Chapter 8 Review! Cellular Energy. Directions Work in a group of 3-4 students We will go group by...

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Chapter 8 Review!

Cellular Energy


• Work in a group of 3-4 students • We will go group by group to answer a question.• If a group cannot answer a question correctly,

the first group to raise their hand and is called on may answer the question.

• There is no penalty for guessing. • Team with the most points at the end wins! • I may deduct points for disruptive behavior …

Here we go …

Good luck!

Energy is …

The ability to do work

The first law of thermodynamics states that …

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is just transferred

The second law of thermodynamics states that …

Energy cannot be transferred 100% - some energy is lost in the


How do autotrophs obtain energy?

The produce it themselves – photosynthesis or chemosynthesis

How do heterotrophs obtain energy?

By eating other organisms

What is the ultimate source of energy for all living things? Why?

The sun; autotrophs are dependent on the sun & heterotrophs are dependent

on autotrophs

An example of chemical energy is


How is energy released from ATP?

When ATP loses a phosphate and is converted to ADP

Can ADP be re-charged?

Yes, by adding a phosphate group


Which of the diagrams in Figure 8-1 show

how energy is produced in a cell?

All of the following are parts of ADP except …

The process whereby plants capture energy and make

complex molecules is known as…


In which organelle does photosynthesis take place?

The chloroplast

Tell me the equation for photosynthesis

6CO2 + 6H2O + light C6H12O6 + O2

C6H12O6 is …


Photosynthesis is broken into 2 phases. What are they?

1. Light dependent reaction

2. Calvin cycle or light independent reaction

Where does the light dependent reaction occur?


What is produced in the light dependent reaction? What are

their fates? ATP, NADPH, oxygen

Where does the Calvin cycle take place?


Which photosynthesis reactant is needed for the Calvin cycle to

take place? Carbon dioxide

Which photosynthesis product is produced in the Calvin cycle?


What do you think would happen to glucose production in

photosynthesis if CO2 was removed from the environment?

No sugars would be produced b/c the Calvin cycle requires CO2

What does the Calvin cycle send back to the light dependent

reaction? ADP

Identify the main energy-trapping molecule in plants.


Why do plants appear green?

Because chlorophyll reflects green light

A substance, produced during the process of photosynthesis, that is

used for completion of cellular respiration is …


What happens during glycolysis?

1. Glucose is split

2. Pyruvate is made

3. ATP is made

What is the process called when organic compounds are broken

down in the absence of oxygen? Anaerobic respiration or


In what organisms does alcoholic fermentation take place?

Yeast and bacteria

When muscles are exercised extensively in the absence of

sufficient oxygen, ________ is produced.

Lactic acid

Which of the following is not apart of cellular respiration: electron

transport, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Calvin cycle

The Calvin cycle … it’s apart of photosynthesis!

The major atmospheric byproduct of photosynthesis is …


Our goal …

Is for EVERYONE to earn an 80% (a B or better!) on tomorrow’s
