Chapter 6 The First Global Civilization: The Rise and Spread of Islam

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Chapter 6 The First Global Civilization: The Rise and Spread of Islam . 7 th century CE Arab followers of Muhammad surge from the Arabian Peninsula They quickly became an empire incorporating elements of classical civilizations of Greece, Egypt and Persia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Chapter 6The First Global Civilization: The Rise and Spread of


7th century CE Arab followers of Muhammad surge from the Arabian Peninsula

They quickly became an empire incorporating elements of classical civilizations of Greece, Egypt and Persia

Islamic merchants, mystics and warriors continued it expansion into Europe, Asia and Africa

Although united in the belief of Muhammad’s message, the Islamic world was divided culturally and politically

The disputes did not undermine the strength of the Muslim civilization until the 14th century

Clan Identity, Clan Rivalries and the Cycle of Vengeance

Mobile kin-related clans were the basic social organization

Only united into larger tribal units in times of crisis Survival depended on clan loyalty Leaders or shaykhs were elected by council Free warriors enforced their decisionsSlave families served the leaders or the clan as a

whole Clan cohesion was reinforced by interclan rivalry and

conflict over water and pasturage The strife weakened Bedouin society against it rivals

Desert and Town: The pre-Islamic Arabian World

Arabian Peninsula inhabited by Bedouin societies

Some desert dwellers herded camels and goats

Others practiced agriculture in oasis towns Important agricultural and commercial

centers flourished in southern coastal regions The towns were extensions of Bedouin

society, sharing its culture and ruled by its clans

Town and long-distance trade

Cities linked the Mediterranean to east Asia Mecca was the most important city (western

Arabia) founded by the UmayyadMecca was the site of the Ka’ba (religious

shrine) Medina was a second important town that

was a agricultural oasis and commercial center

Marriage and the family in pre-Islamic Arabia

Women had key economic roles in clan life Descent was traced through female line Men paid a bride-price to the wife’s family Women did not wear veils and were not

secluded Both sexes had multiple marriage partners Still, men, who carried the honored warrior

tradition, remained superior Traditional practices of property control,

inheritance and divorce favored men

Poets and neglected Gods

Arab material culture was not highly developed

Main focus of creativity was in orally transmitted poetry

Bedouin religion was a blend of animism and polytheism

Some tribes recognized Allah but paid him little attention

Instead of Allah they paid attention to spirits associated with nature

The life of Muhammad and the Genesis of Islam

Member of the Banu Hasim clan of the Quraysh, born in 570 CE

He lived in Mecca and married a wealthy widow Khadijah

Not happy with life focused on material gain In 610 CE he meditates and receives

revelations from God through the angel Gabriel

These revelations were later written down in the Qur’an which form the basis of Islam

Persecution , Flight and Victory

As Islam grows it is seen as a threat by Mecca's rulers The new faith endangered the gods of the Ka’baWith his life in danger Muhammad is invited to come

to Medina to mediate its clans quarrels 622c CE Muhammad goes to Medina his skilled

leadership brought new followers The Quraysh attack Medina but Muhammad’s force

win A treaty in 628 allowed Muslims to visit the Ka’baMuhammad returned to Mecca in 629 and converts

most of its inhabitants

Arab and Islam

Islam offered opportunities for uniting Arabs Islam provided a distinct indigineous

monotheismIslam supplanted clan divisions and ended

feuding The Umma (the community of the fatihful,

transcened old tribal boundries)Islam offered offered an ethical system

capable of healing social rifts within arab society

All believers