Chapter 7 Derivatives. Audax, Audacis: bold Audacious: extremely bold; fearless Audacity: boldness,...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Chapter 7


Audax, Audacis: bold

• Audacious: extremely bold; fearless

• Audacity: boldness, daring

Ceterus, Cetera, Ceterum: the rest

• Etc. = et cetera: and the rest

Maximus, Maxima, Maximum: greatest

• Maximum: the greatest quantity, upper limit• Maximize: to make the greatest

Simul: at the same time

• Simultaneous: occurring at the same time

Res, Rei: thing

• Republic: government in which the supreme power rests in voting citizens;

• Real: something that actually exists

Vestis, Vestis: clothing

• Vest: a close fitting, waist length sleeveless garment that buttons down the

front• Vestment: a garment• Vestry: room in a church where the vestments

are kept• Invest: to put money into• Vested: held completely

Pro: for• Pro-: being for something• Professional: for gain• Proactive: serving to prepare for• Proclaim: to announce• Procession: the act of moving forward• Promise: to declare assurance

• Pro bono: for good, for free

Advenio, Advenire: to arrive

• Advent: arrival• Adventure: an exciting experience

Constituo, Constituere: to set up, decide

• Constituents: voter; component• Constitution: the make up of something;

composition• Constitute: to make up, compose

Convenio, Convenire: to meet

• Convene: to come together, assemble

• Convention: a formal assembly

Dormio, Dormire: to sleep• Dormant: lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive• Dormancy: state of being dormant• Dormitory: a building for housing a number of

people; a place for people to sleep• Dormer: a window set into a gable projecting

from a sloping roof (came through a French word meaning “sleeping room.”)

Exeo, Exire: to go out

• Exit: to go out, leave• Exeunt: all exit (used in stage directions when

all characters are to leave the stage)

Gero, Gerere: to bear, wear, carry

• Gesture: an expressive movement of the hand, arm, head, etc.

• Digest: to convert food; assimilate mentally• Suggest: to mention, introduce, propose• Register: a list or record of events, names, etc.• Congestion: overcrowding• Vicegerent: a deputy

Rapio, Rapere: to seize, snatch

• Rape: to seize by force, despoil• Rapt: deeply engrossed• Rapture: ecstatic joy, bliss• Rapacious: inordinately greedy