediator, or both go out, (or maybe there are references both ways)

• For the mediator, the references form a directed path

• The client uses the façade, which in turn uses the toolkit

• The end result is that the client uses the toolkit




• A façade class is supposed to make a subsystem easier to use

• The term façade suggests that this class stands in front of the subsystem

• The reality is that a façade, like a mediator, is a class in the middle

• It stands between client code and the subsystem


• The examples of the pattern essentially had to do with writing a class that made the Java GUI tools easier to use

• More generally, this could also arise with code that you yourself are writing


• Individual classes are limited to one basic purpose

• Some larger purpose may be served by the collective contents of a group of classes

• The problem is that a programmer may not easily comprehend and be able to use all of the functionality in the group of classes


• A façade class can then be devised which serves as a comprehensible (limited) entry point into the richness that lies below

• In practice, this may mean a subset of all of the methods, perhaps other simplified methods, methods with fewer parameters, and so on


• The façade should be configurable and reusable

• This means the façade should of practical use in real code

• The façade may embody a certain set of standards for using the underlying subsystem


• On the other hand, a programmers eventually might also want to learn the details of the underlying system in order to use more of its features

• Having learned about the subsystem, programmers might also handcraft their own façade into it for use with certain applications

• Recall that a utility is essentially a façade, but with only static methods in it


• A demo can serve a similar purpose to a façade

• It gives an example of how to use a subset of the features of the toolkit

• It’s then up to the programmer to take the demo as an example when writing code to use the basic features of the toolkit


The End