Chapter 8 Review The Colonies Unite Pre-Revolution Events.

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Chapter 8 Review

The Colonies UnitePre-Revolution Events

Vocabulary Events People Independence Which happened


$100 $100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Vocabulary for $100

Parliament is the ____________ branch in _____________.



Vocabulary for $200

The Proclamation of 1763 was made by King George III. Proclamation is another word for…

Public Announcement

Vocabulary for $300

If you are guilty of working against your own government you would be accused of _____________________.


Vocabulary for $400

Laws and orders issued by the king and British Parliament are known as the British ___________ ______________.

Imperial Policies

Vocabulary for $500

A sudden and complete change of government is called a…


Events for $100

This was a battle between the French and the British over who would be able to claim land in the Ohio Valley.

French and Indian War

Events for 200

What did the Proclamation Line of 1763 state?

All land west of the Appalachian Mountains was for Native Americans

not colonists.

Events for $300Fill in the blanks…

To pay off the French and Indian war Britain began to tax the colonists. The act that taxed sugar and molasses was known as the ___________ act. The act that put a tax on newspapers, legal documents and play cards was called the _____________ act. These acts, called the __________________ acts taxed all imported goods like tea, paint and glass.

Sugar Stamp Townshend

Events for $400

The event took place on March 5, 1770 where Crispus Attucks died for freedom. Paul Revere later made a drawing of this event.

Boston Massacre

Events for $500

The Boston Tea Party was a protest against the tax placed on tea and the monopoly that was created for the East India Company. The group known as the ________________ dressed up as ___________ and dumped more than __________ crates of tea overboard.

Sons of Liberty Mohawk Indians 300

People for $100

The leader of the Sons of Liberty, organizer of the first Committee of Correspondence, and the man who orchestrated the Boston Tea party is….

Samuel Adams

People for $200

The main author of the Declaration of Independence, who wrote several drafts first, is…

Thomas Jefferson

People for $300

The man who led soldiers to battle at the age of 21 and also who was commander in chief of the Continental Army is…

George Washington

People for $400

This man wanted independence from Britain and called for a resolution during the second continental congress…

Richard Henry Lee

People for $500

This man was the head of the committee for America’s FIRST plan of government, the Articles of Confederation.

John Dickenson

Independence for $100

One form of early propaganda to convince the colonists to free themselves from British rule was written by Thomas Paine and was titled…

Common Sense

Independence for $200

The first part of the written Declaration that states why the Declaration is needed and why

the colonies had the right to break free from British rule is called the

________________. The second part states the rights and ______________

or complaints the colonists have.


Independence for $300

Congress voted to accept the Declaration on July ___, 1776. Delegates worried about signing the Declaration because they did not want to be tried for ______________ if Britain won the war.

4th Treason

Independence for $400

The first plan of government in America was called the ______________ which had many ___________________.

Articles of ConfederationWeaknesses

Independence for $500

List two things that the Articles of Confederation stated…

1. To pass a law congress needed 9 out of the 13 states to approve it.

2. Congress had the power to declare war, make treaties and borrow money.

3. Congress could NOT collect taxes or control trade.4. Congress had to ask states for money.5. Congress had to ask states to send soldiers.

What Happened First? for $100

Which happened first? The Stamp Act or the Sugar Act?

Sugar Act

What Happened First? for $200

The Coercive Acts were passed to punished the colonists for this event…

Boston Tea Party

What Happened First? for $300

Did the First Continental Congress meet first, or did the Battles of Lexington and Concord take place?

First Continental Congress met first where it was decided the colonists needed to arm

themselves and create militias.

What Happened First? for $400

Did the Battle of Bunker Hill take place before or after the Second Continental Congress?


What Happened First? for $500

What is the first battle of the American Revolution called?

Lexington And



Who would be in favor of the signing of the Declaration of Independence?


