Chapter 8 Section 3 Page 254. Women faced limited options ◦ Restrict activities after marriage to...

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Chapter 8 Section 3Page 254

Women faced limited options◦ Restrict activities after marriage to the home &

family.◦ Housework & child care were only proper

activities for married women.◦ This tradition became known as the cult of

domesticity◦ couldn’t vote◦ Women’s property became her husband’s ◦ Lacked the right to guardianship of children

Middle class women inspired by Second Great Awakening

Sarah & Angelina Grimke spoke for abolition Angelina published An Appeal to Christian

Women of the South Raised money, distributed literature, & collect

signatures for Congress. Some men supported women. William Lloyd Garrison joined women to fight

for rights. Other men denounced female abolitionists Opposition only served to make women

reformers more determined.

Temperance Movement – the effort to prohibit the drinking of alcohol.◦ Offshoot of the Second Great Awakening

Alcohol flowed freely Doctors used alcohol for patients Women recognized drunkenness as a

serious problem. 1826 the American Temperance Society

was founded. Held rallies & produced pamphlets which

brought about a decline in the consumption until the 1860s.

American girls had few educational opportunities.

Emma Willard opened one for the first academically rigorous schools for girls. ◦ Troy Female Seminary◦ Became a model for other schools◦ Oberlin College - became the first coeducational

college African American women faced greater

challenges to education. Not until after the Civil War did education for

African American women increase.

Educated women also began to work for health reform.

For more information read pg 256-257

Seneca Falls Convention – women’s rights convention

Composed an agenda w/ grievances 300 women & men Approved all parts of the declaration

unanimously except one – right to vote Thought suffrage was an extreme solution

to a nonexistent problem.

Conditions for slaves worsened

Isabella Baumfree, a slave for 30 yrs took the name Sojourner Truth

She decided to travel the country preaching against slavery.

Answer the following questions1. What is the cult of domesticity?2. What spurred the growth of the temperance

movement?3. What strides did women make in the areas of

education and health care?4. What significant events took place at the Seneca

Falls Convention?5. What contributions did Sojourner Truth make to

the women’s rights movement?6. What were the main problems faced by women in

the mid 1800s?7. In what ways were women excluded from the

abolitionist movement?8. What gains did women make in education in

1820s and 1830s? Did these gains extend to African American women?